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Everything posted by Anela

  1. I don't wear a hat or gloves, but I do wear boots and a heavy coat. My dad and I both point out people wearing shorts when it's cold enough for snow. The other day, someone was wearing flip flops and shorts, when I was shivering in my coat. I know what you mean, though.
  2. I'm also concerned that Dylan would take a bullet for him. I was surprised by the reveal about the doctor. I was waiting for "mother" to attack Dylan, but it still made me jump when it actually happened. I'm not shocked that Norman turned himself in: he's become more horrified with each episode, with what's finally becoming clear to him, and he almost killed his brother. The woman playing the sheriff, reminds me too much of an evil teacher I had in high school. It's off-putting, but not the actress' fault. I also think that she's been on to Norman for a while. I missed why they were dredging the lake - was it to look for that guy's car?
  3. I think she said that Tamiel followed the people who stole the boat stuff from Rick, and they made a better deal with them.
  4. What I've been getting from it, is that she was almost as alone as she felt, in terms of people not wanting to deal with her "drama". It seems like she's always being accused of that, when she's trying to communicate.
  5. I thought he was a teacher, or policeman, at first. What with the way the other kids took off, when he showed up to protect Clay.
  6. Whenever I've seen anything to do with TWD, since reading your comment earlier, about the coyote, I picture the roadrunner going "meep meep" and rushing past Negan. Haha!
  7. I think he's the cobbler guy with the beautiful smile. I knew you would respond to that. :) I did say that I was attributing too much to a CGI tiger. It's a world with zombies, and I have small cats that are way more affectionate than I am. I've never been mean to them, though. So, a fake tiger got pissy with the right people. Anyway, my comment was mostly tongue-in-cheek, but the animal was supposed to be loyal to one person: Ezekiel. You wouldn't catch me in a pen with a tiger, saying "here, kitty kitty."
  8. First of all: WTF, Tony?! Do you want another teen suicide on your hands? I know he asked, but geez. I know Clay has wanted everyone else to take responsibility for their actions, but Hannah herself said they were ALL responsible. Not just one person. I'm going to have to go back, and watch again. I wasn't feeling well as I watched most of this, and had a fever, so I was wondering who Jeff was. I feel bad, even though he's a fictional character. I do remember them talking about the loss of two students, though. I was suicidal in high school, and dropped out with my mother's permission, because of the bullying that the teachers wouldn't do anything about (sometimes, they were a part of it). The head of year was also my PE teacher, didn't like me, and when I finally started to name names, in a meeting with her and mum, she said, "Those girls wouldn't do that." Yeah, okay. Mum stormed out of there with me, and told me I wasn't going back. We ended up moving over here, later that year (the U.S.), and I was home-schooled from then on - visiting a teacher once a week, in a school building next to a high school in town. Before we moved, a woman from the school board came to see my mother, and asked her some questions. When I checked the website for the school years ago, they had anti-bullying stuff on their site. Too late for me, but I hope they did actually help other students. They are too old to be playing high school students. Eight years ago, when I found the group for the school of mine on facebook, they had posted pictures of their glory days, and I got upset and angry - they had affected my entire life (unfortunately), and I was angry with myself for letting those little pipsqueaks affect me at all.
  9. I get it, too. The tapes are going to all of the people she says are responsible for her death, so if I received the tapes, I wouldn't be able to avoid them forever, but I would put it off. I had typed a lot more, but realized that I was spoiling episode 10 - luckily, before I posted it.
  10. Thank you! I was defending him, after someone pointed out that he only brought a stick. I thought he had a gun beforehand. The main Hilltop crew had nice hair. That's all I can think of, aside from the fact that the Saviors are mostly unattractive (surely nice people in real life, but they don't look good on the show, and they do their best to look big and mean). The Garbage people seemed to have a dress code. I did wonder how Ezekiel knew the saviors had help, though. Even Dwight didn't know that. Unless they watched it happen, and came in as the initial gun fight stopped. And after shifting my way sideways out from under my big dog, who wants me off my laptop, I wonder if Shiva just sensed who the bad guys were. Or aimed for the ones with the guns, over those kneeling. I know that tigers are predators, but she was supposed to have liked Daryl. She might have recognized Rick by sight or scent, as someone who had been at the Kingdom. Maybe I'm also just attributing too much to a CGI tiger.
