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Everything posted by Anela

  1. I saw promos on instagram today. I don't know if they're the ones linked to above. https://www.instagram.com/ahsfx/ *edit. They are. Although instagram has one or two more.
  2. November 25th, according to a trailer on Facebook. I thought it would be around that time, Thanksgiving. I don't know if I'll be watching, though. I had planned to watch it with my mother - we were like Lorelai and Rory (sort of - that close), but she didn't make it. She passed away suddenly. I got into GG with her. Her birthday was November 30th.
  3. My mum died two days ago. :( I don't even know what I'm doing here, except to distract myself. She was eating more, more relaxed, bloodwork and everything looked good, partially collapsed lung got better - and then she was gone. A couple of hours after dad left her for the night. they think the aneurysm burst. Since she was downstairs and I was up here, when she was at home, I sometimes think she's down there, watching her TV, or reading. and then I remember. We weren't spending as much time together as we used to - due to drama over the past few years - and I regret that. She was napping a lot, though, as well. I miss her so much. I finally stopped stressing so much, and thought she was going to be okay, and the aneurysm didn't wait for the third surgery. The food was generally crappy though. Dad started taking things in, with the blessing of people there, just to get her strength up. I was supposed to be making her soup, and was just about to make her beef and barley, and she was gone. I bought her a book that afternoon, as well. She wasn't the same after they did that one test on her heart, after I spoke to her on the phone when she was first admitted - lucid, but kind of out of it. I called her phone, thinking dad had it, listened to her message, and started to cry. I was really worried about her before, but still didn't expect this. It's such a shock to not even be visiting her in the hospital anymore.
  4. I deal with severe depression and anxiety, too. That's why I was intrigued by the first episode, last year. I could relate to him, to a point. The vomit scene was too much for me, though - when he was digging for the pills, and eating them. I feel sick just thinking about it. At the moment, I trust that it's building to something (hopefully good). The opening reminded me of Breaking Bad.
  5. I thought of Stephen King, too. This reminded me of "It" with the bullies following the kids to the sewers. I was distracted, as I tried to watch this, so I'll have to watch it again.
  6. Yeah, we used to be out playing as long as possible, with our friends. By a certain age, we were taking the bus into the next town, without parents, and I was going into the small city by myself, after school, when I had enough money saved to buy something.
  7. That vomiting scene was gross. My dad happened to walk in with his dinner, at that time, and asked me wtf I was watching.
  8. I was 8 in 1983, and I remember a neighbour playing Dungeons and Dragons, making little character figures using molds. At least, he said it was D&D. I didn't play it myself. I'm loving the music, and the opening titles remind me of TV shows from that period. I keep thinking of The Tripods, for some reason. Googling it now... that show used to freak me out.
  9. I think this was the best episode so far - unless it's just that I was more focused this morning. I want to snuggle in and watch the rest, but I also want to stretch it out a bit. When the sheriff cut that body open, I was half expecting an alien baby to pop out, like the one in "V".
  10. This is reminding me of so many movies, like ET, Poltergeist, the book "Watchers", etc.
  11. I wondered if Eleven is his daughter, as well.
  12. So, the Sheriff has (or had) a daughter? I wonder what happened there.
  13. I don't know what that means, but I was wondering why they asked for 5.9 million - of course, the date!
  14. The hug worked for me, because they were both hurting without each other, and I know how that feels. She was in the process of trying to fix what she'd broken - although I understand why she was so angry at her grandparents. She may have been living with them for free, but she was doing her job with the DAR, and doing what she had been instructed to do by the court. She was 21, and didn't need her privacy being invaded.
  15. I like her, too. Yesterday, I watched the episode where Dean gives Rory her car. That bit where Gypsy said the wipers came off in her hands, always makes me chuckle. "You pulled those off yourself!" "Yes, I did."
  16. I don't remember that exchange, at all. I need to pay more attention. :)
  17. I love that hug between Rory and Lorelai. It makes me cry, every time. Rory badgering that guy for a job, I do agree, was bad. It was like she was trying to be her mother, only I'm not sure Lorelai would do that, either. Not when it comes to a potential employer.
  18. I haven't kept up with it this season, because it seemed worse when I watched the first episode, and I've had other things on my mind since. I watched a bit of it tonight, but my power went out, so I missed major parts of it. I did see that girl email the wav file of Audrey confessing that she brought what's her name to town. I wonder if she emailed it to herself.
  19. I love that episode, and it has one of my favourite lines, from what I remember. Something about Rory Gilmore, reporting from a foxhole, with her mommy. LOL. Up until the last few years, I was that close to my mother, so I get it.
  20. I lost the quote, somehow, but I compared Jess and Lorelai, a few times. They both made similar remarks about certain things (like Rory ordering the Indian food), and had similar attitudes to certain things, although I can't remember them all right now.
  21. I'm sorry to hear about your mum. ♥ Mine has been in the hospital for two weeks, and had two surgeries (one on her heart, one on her hip) and has another coming up when she's strong enough. She hasn't been home for just over two weeks, and I started watching the Gilmore Girls again on Netflix, in the waiting room, the first week she was in there (and I practically lived there myself). Season one is also like comfort food to me. That snuggle up on the couch, with a blanket and a hot drink thing - that's why I started to watch it again. I also started watching it with mum, four years ago, because they remind me of the two of us.
  22. I think she gets this from her parents. I remember Emily lowering her guard in season 7, when Richard was in the hospital, and Lorelai was helping her with the computer. She complimented Lorelai, who seemed both surprised and touched. The next morning, Emily was back to being rather cold to her, when Lorelai walked in, and seemed happy to be there with her. She looked really hurt.
  23. It's been a blur for me, too, until today. My mother fell and hurt her hip just before Memorial Day, but refused to go to a doctor. She finally got it checked out a couple of weeks ago, and she has to have surgery - but with the tests they ran, they found out that she needed heart surgery, too. :( She had it Monday of last week, and at least ten days were us barely sleeping, and rushing to and from the hospital. I couldn't sleep at all before she had her surgery, or eat, but I've balanced out since then. She has two more surgeries ahead of her, though: the hip surgery, and then one for an aneurysm on/around her heart. I keep blocking that out, because it freaks me out. So, I haven't had that "Six Feet Under" marathon, after all. It turns out that we'll be keeping Amazon Prime for a while, though, because Netflix removed "Medium" and that's her favourite show. I couldn't believe it, but found it on Amazon - apparently all seven seasons are now there - so we want mum to be able to watch it. So I'll have more time to watch things like Boardwalk Empire. I've been so tired, I slept for about eleven hours last night.
  24. I'm just starting to watch this, as well. I mean, this season. I watched five episodes last year, and gave up. I found it on-demand, because my DVR was full, and only showed 43 minutes of recording.
  25. LOL! I just finished watching the show, and was amazed that Zoo got a second season. I only tuned in for Antony Starr. I missed parts of it, but are we supposed to think the boy has hurt the cat? Someone above mentioned a cat without a tail (I missed that). Is the one sister having an affair with her campaign manager? And is the mother protecting herself, or another family member? I don't know if I'll have the patience for this. I might record the episodes and watch a few at a time, and see how I feel about it as it continues. The title confused me, because when I was younger (21 years ago), I liked another show called American Gothic.
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