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Everything posted by memememe76

  1. To me, the clock should start not when Rebecca spoke with Kevin on the phone, but when Jack exited the kitchen. If Kevin did return when Jack was cleaning up, Jack would have noticed.
  2. Kevin with a cast does not seem like the type to "quietly" sneak into a house. Do we know how long Jack left the kitchen? If not long, I can see him trusting what Rebecca said. To me, I think the writers covered it enough by mentioning the phone call. But, then, I'm not a parent.
  3. I don't think the watch has shown to have any significance on the show. But I could easily have forgotten. I totally forgot the tie moment that Jack and Kid Randall had back in season one until that tiny shot.
  4. Great episode. The teens were sensational. I was impressed how Teen Kevin tried to hold it in, while the others wept openly. Those 19-20 years between Jack's death and when we first see the family in the Pilot is a long time. Randall meets and marries Beth. Kevin is an integral part of that meetup. Randall goes to college, we don't yet know the name, but it's "close" to Rebecca. He gets a fancy job. He and Beth buy a big house. He has a nervous breakdown. He has two kids. There is a lot of "stuff" that he experiences in that time period. Kevin goes to school far away (to study acting?), marries Sophie, becomes a struggling actor, starts exploring improv and comedy, hires Kate as his assistant, gets his big break with The Manny. Kate is such a blank, relatively speaking. Does she go to school? She waitresses. She sits in a car in front of her old house and binge eats. She did have a job, where she may have been in love with her boss. For me, Kate is best when she is chatty and really engaged with other people, like she was with Jami Getz. Rebecca--we have no idea what happens to her until ten years later, when she reacquaints herself with Miguel. That Kevin/Randall relationship is really so interesting. The development is fascinating.
  5. Maybe we will see Kevin throw Jack's necklace in the ocean. Or maybe that is how Rebecca will removes hers. Loved it so much. And was that an actress from A Different World? Also, I kinda loved the woman at the dog shelter.
  6. I remember the short film but never realized that a feature length film exists. Exciting!
  7. I have seen all of those shows expect Handmaid's Tale or Games of Thrones, and I don't know why it winning results in minds being boggled. I will take anyone in TIU over MATT Smith's whiny performance or Wynona's melodramatic acting.
  8. Sterling became the first black man to win the SAG in the Lead actor Drama category. Last year, he was the first to be nominated.
  9. I get Kate. I never tried on a piece of clothing knowingly that it would not fit, but I have never truly been happy with my body. I tend to always buy clothes 1 or 2 sizes bigger than me, because I always expect to gain back some of my weight. I have those voices, still.
  10. Kate did not say that Young Kate and Madison were the same size, but they could share the same clothes. Which they probably could. At least more easily than Madison and Present Day Kate.
  11. That dressing room scene was extremely well done. I have been there. The young actress is so good. Chrissy does the WTF Face so darn well.
  12. The Kate and Madison stuff was fantastic. The Big 3 don't have friends. Neither does Rebecca. At least Jack has Miguel. I recall posting something in the first season where Kevin goes all Vanilla Ice and has his own Construction Reality Show called The Big Three. Could still work.
  13. I have not seen the movie, so I was only commenting on its box office performance, which I think is really quite impressive. It will cross 100m today or so, may even end up beating La La Land. Will cross 200m ww soon, and with some big markets to open, it may reach 300m. With this and Orient Express, I am hoping that more mid budget movies can succeed without requiring awards buzz.
  14. The success of The Greatest Showman on Earth brings up two questions: 1. Can Michelle Williams be considered a viable box office entity who may actually be deemed worthy of a few bucks in future movies? So weird all these defences of the salary drama always mention that her movies earn so little bo money, when this film is raking it in. 2. Is Hugh Jackman our first modern musical movie star? Also, it is nice that he is getting financial success outside the X Men movies.
  15. The Pool episode was the first big episode where Kevin's neglect was spotlighted. And the three birthday parties episode also showed why the parents weren't necessarily wrong to focus on Randall (who had only two people show up to his party) and Kate (where people preferred to hang out with Kevin--including Sophie, which I still haven't forgiven her about). And not have as much concern for Kevin, who at a young age knew how to charm people. There was also the funeral scene where he explained his fascination with model planes. And in the present day scenes, without it stating it outright, it always appeared that Kate had a much closer relationship with Randall. Her relationship with Kate was more clearly strained.
  16. Interesting point here. Kevin may not be able to articulate his privilege, but he feels it. He knows how Kate has suffered, and while not for him enough, he has seen enough of Randall's struggles. While a what if Jack scenario could be played out, I wonder what would have happened if Kyle survived the birth but became severely disabled. The same scenario would probably play out, where Kevin feels left out.
  17. Re why Kevin seems more upset at Randall than Kate, I think there are a couple reasons. There seems to be an societal acceptance for the father to favour the only daughter, maybe even an expectation. If Kate had a sister, that sister may not be as forgiving. Randall also went to another school. Kevin did not witness first hand Randall's isolation in school, whereas he saw students bully Kate. Kevin probably understood Kate's pain better than the parents. Also, it helps that Kate pretty much worships Kevin.
  18. Loved the episode. I felt that everyone felt consistent with their selves. Good mix of intensity and humour. Also, I am with Randall. I loved Boyhood too.
  19. memememe76

    S01.E01: Pilot

    I thought it was a lot of fun. Those interactions between the girl and CB were intense. I like the intense calm CB displays. I pretty much like everyone except the Rookie. But there is almost always one. I will keep watching.
  20. I am shocked about Matthew Mcconaughy. McAvoy should be credited for the success of Split. If he can get a lead in a really good romantic drama like Atonement, he could really rise to the top. I think he has generated a lot of good will.
  21. This was so very good. I also really enjoyed the depth the writers gave to the many Pakistani women who had to come into the house and present themselves before Kumail and his family. The one with the X Files line was so funny, even through I am a fan pf that show. Still hilarious. A couple scenes struck me as false. I think the brother and sister in law would not really cut Kumail from the family. I am sad they did not raise their hands not to cut him off. I also think someone other than Holly Hunter would have told the racist asshole off. Where was security? Chicago is a liberal city. But I could be wrong about it, it is probably based on personal experience. But really enjoyed it. Just lovely.
  22. That is so sad. 58 is quite young. That scene was one of my favourites in the movie.
  23. I loved Spacek, Keaton, and Lange in Crimes of the Heart. Gyllenhaal and Maguire in Brothers. Grant and his deaf brother in Four Weddings and a Funeral. Barrymore and Arquette in Never Been Kissed.
  24. Anne Hathaway and Emma Stone as lovers. Jake Gyllenhaal and Ryan Gosling as lovers. Queen Latifah, Taraji Henson and Angela Bassett in a remake of First Wives Club. Michael Fassbender and Constance Wu in a remake of Speed.
  25. With Room and Wonder, Jacob Tremblay is really establishing himself. Also, I love that Julia Roberts has such a big hit.
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