  11. I'm having trouble picturing fun fairs, but maybe I shouldn't be, what with the ren-faire Ezekiel and his crew. I would prefer it to the head-bashing.
  12. I've watched it since the beginning, and stuck around for the same reason: I used to love this show. I remember when I was ill, five years ago, and realized that it was back that night (same night as the Oscars). My family were all in the living room, and they sat through the episode for me, after I'd exclaimed, "Ooh, Walking Dead is back!" Now I watch it when I'm half asleep. I'm also from TWOP, but don't snark that much. I love these threads, because people make me laugh. I had a notification that 1+ posts were there to read, but could only see one. I've had that happen once before. Does that happen to anyone else? I don't have anyone here blocked.
  13. I wondered how she got there, too. I guess someone took her to Hilltop, after they were told that Negan was coming for them, the next day. I did love seeing Shiva fly out of nowhere - twice. Didn't see her leave, so I hope she's okay.
  14. I would have preferred them to end last week's episode with Sasha in the coffin, taking that pill, then starting this episode with their arrival at Alexandria. Ending with something different, like Negan being dead, or at least having lost.
  15. I've just watched the clip of the battle, on facebook. So Jadis had one of her men send up a flare, one of her people set off a smoke bomb, and they escaped. Morgan took a stick to a gun fight, but he killed a guy who was right behind Rick, with the sharp end of that stick, grabbed his gun, and started shooting. I read the spoiler thread, but Jadis was iffy before. Speaking of which: I wonder how Rick's hand healed up so quickly, unless I missed him favouring it.
  16. I didn't see the toy soldier. I was also wondering why Dwight did nothing, and where he disappeared to. I was wondering why Rick didn't shoot Jadis, and why he was just kneeling there as Negan was going to kill Carl??? I guess they needed a good shot of the tiger, and a real surprise for Negan (as he backed away, saying, "that's a goddamned tiger!"). It was nice seeing him surprised a few times. The tiger, Sasha (who even in death, helped them, and almost killed Negan), and then Maggie. As for good guys versus bad: Shiva knew Daryl, and had "met" Rick and some of the others, so I thought she went after the guys threatening Rick. She missed the main one, though! I didn't think the episode was great, and I was ready for Eugene to to go, when he said that he was Negan, and was there to see another person die. I was confused by Maggie and Sasha sitting there in the strange light on that log. I guess to highlight their friendship, and Maggie "putting her down" at the end.
  17. I love him in this. If I'd known him in high school, I would have liked him.
  18. When I was 19, we had a creepy, drunk neighbour try to get into our really awful tiny apartment, using a credit card. I was getting out of the bath, and heard something, so woke dad up. He lived downstairs. I can't remember the reason he gave for trying to get into our place.
  19. I'm listening to the episode with the twenty-four hour dance-a-thon, and Rory claims that she used to call Dean over and over, and hang up, to see if he was with a girl. We never saw anything like that - we saw her tongue-tied, and him coming up to her more than once, getting on her bus, hanging around outside her house on her birthday, telling her the first time he met her, that she was nice to look at, and he'd noticed her. Here's Dean saying that if she hadn't hung up the phone, she would have known that he liked her too - huh? I suppose it could have happened, but I don't see it.
  20. I have a large bathroom window, but it's on the second floor, and I would probably break something, jumping or falling out of there. The small one in the ground floor bathroom, I'm not sure that I could get through. Now I'm thinking of putting a trampoline below the bathroom window, just in case... although that would be weird if I was trying to get away from someone. They walk into the bathroom... nothing. Turn around, as I bounce up in the air outside. We have a huge window on the ground floor, a room converted from a garage. Dad has climbed in there before, and that would be a better choice for an escape.
  21. You have to be a member of the group. I can't see them, either.
  22. I was going to respond to posts by @smorbie and somebody else, but the board lost them - damn. I only remember that with this and TWD, Austin Nichols I like that I run into the same people, in different show threads. :)
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