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S04.E20: Reunion (Part 2)

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Monique and Candiace address the breach of trust that damaged their relationship; Robyn's future with Juan is questioned; Gizelle and Monique address their ongoing feud; Robyn reveals whose "bleep" Michael wanted to "bleep" that night at L2.

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I wish they had just gone straight to next week’s show.  There’s not even anything to post about.  I think we all knew it was Juan.  It’s also hard to believe if there were several accusations, Andy didn’t know about them.

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7 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

I wish they had just gone straight to next week’s show.  There’s not even anything to post about.  I think we all knew it was Juan.  It’s also hard to believe if there were several accusations, Andy didn’t know about them.

We learned that Candiace was raised in a country club community, or whatever she tossed out.  Enthralling.

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1 hour ago, GussieK said:

Boring!  Stretching to another week?  And they teased the entrance of the men only to push it to next week. Feh. 

Thanks for the heads-up, I can skip the ep and watch some of my other trash TV instead, LOL.

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I love Monique. Fuck Candice. 

Robyn looks horrible and needs to shut up. She’s so annoying. 

Candice thinks she’s better then everyone. Her comment about being raised in a country club environment like fuck off you snobby bitch you and your mom are embarrassing.

Edited by Marley
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I’m just trying to figure out why Candiace is out here pretending like her beef with Ashley is because she is defending others (bitch, please!). Or why she’s pretending like she wasn’t stirring the pot by stretching the truth and telling Giselle that Monique called Katie a slave? Pretending to be so noble when really, she could just say, “I don’t like them so I’m gonna be messy.”

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2 hours ago, Higgins said:

What Country Club?

Why, the Butter-knife Enthusiast Country Club, dahling. Very exclusive and attractive to the prominent differently-colored genitalia set.

The problem with these three-part reunions is that you never know if the first or second episode will be filler. The Monique-Candiace conflict was even more boring when rehashed. 

Edited by Vanderboom
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I can't stand bite sized snickers but I was rolling my eyes HARD when Andy asked her "and you not from the Hood" Stay in ya lane great value Anderson Cooper. Suggesting she is from the hood rubbed me the wrong way. I have never heard him ask one those blonde ghost what trailer park raised them.

Although her country club response suggesting that made her better than Monique sent me right back over to the other side

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Candiace you know I've been UO by liking you, but you can fuck..right..off with your hood comment!  I'm from North Philly and twas raised in the Raymond Rosen projects (25th & Diamond, ya heard!) but I am more of a lady than you'll ever be so miss me with that shit.

Beaky Buzzard STFU!  Stevie Wonder knew Michael meant Juan's dick as his slobbing pleasure....and naturally you're the one that thought up the tattoo 'commitment', like Juan's going to take it one step further and propose to you; s'yeah right!  The fact that you don't want a daughter is going to come back and bite you in the ass where Juan is concerned.

Karen and Monique were the MVP's this episode....they looked good (Karen that hairstyle though!) and did not back down when Gizzy was spewing her bullshit.

Gizzy, how you gonna apologize to Beaky and Ashley yet you can't even muster a 'I was wrong' when Karen spelled out the fact that the misunderstanding between you and Monique came from Ashley?  Shit, even Ashley admitted to stirring the pot.  You are so jealous of Monique that it is pathetic.  

Chris looked good coming into the building, why'd he have to Langley Wallingford himself?  The ascot is such a no, dude.

Edited by Vixenstud
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I couldn't bring myself to comment on part one.  I hate Candiace and Andy too much, and I thought Dorothy got way too much time on the couch, so I pretended it never happened.  Please excuse me as I catch up:

Ashley...your bra is showing

Gizelle--your hair is wet

Robyn--Fist Full of Dollars called, and they need their dress back

Candiace--your false lashes are so heavy that they are literally pulling down your top eyelids, making you look like a sleepy camel.

