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S09.E10: Day 9: 8:00 PM-9:00 PM


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I knew it was a fakeout as soon as Jack entered the room in order to restrain the torture.


Today is apparently Find-Out-About-Your-Dead-Husband Day. Also? Apparently it's possible to create an override device that can access the weapon system of every military, not just the US. This is what happens when everybody uses Windows.


There are two episodes left, and I'm starting to feel like the promised time skip is going to consist of 5 minutes of Jack riding into the sunrise the next morning.

  • Love 8

So far Cheng Zhi's pattern of showing up and having an indiscriminately-large number of people killed continues from Season 6.  He's somewhat lacking in nuance that way.


Jack beating up Navarro seemed more pointless than usual.  Of course, this is also a guy with a two-column solo kill list.  (Speaking of which, thinking back to that shot from the first episode, Marko also only had one name.  You'd figure that the Russians would have bothered to mention what his last name was, unless they just chose to disavow all knowledge of the clusterf**k that took place in Season 8.)


And anyway, EVERYONE SHOWING UP AT ONCE.  Maybe Behrooz will turn up in the end as a cackling supervillain after all... or save the world, either way.


I'm not sure how Mark's head brain got him his current job, because his crotch brain clearly is way ahead in directing his actions.  Get into argument with wife, IMMEDIATELY sell a guy out to the Russkies.  Get turned away for McDonald's breakfast at 10:59 AM, start a nuclear war with China.  Guy cuts you off on the highway, blow up the Moon.


Back to the Chinese again: Clearly they're not aiming this at the international market, because it doesn't have surprisingly-laudatory Middle Kingdom inserts like Iron Man and Michael Bay Blows Up Transformers do.  (But again, see my opening... the show's gone a little too far IMO about showing the Chinese as a bunch of murderous opportunistic villains.)

Edited by WhoAmIWorkingFor
  • Love 3

I missed most of the last 10 minutes, because I just could NOT stop laughing.  Cheng Zhi!!!!  I still joke with my buddy to this day about him being the greatest villain in 24 history, and we ALWAYS greet each other "Mista Bowwaaa..."  I just can't wait until Jack gets word of who's really behind the day's events.  This is really too much!

"In 10 hours we have had Muslim terrorists, the Russians and the Chinese. All we need is for some Somalian Pirates and the North Koreans to show up and the baddie parade will be complete."


True, and also some run-of-the-mill white American folks - Navarro, Adrian, whomever Navarro had kill Jordan, etc. And who the hell are all the people in Adrian's office, the dead folks (how nice that they seem to have lain down conveniently as they were shot.)


Want more Belchek!!!

"Full immunity is not on the table....but your hand is!" When did Jack turn into a quippy action hero?

I've already started thinking of ways to use this in normal conversation. I think it might be my new favorite line, finally dethroning, "I'm going to need a hacksaw."


I knew it was a fakeout as soon as Jack entered the room in order to restrain the torture.


Today is apparently Find-Out-About-Your-Dead-Husband Day. Also? Apparently it's possible to create an override device that can access the weapon system of every military, not just the US. This is what happens when everybody uses Windows.


There are two episodes left, and I'm starting to feel like the promised time skip is going to consist of 5 minutes of Jack riding into the sunrise the next morning.

I was sold. Kate did a great job of selling the pain, anger and betrayal.


Whoa. Windows is good for something?? ;)


Didn't they skip an hour somewhere already?


I actually felt bad for Adrian at the end. Chloe did love him. 

Meh. I had never bought into Adrian being a good guy, largely because I still see Wincott in his roles from The Crow, Robin Hood, and the one that should have sold Jack... The Three Musketeers.


So, who exactly was Adrian middleman for? Was it Cheng?

That's what I took away from this. Poor Chloe. Even after finding out he's kind of an asshole, Adrian being shot right in front of her like that had to be gut-wrenching.

  • Love 1

I could not believe that Navarro did business with someone he did not know and stole that the override device on that person's promise to provide him with papers. Also, as CIA station chief, I would think that he would know someone in London who would provide him with false documents.


This situation makes no sense; he should have had an exit strategy and package ready from the moment he sold-out. Since he was in charge, he should have had little problem walking out the building at any time and disappearing into the dark.


I pretty much agree with everyone else about the return of the baddie's hit parade and had the same thoughts. I can't remember and wonder about the possible ultimate baddie, whoever Cheng Zhi is working for/with: do we know/are we sure that all remnants of Jack's father's organization were eliminated?

