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Everything posted by Anela

  1. Three months. Then she met them, because the dad woke up to a call, saying they would be home in a few minutes.
  2. I watched it last night, and also thought that the imaginary friend was unnecessary. I did laugh a few times, and the "mom dance" was funny, but a best friend could have subbed there. One bit that made me laugh out loud, was when the kids arrived home, and she swiped open the curtain, to check out the drop from the window.
  3. I don't mind Enid, but they made Jadis a series regular?? They really are trying to destroy their own show. One talks too much (Negan), the other talks like a baby trying on new words.
  4. I didn't think that Lorelai's reaction to Luke breaking up with her, was over the top. After Max broke up with her, Rory found her on her bed, upset. Luke: he was one of her best friends, she was happy with him (seemingly, at the time), although she seemed to spontaneously propose, because he was the only person who had her back, when it came to being opposed to Rory dropping out of college. He wasn't just a guy she'd known for a few months, or someone she'd known in school years before.
  5. Yes! I'm watching this right now, for the first time, and I love him.
  6. Anela

    Room (2015)

    I watched this the other night, and couldn't stop crying.
  7. I loved her in Fargo! I hope they replay the series, because that was one of my favourite seasons of any TV show, in recent years. I also hadn't realized that she was the blonde woman, until the bathroom scene, near the end of the movie. It's a shock to see her looking a bit older, but it's a shock when I look in the mirror at times, too. That was HIM? I hated Chad at first, but ended up loving him. I love John Glenn. I've only ever heard good things about him. I wish that we had learned about these women in school. We got to hear about the astronauts who made it to the moon, or at least to space, but not those who brought them safely back. As he was knocking down the sign, I was thinking the same thing. I'm embarrassed to say that I initially wondered why she was running so far to a bathroom, and then it hit me! I loved the movie. I just watched it, and my sister caught me on the iPad, and asked me if I was actually watching it. I said, "Yes, I'm looking these women up." We were supposed to see this on Christmas Day, or Fences, but the theatre was packed, so we had to come home.
  8. I'm sorry. It sometimes bugs me, when I have no idea what people are talking about - like I've only seen a couple of episodes of Buffy, and the X-Files, or quite a few other shows. The Walking Dead. A Big Bad who just talks way too much. haha! I just said the same thing.
  9. I didn't mind this so much. Liv looked gorgeous! In her gown, and with her beautiful hair in curls. I'd totally forgotten that Quinn was a fake name. They've had so much wrapped up in the B-whatever it was, that I'd forgotten they were supposed to be normal people, caught up in bad circumstances themselves, at times, and trying to help others.
  10. I thought that the other night. I was picturing Negan's reaction to Norman becoming Norma, and then Norma taking care of him.
  11. I have favourite episodes, and it's just like comfort food to me. I fall asleep to it, if I can't sleep - I'll watch or listen, until I finally drift off. Even though I didn't like earlier Jess, some of my favourite episodes feature him. The one where he comes over with food, and ends up staying. (Although I don't like Lorelai being rude to her mother for *gasp* wanting to spend time with her, and talking too much.) The one where Rory goes to NYC. The opening of the inn. The first season.
  12. I loved them together, too - and yeah, I remember Lorelai looking at them like they were crazy. I also remember him racing to see Lane, at the hockey game. When she realized that he'd run all the way there, and had to run back - so sweet. His jealousy over the guy who was in love with her, and reading the entire bible overnight (impressed Mrs. Kim), only to break down and ask her what it meant (the quote)
  13. Norma whacking Norman's head into the sink, and then gently laying him down onto the floor, was creepy. I also liked seeing her in the mirror - reminding everyone of who was in control. I wondered why everyone seemed to be seeing Norma in the house. Didn't the same thing happen to her brother?
  14. I like Maggie, but I couldn't watch the episodes of her losing (and grieving) her mother. I'm just checking to see what else I missed, if anything. So they're ruining Stephanie? Typical. :/
  15. Oh the speeches about how great Olivia is - miraculous, even - just stop. She is not. Not anymore.
  16. I don't want the show to finish, but I'm also glad that it's finishing when it's still so good. I'm "meh" over several shows that used to be a favourite, because they get so silly, or have gone on for so long that they're recycling plot lines, and even the actors seem bored.
  17. Sounds like I missed more than I thought. I had to find it online, and I'm waiting for it to get to that point now. That was a woman watching Stan, wasn't it? As he left with his date? I missed that earlier (I skipped ahead a bit just now, with it online.)
  18. My DVR cut out just as she said they'd made a terrible mistake.
  19. I read it almost twenty years ago. I had a copy of the book, but I can't remember how. Either someone gave them to me, or the previous owner of this house left a stash of Stephen King books behind (I remember finding and reading Insomnia, about six months after we moved in). I mentioned that story on another site the other night, but couldn't remember the name.
  20. Oh, thank you. Of course, the reason they were careful, was that Liv was still a zombie. Okay, feeling silly now. :)
  21. Fillmore Graves - ha! I'd forgotten all about Major being in prison, and the headlines, as a killer. It has been too long! I'm also forgetting names, and had to scroll back to find his. It's weird that the killer zeroed in on Clive's friend and his family. I can't imagine Clive doing that, and I briefly wondered if Liv thought Major did it - then figured that she was just worried for him. Since Peyton slept with Blaine, does that mean that she could turn into a zombie? There was a reason that Liv and Major didn't sleep together. Looking forward to next week.
  22. I remember - she was on Grey's Anatomy, too. It's just her tone, and the forbidding look, the calm - the "I know what you did" look, even if you've done nothing wrong. Between that, and watching "13 Reasons Why" I've been having too many school flashbacks.
  23. Same here. I can't believe I was sympathizing with him, in the last two episodes. I also think his hatred of Clay stemmed from jealousy - not that a guy like that would admit it (at least at that age). After the last episode, and finding out that a friend of mine had made it through five episodes, I sent her a message telling her she might want to be careful with the last four episodes - that was brutal, and I've never been through what Jessica and Hannah endured. *edited. Sorry, it's too personal. I don't know if I'd want a season two. The adults now know what happened. I don't want to possibly sit through a school shooting. I read part of a book on Columbine, a couple of years ago, and I was a mess.
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