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Everything posted by Anela

  1. Anela

    S06.E05: Now

    I thought it was just me. I barely focused on the episode tonight, but I'd forgotten about it until around 2am, and thought about watching it tomorrow (well, today, now). I don't expect the Alexandrians to turn into Indiana Jones, so I don't mind them breaking down or freaking out. What I do mind is that we don't know where several main characters are, and that they're really stretching this out with Glenn. Rick's yelling that everyone had to be quiet, was funny. I didn't see what happened with Maggie's hand, because the zombies were even grosser than usual, so I thought she had lost some of her fight. She was driven by grief before, but if she's now facing being a mum, without Glenn - he temporarily lost his nerve when she told him that she loved him. It does bother me that they have gone down this road, with the characters deciding to have children, when other members of their group are just waiting for the walls to fall, and walkers to chase them off (again). Or psychotic people doing the same thing. The doctor kissing Tara, surprised me. I don't think that one woman is aging badly, but then I'm no supermodel. I was going to watch it again when I was more "with it" but I might not, now that I've seen the other posts here, and know that I didn't miss much. I'll be annoyed if we don't find anything out about Glenn, next week.
  2. We had to put my dog to sleep yesterday evening. :(
  3. HBO thought this was too violent, but aired Game of Thrones, six months later? I guess the one good thing there, is that there isn't a need for women to be nude at least once every episode. Re: the episode. I'm also used to seeing JCL play a terrifying guy. Last year, a serial killer clown, and just last week, another serial killer.
  4. When Morgan was running through the field later on in the episode, I laughed because it reminded me of every romantic comedy in which someone races to an airport, to tell someone they love them. I love John Carroll Lynch! That was so unexpected. They were both great together, and I liked the episode a lot. It would have been nice at a totally different time, though - like around Thanksgiving. I wondered if Morgan was going to let that Wolf starve to death. I was glad they finally addressed PTSD. The looking at ID's reminded me of LOST. When Claire led the mass funeral/burial. Poor Tabitha. :( The episode would have been shorter without all of those adverts. The only thing that bugged me, was having to pick up the remote *yet again* to fast forward through them. I think they removed Steven's name just to mess with people, and include JCL in the opening credits. Mine does that at times, as well, mainly depending on where it is in the living room. It's annoying when the prices keep going up, and you record a twisted mess that freezes the DVR up! And of course, when you're looking forward to something, and it misses half the episode (or chooses not to record it at all).
  5. This is the dog I've mentioned several times, that would have me turning into Scarol, if anyone tried to hurt him. He's stopped using the stairs over the past ten days, and has had more trouble walking, so I'm back to worrying about him all the time. The mattress pictured is the second air mattress tried on Labour Day, since I've spent most of the year sleeping on the floor with him, and the swing seat cushion had lost a lot of its cushioning/comfort - my back was threatening to go out on me. This one also started to leak air, a couple of weeks later (his claw somehow caught it - I thought it was properly covered), so we're going to try the mattress from the futon in the basement. I just have to clean the mass of clothes off it, and get it up here. He's currently barking at me for food and company. In a few months he'll be seventeen (crosses fingers, and everything else). I'm hoping we can both sleep properly tonight: my ear has been blocked for over a week, and my sinuses keep playing up. His name is Walter, and this is my cat Button: He was on my lap, just seconds later. They're all cuddly, but he's the one most often after cuddles in the living room.
  6. I remember Morgan's wife, turning the doorknob, and the one with a rock, but don't remember them climbing a fence. They are scarier when they move faster, and seem to have more aware. The last one I remember was the walker in the RV, going after Andrea.
  7. It's bugged me, too - just seeing these people pop up from nowhere (and the town meeting wasn't nearly as large as I thought it would be, in the season finale). And if they had a psychiatrist there all that time, I agree with the other comment, re: CDB really needing one, after what they've been through.
  8. If you're talking about reading the whole thread, or being suspended for two weeks, then I don't. I was afraid to comment for *years* in case I slipped up on one or more of those rules, and I would come across people at other forums or blogs who also were, or who were banned for no good reason. I watched Dawn of the Dead, last night. I'm glad our guys don't have to deal with zombies that run and climb (usually). I've seen them walk upstairs, but never seen them actually climb a fence.
