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Everything posted by Anela

  1. I kept thinking of the Hunger Games, too. I don't think I could take that. We're only just a day and a half past the finale, and I'm already seeing comments about what's coming, on facebook. I might have to duck out of the groups on there - I don't mind a spoiler if I seek out a thread myself, or the occasional slip-up here, but people are commenting about things I hadn't heard anything about, until the last few days.
  2. I think it was Glenn, just because this guy comes across as the sort of dick who would tell someone they're safe, "the first one is free" and then kill them anyway.
  3. Hopefully! I started to watch it, but I've had a very bad/disappointing day, and I'm not in the mood to hear them all talk up the show, so I left it for another day - if I even finish it. One thing is for sure: I won't be talking about their cliffhanger for six months. With all of the comments about J.R. I keep picturing *him* underneath a dumpster. That gave me a chuckle, at least.
  4. I was worried about the horse, too. I don't know why so many people love Negan (before he appeared on the show). He's just openly an a**hole, unlike the Governor, who took a while to show people his true colours. I thought it was chilling, the way they had all of the roads blocked. Making that poor man an example - although if he was the same man as the one that was thrown off the bridge, I would have gone back to the road where I'd originally encountered them. I hate these people, and normally pacifist me, wants to see them all meet Rick's version of the bat. Glad Morgan shot that guy. That ending was *sick*. :( I wish I hadn't heard that.
  5. I don't know who that is. I'm halfway through the episode now, so I guess he shows up soon.
  6. I haven't watched it yet. I fell asleep before 5pm, feeling totally exhausted, and opened my eyes and rushed off the couch to make sure it was recording, just in case I do want to watch - then fell asleep again. I've already seen who was on Talking Dead, which makes me think that it was Daryl. (Heard about the cliffhanger, on facebook.) Unless they deliberately brought him on TD, to throw people off. I did think I saw Morgan shooting a gun, though!! To protect Carol.
  7. This is what I was just thinking, as well. Then we get to watch her punish herself for not being there, next season, which would leave me not wanting to tune in at all. I'm also still pissed over their fake-out with Glenn - I didn't want him dead, and hoped that he really was under the dumpster, but their waiting several weeks to let us know anything at all - ugh. Toying with people, by removing his name from the credits.
  8. A couple of years ago, I liked The United States of Tara. I think that's still on Netflix. It was different. I also liked Brothers and Sisters, but that's no longer on there. One of these days, I'll get started on The West Wing, which might take me through the Summer. I get grossed out by what Liv eats, as well, and I've reached a point where I can occasionally eat something now, when I watch TWD. Not that my eyes are glued to the screen while I'm eating, but the repeat came on one night, and it didn't make me ill.
  9. Thanks. You, too. :) I'm catching up on DVR stuff, like iZombie, and do feel better tonight. I'm also now craving a grilled cheese.
  10. I've been putting it off, because I've had a crappy few weeks, and I want to be focused and relaxed. Looking forward to it, though! I watched it last year, just before my birthday (middle of April). I also need to get to the new season of House of Cards. I tried to re-watch the series, but said drama was occurring, and I think real politics has put me off the show. I'm tired of hearing about it, and people fighting. And referencing something above: I think I'd come back as a grilled cheese sandwich. One of my favourites.
  11. I don't understand why they don't have the big, bad guy swearing, either. I'm not listening to the audio, and I don't think I can watch on Sunday. I had a question about the comic spoiler, but I will just google.
  12. Anela

    S06.E15: East

    I wondered if Carol was afraid that she would freeze, and be unable to kill for someone (again) due to her state of mind. She's managed to kill again so far, but I think it would really end her if someone else died because she was suddenly unable to protect them (like the baby). Just because she's managing it right now, that doesn't mean that she'll be able to keep it up.
  13. To the poster above me: I wonder if Paige will end up saying that she lied, if Pastor Tim goes to the authorities - in order to protect her parents. I was with her in her anger towards him, over his betrayal. I missed the running! I heard it, because I had headphones on, but was making toast in the kitchen. I walked into the living room just as he was getting up after Philip spit in his face (which was funny). I like the little personal bits of information, that those of you with knowledge of certain things, post here. :) I'm clueless when it comes to politics, and Russia/Russian immigrants. I was trying to picture Elizabeth in Texas.
  14. Anela

    S06.E15: East

    LMAO! I'm so glad I wasn't drinking something when I saw this.
  15. Whoa, that ending. I'm glad the boy was okay. I wonder if that's because Damien actually said, "no more deaths".
  16. Anela

    S06.E15: East

    I tuned out the talking of the bad guys in the scene with Carol, and played a bit of Bubble Mania. I only started to pay attention when Carol pleaded with them to go. How many bad guys are out there, anyway?? I wonder how many good ones were out there, before the ones we've seen throughout the series, decided they had to go. Daryl. :( I wonder if Dwight was given instructions to wound, not kill, so that Negan might "take care" of him later. And Glenn: after all of the comments about how Maggie should have stayed home before, I was thinking, "Glenn, you should be home with your pregnant wife!" I thought it was silly to get pregnant at the time, but now the baby is on the way, I want it to survive. After seeing that preview for next week, I want them all to be wearing bicycle helmets. And body armour. I don't want anyone else to die. I also sobbed after Hershel's death, and wasn't sure that I would be back for the next part of the season. I didn't like Rick's arrogance, at the beginning of the episode, either. I'm scrolling through posts, and just saw someone else mention that. I thought, "Stop it, Rick! You know better than that."
  17. If there's a chip in the lid, then she should have just dropped the lid in the bag. Or just drop the whole bottle in, and then when it's found along with the other one, it should alert them to something being wrong. Unless there was something else about her having to leave the other bottle somewhere.
  18. "America's Least Wanted". LOL. If they would know she put the bottle in the bag, it must be someone working for the Senator, or the Senator herself. Unless it's the blonde woman.
  19. I agree with you. Anyone else, they would have been cheering on. I didn't understand why they were so angry at her.
  20. I don't have anything to add, really, except: how on earth is Nina too old to remarry? I hope that Elizabeth is having second thoughts about signing her daughter up for that life, and I liked Stan spending time with Henry. I missed the part with Nina's husband not getting away with smuggling something out for her. :(
  21. Was there an answer to anything? I was listening as I made dinner. I don't really want to watch it again.
  22. I'm not one who "ships" a lot of characters, but Norma and the Sheriff were so sweet together. I was swooning a little bit.
  23. I love Josh, too. I was thinking he was probably one of the better choices to set the teacher at ease there, until he started rubbing his leg, LOL. I like the teacher, and he is better than most of the celebrity guests they've had.
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