  • Love 2

That's what I took away from this. Poor Chloe. Even after finding out he's kind of an asshole, Adrian being shot right in front of her like that had to be gut-wrenching.


True, but at least Chloe now knows that her husband and son were killed in a real accident and she is not responsible for their deaths. 

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 4

I lost track a bit during the violent mayhem, but my vague understanding of things is that Cheng may have hired Adrian to get Steve Navarro to frame Kate's husband/help Navarro with the frame job.  (Edited to add with clearer information, Steve sold out CIA first, the others just needed to set up Adam Morgan as the patsy.)  The exact motivation for that is unclear and probably irrelevant at this point. Open Cell/Adrian developed the override, possibly for Cheng, but mostly to further Adrian's own Peace And Love goals.  Unfortunately that turned out to be a blunder on top of both Starting A Land War In Asia and Going Against Cheng Zhi When Death Is On The Line.


We don't ever really know if anything is ever totally gone on this show (Cheng Zhi reappearing, for one), so I can't discount events taking place in the name of the conspiracy that Daddy Bauer was into, but given that terrible plotline vs. CHENG ZHI IS BACK YO, I think they went with what seemed stronger.


They haven't skipped any real time yet.  Seems like it might be a final-hour jump ahead after all.


(More) worried about Chloe now (but I've always worried about Chloe); I'd imagine that finding out that Morris and Prescott weren't killed by a giant conspiracy will mean that she'll be perfectly wiling to die during this.


Stupid Russian goons: So you just want to kill Jack, when he's clearly an Ultimate Badass?


Oh, and the other thing...


I'm guessing that Cheng Zhi has gone rogue himself, after getting out of Chinese custody (after the US gave him back to China for whatever reason sometime after Season 6).  Otherwise I can't see much of a reason for the Chinese government to sanction blowing up a Chinese carrier—sure, maybe you want to extract huge concessions from the United States, but carriers are damn expensive things to just blow up in a false flag operation.  So yeah, back to the giant conspiracy angle, which... various groaning sounds are heardThis is like every single Bond movie ever made.  We would just need a final shot at the end of Jack walking across the set, turning, shooting a gun at the camera POV, and saying "Bauer. Jack Bauer."

Edited by WhoAmIWorkingFor
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Didn't Cheng Zhi say his government would never abandon him like Jack's government did?  Maybe they did abandon him and that's why he's lashing out at them.


Really exciting episode.  A lot of great develops with Jack, the Russians, and Cheng all on a collision course.  And a pretty big ending with the supercarrier.


Navarro didn't prove all that bright in the end.  I'm still surprised the government and the public would even care about the use of torture in the world of 24.  After a series of a horrific terrorist attacks and corruption at every level of the government, military, and corporate sectors, the United States of 24 would more likely resemble a police state in their tactics.  Or at least one where torture (which works pretty well on this show) would always be considered.

Edited by benteen

Didn't Cheng Zhi say his government would never abandon him like Jack's government did?  Maybe they did abandon him and that's why he's lashing out at him.

I'm thinking along those lines myself, that would be the most reasonable answer for why he's doing this sort of thing, though given the show's track record of coming up with even stupider ways for governments to act (if I recall correctly, there are a couple of events during Season 8 where the Russian shenanigans are actually counterproductive to their own end goals, for no logical reason), I'm leaving in a chance that the plot will get weird.

Edited by WhoAmIWorkingFor

We don't ever really know if anything is ever totally gone on this show (Cheng Zhi reappearing, for one), so I can't discount events taking place in the name of the conspiracy that Daddy Bauer was into, but given that terrible plotline vs. CHENG ZHI IS BACK YO, I think they went with what seemed stronger.



Another possible Bauer family link is that Jack's nephew grew up to blame his uncle, inherited the organization and has been plotting Jack's demise from the shadows for years and now multiple plans have collided.


I'm thinking along those lines myself, that would be the most reasonable answer for why he's doing this sort of thing, though given the show's track record of coming up with even stupider ways for governments to act (if I recall correctly, the Russian shenanigans in Season 8 actually are counterproductive to the end goal for no logical reason), I'm leaving in a chance that the plot will get weird.


Ain't that the truth.  People in the world of 24 betray their country for the most flimsy of reasons and a LOT of them do it.  As for Cheng, maybe I get him wanting to lash out at China but if he wants to stay alive, starting a war between the two most powerful countries in the world is a really bad way of doing it.


