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Everything posted by Anela

  1. Just thinking about it is making me sad (and sick).
  2. I had to mute a lot of this. I lost my mother to an aneurysm, a few weeks after a heart operation, and that whole bit when they tried to resuscitate her, was too much for me. I muted part of the first part, too - it was too soon for me, and I saw no humour in it. I miss being able to watch this show, without thinking of everything that happened. I also think they should just to tell Maggie, and get it over with. They were already together in a sense, before she declared her crush. They seem to be bonding over their losses, as well as mutual attraction, and the whole love triangle thing is overdone (I have always hated love triangles).
  3. I've been watching the "happy birthday GG" things on instagram. I liked Gypsy's one: "You just bought me a couch!"
  4. I'm not keen on it, but I'll give it another chance.
  5. So-so on the first episode. I like the actor, and liked him in Jessica Jones, but the music is getting on my nerves a bit. A friend binge-watched the whole series the other day, and recommended it, so I'll be watching the whole thing.
  6. I need to stop checking new threads... I now have an even longer list of things I want to watch. I already watch too much TV.
  7. Oh, goodness. It wouldn't be the same without the shoulder pads.
  8. I'm usually one of the confused ones. I had a big death in the family, though, and she was in the hospital when the show came back, so I've been out of it for months. Most of the time, I don't bother to try and figure things out. I'm happy to let others do it. I don't fast-forward, though - I will rewind if I keep missing something, or go back and watch again. I recognize that tree. (Gilmore Girls reference. Couldn't resist. That's one show that I listen to, rather than the radio, and I pick up things I missed as I watched it in the past (more than once.)
  9. I'm looking the first two up now. I wish they'd make an Aunt Dimity series.
  10. It's okay, I understood. :) I actually liked his movies - most of them. I watched "Signs" the other night. I'm getting tired of big twists, though. Although I finally guessed one, not long into a new show, the other night. I missed the one in This Is Us, even as it ended. I also hope they include proper opening credits at some point.
  11. I was the one who posted the link, so thank you. :) I posted it as a spoiler, because I know that some people really don't want to know anything - and I thought the twist in episode 6 counted as something that those people wouldn't want to hear about.
  12. Rectify is great. I recognize him from that, and Justified.
  13. I also laughed out loud at the fireworks, and their boss wanting to know where they were. My favourite bit was Riggs telling Murtaugh, "She said NO". LOL. I didn't give it my full attention last week, but I enjoyed what I saw. I'm loving it this week. I hope they keep it on the air.
  14. Since there is no spoiler thread that I can see right now, I'll put this here about a future episode:
  15. I use ad blockers, and am very glad that I missed out on that. Ew!
  16. A twist I actually guessed early on! I liked this. I'll keep watching.
  17. We ended up keeping Amazon prime in July, because they bought "Medium" (my mother's favourite show). then we lost her, and I'm considering cancelling it again, so that we can get our money back. I thought I'd be watching quite a bit of it, but I've hardly watched anything on there - although I like that I can download things to my iPad, to watch when I'm not around wifi or a TV/roku. I wish Netflix would do that.
  18. I'm enjoying "The Exorcist" right now, on Fox (my DVR). I just saw a comment on their facebook page, "This was what I was hoping AHS: season 6 would be".
  19. It was okay. I'll watch again, when I'm through the things I really like on my DVR.
  20. I accidentally quoted something last night, and I can't get rid of the quote box. My first thought was Oliver was under the sheet, too. Someone else mentioned him above. I'd totally forgotten about Eve, but I've had the worst Summer, and forgot about everything.
  21. I understood Lorelai's reaction to anyone else wanting to 'parent' Rory. When my mum and dad got back together, even he felt like he had no place to do so, for a while - he felt like it was the three of us (me, sister, mum) against him, because it had been just us for years (we were in different countries). Rory was actually happier about Max, than I was about several boyfriends mum had, during the time they were divorced. Maybe because she had her own boyfriend, and so felt she was being unfair, as well as the fact that she liked Max, whereas I didn't like the men my mother dated. She went through a bad patch there. Lorelai did have those moments where she realized how she might be affecting her daughter, and talked to her about it (as in, not being able to say, "I love you"). I also liked how she told her mother she could talk to her, when her parents were fighting over her dad's attitude and anger over being phased out at work. There were also times when her parents earned her silence/hatred, such as when her mum approached Christopher and invited him to the wedding. She set that up, but I never saw her dad as completely innocent. He agreed she should do that, from what I recall. I don't know.
  22. I've only just realized what was missing tonight. I was trying to remember the other "Shonda show" and figured I was thinking of The Catch - until I saw a picture of Kerry Washington.
  23. I'm watching this right now, and came here to ask about the Gaga music video, just thrown in there. I'm recording it, precisely because it's ridiculous, and I liked a few of the characters. I don't like it when AHS gets too crazy, but for some reason, I don't mind it so much here. "Please don't kill me! Kill her! She's awful!!" haha.
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