I don't know if I've ever mentioned that I detest Andy and Candiace, and Andy really doesn't like Candiace, so It's confusing to me which side to be on, but ultimately I have to be against Candiace.  She is the worst.

I love the way Monique can dismantle Gizelle.  If you watch her, she actuallly gets sized up to do it.  She crosses her legs.  She interlaces her fingers over her knees, and then she goes in.  It's so much better than Karen', "Gizelle, that's some bullshit.  Gizelle, I'm tired of your bullshit.  I am a sweetheart, but Gizelle is bullshit."  Karen--enough is enough.  Everyone already hates Gizelle.  Let Monique take this.  She's better at it.

After seeing part two, I am convinced that Monique should have had second chair, and Karen should have had third.

Ok, Robyn, you were clearly lying when you said Michael made the sausage-sucking comment about "one of our husbands," because he made it about Juan.  Juan is just as much my husband as he is Robyn's husband--as in, we're both not married to him.  Marriage is a binary thing.  You're either married or you're not, and Robyn, girl, you are not married.

I love Andy asking Robyn if she and Juan are 100% monogamous (as opposed to the people who are 90% monogamous) and Robyn says she thinks so.  The reason she thinks so is because she doesn't ask.  When Ashley spilled that tea that Juan was dating in S2, Robyn just backed away from it.  Robyn may be monogamous with Juan.  That's about all I'd be willing to believe.

And Robyn, when your kids ask you why you got divorced, you can, I dunno, go for the truth?  "Daddy moved to Europe where he met 'the love of [his] life' and it's hard for a couple to come back from that"?  Just spitballing here. 

I couldn't believe how hard production leaned on season three, and prior seasons for a reunion about season four.  I was embarassed for the show.  

The thing with Ashley, Michael and the sausage-suck heard round the world is that Robyn, Candiace, Gizelle and Karen were technically wrong for talking about it and laughing.  Don't get me wrong--If Ashley had brought my news to front street the way she did with everyone else, I would tap her back, but I would recognize it as wrong and do it anyway.  I think Robyn was getting at that last night, and I thought it was very honest--the laughing and gossip was payback for the way Ashely had treated them in the past.  Fair enough.  Just as long as they realized that no one had to gossip about Michael wanting to potentially suck a sausage.  Just because someone brings up something you thought you heard, but weren't sure, doesn't mean that now that the person put it out there, that it's fair game.  Robyn could have heard Candiace say it in Dorothy's home and not said a word.  She spoke up, then Gizelle and Karen heard it, and suddenly it was front page news--which is fine; Ashley was messy in the past--but no one needed to talk about it.  It was discussed because it was weird and it was against Michael.  I respect anyone who just admits they talked about it to spread mess, and not because this is special news that needs to be shared for the good of the group.

I have to point this out, because it kills me-- I loathe when someone brings up karma as if it's a universal physical principle that's been proven.  It's a religious belief for Hindus and Buddhists.  I hate the fact that in the last five and ten years people have just started throwing it around as a synonym for "payback."  I think it's disrespectful to those who have actually studied it.  Someone said that to me the other day:  "karma will catch up to them."  I just looked at the person and thought to myself, "what makes them think I believe in karma?"  (I don't).  Monique is Christian.  It would have been more appropriate for her to say that God will sort it all out than to chalk Michael's behavior up to karma.  It's probably the only negative thing I'll say about Monique, because it bugs me whenever anyone uses the word so casually.  Otherwise I think she's really good for the show.

I'm not sure how much further this cast can go.  I became convinced when Gizelle started arguing with Karen over the Jack and Jill cookie baking contest from ten or so years ago.  Yes, Gizelle, that is going to save the show.  The whole etiquette thing didn't work in season one.  Also, we're supposed to be going forward, not backward.  To speak of Jack and Jill for the first time ever rang like a Hail Mary pass to get another season.  That is not going to save this dying show.  Karen's kids are grown, she lives in another state, and you two kind of despise each other, but otherwise it would be a great way to revive the series!  Get rid of Monique--the best character up there--because she is from the hood, and let's have Gizelle and Karen have a season of bake-offs and charity drives.  Let's bring back Cha-Cha too while we're at it.  False.