Ah yes, the Russians...after the crap they pulled in Season 8 (for equally flimsy reasons), the fact that they think they're in a position to demand Jack's extradition is a joke.  That fact that Heller seemed concerned about that is an even bigger joke.  Russia's involvement in the events of Day 8 most likely were revealed.


Speaking of which, I was glad we got a reference to Renee, even if it wasn't by name.  Jack referring to her as "my friend" even works given how little they actually knew each other.

Edited by benteen

Ain't that the truth.  People in the world of 24 betray their country for the most flimsy of reasons and a LOT of them do it.  As for Cheng, maybe I get him wanting to lash out at China but if he wants to stay alive, starting a war between the two most powerful countries in the world is a really bad way of doing it.

On the other hand, if Cheng is captured again and gets to explain his motivations, I will be extremely amused if he says "I did it for the lulz."


Speaking of which, I was glad we got a reference to Renee, even if it wasn't by name.  Jack referring to her as "my friend" even works given how little they actually knew each other.


Though he did start the line with "My partner," which was an interesting phrase to use.  (I'm still bitter about the whole S8 Renee setup, show!  Not the least of which because because while people who've just survived a crazy few hours very well might decide to have a "We're alive, let's do it!" session, I didn't see either of those two doing that.)


The Russians again: Of course, everything on 24 moves at the speed of plot now, but I'm amused that the Russians, on half-an-hour's notice, were able to scare up two cars full of heavily-armed guys in a foreign country, have them drive to where Jack was, and set up a traffic accident.  Very efficient, on par with the CIA roaming around in a foreign country with multiple cars full of heavily-armed guys.  If they'd tried to hit Jack with a truck five minutes earlier, they would have driven straight into the rest of the CIA convoy, and that would have gotten real interesting.  Actually, it seems that the more-developed the country, the more likely that foreign powers will have huge teams of goons on hand to do stuff on a moment's notice—the Chinese grabbed some guys in San Diego during the original Season 4 embassy snafu on a couple hours' notice also.  Meanwhile, Jack only has the help of The Full Monty during the two hours of Redemption, plus the US Embassy Marines at the very end.


(Presumably the KGB/whatever-they-call-it-now local office has similar omniscient surveillance capabilities as CTU/CIA, so they were able to avoid the rest of the convoy.  That would be an interesting show, if only we could see Russian Chloe interacting with Chloe Chloe.  Incidentally, Anil Kapoor did get a 24 spinoff going in India.)

Edited by WhoAmIWorkingFor
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I thought this episode was awesome with a totally unexpected ending!  This is how I like my unrealistic, adrenaline inducing 24!  I certainly believe that Cheng has gone rogue.  No way will the Chinese sanction the destruction of their aircraft carrier.  That is a steep cost financially.  And they will consider the needless loss of lives of their military personnel. 


I was fooled by Kate's freak out and threat to put one in Navarro's skull.  She sold the pain and heartbreak very well.  I hated her as Hannah Makay with a thousand suns on Dexter but digging her here on 24.  I am looking forward to the revelation of Mr Audrey Heller's involvement in Jack's ambush and by extension the provision of sufficient time for Cheng to start WWIII.  It should be epic!

  • Love 3

Ah, coincidences...


Now that we know more, I think I'll try to organize what we know so far, though I don't remember the exact timeline for some of this.


Some time ago: Morris and Prescott O'Brian killed.  Chloe leaks DoD secrets (to Open Cell?).  I think she spent some time in prison for that?


Some time later: Chloe ends up with Adrian Cross and Open Cell.


About a year ago: I wish I remembered the conversation better, but the outcome is that Cheng Zhi starts paying Adrian Cross to do things.  Steve Navarro leaks secrets to the Chinese, with Adrian helping.  Kate's husband is framed.  Adrian starts working on the override because the concept of Mutual Assured Destruction works after all.


A few months ago: Batman/The Punisher/JACK BAUER is working to damage Rask The Arms Dealer's organization from the inside.  Jack finds out that Margot al-Harazi is having dealings with Rask, but it doesn't mean much at that point.  Jack then leaves Rask, who is a little ticked off about that.


Some time recently: Kate's husband kills himself.  Kate's performance goes a little wonky.


Very recently: Margot al-Harazi gets wind of the override somehow, and has Simone become Yates's girlfriend to make a deal and encourage him to steal it.


Very very recently: Jack hears that Heller is a target and starts looking into things.


Only days ago: Yates steals the override.  Chloe gets caught by the CIA.  Jack finds out about this, says "DAMMIT!", and sets himself up to get captured so that he can spring her.


