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Everything posted by Anela

  1. Maybe I'm unusual in that I don't have a first aid kit, but I've just been watching a Freeform show, and seen someone show up at the home of a person who they must have some sort of intimate relationship with. They're injured, and saying they aren't guilty of something, but will be suspected so they can't go to the hospital. The person just happens to have something needed to patch up the others' injuries - these huge bandages, amongst other things. I have peroxide, but that's it. And now someone is making a heartfelt speech over their phone, and everyone just happens to be online or in the right place on their phones, to be watching it.
  2. I don't know why that quoted above, but when that happens, I can't get rid of it. I couldn't see what happened with the shoot-out, either, and we have a pretty big TV.
  3. I don't think she did in the first season, when she threw that birthday party for Rory. She just sent invitations to all of her classmates.
  4. Whoa, that ending. I liked seeing Elliot doing something with confidence - finding Tyrell (or the phone).
  5. I really liked this episode. Unfortunately, my DVR didn't record tonight's episode - was it the finale?
  6. Yes, it would be nice if that's the secret they've kept all Spring and Summer: that Negan won't last long. Unfortunately, it won't happen. I can just see a whole bunch of posts, on the night it airs, or the day after, when the people who don't watch, find out who died. Pages of, "nailed it!" as to who died.
  7. I never liked The Simpsons. I feel like this should be in an "unpopular opinion" thread. I've only ever seen clips of South Park, as well.
  8. Ugh!!! I made the mistake of leaving the recordings on the DVR, to watch when I wasn't watching anything else, and damn it - dogs, again? Hearing them cry out as the zombies ate them, and then Nick running over to eat some of that himself? I feel sick. Nick also seemed to enjoy it, and was seeing the zombies as his pals. At least, that's how I looked at it.
  9. I wondered why Angela just sat and stared straight ahead, at her desk, as people walked past the window. It made her look more suspicious (when she was checking the files on the computer, she looked like she was working).
  10. I remember when she was trying to get Logan to invite her to a party of his fathers', but it didn't work. I can't remember who she wanted to meet. I think Logan took someone else (because it wasn't the sort of party that he'd stay at for long, and they also weren't dating at the time).
  11. I might. I think I've been spoiled by binge-watching, and being able to skip adverts. I hardly ever watch anything as it's airing (I used to be right there to watch LOST, and other things).
  12. It didn't only have one year to go at the time - I watched one episode of the new season, last year. I was tired of it.
  13. Rachel was first made out to be "the one that got away" at first, but I liked that she was her own person - independent, very pretty, but not a clone of Lorelai. Anna made out that he was never one for long-term relationships, but that's all we ever saw with him, so she really didn't know him at all.
  14. I watched it, and didn't mind it, but I also don't understand the raves it's been getting. So many of my friends are going on about it, like it's the most amazing show. After skimming this thread, I'm glad that I haven't bothered with certain shows (like Roadies), or didn't get very far with them in the past. I finally cancelled Vampire Diaries, last year, when I just couldn't handle the extended - what is it you call it, exposition? - the characters squeezing in all of the bad things that have happened to them since 2009, to catch up new, unsuspecting viewers, and explain why they are where they are today. Such a headache, and every single time, it left me wondering why I was still watching (because the story lines are so *stupid* a lot of the time). That, and vampires "turning off their humanity," . Please.
  15. I wish they'd just say what it is, since they're two weeks away. I wonder if they're just hoping this will get a lot of people watching the first episode. I'll probably record it.
  16. I don't mind April. I think they also overdid it a bit, but it's bugged me that they made her mother so much like Lorelai - too much. Maybe it was partly to establish a pattern of attraction for Luke. I liked seeing him adapt to becoming a father.
  17. That was one thing that bothered me with Paris: when, after their weekend in Stars Hollow, both getting drunk with Lane, over men, Paris blurted out, "Look at us, we're happy! We have boyfriends!" I know she crushed on Tristan, and was amazed when Jamie asked her out (and was happy to let a few things go, once she went out with him), but it still sounded so odd to me. At least they had her trying to make a decision without Doyle in the mix, at the end of the series. She was freaked out that she was trying to make a huge life decision, and including a man in that - basing her future on that.
  18. I think, aside from the fact that the show was so popular when it aired, that it's still discussed so much because of channels like ABC Family, and then Netflix, airing it. I saw it on ABC Family six years ago, I think, during the Summer, but didn't actually watch it until early 2012 (when I decided to start watching with my mother - we were as close as Rory and Lorelai). I know other women who have wondered how they had never seen it before, and binge-watched it on Netflix over the past year.
  19. Jackie having to make a phone call, to tell a family member that her dad was dead. The other person was practically deaf. Oh, how did I miss this, right there at the beginning?
  20. I prefer the idea of seeing them move through the different decades, than a reboot of The Lost Boys (which I loved).
  21. That man was vile to Angela (who looks utterly miserable). I also wondered if White Rose had Darlene's ex protecting her. FBI didn't turn up at her house, to arrest her for murder, but did he turn in the others? I keep missing things (and getting people mixed up). I also missed Elliot.
  22. I keep having problems when I try to comment (as in the post above). I remember Lane being upset by the results of her aptitude test (was it?). She was venting about how she'd be stuck as a sales person. I was disappointed that she was stuck in Stars Hollow, as well. Maybe in the new episodes, we'll see her as more successful somehow. Although there's nothing wrong with having a normal job, and a lovely little family.
  23. I was wondering where Rory got her money from, when she was suddenly worried about her cell phone bill, and needing a job (but also complaining about the quality of jobs available at Yale - I can understand it, since I wouldn't want to do certain things, but her mother cleaned rooms at the Inn to make a living). Was that money part of the tuition, paid by her grandparents? Like an allowance?
  24. I like the ones that look like they're set around a farm house, and the hands coming out of the stairs. The thing on the train tracks... as long as it isn't that weird thing from the Hotel series.
  25. College dorms are usually so much prettier on TV, or in the movies. At least, from what I've seen. I remember them poking fun at that on "Felicity" (talking about how nice her room was, and how big).
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