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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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16 minutes ago, lah715 said:

I think if Brenda was impressed with the solo ... she must have done a pretty good job ... I find Brenda very intimidating ... look what she did to Kat and Ann at panel interviews.  

What did Brenda do/say to Ann? I remember Kat but I only recall Charlotte saying something about Ann. Did you mean Kelsey? 

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1 hour ago, Michele Butler said:

I honestly think that the judging panel is there strictly for show. They want to come across as a diverse, eclectic group of experts (sports' commentators, hair stylists, media reps, etc.) When, as we know, it all comes down to the ultimate trifecta's last word (KJC). Strike that, they don't care about Judy's opinion anymore. It's just the dynamic duo of Kelli and Charlotte.

That's pretty much true.  Remember the year the "judges" didn't pick Danielle, but Kelli and Charlotte added her in last minute (without even consulting Judy).

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1 hour ago, parrotfeathers said:

A first for this forum.

Yeah, I'm kind of side-eyeing the responses to this. When it was Jenna, Holly, or Erica .... 

Anyway, I always find it interesting what Kelli considers "brand damaging" and what she doesn't. I get that the Cowboys brand is unmatched, but really, no one does more damage to the brand than good, old Jerry Jones.

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10 hours ago, GuiltyJohn said:

Heather made a mistake in her personal life. She went to K&J about it. They were shocked. If the mistake came out and attracted negative PR she would have been cut. If she was a leader it would have become a more difficult situation to cut her. The error was never released, no story came out and K&J feel comfortable putting her back in a leadership role.

I like Heather too much to out her mistake now after it became a non issue so this is as much as I will say. 

Not even gonna lie, I kind of want to know what she did, it would humanize her! But I respect her privacy, just keeping it real... :-)

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5 hours ago, KickPretty said:

Also, would anyone be surprised if VK replaced Melissa the Mentor in a few years?  Ugh!  From bad to worse.  

But she will "have no words!"

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The team clearly likes and respects Heather. She was vet of the year right? What she did (and i hope it stays private) was clearly not so bad that it changed their full opinion of her bc she remained on the team and is a leader again. So it seems fairly clear that she didn’t disclose that she’s a former member of the KKK or anything like that. So, it annoys me that they took the the “we’ll keep you if it stays private, but if it comes out, you’re gone” route. Way to stick up for your team members! (Sarcasm).

Im not suggesting that one girl is bigger than the team and that they’re obligated to take a ton of bad publicity for anyone, but if it were that bad and it doesn’t appear to be, then her position on the team shouldn’t be based on whether it’s public. If anything, it looks worse to cut someone for something that you’ve known about for a while just bc other ppl find out too. 

Edited by Jess14
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6 hours ago, Busy said:

Someone needs to tell Victoria that she can not run to Mommy every time when something is done that she does not like. Example, one of her professors gives her an assignment that does not want to do. Her boss says or gives her job that she deems unnecessary. Mommy can not do anything. Victoria needs to keep her mouth shut and do what is assigned. Victoria GROW-UP. 

That's funny...you actually think Vikkie is going to have a real job? No way. She'll DCC until engagement, get married, have kids and live off her husband until she dies or the alimony is enough to live on. 

5 hours ago, DCC-UK said:

She should go away to college and join a college dance team. 

To be on a top college team---which her mom would never allow less than---Vikkie would have to actually be a good dancer. Sad fact, she'd never make it. 

5 hours ago, njcate said:

How many vets retired this year ? I think it was around 8? 

I'm guessing that that number will probably be around 15 at the end of this season.  

People can only deal with a TOXIC barely paid work environment for so long before they have had enough!  

And it only takes 1 or 2 cheerleaders of the group before it tumbles. I guarantee you that there is 1 or 2 Vets that are reassuring everyone, helping everyone cope, building everyone up...if either of those 2 people crack, it'll all fall. Then it becomes, "If X has had enough, I can't cope with this." Classic group mentality. Kelli clearly didn't take psychology or sociology classes in college...wait, did Kelli go to college? 

3 hours ago, Pink-n-Green said:

I feel bad about this!  After we unleashed Meghan Markle on you it seems like the least we could do is allow you to watch MTT on a proper station.


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17 hours ago, notvictoria said:

I think that most dancers change studios once they learn all their is to learn from one place. It happens all the time and it is not an unusual thing at all.

Victoria and her mother may have thought that "she learned all there is to learn" from a given studio, but there was likely so much more to learn if she was open to critiques. I studied piano for 19 years, and I only changed teachers once. That was when my teacher actually told me that I had outgrown her and gave my mother recommendations for another teacher. Somehow, I just don't see that being the case with Victoria.

8 hours ago, KickPretty said:

Also, would anyone be surprised if VK replaced Melissa the Mentor in a few years?  Ugh!  From bad to worse.  