Day then starts.


Sure, there's the convenience of all this coming together on the same day, but so far everything fits together in a reasonable fashion... I think?  At least none of the plots are contradicting other ones.


The tragic/confusing blind spot in this is that Adrian somehow didn't get more information about Cheng Zhi, despite his organization knowing a lot about everything else.  And Chloe conveniently was unaware of Adrian's dealings with Cheng until just now (also so she could give the audience an infodump on Season 4, the end of Season 5, and Season 6).

Or Cheng managed to portray himself as just another disaffected rogue to Adrian, without letting on that he's a VERY ANGRY disaffected rogue.  Because otherwise Adrian seemed remarkably nonchalant about the fact that Yates had stolen the override (and gave Jack very passive-aggressive support), versus concerned that Cheng would have everyone killed upon finding out about that minor problem.  Maybe Adrian just figured that Cheng would find Yates on his own and not bother him again, which conveniently turned into the CIA stumbling into this so that Adrian could leverage Steve Navarro.


(Slightly edited after the episode recap was posted, because I goofed up trying to remember what Adrian was mumbling to Chloe when they were in the bar.)

Edited by WhoAmIWorkingFor
  • Love 2

So much action this episode!


First, I loved that it only took Jack ten minutes to bring Navarro down with little to no backup along the way. I wonder if Jack had the interrogation plan all along, and if breaking Navarro's hand was part of it? Get him all confused with pain and then lay the setup on him. In any case, I loved it.


I felt some tension for Chloe a couple of times and wondered if this might be it for her. I am pretty sure she's the first person to actually acknowledge biological functions on this show. I do wonder why she didn't try harder to escape. Cross has to know it would take her ten minutes just to get those leather pants down. She should have been long gone while he's knocking on the outhouse door, wondering what is taking her so long.


The Chinese and the Russians show up at the same time? Ridiculous but in a good way. Now we just need some MI-5 action so the good guys have even odds.


Speaking of which, are there no police in London anymore? Navarro clocked a soldier (Pvt. Glassjaw) and stole his gun but no one could be bothered to respond to the millions of semi-auto shots ringing out across London. When the CIA is tracking Navarro they never even think of getting the locals involved.


Did those torpedoes have nuclear warheads? A torpedo creates a hole under the waterline of a ship and that is what causes the vessel to sink. It does not cause massive gouts of flame that look pretty. As well, I didn't catch how close that US sub was to the Chinese carrier but it seemed to me like they were way too close, like under a kilometer away. I am assuming Chinese carrier doctrine is similar to US carrier doctrine and that a Chinese carrier would be accompanied by a screen of escorts, several of which will be dedicated to anti-submarine warfare.


How does a Chinese carrier get into the Med anyhow? Does it sail all the way around Africa and come in through the front door or does it pass through the Suez canal? Would a carrier even fit?


I got the impression that Cheng was no longer with Chinese intelligence. Chloe seemed to think he was on his own.


Good to see that not only is dial-a-mook still in business, they have also expanded operations into the UK.

  • Love 1

I agree that they shouldn't have spoiled the surprise of Cheng showing up by putting Tzi Ma's name in the opening credits. But other than that, I loved every crazy, ridiculous, action-packed minute of it. Can't wait to see how Jack gets out of this situation. Also can't wait to see his reaction when he finds out that Cheng is here, and behind so much of this.


Loved the reference to Renee - it was about time. I'll choose to believe that Jack didn't refer to her by name (and called her "my friend") because going into any more details would still be too painful.


And Chloe better not die. Maybe instead of being more okay with dying now that she knows she's not to blame for her family's deaths, she'll ... have more desire to stay alive! And help Jack! And open sockets and reposition satellites for many more years to come!

  • Love 2

I felt some tension for Chloe a couple of times and wondered if this might be it for her. I am pretty sure she's the first person to actually acknowledge biological functions on this show. I do wonder why she didn't try harder to escape. Cross has to know it would take her ten minutes just to get those leather pants down. She should have been long gone while he's knocking on the outhouse door, wondering what is taking her so long.


I got the impression that Chloe was hoping to persuade Adrian to change his mind about selling the override device. I also thought that she was hoping to save him from his inevitable fate. I can't imagine that people in his business live very long. Adrian should have left his business behind and be happy to walk away with Chloe.

Edited by SimoneS
"Full immunity is not on the table....but your hand is!


Oh, that Jack Bauer is such a hoot!

