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Everything posted by Anela

  1. Anela

    S01.E01: Winter

    I was sheltered, too. I still am, in ways. Some of the remarks in this thread had me cringing, because there were ways in which I felt like I was just getting started, in my late twenties/early thirties, and I didn't even have a career. I've just realized that I did the, "That isn't Rory" thing that bugged me so much on re-watch. She just seemed like she needed some stability. I couldn't picture her in a war zone. Maybe I'm projecting, because I love to travel, to a point, but living out of a suitcase is not my thing, and I most related to bookish, stable Rory. :) Although I dropped out of high school, like Lorelai. I'll probably delete this later. I didn't mean to post so many personal details here. I was so happy to finally watch the new episode, but I'm putting off the others until I'm in a better mood.
  2. Anela

    S01.E01: Winter

    I was watching with my sister, and when I finally noticed what she was wearing, I gasped and said "I love that pink coat!!! It's from the old series!" I probably can't afford it, but I have to look it up now. Thanks. :) I also came back to comment on Rory and Logan's casual relationship. I was going to say the same thing as cuddlingcrowley, only I didn't like it. I thought it was odd to see relationship-oriented Rory and Logan, who wanted to marry her, back in a no-strings relationship. I also know that she wanted to see the world, to see *something*, but this groundless lifestyle seems totally opposite to Rory in the first series. At least, to me it does.
  3. Anela

    S01.E01: Winter

    I mostly loved it, too, and I'm kind of wishing I hadn't clicked on this thread. Loved Kirk. Loved the opening, mostly. Hated the way Emily ripped into Lorelai. She should have known better than to put her daughter on the spot, when she didn't have the best relationship with her dad - he was still ripping into her years later, over having got pregnant, and choosing her own life, instead of what he wanted for her. So was Emily. Also: I lost my mother, four months ago, and some members of our family are acting like my dad is the only one who lost someone - he lost his wife, but I lost my mother, who was my best friend most of my life. Sometimes, he acts like he's the only one who lost her. So, that was too close to home for me. Was surprised to see Paris in her role, and missed her reaction to the band. I kept zoning out, because I haven't had the best week, or day, and the funeral was the one bit I wasn't looking forward to seeing, for the reasons just mentioned. That whole bit with Emily clearing out the house, was something we went through here, too. I was really happy to see Taylor, which goes to show how much I was looking forward to this. I did laugh when Rory forgot about her boyfriend, in the diner. I had, too. I DIDN'T like seeing her setup with Logan, though. Cheating on her boyfriend - I know she cheated briefly with Dean, but she was pissed when Logan slept with those girls.
  4. Oh, I had no idea that it was still running! I thought there was an anniversary special in recent years, but that was all. Wow, I really must live under a rock.
  5. Is that unpopular? The only people I know who don't like The Simpsons, are my immediate family. It seems like everyone else *loves* it. Me, too. I don't need someone to die in the most shocking way possible, to get me to watch every week.
  6. This is all cracking me up. I love this thread. I've cut my own hair, by the way. I accidentally created different layers that took almost three years to grow out. For a little while there, I thought they were aligning into a perfect haircut, all by themselves, and then I noticed one side was still one-inch longer than the other. I only fixed that last month.
  7. Anela

    S07.E05: Go Getters

    What happened to Enid's bike?
  8. A summary of the episode the Sunday after next, was something to do with someone stumbling across a new place. I don't know if that means Rick's lot coming across The Kingdom, or if it's something new. "Some stumbles upon a brand new society unlike anything seen before."
  9. Whoa, I only watched part of it, because I can't watch the scenes where they're trying and failing to save someone. His own wife set that into motion?? She's cold. I'm glad Jo finally told Alex what's wrong. I was thinking that he said four years ago, that he was going to marry her. Four years ago! Talk about dragging something out, since they'll probably end the season with that, or an engagement, unless they add another cruel twist to the mix. On that note: I was afraid that Meredith was going to say, "I love you" on the message. I'm glad they're keeping them as friends.
  10. I don't know why I'm here, I want to avoid spoilers - I'm actually feeling excited now. I won't get to watch it with mum, but my sister will be here, and dad said he'd watch it with me, if I want company. He saw a few episodes, four years ago, and liked them, or at least found them funny.
  11. Anela

    S07.E04: Service

    I finally watched. Too depressing, and Negan is boring as hell. I love that Rosita and Michonne are still ready to fight.
  12. I still haven't watched this episode. I'm just not interested in Negan.
  13. Not me. I just linked to it.
  14. I guess that's how they haven't broken him. He's eaten worse. I didn't mind Beth, but some might say that he lived through her singing. God, I need something to lighten me up a bit. This election night is just as horrifying as the last eighteen months or so.
  15. Oh, there was apparently a car way off in the distance. I didn't see it until someone put a picture online, and circled it. https://www.reddit.com/r/thewalkingdead/comments/45yccp/spoilers_the_car_behind_the_biker_gang_hd_snaps/
  16. He blew up a group of bikers that were about to kill Sasha and Abraham. I'm not sure how he'd know who was responsible, though, since there's nobody around with a smart phone to record anything on video. Unless Dwight assumed that it was him - I think that was right around the same time he encountered him, Sherri, and her sister. I tend to be like Dory, in Finding Nemo (and her own movie). I guess this is why I keep coming back: I tend to forget things that have happened, until I'm reminded of them here. I'd totally forgotten the above, until I read your question.
  17. I haven't read the comics, but read a few spoilers. When I saw her talking to Daryl, I wondered if they'd have them replace a story line I read with Carl and a girl (can't remember her name - I assumed that Lucille was a teenage girl, last year).
  18. I kept thinking that at least it wasn't "Call me, Maybe". That song drove me nuts, when it was everywhere.
  19. I don't know that anyone would make him more interesting to me. Maybe Bryan Cranston, who was perfect as Walter "I am the Danger" White. I actually liked Dwight a little more, by the end of the episode. I agree with his ex-friend, that he shot, but it seems that he's still scared of something happening to his ex-wife. He didn't look like he enjoyed torturing Daryl. I'm still not impressed with Negan.
  20. Do the main cast members not want to be on there, anymore? They've only had newbies on for the last two weeks. I understood with tiger guy, but not the woman who played Sherry.
  21. "What's exciting about a test??" "Do you play golf?" "Yes." "You explain yours, I'll explain mine."
  22. I have contempt for all of the drug dealers, and the people who knowingly work for them, as well as love them. I thought the actor who plays Pablo, said this season was lower on action than the first. I beg to differ!
  23. I love that one - for years, I had a ritual where I wrapped most Christmas presents by myself, in the middle of the night, with the Patrick Stewart version playing. I love It's a Wonderful Life, too, though. Clarence is my favourite.
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