Sadly, I believe the long-term plan is for Victoria to replace Kitty as the DCC technical coach. Go ahead and get yourselves up from the floor where you collapsed laughing because I used "Victoria" and "technical coach" in the same sentence. My prediction is that Kitty will retire once Victoria has finished her DCC tenure as a cheerleader. It will be something along the lines of, "She deserves the job of technical coach because she's been preparing for this since birth."

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1 hour ago, Loves2Dance said:

That's funny...you actually think Vikkie is going to have a real job? No way. She'll DCC until engagement, get married, have kids and live off her husband until she dies or the alimony is enough to live on. 

To be on a top college team---which her mom would never allow less than---Vikkie would have to actually be a good dancer. Sad fact, she'd never make it. 

And it only takes 1 or 2 cheerleaders of the group before it tumbles. I guarantee you that there is 1 or 2 Vets that are reassuring everyone, helping everyone cope, building everyone up...if either of those 2 people crack, it'll all fall. Then it becomes, "If X has had enough, I can't cope with this." Classic group mentality. Kelli clearly didn't take psychology or sociology classes in college...wait, did Kelli go to college? 


Kelli's degree is in marketing or PR, something along those lines (and it shows).

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That's funny...you actually think Vikkie is going to have a real job? No way. She'll DCC until engagement, get married, have kids and live off her husband until she dies or the alimony is enough to live on. 

Her future is her mom's life.  She has plenty of milk shakes and eating secret tubs of fluff in her pantry. She have that rode hard and put away look to her too - just like mommy!

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6 minutes ago, SanDiegoGal said:

Sadly, I believe the long-term plan is for Victoria to replace Kitty as the DCC technical coach

Now that job I would give to Shelly B.

6 minutes ago, Weeklydcc said:

Kelli's degree is in marketing or PR, something along those lines (and it shows)

International marketing.  She's done a great job in building the brand of the DCC, but how she treats the girls individually is a different matter.  

12 minutes ago, SanDiegoGal said:

Victoria and her mother may have thought that "she learned all there is to learn" from a given studio, but there was likely so much more to learn if she was open to critiques.

If all her dance teachers had been allowed to "teach" her, and by that I mean critiques and praise, she would be a much better dancer and she would probably make the squad on her own.  Must be sad to know that no one thinks you can do it, including your own mother.   And when other DCC, past and present, look back on the sisterhood, will VK be able to do that or will she have burned her bridges with them.   

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Victoria has a reputation for changing dance studios whenever they did not sufficiently fawn all over her (which means they had to give her all the best solos, tons of praise and not too much critique). 

Sounds like she's finally found her perfect studio with the DCC.

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6 hours ago, Pink-n-Green said:

I feel bad about this!  After we unleashed Meghan Markle on you it seems like the least we could do is allow you to watch MTT on a proper station.

As another Brit I fully support this 🤣 

I’m glad that whatever Heather’s mistake was has not stood in the way of her returning to a leadership role. 

I’m gutted for Jalyn and show group though. I hope she’s not cut. 

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Even those who are at the top of their art; be it music, painting, dance, keep trying to learn more and stretch their abilities. To feel that she's reached her peak, and that she's the best at this point, seriously stunts VK's growth as a dancer. But, then again, if all she's heard was that she's already the pinnacle of the perfect dancer, why should she strive to be better?

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VK will marry someone who is smart/connected enough to make a lot of money, but dumb enough to see her as "trophy wife."  Somehow I don't think she'll be a stay-at-home-mom so much as someone who supervises the nanny and domestic staff.  Like her mom, she'll probably balloon up and, with no other real accomplishments to point to, she'll will ride the "I'm a former DCC!" train as far as it'll take her.  She'll likely have a little girl who, despite whatever level of talent she might possess, will be told that she's the most amazing thing to ever draw breath and is thus 100% entitled to whatever she (and her mother) THINKS she deserves, even if technically she lacks the basic qualifications.  And with mommy and daddy's connections, she'll get lots of goodies that she's in no way deserving of.

And the cycle repeats . . . 

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23 hours ago, MavisL said:

This is so on point. Watching Kelli and Brenda bawl their eyes out at Vicki's audition last year was just BARF.

Agreed! I remember at the time wondering for a second if I was devoid of emotion because I was not getting why they were crying so much. I mean there have been times when I was moved by an audition piece, but hers did nothing for me. I just thought Kelli & Brenda were laying the tears on a bit too thick & knowing what I know now, I wonder if they were overdoing it in order to make other judges go, "oh wow, look at how Victoria inspires such emotion." If I see them crying again at this year's audition, I'm going to laugh! What do you guys want to bet that interspersed with VK's solo dance audition will be clips of Kelli & others saying stuff about how far she's come or how she's matured?

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So, if past seasons of this show are supposed to go to Prime Video, I wonder if the upcoming season will be on Prime?  Which saves us all a bit of money if we already have Prime.  I hope the episode descriptions are accurate this year.  That was a bit confusing.