That's what I took away from this. Poor Chloe. Even after finding out he's kind of an asshole, Adrian being shot right in front of her like that had to be gut-wrenching.


And how fortunate that he confessed about Morris and their son just minutes before being shot.


Which partner was Jack talking about?  He's lost quite a few.  (Renee?  Curtis?  Agent Charlie Brown?  Not to mention Tony and Michelle.)  When he started speaking to Kate I thought he was going to say how Terri died as a result of his actions.  That would have been more analogous to Kate's grief about her husband.

Now we just need some MI-5


They all went home and to bed after raiding Rask's hideout.  

I think he was talking about Rene.  He killed some Russians (IIRC) to avenge her death



Cheng Zhi, back in the building! I could've told Adrian this wouldn't end well.

"Full immunity is not on the table....but your hand is!" When did Jack turn into a quippy action hero?


The other good line was  something like "I wasn't asking, that was just a courtesy."


Surprised to see Cheng- that guy scares me and I'm just watching him on TV - they promised us closure and I guess we are going to get it.  I'm guessing Mark kills himself so that Audrey and Jack can ride into the sunset together and adopt poor Chloe.  Audrey proceeds to give her hair, makeup and fashion tips.


Agent Kate proved herself a worthy partner for Jack.  She goes ballistic then calmly says "Did you get that?"


Interesting to see how they wrap this up in 2 hours because now we have a blown up Chinese ship to contend with.

"I wasn't asking, that was just a courtesy."


One of the best things Jack has ever said. (Erik is going got hate being in charge of this operation real fast.) 


I didn't pay attention to the credits, so Cheng was a total surprise! 


Audrey clearly stated that she and Jack were a long time ago, and Mark should have let it go. Now he done fucked up so hard that his marriage is over, Jack or no Jack. 


This show makes me paranoid, and for a moment I had myself convinced Chloe was going to turn out to be the end of level boss. 


I can't decide wether the Russian guys mustache/beard thing is super hot or super hideous. 

  • Love 1

I can't remeber at what time the previous seasons started, but this one started at either 11:00am or 12:00pm. That is half the day gone right there. If this ends at midnight that would be a day.


I wish that Chloe would get the memo that her look is just NOT! She is not 21 anymore that hair cut and eye makeup is for really young girls. And even then not just anyone can pull it off. We get that she wants to be edgy but woman please!!!


IMHO The ultimate baddie is the VP. He has been briefly mentioned but never named. I don't know what his reasons are. but I think that Mark is giving Heller drugs to make it look like he has Alz. Then he and the VP can take over the world. (Evil Laughter!)

Edited by margol29

Hey Jack, with a dry cool wit like that you could be an action hero!



And how fortunate that he confessed about Morris and their son just minutes before being shot.

Cross had to have known he was a dead man walking.  I think he did care about Chloe, so why not give her some peace in what may be her last few minutes alive.


One possibility for the VP: Ethan Kanin.  Secretary of Defense, CoS, and Secretary of State makes for a pretty good resume.

I'm a little confused. The new IT guy (Gavin?), the one with the Scottish accent that comes in and out, who is he supposed to be with? CIA, DoD or MI5?


Is Chloe's eyeliner just makeup, or is it tattooed on? Because considering she started the day after 2-3 days of CIA 'enhanced' interrogation, and she's been on the go ever since, it looks really fresh, not a single smear.

  • Love 1

I'm a little confused. The new IT guy (Gavin?), the one with the Scottish accent that comes in and out, who is he supposed to be with? CIA, DoD or MI5?

Local contractor to CIA?  Expat American citizen that grew up in accentland?  He doesn't seem like an MI5 liason, because MI5 doesn't really exist in this show other than to show up at the wrong time.


Alternatively, in the tradition of CTUs past, "I have no idea who he is, he just walked in that day the coffee machine was radioactive.  But since he's getting the job done without any drama, he can stay."


And yeah, 12 hours of goth paint is not doing Mary Lynn any good.  Maybe she's fixing it up all the time in the background.  Eyelid tattooing is a little hardcore.

Edited by WhoAmIWorkingFor

I've not watched 24 before, but when Cheng came on the screen, he scared me.  He's not one to be sentimental or wax nostalgic like Margot, just gets the job done.


Maybe Navarro and Mark can be roommates in the big house.  Both will be up for treason, with Navarro for murder, too.


At this point, I think that it's going to be someone major who dies at the end - either Chloe or Kate.