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8 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Let's bring back Cha-Cha too while we're at it.

Bite your damned tongue!  Sighs.  I've heard a sprinkling that she could be returning, which made me slam my head into the table a coupla times.

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2 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I'm not sure how much further this cast can go.  I became convinced when Gizelle started arguing with Karen over the Jack and Jill cookie baking contest from ten or so years ago.  Yes, Gizelle, that is going to save the show.  The whole etiquette thing didn't work in season one.  Also, we're supposed to be going forward, not backward.  To speak of Jack and Jill for the first time ever rang like a Hail Mary pass to get another season.  That is not going to save this dying show.  Karen's kids are grown, she lives in another state, and you two kind of despise each other, but otherwise it would be a great way to revive the series!  Get rid of Monique--the best character up there--because she is from the hood, and let's have Gizelle and Karen have a season of bake-offs and charity drives.  Let's bring back Cha-Cha too while we're at it.  False.

I was so confused by this. I'm not in J&J, never have been, but I thought everything was broken down by age group (elementary, pre-teen and teen) such that you always did all of your activities with other families in your age group. Karen's daughter is at least six years older than Giz's oldest. When would they ever have come into contact for an activity? Can one of y'all siddity folks clue me in? And just as an aside, how on brand is it that Gizelle is peeved about a goddam cookie contest that occurred eons ago?

Edited by Rlb8031
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Michael could suck a dick right in front of Ashley's face and she would still deny he did it. They all need to let it go already. For what ever reason, Ashley is in this marriage 100% and she's going to defend her coins.She saw what her dismal life was like when he kicked her out and she's not going there again. Now the arrangement is that she was granted the baby she so desperately wanted and he got her undying devotion and agreement to stand behind his disgusting ass no matter what. A marriage made in heaven. 

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Country club community, huh? I grew up in one that billed itself that way. It was a regular middle class suburban neighborhood with a golf course, pool, tennis court, and clubhouse. 

Kinda like your average apartment complex.

There was no exorbitant fee to be a member; all you had to do was live there. If I had to guess, I'd argue Candiace lived in a similar neighborhood and hypes it up to sound classier/wealthier than it really was. 

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2 hours ago, Higgins said:

@qtpye Wanted to clarify, I'm curious what Country Club because I'm from DC and curious where she grew up.

Well, we know Katie’s mama has a house on a golf course and it did not seem to do her daughter any good in the life skills department.

You know, Candiass, there are plenty of people in the “hood” who do not threaten others with butter knives or talk about coming out of their mama’s $&@“.

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18 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Michael could suck a dick right in front of Ashley's face and she would still deny he did it. They all need to let it go already. For what ever reason, Ashley is in this marriage 100% and she's going to defend her coins.She saw what her dismal life was like when he kicked her out and she's not going there again. Now the arrangement is that she was granted the baby she so desperately wanted and he got her undying devotion and agreement to stand behind his disgusting ass no matter what. A marriage made in heaven. 

This is basically how I see Ashley's situation. She can't be that stupid. She'll lie to herself until she believes it but she's not willing to jeopardize the money or lifestyle...even if it means that her husband is in fact guilty of molesting people. I know being poor sucks but she done sold her soul.

Candiace has been frustrating to watch. Every sensible point she can make is overthrown by her poor temperament and her immediate need to rebuttal with low blows. It's like she's trying really hard to gain a reputation of being the 'shade queen' instead of focusing on simply getting her point across. And she was frustrating up until the point she was angering when she made the hood comment. She thinks that because she grew up in a nice community that her nasty behaviour can't be described as 'hood'? Her sense of entitlement is mind boggling to me. And that's why I can't get on board with people who call her husband a gold digger. Candiace is the gold digger and she's digging in her momma's purse.

