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Everything posted by Anela

  1. Oh, yes! Bobby was in the shower, LOL. I've heard a lot of complaints about St. Elsewhere, but only watched a few episodes when I was up late because I was sick.
  2. Thank you. :) I remembered that a little while afterwards.
  3. Bobby waking up, and it was all a dream. I think that one did enough damage without the internet. People still mention it.
  4. This keeps messing up on me. Anyway, I was looking for a thread, as well. I didn't see St. Elsewhere - I only saw a few episodes when I was sick, and up late - but I know that there were a lot of complaints about the end of it.
  5. I liked Janet, and wished they'd kept her around for more than the occasional dig about her being thin, or advice about boys. I can't remember "Doogie's" name, but she was sweet, too.
  6. I guess I've cancelled "Bull" - I've been recording it, but didn't even make it through the first episode. My DVR stopped recording Scream Queens. I'll look it up at some point, on-demand, but I don't miss it that much. The DVR has also been deleting Timeless, and Conviction, before I can get to them (I keep forgetting to change the settings), and I don't miss them much, either. I'm into the second season of Les Revenants, and spent yesterday afternoon watching Doctor Foster, on Netflix.
  7. That was before my time. I've never watched it. I mentioned one unpopular opinion elsewhere: I didn't like The Simpsons. It started when I was fifteen, and everyone I knew loved it - except for me, my sister, and my parents.
  8. I rarely tweet, but last year I tweeted Steven Yeun, just to say, . Of course, he wasn't responding to anyone, but that was really annoying (not him, but the show runners doing that). I know there were complaints all over the internet, but I wondered the other day, if they have people that read forums - I know that the Mr. Robot people mentioned Reddit. I saw Scott Gimple asking fans to watch on Sunday, and the actors were re-tweeting it.
  9. I've never threatened to riot. I don't get that, either.
  10. I liked that bit, too. I wasn't giving TD my full attention, when I finally watched it, but I saw that bit. I think Glenn has been my favourite character since he yelled, "not dead!" in Rick's face, and then said something about how the fall would kill them - bright side to that climb - (if they fell). I watched the first season last week. and got part of the way through season two, last weekend, but I don't think I want to watch up to the point where the others die. It left me missing T-Dog, too.
  11. For me, it's more that people have the right to say when they've had enough of something - we have the thread about shows we've cancelled for ourselves. I stopped watching AHS for a while, when I was having a bad time, four years ago. It was too much. So whilst I can step back and say it's just a TV show, and the actors are fine, and doing things like getting married, and living their lives, I still don't want to sit through their deaths and the grieving that follows, you know? I have my own grief that I'm still dealing with. I watch TV to distract myself from that, if I can. So, it's a show that I will probably record, but I just don't look forward to, anymore. I don't care, either, but I am looking forward to this one now. :) I got a friend of mine in England, hooked on it, and she's announced that she will not be available that weekend.
  12. When they never, ever seem to get ahead, it's too depressing - and there seems to be a contest between certain TV shows or channels now, to make the most horrifying show on television. It gets tiring, and when people are also dealing with things in their personal life, that aren't so great, they don't want to tune in to what I've seen others refer to as "misery porn". I usually look forward to the new season, but I dreaded it this time, and put off watching it. They also want you to be emotionally invested in their characters - that's why they have a ******* show in the first place. I have a friend who stopped watching Breaking Bad, because things kept getting worse for the people involved. I loved that show, but I understand why he quit.
  13. I wish mum was going to be here to watch this. Damn it. I started watching it with her. She loved Emily, and also rarely wore jeans. I laughed at Sookie's bit. "That was pornographic".
  14. I lost my mother, three months ago today, and my uncle's funeral was last Thursday, so the last part, with everyone stunned, and figuring out what came next - too much for me. Oops, sorry, I thought that would merge with my other post. Thank you @AngelaHunter ♥ I only mentioned it, because of the few people who think that viewers are being silly if we're turned off by this.
  15. I mentioned in the spoiler thread, that this was not enjoyable for me. Having lost five family members over the past year (mother, three aunts, and one uncle just two weeks ago), I'm really not up for more death. I didn't "sign up" for a show about people dying at the hands of sadistic dickheads - I knew nothing about the comic, when I started watching, six years ago. I don't know. I remember being disappointed last year, when we wouldn't be on the forums for about six months, because I like the people here, and would always come right to the episode thread after watching. Today, I'm wondering why I'm sitting here, and reading more, let alone thinking about this episode and talking about it, when we've lost two cast members to someone who wasn't hugged enough as a child, and talks too damned much. @Reghan I'm sorry to hear about your cat. ♥ I lost my last little dog, almost a year ago, and one of my cats was very sick over the last few weeks. Thankfully, antibiotics and fluids helped him.
  16. I'm not posting in the episode thread yet, because I'm just past the deaths, and Rick in the walker herd, and I'm pissed. This is not enjoyable. I'm sad that the spoilers were correct, as well. Although I didn't want anyone to go. Not for this character.
  17. So they just showed the clip we've already seen, and went to commercial? I was just trying to decide if I'd watch after all, or wait until tomorrow (depending on how I'm feeling, or how others liked it). I'm too tired to deal with it tonight, if people are already annoyed.
  18. Didn't someone say that they filmed more than one death, to throw off spoilers? (I didn't see the promo.)
  19. I'm watching the first movie now. I'd forgotten just how good Mel Gibson was.
  20. I liked the jump, although I was also skeptical that that pool would save them. It looked too shallow. I watched the movies when I was a teenager - I guess the first one came out when I was twelve - and I loved them, but haven't watched them for years. I'm going to have to find them again - I think they were added to Amazon in the last month. I'm okay with Riggs still being the sort of suicidal "sad-sack", but I've been that way (minus the standing on high bridges and other things). I'm still that way a lot of the time, and am dealing with my biggest loss so far. He isn't a sad-sack all the time, but still has the anger, and the feelings that he's carrying around with him, including the love for his wife. I think it's realistic, for the most part.
  21. This is what I thought the whole season would be, when I read a spoiler elsewhere (about a reality show), when the first episode aired. Then I watched, and saw what she meant. I also figured they would bring them all back to the house, though. I liked that woman saying, "I am NOT stopping to find out who that is!" I wish I hadn't clicked on this thread before that happened, though, because it spoiled the surprise of the pig man getting her. (the first half was moving too slowly for me, so I clicked, and then regretted it.)
  22. I'll definitely watch High Tension now. I found it by googling, but skipped it yesterday, because I'd had no sleep, and subtitles were too much to ask me to sit through. ;) I loved "Intensity".
  23. That pissed me off earlier this year. He let them be over-confident, knowing just who they were dealing with, and that he apparently has people *everywhere*.
  24. Ooh, I've just looked up a couple of the movies above (not from the OP). I might try to find those online tonight.
  25. Aw, that means they missed the best bit. "We thought you were getting eaten by dogs, man!" and then the camera turns to those little dogs. Oh, no. :( I listened to a little bit of the show, but also got bored. I'd rather just catch up on Netflix.
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