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Everything posted by Anela

  1. I'm reading about spies that were found just over from where mum grew up, in Ruislip Manor. She thought it happened later than it did, but they were found in 1961: The Portland Spy Ring. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portland_Spy_Ring
  2. Oh! America. :) I grew up in England, mainly, and moved back over here just in time to be learning to drive - or to try. I live about a thirty minute drive from shops I need to visit here, and there is no bus.
  3. Paige looked like me, when I was trying to learn to drive. I never did manage (which is a pain over here). I appreciate the lighter moments. I don't remember ever seeing anything like The Day After, when I was a kid. I was eight when it aired, and nine when "Threads" was aired, living in England, with a mum who shielded us as best she could, from anything scary on the television. I remember a hijacking of a plane, and seeing live footage of a body being dumped out of it (?), and mum suddenly deciding that we all needed to go to the movies, to see something kid-friendly. I did watch Carrie, at some point, with her putting her hands over our eyes whenever something scary was happening (which we protested). She didn't expect the ending, and neither did we - the lights had gone out in most of the rooms upstairs, and as we went up to bed that night, we were *glued* to her sides. I saw "The Day After" in 1999, when it came on the TV following something else I'd been watching, on a beautiful Friday afternoon. I ended up sobbing. I saw "Threads" last year, after someone mentioned it (maybe here), and it traumatized me a bit. I've finally blocked out the memory of it. It's terrifying that it could happen to any country (and did).
  4. Wow, I wasn't expecting that until at least the season finale. Poor Norma - so sad over breaking up with Alex, but happy to have her son beside her. That was a sweet moment, before he woke up and I realized that he did plan to gas them both. She may be in denial where Norman is concerned, but I thought she had the normal reaction of a parent, when it came to others talking about committing her son behind her back. There's the initial protectiveness that comes up, when it comes to someone we love.
  5. That was no real surprise - a lot of people have suspected him since the first episode. At least they finally just showed us who it is. I was also rolling my eyes at, "watch, or be spoiled on Monday." I don't think that anyone I know watches this - they're all about Game of Thrones.
  6. I've experienced this too, with my own parents. :) Married young, for almost ten years, divorced, and then remarried after another ten years. It stuck the second time.
  7. I liked the way they ended the episode with Gaad saying, "You have to remember who these people are." I liked Phillip standing up for Martha, and that he wasn't fine after she left on the plane. He really did care for her. Elizabeth horrified me all over again, and I felt sad for Paige - she's ended up being an agent of sorts.
  8. I'm still all over the place, and miss being able to at least focus on a TV show. I've been working my way through season one of Daredevil again, to prep for season two, but I'm only giving it part of my attention because my mind is elsewhere. The one thing I still watch every week, is The Americans. Then there's Bate's Motel, as well. I'd completely forgotten about Orphan Black, although I loved it when I discovered it a few years ago. I haven't seen season three, and need to do so, before I watch current episodes.
  9. I was thinking the same about Norman's outburst, and what he said about his mother. I felt so bad for him as he said that, because it's true. Now here she is, happy and glowing, in love, and as someone said above, suddenly it's okay for someone else to be there. I can understand why he isn't falling over himself with happiness for his mother.
  10. I stopped watching The Following, in season two - not long into it - but I did have the same need to finish the first season. I don't know why, because it was *crap*. (Apologies to anyone who actually liked it - I have a young friend who loved it.)
  11. I'd forgotten all about Brandon. I was only half paying attention. I have nothing to add, that I haven't said before. Just get on with it, and reveal the terrorist(s), ABC.
  12. I go back and forth. I've been watching it all over again, because I've been depressed - it's one of those shows I put on when I want something that's pretty light compared to other shows - and I've just got through the episodes where Jess had Rory's bracelet, where she went to NYC, and the dance where Dean breaks up with her. I understood why Dean was upset, and clingy - he knew something was going on, and he didn't want to lose his girlfriend. I *loved* it when he approached Jess at the end of Thanksgiving, smirking, and telling him that he didn't have to behave himself around him anymore. I hated the whole affair thing, even though they were young. I love them in season one, though. Her awkwardness, and his confidence, and kindness towards her.
  13. Thanks. I found it after I posted. I thought that was for casting news.
  14. I thought this was just for casting news. Does anyone know what the "patty" operation is? I hope it isn't what I think it is. :( It's from a description from an upcoming episode.
  15. We have a spoiler thread? I can't seem to find it.
  16. So do I. I was hoping to post something in a spoiler thread, but we only have one for speculation. My DVR gave a description for an upcoming episode, and I wanted to ask a question about it. I don't know if I should start a thread. (?)
  17. I'm watching the first episode, and I keep thinking about the movie Sleepers. I only see two episode threads here, so I guess it isn't doing so well?
  18. I wasn't expecting to see Jason Patric in the trailer. I used to like him a lot.
  19. I can't watch them mess with Jackson and April again. This had better be a fake-out, designed for them to realize that Arizona can't be both their friend, and their doctor.
  20. I thought he suspected them of something in the first episode. Wasn't he searching their garage? I really need to watch it all again. I had to google Underground, and now I have something else to look up online. I already watch too much TV. :) I hadn't heard of that one. Thanks. That's a shame. I was hoping that, as others mentioned, she would contact them and they would go easy on her. I felt so bad for her when she was talking about how she would be alone again, just like before she met Phillip. I was back to hating him again - he's finally being honest, but it's too late for her.
  21. This is what I was thinking. I wish this was on netflix (I can't afford Amazon Prime, if it's still there). I want to watch it all over again, without having to wait a week. I thought I saw Martha, in last week's preview, call the FBI and tell them that she wanted to be taken in. Did I miss that in this episode, or did they not show it?
  22. I was just thinking the same thing. I want this show to be renewed, it's so refreshing compared to everything else out there. Darrell, LOL. I'm glad they ended with the video, rather than Piper disappearing again. I also expected her to be revealed as the real "big bad", and can see them going there if there is a season two.
  23. I hope they don't end the season with Alex's shocked face, as she discovers who is behind it all... but we don't.
  24. I did like someone finally commenting on Nick's clothing.
  25. I don't know if I'll keep watching. It's still bothering me that this is like a re-do of season one of TWD, only on the West Coast. I had really hoped that we would see the first infected (somehow), doctors figuring out that they couldn't fight it, but the beginnings, at least, of them trying to figure out how they might do so. Just what a lot of other people were expecting, too. And f**k Strand for cutting that woman loose.
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