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Everything posted by Anela

  1. Me, too. I would have chosen Kirsten Dunst.
  2. It went completely off the rails in the first episode, instead of mid-season. It doesn't matter - I give them credit for trying to hold things together, but I'm not loving the story itself.
  3. "I ain't no protein shake, b*tch!" made me laugh. Mare Winningham was good, as always. I hoped Angela Bassett's character had inflicted the measles on the countess. I assume she killed her, but I haven't seen the preview for next week. I guess being relegated to a life she didn't want, should be enough. I'm not thrilled with this season.
  4. Wow, I wondered if it was Helen, but wasn't sure that he would cover for her. I've only just watched past the accident, so I need to keep watching. It was nice seeing them together at the beach. The casting director did a good job of casting the long-term couples, because I buy that they loved each other for years, and still do.
  5. I think Whitney did it, because I can't see him protecting anyone else. Unless Scotty committed suicide, by walking in front of the car.
  6. Hated the doctor. Understood Cole's being so upset, even if it was selfish - he had obviously hoped to move on and have another child, just like his ex. To find out that wasn't going to happen, and when he's already lost a child. Eden hid Noah's phone? What a horrible woman. And he's an ass for trying to cheat on Alison. I did really feel bad for her here, and loved it when she told the doctor not to show him in.
  7. Wow, he really has no interest in his baby, and appears to have no interest in Alison, beyond sex. I actually feel a little bad for her now. Just a bit. Loved Helen in this episode. I generally like her, anyway. I didn't like her daughter telling her she only had maybe five good years left: her dad gets to screw around, no matter his age, just like her grandfather, but a woman is reminded that she doesn't have long left to be desirable. it reminded me of Julia Louis-Dreyfuss and her last day to be seen as desirable. Interesting that the book is called "Descent" and he seems to be sinking into a really bad version of himself.
  8. This is one of my favourite shows. I need to set my newer DVR to record any marathons that might air, like I used to. They would show up at the perfect time.
  9. That scene by the tree was awful. A member of my immediate family was raped by her fiance, years ago, when he was drunk and feeling insecure. It was all about having power over someone he was afraid of losing. She was recovering from surgery, and was in a weakened state as it was. I would be running far away from Noah, not marrying him. He really disgusts me now.
  10. Anela

    S02.E02: 202

    I was! I thought that as soon as I saw her. Another reason I was wondering about timelines. It was long past the time she ran off to her mother's place, though. Unless they're having an affair...
  11. Anela

    S02.E02: 202

    Sorry to quote such a long post, but you've really posted what I was going to say. Especially the last part: Noah is such a douche! Even though I like Cole, I also saw the last scene as menacing. I hope he didn't kill his brother. I wonder if she did, in Noah's car, but I'm confused by the timelines.
  12. I've been watching this over the past few days, after seeing the first five episodes a few months ago. I hate Noah. I was happy to see Helen's side of things, finally. The differing views are interesting.
  13. "Thank you SO much!" "No, thank YOU!" "Just Plain Brenda". It's been so long since I've seen it. I really miss the show, and I've forgotten a lot of things.
  14. Last night, I saw the episode where Chuck finally tells Morgan everything. I loved that he got his best friend back. :)
  15. Depressing. It sounds like the book was a lot better. I'll have to read that. I wish they would come up with a way to tell a story, without bringing a magical baby into the mix. I know this story was written years before I was even born, but so many shows use that. I always end up losing interest in a story once the child is introduced.
  16. Mrs Evers is the best, along with Liz, and Iris. This is the most I've ever liked Denis O'Hare.
  17. My favourite part was Ike (?) running away from Brian, in his mind, with his IV. That made me laugh out loud. :) I haven't watched every episode, so I'll have to watch what I've missed.
  18. I wanted more of the family scenes. Would it kill some of these writers to have a feel-good ending, for the holidays? I binged this show in early October, and it seemed like they had more equal time between the personal and political. I also guessed that the Russian woman killed her husband, and of course they had to give up the asset, because the Secretary of State is much too happy in her marriage. I was hoping they would end it without giving up the asset, and having the family return to decorate the tree. I thought so. When he was put on some sort of list as a hot spouse, I think.
  19. Talking too much? Gob is used in England, for mouth, at times.
  20. MARCH??? I thought they would finish it up last night. I watched it this evening, because it was a Christmas episode, and I'm trying to feel a little more festive. Stupid of me. LOL, me too! I had the same thought. I stopped watching The Following, at the beginning of season 2. I thought it was stupid, throughout season 1, so I don't know why I even started to watch the second one. I thought Alex's hair was just as perfectly done as ever. A little flatter, but she still looked like a pageant contestant, when she was sitting in the classroom. It made me laugh. If they jolted me out of bed with that huge alarm every morning, I'd be stumbling around with bedhead and droopy eyes, swearing at people. The guy throwing himself out of a high window, was on a Shonda show last year. I'm back to the comparisons, even though that can't be the only time it's ever happened. I Pretty boy's ex-wife, talking up Alex, and then telling her that she broke his heart? Even though he lied to Alex, and had sex with her whilst lying to her, spied on her, and took information back to the rat who is most likely her father, she was the one who broke his heart, and it's all her fault? Please.
  21. I wondered about this, as well. I remember another TV husband = the actor, complaining about his part, so they came up with more for him to do.
  22. I wonder how long it will take them to get to that point, though. I wouldn't mind if they weren't messed around with, but the writers always seem to try to keep couples apart (on most shows), so the first thing my mind jumped to, was anger on his side - again. The fact that she didn't give him a choice.
  23. That's what I'm afraid of. He turns back into a zombie, and gets to be angry with her over that again. I don't want to watch that. I thought they were cute together, except for the fact that she was right: he was only tolerating her new "quirks".
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