  9. I'm glad my screen was dark. I didn't see any dead pets - I realized at some point, that they must be looking at dead animals. :(
  10. I missed this earlier. I thought the same thing about the stairs, and there had to be buildings with two storeys to them. I had been spoiled on instagram, but I thought it was someone just messing with people's heads, because someone else said that only two characters were now left from the first season, and that wasn't the case. So I was sure they'd run up some stairs, get the injured people to a safe location, and themselves, or go away and come back with help (or a car).
  11. I almost commented on that, too. They just looked so happy. Merle, until season three. Do you mean gone for good? (so far.)
  12. I usually watch this on Monday, but I couldn't sleep after another show, so... still crap, Alex is still outsmarting just about everyone. I did like that one of the twins won the competition (although she slipped, and almost gave herself away). I don't like Caleb, and thought they were unprofessional having sex when they were supposed to be working (both couples). I don't see what Shelby sees in Caleb.
  13. I sobbed when Charlie was killed off. I was glad that nobody else watched it with me, because I was a goner for a while after that.
  14. I think it was guilt, over seeing walkers who used to be his friends. People he left behind. Gah! Quote 1 and 3 now have me depressed again. I was snuggled up all warm and relaxed on my couch, thinking that he isn't dead, that he was under the dumpster... but that animated picture doesn't show Nicholas as being anywhere near his head. Time for me to sob. And that quote from Gimple, about him showing up in parts, or flashbacks. Ugh! Glenn was my pretty much my favourite character. I loved his "not dead!" in episode 2, when he saved Rick. He survived an attack that he shouldn't have, when merle let the zombie in, when he was tied to a chair. I will be annoyed at the manipulation, if it's a fake-out, but I really don't want him to be dead. I was appalled that the others just watched people get ripped apart. I don't watch those scenes, because they just seem to need to fill a gore quota for the week. I liked Sasha's sarcastic comment to Daryl. "Did ya hear that, Daryl? They're coming our way!". I thought about Glenn with Dale's RV. He showed Glenn how to get it going again.
  15. They didn't put Glenn in the "officially dead" on Talking Dead. They just listed, "Please don't let this be true." So I'm hoping he'll show up somehow. Alive. I have no problem with an episode devoted to Morgan. It's just the timing!
  16. What happened to Rick's hand? It was bleeding.
  17. I hope that Nicholas was the one being eaten, and not Glenn... although I don't know how he could get out of that. :( I was hoping with the callbacks to the first season, that the guts of (hopefully) somebody else, would cover up his scent. Ugh - I hate this. And a quiet little episode about Morgan, after that??? No. I might record it and save it for another time, depending on how I'm feeling next Sunday.
  18. I like Awesome! I wasn't expecting to, when I heard about the show, but he really was awesome. This was the first episode that I was really amused by Chad. I think Chanel #3 is my favourite character. :)
  19. I was just thinking that the baton of the self-absorbed seems to be passed between characters. I remember Cristina being annoyed with Meredith, when she wanted to talk to her (when she was upset), but Cristina pointed out that she wanted Owen, and shut the door in her face. Yet Cristina was the one who would burst into the bedroom, when Derek was with Meredith, climb into bed between them, and sometimes boot him out. That's just one example. People used to go on about Meredith's whining, or Izzie going on and on. Amelia is just the latest to catch all of that. I did laugh at a comment in another thread (by Deanie?) that maybe she and Penny would end up besties, swapping capes, and all that. I'd completely forgotten about the super hero bit. The writing can be ridiculous.
  20. I was just reading ahead on my DVR - they used to cut it off at a week, but now they show two weeks worth of upcoming shows. The description in two weeks, said something about her and a patient, so - I'll put this in spoilers, as speculation: Otherwise, what you've suggested is what I was thinking last week. That she or her husband might think of that to kill the vampires, since they aren't immortal.
  21. Can they get through one episode, without anyone taking their clothes off? Just one? I liked the episode. So does this mean that Bonnie stabbed Annalise, and the prosecutor?
  22. I can't get past his name. An oil man and his wife, name their son Wick? As in candles. This show feels like it should be on the CW.
  23. I understand her telling Amelia off when she was yelling about what she'd done to her, but she was also sideswiped. I can understand her freaking out. If anything happened to my sister, and her husband (douchebag that he is), kept something like that from me, I would also flip out.
  24. I wasn't going to watch tonight, but now I think I will.
  25. Anela

    The Martian (2015)

    I want to see this. I read the book last year and loved it.
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