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Everything posted by Anela

  1. That was my favourite bit, too. I was envying the optimism of a fictional character. I'd forgotten about that - it really annoyed me, but it was a nice setup for Owen to show up, and tell her that *he* was there. That was sweet.
  2. I agree that was crappy, for her final episode. I'm glad that Meredith turned around and told Amelia that she was there for her, and that Owen obviously thought she was the one for him. I was cringing when she said that Cristina was the love of his life. It was nice to see Bailey actually happy to see her husband, and hugging him. Glad that April is okay, and that baby!! ♥ Poor Deluca. They must have just thought this up for Jo, because I would think that's the sort of thing you tell the man you really want to marry. Unless the other guy has something criminal that he was holding over her head. I wish they hadn't gone there, but they need to save a wedding for next year, I guess.
  3. I sometimes wonder if Stan suspects them, and that's why he keeps blabbing - but if that were the case, he'd be spying on them, the way he spied on Martha.
  4. I thought it was weird, too. I think he has more chemistry with Meredith's sister, although I think she's his boss (not that that stopped anyone else).
  5. I started watching because I like Bradley James, and I loved the Omen movies, when I was younger. I liked this series more than I liked other things (which I continued to watch, anyway - I don't know why, since I'm not big on hate-watching). This felt like a series finale, to me, but I am curious as to what they have planned for another season, if they get renewed. I don't understand why they killed his best friend - or why they made him help the nun into the grave (I loved how he was so gentle with her, and she went along with it, and then hugged him when he was shot and dumped in there, too). They have no problems killing others, so why make him help her in there at all? And killing his best friend was not a good idea - I didn't mind seeing Hershel die tonight, he was willing to kill others, and help Satan. I also think they all seemed crazy. I'm surprised that Anne expected a peaceful death for her daughter. She's been a bloodthirsty crazy lady all season, just wanting Damien to kill someone, and helping him along. I also didn't think Shay converted. I thought it was shock, and relief/amazement that the woman he'd accidentally killed, was alive. I guess he did see Damien save her life, so maybe I'm wrong, and he did convert in some way, after all. Where did all those people come from? It looked like they'd all been lurking in the trees, just waiting for that moment. (Also: I've been thinking about re-watching a few things, because I keep missing things that I later find others talking about.. but I would partly watch this again, just because I'm shallow, and like Bradley James.)
  6. I was doing something, and missed that they were poisoned - until someone mentioned something here, about Strand not committing suicide. I looked up and saw blood coming out of someone's eyes, and thought, "Is that how it all started?" I feel an equal amount of sympathy for kids, and animals. None of them deserved their fates.
  7. I'm going to have to watch this again. The show has improved
  8. And what's this about Owen's sister? Missing, and not necessarily dead? Bloody hell, they're that desperate for a story line that they're going there?
  9. That was my thought, as well. I felt bad for Meredith at the beginning, but her giving Amelia a similar speech to the one she gave Little Grey, years ago, was annoying. Amelia did not kill her husband, and would love to have her brother back, just as much as Mere. I don't mind Riggs.
  10. Ditto to the above. Damn. (And, yes, the eye thing was creepy. So glad I didn't watch before I fell asleep, last night.)
  11. I didn't see them kill children - except for the one that I was spoiled on, by the actress herself (on periscope), since I watched the following day. There have been too many stories of animal cruelty, and I'm very protective of any dogs around (just as I would be with children). To see a kid drop a defenseless dog into a chute, for zombies - ugh. There was a scene in the book "Cell" where the zombified people started to rip apart dogs, and I almost didn't read the rest of the book.
  12. I wonder if the kidnapper told him that Ben was pretending to be him, in a "he isn't your friend" way, and that he wouldn't be found. Or he could have heard it on the radio, in the car. If his mother was elected Governor (?), they would probably mention recent events as well. I hated his repeated, "This isn't on me" - with Ben, blaming him for what he'd just done to Adam, and the, "you did this" to his wife. She may have whacked that guy around the head, out of fear, but HE was the reason the detective was there in the first place, as well as both boys.
  13. That poor dog!! I hate it when they do that, I was surprised when one animal was actually spared on Walking Dead. I know it's fiction, but those dog squeals are haunting me.
  14. I agree with those who said they would prefer this to come back, instead of Quantico - the show where the hair is the standout in every episode.
  15. So, who was buried in the garden? Another boy he took? And why not drop the real Adam off close to his home?
  16. The guy who played Simon, had a small part in The Walking Dead (the Terminus episodes), two years ago. Husband of Marcia Cross: I've seen him in Lost, and also The Closer. He seems to work a lot. Liam was in Brothers and Sister (first season).
  17. This just made me laugh. :) I was wondering what happened to the radiation. Maybe it's just me, but they looked a little too fine at the end. But Pretty and Prettier are together, and will be happy until they need to screw with them next season. I did like Ryan's little speech to Alex, about spending time with her before he made such a big decision. Hated the villain monologue, but expected it. I probably won't watch season two, but I'll be back to read the threads. I was actually expecting this to happen. Somehow, some way, that he would survive and pop up somewhere.
  18. I found it last night, thanks. :) I'd never heard that it started with a book.
  19. I found the movie "Pack of Lies" online, after reading about the Portland Spy Ring, in Ruislip, England. They were just over Victoria Road, from my mother and her family, in 1961. I don't recall ever hearing about them, and googled after mum remembered yesterday. The couple who lived there, were apparently over here first, and escaped when others were arrested, tried, and even executed.
  20. I asked mum about that period of time, and she didn't remember much, but did say that there was one big scare at one point (she couldn't remember what it was), and asked my uncle to come back and stay with us, so that someone would be with me and my sister, if anything happened when she was at work.
  21. I watched Psycho, online last night, but fell asleep (I was in pain, and the tylenol finally kicked in). I'd forgotten a lot of it. I saw the sequels when I was younger, but can't remember anything about them, so I'll look them up at some point. I'm recording Psycho tonight, off the Sundance Channel (I think), so I can pick up where I fell asleep last night.
  22. I'm reading about spies that were found just over from where mum grew up, in Ruislip Manor. She thought it happened later than it did, but they were found in 1961: The Portland Spy Ring. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portland_Spy_Ring
  23. Oh! America. :) I grew up in England, mainly, and moved back over here just in time to be learning to drive - or to try. I live about a thirty minute drive from shops I need to visit here, and there is no bus.
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