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Everything posted by Anela

  1. I thought that Harry Potter would have made a great series.
  2. This thread is leaving me wanting to watch both Parenthood, and Brothers and Sisters, again. I started out 2014 with Parenthood - my first Netflix binge-watch - and ended the year with a perfectly timed binge of B&S.
  3. I don't remember having the talk. We had those embarrassing videos to watch in class, watching naked people run around on a beach, and then they had diagrams come up on the screen. So embarrassing, shared humiliation (and giggling, lots of giggling).
  4. The weekly dinner, I agree with, and the running away as a teenager - but they were so rude to her. Someone said above, that Richard would remind her that he wasn't defending her, he was defending the family name. Her mother was constantly rubbing her nose in certain things, and interfering. One of my favourite scenes, was when they finally bonded, after Richard was in the hospital for the second time, only to have that ruined by Emily the next day. Being rude to her daughter. If they were like that when Lorelai was growing up, leaving her feeling like a constant disappointment, I guess I can see why she would want to get her daughter away from them.
  5. When something really scared me back in March, I felt like my feet were glued to the ground. (and there were no weapons involved - just a scary situation. I'd had a really hard week.) I was walking all heavy-footed, and wondering if I should call the police, googling for the phone number of the local police. I was out of it for days. When we had a fire, four years ago, though, I just ran to the bathroom downstairs, soaked a large towel, and ran towards it. Luckily, putting it out (a bed was on fire, mostly the quilt - we were incredibly lucky). I got all shaky afterwards.
  6. Anela

    Detroit (2017)

    Saw it. Painful to watch. I'd never heard of this before, only vague things about riots.
  7. Anela

    Detroit (2017)

    This is what I'm leaning towards seeing, if we make it out to the movies tonight.
  8. I think Bridget is my favourite of the kids. :) Maybe because I'm the annoying one at times, in my family.
  9. I think that was one of the best things about the last season: people spoke to each other. They actually communicated. It would have been nice if her parents had acknowledged that Luke was actually in a good place, since the building that houses his diner, was probably paid for (since it belonged to his dad), and people always need to eat. He always had customers, and made the best coffee in town. That's not a small thing.
  10. Marty's insecurity, and resentment of the rich kids really came out at times. I can relate at times (I follow a few actresses on instagram, and they seem to vacation in beautiful places, at least four times a year, maybe more).
  11. She worked hard, no doubt about that, but she didn't seem to have much of anything in savings, and didn't seem to think far ahead when it came to money. Unless I'm forgetting something, which could easily happen. Lorelai objected to her parents butting into Luke's financial situation and career. I guess the difference there is that Logan approached her about her reservations, which was rather grown-up of him, I think. I know that parents are usually more protective of their children, than they are of themselves. My own mother was. She would do things on impulse, but kept a roof over our heads. She was a lot like Lorelai, although not as annoying as some think Lorelai is.
  12. I thought her mum told the woman who took her in, that she was underage. Maybe it was just that she was a teenager. When she told her that if someone's daughter had turned up on her door step, she would have sent her home. I keep losing my internet, so I don't know if this will post. MIA: Would you like to sit down? Or have something to eat? Have lunch with me, won't you? EMILY: No, thank you. You have a lovely place here. It's a beautiful hotel. It's not a home, but still, a beautiful hotel. MIA: Sometimes home is where your hat is. EMILY: Or where your family is. MIA: Yes, that too. You sure you don't want some tea? Tea usually makes things like this a little less awkward. There's things to hold and stir. EMILY: I don't know why I came here. MIA: You wanted to meet me. EMILY: After all these years, it makes no sense. MIA: I expected you to come eventually. EMILY: Did you? MIA: Mm hmm. EMILY: And what did you expect to say to me when I did come? MIA: When Lorelai showed up on my porch that day with a tiny baby in her arms, I thought to myself, what if this were my daughter, and she was cold and scared and needed a place to live? What would I want for her? And then I thought, I'd want her to find somebody to take her in and make her safe and help her find her way. EMILY: That's funny. I would've wanted her to find someone who would send her home. I have to go. I'd appreciate if you didn't mention this to Lorelai. MIA: I won't.
  13. This was the one problem I had with Lorelai, when she was talking to Logan about smart choices (financially), and not gambling - how she didn't want that for her daughter, and how that wasn't Rory (who chose a career that wasn't actually that certain, so maybe it was Rory). She left a financially comfortable home when she was underage, to move her baby into a potting shed, and live on the wages she made cleaning? I know her parents were overbearing, but that was a real gamble. Just leaving with her baby.
  14. A family friend lost her son five years ago, when he tried to break up a fight (and died from a head injury). She isn't over it, and I doubt that she ever will be.
  15. Her mother was a nasty piece of work. Telling her that her sister's nearly dying was because of something Cora had done to her mother, when she was pregnant with her.
  16. Anela

    It (2017)

    Same here. I thought one part of it looked like a hair commercial.
  17. I'm not ready for it, and suddenly it's a topic among women my age (or the peri- part). I have personal reasons for not being ready, though. I wish I felt like the women who are ready to be done with it. I'm dreading it, and it just adds to my depression. Re: names - my mum thought my name (Angela) wasn't that popular when I was born. I think it turned out to be in the top ten, looking back. Although I rarely meet anyone with my name. In high school, another Angela walked over to shake my hand, when she learned my name.
  18. I missed the scarf-washing. I also missed the husband texting something. I searched for an episode recap, to see what I'd missed, because I didn't give parts of it my full attention. I figured the husband must be in on it, too - two killers. haha! I missed this earlier.
  19. Not great, but I'm watching it this afternoon. This episode, the one guy catches a murderer in a bath, over the body of a woman, and the police are saying they have nothing?? It hasn't finished yet, but that pisses me off.
  20. I was going to try to join, but you *have* to choose a favourite character, and a favourite scene? Just to join a group?
  21. I wish this forum wasn't empty. I'm watching this again, thanks to Amazon Prime. I remember how annoyed by Allison, people over at TWOP would get, almost every week. I didn't understand that: I love the family life, and like Joe, but he annoyed me more than Allison did.
  22. Yep. When I'm feeling that way, I don't get laundry done until I'm out of clothes, and then it takes effort. My house is currently a mess for this reason - and has been for months.
  23. I know some were tackled before, but I've seen things repeat. :) A friend of mine posted, "Drivers who make and hold eye contact with their passenger for 30 seconds...at 60 miles per hour." Personally, I'd like the beautiful hair that most people have on TV, and their bank accounts. And the way, whenever someone is really down in the dumps, they just have to go through a musical montage of them doing their daily stuff - running, showering, talking to people occasionally, and suddenly turning a hobby into a dream job (just like that), or meeting that one magical person, and everything is fine forever.
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