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S02.E01: Heads Will Roll

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I figure she's connected to the Dome, and was apologizing on its behalf that Linda was collateral damage of the magnetic field it was sending out. 


I also wondered if she hatched out of the egg that Julia dumped in that very same lake.  There was an awful lot of talk about labor pains. 


I wouldn't be surprised if that did happened, it just felt like a whole lot of nothing, especially for a premiere.  I mean 2 characters died, but I didn't care and besides Jr angsting about it in the next episode, not much is actually happening

I was also wondering about the diner suddenly being full of food.  It's like the pressed a big reset button and expect us not to remember.

It's like someone found one of those Staples' 'Easy Buttons' on how to restore a town completely.


This was a truly mind boggling welcome back. The logic holes were more numerous than the things that did AND didn't get stuck to The Dome. Someone with braces or a prosthetic leg should have been stuck there and saying "Uhh.. a little help here?"


Why the Christ imagery with the nail through the hand? And btw nice "sell" on the pain that would have caused.


Also it was a great thing that Big Jim had the only grenades that work like little balls of TNT and don't, ya know, do what grenades are designed to do and blow into a million pieces of shrapnel... because four grenades had they been held to the silly rules of reality would have peppered him with shrapnel behind his mighty mighty shield of cloth and feathers. No worries of said non-existent shrapnel rebounding off the rather tight quarters he was in either.


I feel dumber just sitting here trying to figure out just how stupid and illogical that episode of teevee really was. Now I've got a headache...

Edited by Wandering Snark
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What a freakin' crappy episode.  Last season was bad, but this episode was idiotic and I don't think there was one good thing about it.  It was so disjointed and every plot point was dumb.


So out of nowhere, Junior and Linda suddenly regain their brain function and protest Barbie's execution?  And neither of them figured out a town execution was barbaric during the gallows building party?


I didn't mind the science teacher as much as I thought I would.  How convenient for Barbie she went from pointing a gun at him and saying, "You're a murderer!!!" to writing in her notebook like he's a friendly stranger.  I guess she's a doctor too since she said, "Her vitals are stable" like she meant it.


Don't even get me started on the giant spool of copper wire we didn't see.


Joe is really impressive.  No pain from that nail incident at all.


I really wanted Jim to hang himself, but of course it wasn't going to happen.  Because the Dome didn't want it to happen!  So now the Dome wants to end the killing?  Even though it killed Linda?  


The entire crowd just forgave Barbie and went on their merry way?  At least have Big Jim give a speech exonerating him or something.  Since even Phil wasn't told Barbie was innocent, which means no one was told? 


Big Jim can bestow Sheriff to anyone?


I'm pissed off they killed Angie.  I hate the killing of characters for shock value and no reason.  It would be hilarious if the teenybopper contingent quits because she's gone.


I'm so scared for Norrie's mom.  I'm afraid she dies every episode.


The dialogue in this episode was horrendous.  And Stephen King wrote this?

Edited by Camera One
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This episode was one of the stupidest things I've seen on TV in a long time - and yet I couldn't stop watching the entire thing.  I guess I'm not the only one (based on the ratings).


Is this a real drama or a comic parody of a real drama?  Oh, and now they've got the emerging love triangle - er, quadrangle - with Barbie, Julia, Rebecca and Sam.

I also wondered if she hatched out of the egg that Julia dumped in that very same lake.  There was an awful lot of talk about labor pains. 


Ooh, I hadn't thought about that. Good idea.


When her body surfaced, my first thought was that what's-her-face's mom who was drowned by Big Jim was coming back to life, and that maybe all of the people killed in the first season were coming back to life. But no. They couldn't afford the budget, what with spending it all on the butterflies and pink stars. 


I would have thought getting a nail pulled through your hand would really, really hurt. Like screaming in pain kind of hurt, but I guess I'm wrong about that.

Yeah, Joe didn't seem too bothered by having a nail go through his hand. "Um, can someone pull this nail out of my hand? Oh, never mind, it ripped completely through my hand. I'll just wrap this rag around it. It's cool, it's not even bleeding.". As opposed to, "AAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!! A nail just went through my fucking hand!!!!!!! Holy fucking shit!!!!!!!!! Ohymygod Ohmygod Ohmygod!!!!!!!!" etc.

