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Everything posted by Anela

  1. I don't mind them getting together, but I'm one of the posters who rarely thinks of anyone hooking up. I've seen a lot of chemistry between them, though, and have no fears of her turning into anyone else.
  2. My cousin and her husband did that with my mother's dream of moving to Greece. They have a second home there, that they bought years ago. They spend several weeks there at a time, as do my Uncle and Aunt. They weren't interested in Greece, until mum mentioned it to my cousin, back in 1990. Just before we moved back to the States. I saw a young-ish actress got engaged to a guy who I think is a multi-millionare, on Sunday. The usual, "I said YES" caption, of a picture of a ring. I thought, "Of course you did" because she's in the bahamas, and loving life. I like her, and I'm sure she loves him, but I really want a vacation, and I was having a bad day.
  3. I think it was that she knew he was holding back something else, but i can't remember what that was. About Annalise being shot? It didn't have my full attention, so I left it on the DVR to watch when I'm more awake.
  4. I think of this card from the zombie tarot, whenever I read posts from people who are ready for characters to be killed: She has her gun, and she's had enough of him.
  5. Was Cyrus checking out a new candidate he might be able to get to the White House? I deleted the episode. I'll have to google.
  6. I was hoping that they would bring the good-looking policeman back, but I guess he was the one that Callie said was dull? I know the actor was filming The Returned, as well, but that was cancelled. I wasn't giving this my full attention, and I accidentally deleted it at the end, so I'll have to look for it on-demand.
  7. I wasn't giving it my full attention, because I hate it when the show's characters have a need to demand answers to questions about someone's relationship (or dreaded love triangle). I remember gritting my teeth when they did that in one CW show: they had characters trapped in a school, just so they could put their full attention on a worn-out story line. Shonda seems to have this need to break down her strong female characters. I wish she could show that they're human, without totally destroying them. I also don't like seeing Olivia sleeping with Jake. I don't like him, anyway, but she could do so much better. The worst part for me, though, was that reporter practically squeeing like a fan girl, and admitting to a crush on what's his name. Fitz.
  8. I've just started watching this online, and I'm loving it. I laughed out loud when Dana's friend said that every woman needs a gay best friend - and apparently her husband did, too. I loved the bit where Peter decided not to point out that her date was gay. She is adorable. I'm looking forward to the rest of the one season available.
  9. Their stopping and chatting got on my nerves, too.
  10. I don't blame Jessie for screaming and losing her mind. She was watching her son get eaten by zombies. Rick lost his mind when he saw that Carl had been shot, only he ran around swinging an axe - he just ran right back outside, once his son was indoors. I was sad that they died. Although that little ass who shot Carl, had it coming. He was planning to do that even before he saw his family die. My favourite part was Daryl blowing those guys up at the beginning. I laughed out loud - I thought he was going for the weapon from the building from that last episode. I think I'm already over Negan, and he hasn't even made an appearance.
  11. I'd lived here again for four years, at that point. ;) So I would have been more exposed to him through the media. And he was known a little bit over there, probably through the movies.
  12. I liked Abby as the new "work wife", and her finally telling the President to leave her alone, unless he had to talk about something related to her work. Couldn't take Jake and Liv AGAIN. I rarely use the fast-forward button (I will mute speeches, at times, because they give me a headache), but I used it for the supposedly hot scenes. It's too messed up and co-dependent, and just freaking insane that these people would still be talking to each other, let alone doing anything like that. And Jake with the murdering, again? Setting up a decent, trustworthy woman, as well, and stealing her job. f**k off, Jake.
  13. Re: the discussion in the episode thread. I knew who he was, but just barely. I grew up in England, and we moved back over here in 1990. I knew the commercials, and the Naked Gun movies (again, just barely at this point - my memory used to be so good, and now it's awful). I've never been a football fan, so I wasn't enamoured with him.
  14. I edited out a casting comment last night, because I was afraid I was going off-track. I was trying to think of who Robert Shapiro reminded me of, as I was watching a video of him on Larry King. His face shape, and even the eyebrows a little bit, reminded me of Tom Irwin on My So-Called Life. I thought there was another one, but no names are coming to mind (not from that show, just an actor). Am I the only one who sees the resemblance? I could see that John Travolta did have his mannerisms, though - his face even looked a bit stretched in the clip I saw.
  15. I wouldn't mind if Rory ended up with decent Jess. He wasn't put off by her rejecting him outright, at the dorms - he still came to see her when she was living in Hartford (although she rejected him again at the event he held). I wish they were getting Sookie back. Even with the long hours they talked about, it's nice to see so many people happy to be back on a show. Not just for the work, but because it was important to them.
  16. I liked decent Jess. I'm glad he'll be back. Wasn't Dean from Chicago? Since he would fly out to visit family, maybe they gave him more to do out of town. Or he could be running the store. I don't know how old Taylor was supposed to be, he wasn't that old, so maybe not.
  17. It's okay, but I feel like they're trying too hard to be like House of Cards. The one bit I liked was the therapist helping that woman to see that she would be better off elsewhere. I also liked the bit near the end, where she and her husband just decided to go and get some ice cream.
  18. That was one thing I've noticed: Lorelai comes out with things, that end up occasionally being repeated by Jess later on (with no knowledge of her having said the same thing). oops, wrong thread, I think. Sorry. The quoted bit was open in each tab.
  19. I love drunk Sookie on Thanksgiving, as well. "Am I laughing or crying?" "Laughing." "Goooooddd!!" LMAO. I also like Brad's, "I'm winningly naive!!" and the teacher's, "O-kay then..."
  20. Instagramming her food, and tagging it "brain food"? haha. I almost felt bad for Blaine, as well. He really did seem to like her. I know it's silly, but I miss Minor.
  21. I noticed that, too. At the end of the opening sequence. I cringed at the mention of the girls (kardashians) last week, but figured it would happen at least once. The chanting of their names bugged me, and I'm not very familiar with them. I actually empathized a bit with OJ, just briefly, for reasons I won't go into here. That was Cuba Gooding I was seeing on the TV, though - not OJ. I think of him, and I doubt he would have harmed himself. But this is my bias creeping in. He creeps me out. I don't recall what I felt about it when it was actually happening, though (the bronco chase). I also remember someone saying there was a disguise, and that he was trying to escape. I thought he had a gun on himself initially, and that was it. I think I was working on other things, and watching - walking in and out of the kitchen to the living room, in the tiny place we lived in, so I didn't have to walk very far. I can't believe how little I remember. I do know that we didn't order pizza. I was wondering how they're going to get through the rest of it, with eight episodes. One thing that annoyed me at the time was the way Marcia Clark was treated. the moderator posted as I was writing mine. Sorry about that.
  22. I've never seen Normal Again, but I figured it was Jules getting her own back in a really nasty way. Loved the "shake it off" bit. I knew I recognized it from somewhere, and like someone above, started to laugh when I realized what it was. I don't like Marina. She was fine with him stuck in that insanity, as long as she got what she wanted. I have all three books out of the library, so now I can read and join in with the book thread at some point.
  23. candall that bothered me about the gloves, as well! I assumed they would have shrunk.
  24. Maybe someone else will be living above the diner. Like April, or Cesar.
  25. Oh, good! I loved his singing and dancing in the cafe. He looked like he was having a great time.
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