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7 hours ago, MaggieG said:

This was a boring episode but I did enjoy the flashback to season 1 during the Karen/Gizelle montage. Their season 1 wigs were something else.

Besides Monique, the only “affluence” any of them have is a Bravo paycheck as proven by those pre d list fame wigs.

8 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

This is basically how I see Ashley's situation. She can't be that stupid. She'll lie to herself until she believes it but she's not willing to jeopardize the money or lifestyle...even if it means that her husband is in fact guilty of molesting people. I know being poor sucks but she done sold her soul.

Candiace has been frustrating to watch. Every sensible point she can make is overthrown by her poor temperament and her immediate need to rebuttal with low blows. It's like she's trying really hard to gain a reputation of being the 'shade queen' instead of focusing on simply getting her point across. And she was frustrating up until the point she was angering when she made the hood comment. She thinks that because she grew up in a nice community that her nasty behaviour can't be described as 'hood'? Her sense of entitlement is mind boggling to me. And that's why I can't get on board with people who call her husband a gold digger. Candiace is the gold digger and she's digging in her momma's purse.

Candiass was stupid to risk her friendship with Monique over that stupid Amistad lie. Cynthia Bailey’s husband Peter made some good coin after he divorced Cynthia and got Cordell Stewart to finance his second restaurant. Monique is a good friend and she’s got money. Candiass can front about country clubs all she wants but her life is a failure. Her biggest accomplishment thus far has been coming out of a well educated cooch. 

Edited by qtpye
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3 hours ago, qtpye said:

Besides Monique, the only “affluence” any of them have is a Bravo paycheck as proven by those pre d list fame wigs.

Candiass was stupid to risk her friendship with Monique over that stupid Amistad lie. Cynthia Bailey’s husband Peter made some good coin after he divorced Cynthia and got Cordell Stewart to finance his second restaurant. Monique is a good friend and she’s got money. Candiass can front about country clubs all she wants but her life is a failure. Her biggest accomplishment thus far has been coming out of a well educated cooch. 

I don't recall her lying about the Amistad comment. She repeated the word as Monique said it and when prodded about what it meant, she confirmed it in the way she interpreted it. It was a stupid reference to make and Candiace shouldn't be blamed for how she interpreted it, however, she was not a good friend sharing that information with Gizelle knowing Monique's history with her and when prodded by Gizelle, she should have simply said 'honestly, I don't know exactly what she meant by it but I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt that it wasn't meant maliciously'. Because that's what you do for your friends - you give them an opportunity to explain themselves rather than throw them under the bus with other people.

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Besides Monique, the only “affluence” any of them have is a Bravo paycheck as proven by those pre d list fame wigs.

She is the Kandi of this show. Maybe not self-made like Kandi, but the only with with real money in her bank account...

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Candace is making herself look really bad. She needs to stop insulting others when she doesn't get them to agree with her. If her mother wasn't so enthralled with being on camera maybe she would shut her down. Right now the only woman I really like is Monique. She could be putting on airs but she seems down to earth and appreciative of her life.

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I didn't know that Michael is actually over 70 years old!  I knew he was old, but I thought maybe 60.   I can't believe Ashley would bring a child into the world when that child will probably lose his daddy while the little boy is at a very young age. Or he will see mommy put daddy in a nursing home, which may be sooner rather than later, if daddy keeps acting up.  My heart breaks for baby Dean having such shitty parents.

Not going to lie, I would enjoy watching Michael and Ashley get roasted on the reunion next time, but now that there is a baby around, I don't feel as joyful.  The kid will learn soon enough mommy married old daddy for the money and his birth was because daddy needed to look better in the press.  Disgusting people.  