Edited by Accidental Martyr
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Are we supposed to know why Barbie is immune from passing out from the electromagnetic pulses?   I had to laugh at how people passed out not simultaneously but one by one.  




"Um, can someone pull this nail out of my hand?


Yeah, I'm sure someone will help you once the flying objects stop careening across the kitchen.  How convenient of the Dome to delay the flying metal objects until the Special 4 Hands (I guess not so special 1 hand plus the other two) got there.


Talk about severe over-acting with Jim's "DO IT" pull the lever screaming at Junior.  Why didn't he pull it himself if he cared so much.  And Barbie completely distracts them both with lame comments like oh people are passing out, you should let me help?   I was curious how the writers would dig themselves out of the cliffhanger they created, and it looks like they didn't even bother to make it convincing.  


Are we supposed to be creeped out by Lake Girl holding Linda's body, or are we supposed to think the Dome has a conscience or what?  


So let me guess this straight... the Dome wanted the Four Hands to kill Big Jim, but they failed, so the Dome decided to make Big Jim commit suicide by hanging himself, but actually the Dome didn't want him to follow through.  Did Julia's conscience get her to cut him from the Rope, or was that supposed to be the Dome?  Why didn't Barbie volunteer to hang him... it's not like he hasn't killed someone before and had no problems doing it.   This whole thing is supposed to make Big Jim palatable again as a character, like he "saw the light"?  Just watch him revert by midpoint in the season.


I hate how they bring back characters with potential that they killed off, and we're supposed to enjoy them coming back from the Dead and being Messages of Dome.  I didn't enjoy Dodie parroting whatever the Dome wanted to say.  It wasn't satisfying at all.  


Junior's uncle is just boring.  Are we supposed to be intrigued by his book of Four-Hands and ugly pencil sketches?  Junior and Big Jim acted like he just walked into town, and expressed no surprise he was in the Dome all along and never showed his face?  I guess that will be coming, but it should have been the initial reaction.




Oh, Camera One.  Deep down, you know there's a tiny part of you that was enjoying the stupid.


I wish that were the case!  I think it might have been last season, but the killing off of Angie and Linda kind of destroyed even that for me.  This is despite the fact that Linda was annoying and was a shell of a character (but no payoff for her firefighter fiancé guy from the last season), and Angie wasn't a favorite either.

Edited by Camera One


I hate how they bring back characters with potential that they killed off, and we're supposed to enjoy them coming back from the Dead and being Messages of Dome.  I didn't enjoy Dodie parroting whatever the Dome wanted to say.  It wasn't satisfying at all.


I really see no point in bringing them back just to spout some stilted exposition from the dome when characters can pop up out of nowhere.



So let me guess this straight... the Dome wanted the Four Hands to kill Big Jim, but they failed, so the Dome decided to make Big Jim commit suicide by hanging himself, but actually the Dome didn't want him to follow through.  Did Julia's conscience get her to cut him from the Rope, or was that supposed to be the Dome?  Why didn't Barbie volunteer to hang him... it's not like he hasn't killed someone before and had no problems doing it.   This whole thing is supposed to make Big Jim palatable again as a character, like he "saw the light"?  Just watch him revert by midpoint in the season.


Julia in the promo: "I thought the dome was supposed to protect us".


Protect you from what?  People have been dying left and right since it came down, you moron.


Oh and nice to know the whole trying to kill Barbie/Big Jim was a complete waste of time and it looks like it's back to the same contrived disaster of the week.



The Dome is gonna be pissed someone is still killing people, unless the "daughter of the egg" was the one  wielding that ax..


We don't even know what the dome wants.  It has the power to stop it, yet it allows it to keep happening.


I was pleasantly surprised Julia didn't sleep with the EMT. After all she thought Barbee was dead. We know she likes to move on quickly with her life after the death or disappearance of a significant other.


Never say never, we're still only 1 episode into the season after all, it took a little bit longer than that to sleep with Barbie.

  • Love 2
I was pleasantly surprised Julia didn't sleep with the EMT. After all she thought Barbee was dead. We know she likes to move on quickly with her life after the death or disappearance of a significant other.

I was thinking that too. As FAU points out, her sleeping with him is probably inevitable, but at least she didn't sleep with him already, five seconds after she thought Barbie died. I guess she loves Barbie a little more than she did her husband. Only a little more, though - the way she kept telling Barbie over and over that she thought he was dead sounded like her excusing herself for already eyeing another man. But all these men aside, Julia's true love remains her hairdresser.