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Well, that escalated quickly.

We're locking the thread now to count how many rules were broken, then we'll unlock it again. 

The thread is now unlocked.  When you see a rude post, report it.  Don't quote it, like it, discuss it... just report it. 

And in case anyone needs a reminder:

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9 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

Oh, we were speculating what they were filming, I guess this was it!  I was positive it was a new introduction for the jumbotron.

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1 minute ago, ByTor said:

Oh, we were speculating what they were filming, I guess this was it!  I was positive it was a new introduction for the jumbotron.

It's still possible.  Didn't they film those videos for the kiosks at that time as well?  

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4 minutes ago, ByTor said:

Oh, we were speculating what they were filming, I guess this was it!  I was positive it was a new introduction for the jumbotron.

They may use some of it for the new intro 

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The new “Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making The Team” tryouts will consist of 13 one-hour episodes and promises access into the cheerleading candidates’ lives as they fight for a coveted spot on the sidelines for “America’s Team.” The training camp candidates will learn new routines in every episode, working with choreographers Travis Wall and Tyce Diorio (“So You Thank You Can Dance”), as well as Charm La’donna, who’s arranged dance moves for Kendrick Lamar, Meghan Trainor, and Britney Spears.

This season, Cheryl Burke and Melissa Rycroft of “Dancing With The Stars” will make appearances to help judge the auditions, with Kelli Finglass and Judy Trammell returning to oversee the competition and handpick the final choices to join the team. This season is produced by Triage Entertainment with Stu Schreiberg, Stephen Kroopnick, Eugene Pack, Peter Zasuly, Charlotte Jones Anderson and Finglass serving as executive producers.

From The Wrap

sorry if this has already been posted. 

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3 minutes ago, tinabee1967 said:

The intro sucks. The ladies are saying the same starry eyed canned phrases they do every year. Find a "bigger dream", girls......

Oh, I think she was referring to the intro when the girls take the field at the games.

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2 minutes ago, Dnst1973 said:

The training camp candidates will learn new routines in every episode, working with choreographers Travis Wall and Tyce Diorio (“So You Thank You Can Dance”), as well as Charm La’donna, who’s arranged dance moves for Kendrick Lamar, Meghan Trainor, and Britney Spears.

I wonder which of the hip hop choreographers Kelli will call the first ever hip hop guest choreographer.  

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Were Tess and Heather there when they showed filming for that media day though? I know they probably filmed more than one day, but I remember Lexie and Alexis being point and everyone getting hyped about it, but it was because the 4 and 5 year girls were gone to CMT.  

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6 hours ago, chabelisaywow said:

Her future is her mom's life.  She has plenty of milk shakes and eating secret tubs of fluff in her pantry. She have that rode hard and put away look to her too - just like mommy!

question, does Tina K work?

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i feel a lil whacked out cus i like the new intro 😭

on another note, i wonder if we’ll be getting more scenes getting to know each tcc instead of getting major focus on the same 4 tccs.

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7 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

  And when other DCC, past and present, look back on the sisterhood, will VK be able to do that or will she have burned her bridges with them.   

I was just thinking that yesterday. No one could feel safe around her if rumors are true. 

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24 minutes ago, LaurenlovesTV said:

Any cuts lately???

no last week was rookie week the veterans and j and k were off we should expect a cut sometime this week 

Edited by Holly85
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11 hours ago, Dnst1973 said:

This season, Cheryl Burke and Melissa Rycroft of “Dancing With The Stars” will make appearances to help judge the auditions, with Kelli Finglass and Judy Trammell returning to oversee the competition and handpick the final choices to join the team. This season is produced by Triage Entertainment with Stu Schreiberg, Stephen Kroopnick, Eugene Pack, Peter Zasuly, Charlotte Jones Anderson and Finglass serving as executive producers.

From The Wrap

I liked the show better when they chose the team.

From Merriam Webster: Definition of handpick

transitive verb: to select personally or for personal ends

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10 hours ago, Holly85 said:
11 hours ago, LaurenlovesTV said:

Any cuts lately???

no last week was rookie week the veterans and j and k were off we should expect a cut sometime this week 

Agreed, they don't seem to be taking their time with regard to cuts.

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1 minute ago, ByTor said:

Agreed, they don't seem to be taking their time with regard to cuts.

Maybe they learned from last year that dragging things out until the end is emotionally damaging and anxiety inducing and would rather cut girls now than have several full scale meltdowns in their office. 

Or maybe they’re just trying to make sure they have room for the Beast of Bethusela 🤷🏾‍♀️

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1 minute ago, loveaux said:

Maybe they learned from last year that dragging things out until the end is emotionally damaging and anxiety inducing and would rather cut girls now than have several full scale meltdowns in their office. 

Or, maybe these last few will be dragged out.  You never know!  But yeah, for their sake, I hope not.

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