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27 minutes ago, watcherwoman said:

I didn't know that Michael is actually over 70 years old!  I knew he was old, but I thought maybe 60.   I can't believe Ashley would bring a child into the world when that child will probably lose his daddy while the little boy is at a very young age. Or he will see mommy put daddy in a nursing home, which may be sooner rather than later, if daddy keeps acting up.  My heart breaks for baby Dean having such shitty parents.

Not going to lie, I would enjoy watching Michael and Ashley get roasted on the reunion next time, but now that there is a baby around, I don't feel as joyful.  The kid will learn soon enough mommy married old daddy for the money and his birth was because daddy needed to look better in the press.  Disgusting people.  

All Ashley is thinking about is the money. The only thing that will make her sad  about Michael’s death is if he dies broke. Ashley and her mama are acting like that baby is a winning lottery ticket.

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2 hours ago, watcherwoman said:

I didn't know that Michael is actually over 70 years old!  I knew he was old, but I thought maybe 60.   I can't believe Ashley would bring a child into the world when that child will probably lose his daddy while the little boy is at a very young age. Or he will see mommy put daddy in a nursing home, which may be sooner rather than later, if daddy keeps acting up.  My heart breaks for baby Dean having such shitty parents.

Not going to lie, I would enjoy watching Michael and Ashley get roasted on the reunion next time, but now that there is a baby around, I don't feel as joyful.  The kid will learn soon enough mommy married old daddy for the money and his birth was because daddy needed to look better in the press.  Disgusting people.  

Another site lists his birthday as July 29, 1959, and I’m inclined to believe that is correct. He acts and appears much more to be age 60 than 73. 

Truth is that lots of people marry for money and then have kids. I figure their kid has just as much chance of being a happy adult as anybody else. 

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On 9/28/2019 at 10:40 AM, watcherwoman said:

I can't believe Ashley would bring a child into the world when that child will probably lose his daddy while the little boy is at a very young age. Or he will see mommy put daddy in a nursing home, which may be sooner rather than later, if daddy keeps acting up.

Not that I endorse it at all, but so many gold-digging women have kids with guys 55-and-over these days—just look at Mick Jagger and the other RS guys, the late Hugh Heffner, and didn’t both the late Anthony Quinn and Tony Randall both become fathers when they were in their 80’s?! It’s disgustingly selfish to me to knowingly bring a child into the world with a father who likely will be sick/feeble and/or dead before the child even reaches his/her teen years or less. 

I can’t imagine Ashley raising that kid in that cramped penthouse. It used to look like a cool, modern pad until this season, so I dunno what happened there. Either way, yeah, she’s decided to stand by her ass-groping old man/walking ATM no matter what, so I hope she and her user mama are content with that sad arrangement.

I can’t believe I watched nearly an hour of grownup people going back and forth over an alleged ass-grab. Much ado about nothing and I honestly couldn’t care less if he did or didn’t grope some camera dude’s junk. Seriously, Michael’s a freak who won’t admit he likes to sneak booty-attacks, whatever, can we please move on already?! But they can’t...because there’s literally nothing else to discuss. This season was beyond boring, and it took a supposed ass grab, a butter knife and bad-wigged cuckoo Katie to add random spice to an otherwise dreary season.  

I like Gizelle and always have, but she literally had no real storyline this season. Ditto my fave girl Monique, unless you count her pregnancy. But I love how she regularly puts Gizelle in her rightful place. Robin continues to be a pathetic wannabe a’la OC’s Gina, and Candyass continues to be annoying. Karen just continues to be the lame old pompous windbag fronting her entire supposed “grand dame” lifestyle...seriously though, this cast and show feels beyond tired to me. 

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12 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

I can’t imagine Ashley raising that kid in that cramped penthouse. It used to look like a cool, modern pad until this season, so I dunno what happened there. Either way, yeah, she’s decided to stand by her ass-groping old man/walking ATM no matter what, so I hope she and her user mama are content with that sad arrangement.

I assumed that while Michael let Ashley move back, he didn't actually allow her to unpack, hence all the boxes in the LR and throughout the house.

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