Congratulations to Natalie Martinez and Britt Robertson for escaping this show. I have a sneaking suspicion that the reason Linda's death played out as it did, with Linda simply shoving Barbie away rather than moving away with him, and then standing there for a few seconds until the SUV hit her, is because Martinez flat-out refused to move away from the SUV when they were shooting the scene. And so they had to rewrite it to include Linda's death.

  • Love 4

Linda's death was so meaningless.  What was the point?  It looked like no one cared, and the purpose was to give that ill-defined supporting character Phil the Sheriff job, presumably so he can be Big Jim's latest lachey?  I suppose Angie's death sets up a murder mystery.  Since there isn't enough plot with survival under the Dome, we need to fill time with some Sherlock Holmes as well.

Edited by Camera One

I figure she's connected to the Dome, and was apologizing on its behalf that Linda was collateral damage of the magnetic field it was sending out. 


I also wondered if she hatched out of the egg that Julia dumped in that very same lake.  There was an awful lot of talk about labor pains. 

This is exactly what I was thinking, it just seemed to be the only logical (sorry for expecting logic from this show) reason for a random girl we've never seen before to pop up pretty much in the same spot Queen Bee dropped the egg. So does this mean Water Girl is the real Queen Bee or maybe Princess Bee?

And since I was falling asleep as I was watching, during the preview for next week I thought I saw Angie running into wherever it was that Joe was hanging out and someone called out "Angie"... it was probably just me falling asleep and imagining it because I kinda like her plus she's part of the Fantastic Four.

The killer stove was kinda fun. "STOVE!!!" And that must have been some horrible coffee Angie served Stephen King(>grumble, grumble<.... Where's my typewriter? " )

Hee! As soon as I heard that "STOVE!!!!" I couldn't stop saying it outloud. Even today I found myself yelling out a random "STOVE!!!" as my cats looked at me like I'm a crazy person and the dog ran over to the stove and stared at it, waiting for food.

  • Love 2

The more I think about it the more annoyed I am at Angie's death.  Linda I didn't mind so much because she started out with potential but turned out to be a spineless idiot for most of last season, so when she died in the first episode of this season I wasn't exactly grief stricken.  (Linda's death was also shown as more of an accident, not something the dome meant to happen, even though she'd still be alive if the dome hadn't magnetized itself.)  With Angie I'm more annoyed because she has at least had the sense to be afraid of Junior and Big Jim (unlike most of the rest of the town except for Barbie) and has done as much as she could to keep the diner going and figure out how to get out of the dome.


Big Jim has gone around killing people right and left and Junior has been despicable, but they both were spared the dome's magnetic wrath.  On the other hand, Angie is lured to her doom following Lake Girl, who may be a reprsentative of the dome.  Did the dome mean for Angie to get murdered because she still wanted to kill Big Jim?  Her wanting Big Jim dead is a lot more understandable than the deaths Big Jim himself has caused.  He's proven himself to be a mortal danger to anyone who gets in his way.  But it was almost like the show was saying Angie had to die because she didn't want to be peaceful like the dome insisted.  I don't think Lake Girl actually axed her, but did she know she was leading Angie to her death?  And who did it?  Is he/she/it going to be punished or just get a free pass like Big Jim?  Grrrrr.

  • Love 3

The more I think about it the more annoyed I am at Angie's death.  Linda I didn't mind so much because she started out with potential but turned out to be a spineless idiot for most of last season, so when she died in the first episode of this season I wasn't exactly grief stricken.  (Linda's death was also shown as more of an accident, not something the dome meant to happen, even though she'd still be alive if the dome hadn't magnetized itself.)  With Angie I'm more annoyed because she has at least had the sense to be afraid of Junior and Big Jim (unlike most of the rest of the town except for Barbie) and has done as much as she could to keep the diner going and figure out how to get out of the dome.


Big Jim has gone around killing people right and left and Junior has been despicable, but they both were spared the dome's magnetic wrath.  On the other hand, Angie is lured to her doom following Lake Girl, who may be a reprsentative of the dome.  Did the dome mean for Angie to get murdered because she still wanted to kill Big Jim?  Her wanting Big Jim dead is a lot more understandable than the deaths Big Jim himself has caused.  He's proven himself to be a mortal danger to anyone who gets in his way.  But it was almost like the show was saying Angie had to die because she didn't want to be peaceful like the dome insisted.  I don't think Lake Girl actually axed her, but did she know she was leading Angie to her death?  And who did it?  Is he/she/it going to be punished or just get a free pass like Big Jim?  Grrrrr.


Because it's all about Jr. and his annoyingly messed up family and Angie dared to get in the way of that, oh and we get to see him angst for a while.


"The dome wants all the violence to stop".  XD.


The worst part of it is how they'll whitewash Jr locking her up in the bomb shelter and Jim blackmailing her.

Edited by FAU
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Yay!  The 'Domies are back.  At least some of them.  I gotta say, the Dome is pretty good at mailbox baseball.  Glad to see no one had metal filling in their teeth.  That could have been ugly.  I'm sure there's a dentist somewhere in town, or maybe out in the woods.  And nice shout out to Carrie with the knives scene!

As for the food in the cafe, did anyone do a head count on those pigs wandering around the town square?  And it's a good thing the town still has garbage service, huh Angie?


Jim made Phil the DJ the new cop.

Altogether, now.  "A BLACK SHERIFF????   "Hey, it worked on Blazing Saddles"

  • Love 2

Similar to how the word 'Nanites !!' was used to hand wave all the weird stuff on another crappy show (cough, cough ... .Revolution).


There's many similarities between both terrible shows: Both are made up on the spot without any direction whatsoever, repetitive scenes dragged on and on of the same bs, Breaking Bad alum that the writers keep on, bs plot device (nanites and the dome in this case), secondary characters killed off for shock value yet has no major impact whatsoever and can easily be replaced, etc.

Edited by FAU

So Lake Methane is no longer polluted, right? So now they have a source of drinking water that doesn't rely on the ONE WELL in 79 square miles or on the metal water tower that was destroyed by the dome.


And I liked how Jimmy and Barbie had matching cheekbone wounds in the first scenes.


I only yelled "Oh COME ON!" six times while watching but that was because I had been spoiled beforehand.


Are there people out there who are watching this seriously or are the ratings based on the many people who watch it to snark?

  • Love 1
Did they went 10 commandments there? painting a door with blood so you first born will not be killed? or what was that?



Wrong Bible reference. Painting a door with blood to be spared was the last of the 10 plagues, nothing to do with the 10 commandments. Both connected to Moses, though.

I think we're supposed to figure that after Junior shot the mean farm/water hoarder guy last season, the town has been able to plant crops and so they're okay food wise. I don't know anything about farming but if it's only been a couple of weeks in the dome, isn't that too short a time for them to have usable crops ready to be harvested?  I believe that farming is also a lot of work and the townspeople wouldn't have so much time to stand around



Yeah, it’s way too soon for them to have homegrown crops/gardens producing anything. Gardens would be useful, but having these dimwits produce food from field crops is asking too much. They have to grow grain, harvest it, remove the wheat, grind it into flour and then use it for baking. Fat chance. Don’t know if there’s any livestock – chickens that lay eggs, cows that give milk? Anything?


Everyone in the writers’ room must be high; I can’t imagine any other explanation for such crazy-ass plotting and ideas:

“I know – let’s have the dome get magnetic and pull all the metal stuff towards it!”

“Awesome, so the people’s clothes would like, rip off because of zippers and belts or would the people get pulled up too?”

“Uh, I dunno. Just have some stuff be affected.”

(Voice of reason pipes up) “Won’t people wonder, like, why some metal stuff gets pulled by the magnetic force and other stuff doesn’t?”

“Dude, it’s the dome! Anything can happen!”




“Let’s shake up the cast by killing off some main characters; people love that on HBO.”

“Fab! But then we need people to replace them, so let’s get some new actors. That doctor from ER was well-liked and Rachel’s almost baby-daddy from Friends who was also on CSI:NY is popular with the ladies.”

(Voice of reason) “How can you add characters to a town that’s cut off from the world? No one new can show up randomly.”

“Look man, don’t be such a killjoy. We’ll say the guy was living in a cabin, y’know, like those hermits you hear about sometimes.”


“Great idea, and he won’t know anything about the dome because he was, like, out of touch with his family and stuff.”

“Oooooh, we can make him related to that Big Jim guy, ‘cause it’s a small town and everyone is related, ya know.”

(Voice of reason) “But hermits live way up on mountains or in huge forests; the dome isn’t that big. And if he’s related to people in town, wouldn’t they have gone to check on him?”

“It’s the dome, anything can happen!”

  • Love 5

Wrong Bible reference. Painting a door with blood to be spared was the last of the 10 plagues, nothing to do with the 10 commandments. Both connected to Moses, though.

Right. But I've been wondering too: Is that the reference they're making? It's Junior's mom, right? And we just learned via the voice of Monarch Julia that the dome wants the killing to stop, followed by Junior and Angie being shown to be still on their Kill Big Jim mission (at least I think that's the sequence; I might be off). So I'm guessing Angie gets the axe (literally and figuratively and every which way) to stop the killing (which makes no sense, but, whatever) but Junior (don't call me that!)/James gets spared because his mom painted a blood red stripe over a door somewhere--plus he refused to pull the plug on Barbie.

Or was it just that the actor playing Mom could only manage to paint a simple stripe? As someone who does oil paint, I thought I saw a thought balloon caption that read: "This painting is harder than it looks," but it was probably just a storm warning crawl.

Everyone in the writers’ room must be high; I can’t imagine any other explanation for such crazy-ass plotting and ideas:...

...“Let’s shake up the cast by killing off some main characters; people love that on HBO.”

I assumed Stephen King viewed the episodes prior to the one he had agreed to write and realized the characterizations of Angie (who quickly moved on from being chained up in a flooding storm shelter with nary a "bygones") and Linda (whose decision making revealed serious cognitive difficulties that should have precluded her from professionally carrying a gun) were so unworkable that killing them off was the kindest cut.
  • Love 2

shapeshifter - Sorry! It's like a piece of pop culture gum that stuck to my brain. It came from an old interview. He found a hideous painting of a naked woman at a yard sale that he bought for $2 and planned a prolonged practical joke on his friend. He kept telling his friend how he'd fallen in love with painting and was taking classes and several months later he presented the yard sale painting to his friend who, wanting to appear grateful and supportive of his friend's hobby, hung it on his wall for a few months before Boreanaz admitted to the joke.

  • Love 1

Right. But I've been wondering too: Is that the reference they're making? It's Junior's mom, right? And we just learned via the voice of Monarch Julia that the dome wants the killing to stop, followed by Junior and Angie being shown to be still on their Kill Big Jim mission (at least I think that's the sequence; I might be off). So I'm guessing Angie gets the axe (literally and figuratively and every which way) to stop the killing (which makes no sense, but, whatever) but Junior (don't call me that!)/James gets spared because his mom painted a blood red stripe over a door somewhere--plus he refused to pull the plug on Barbie.

Or was it just that the actor playing Mom could only manage to paint a simple stripe? As someone who does oil paint, I thought I saw a thought balloon caption that read: "This painting is harder than it looks," but it was probably just a storm warning crawl.

I assumed Stephen King viewed the episodes prior to the one he had agreed to write and realized the characterizations of Angie (who quickly moved on from being chained up in a flooding storm shelter with nary a "bygones") and Linda (whose decision making revealed serious cognitive difficulties that should have precluded her from professionally carrying a gun) were so unworkable that killing them off was the kindest cut.


I'm not sure about that, the new characters aren't any better and it's not like they have any salvageable characters left in this series besides annoying and/or bland.


Killing Angie won't stop the killing as people have been dying even when she was locked up in the bomb shelter, so Julia's mindset is complete bs, the same goes with the dome and whatever the hell the writers want to happen.


Not to mention, the stupid dome gave them that pointless vision of Jim being stabbed by them in the first place.  It makes no sense whatsoever seeing as how the dome has the power to do whatever it wants yet it doesn't know what it wants because it's constantly changing to fit into the bs plot twists.

Edited by FAU
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Death in the family so I didn't watch until today. It was just the program I needed. Easy to watch. Not demanding heavy thought. For me it was just perfect. The logical inconsistencies were inconsequential.

Somehow I was surprised that all of the angst had happened in just 2 weeks. Don't know why I had a longer time line in my head.

So glad that Dodee continues.

Sam is pretty. So he has a book with premonitions of the Dome. By whom? Junior's mother?

I assumed the mystery girl was some personification of the Dome.

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