So far Cheng Zhi's pattern of showing up and having an indiscriminately-large number of people killed continues from Season 6.  He's somewhat lacking in nuance that way.




I got a real Wrath of Khan vibe from the discovery of all the dead/tortured people. I'm wondering if Cheng Zhi is one of those Trekkies who just takes things a bit too far.

Edited by Latverian Diplomat
  • Love 2

That would be Nepotism!



I got a real Wrath of Khan vibe from the discovery of all the dead/tortured people. I'm wondering if Cheng Zhi is one of those Trekkies who just takes things a bit too far.

That scene did remind me of TWOK also (mostly because of the poor guy in the chair), though there wasn't a corresponding lab rat fake-out first.  Also, I'd shot my pop culture references for my post with that Princess Bride riff.


That also reminds me of various revenge plots on this show, but there have been so many of them before.  As it is, even if Cheng is just in this for vengeance, his eleventh-hour appearance doesn't leave a lot of time for doing things.

  • Love 1

I'm not sure how Mark's head brain got him his current job, because his crotch brain clearly is way ahead in directing his actions.  Get into argument with wife, IMMEDIATELY sell a guy out to the Russkies.  Get turned away for McDonald's breakfast at 10:59 AM, start a nuclear war with China.  Guy cuts you off on the highway, blow up the Moon.





Add me to the list of "where the heck are the London cops?"  Not that anything ever makes 100% sense in the world of 24, but my understanding is that regular citizens in London don't have hand guns.  Meanwhile Navarro and Jack are running through the streets brandishing weapons, at 8 p.m. to 9 p.m., Navarro clock a cop and takes his gun, and no one even seems to be bothered.  Maybe in the world of 24 Londoners are used to crazy Americans chasing each other with guns?  It just struck me extra silly.  Like the exploding "thumb drive" of yore.


I was doubtful at first, but Kate has turned out to be my favorite partner in action for Jack (Chloe is the best at what she does, but she's rarely is in the gun battles and whatnot) in all the series.

Edited by Lizzing
  • Love 1

I was doubtful at first, but Kate has turned out to be my favorite partner in action for Jack (Chloe is the best at what she does, but she's rarely is in the gun battles and whatnot) in all the series.

I did like Renee but she was usually all, "no Jack, not the torture!" (at least in season 7, anyway) Here with Kate, I feel like we're watching the birth of a new Jack Bauer and I LIKE IT.

Chloe does get Honorable Mention for that time in season 4 when she unloaded an entire clip of ammo into a bad guy.

  • Love 5
I'm not sure how Mark's head brain got him his current job, because his crotch brain clearly is way ahead in directing his actions.  Get into argument with wife, IMMEDIATELY sell a guy out to the Russkies.  Get turned away for McDonald's breakfast at 10:59 AM, start a nuclear war with China.  Guy cuts you off on the highway, blow up the Moon.

Great acting job by the guy who plays Mark when he realizes that his attempt to finally be rid of the man his wife is really in love with has resulted in the end of the world. 


Is Chloe's eyeliner just makeup, or is it tattooed on? Because considering she started the day after 2-3 days of CIA 'enhanced' interrogation, and she's been on the go ever since, it looks really fresh, not a single smear.

Maybe she was touching it up when she left Adrian in the car for a few minutes last week (between 7 pm and 8 pm).  Do we know what she was doing then?  I don't recall any reference to it.  If she was using the restroom, then Adrian would have said "Again? You haven't drank anything in 9 hours, how can you have to go again?" this episode. 


I used to think they should occasionally have someone step into a restroom or eat a sandwich, but then I realized there is plenty of time to do that sort of thing when they are not on camera.  Even Jack has enough time off screen to eat something or relieve himself - not that Jack would need to do any of that basic human stuff. 


It is going to be difficult for Chloe to convince people that she is innocent - she is the only one left alive when Jack discovers the baddies, she has the computer know-how, she has been guilty of things in the past, she stopped helping Jack to go off with Adrian....  If she is killed, then her name will never be cleared, so Jack better find her alive (plus, I really don't want Chloe to die). 

Edited by needschocolate
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Great acting job by the guy who plays Mark when he realizes that his attempt to finally be rid of the man his wife is really in love with has resulting in the end of the world. 

To paraphrase Bart Simpson: "Watch this, Audrey.  You can actually pinpoint the second when he realizes that he's totally screwed."


If Chloe left to pee this time, then my backup reason for her leaving the car 30 minutes previously (the cornetto) has legs!


I don't want Chloe to die either, but the death flags keep piling on to her.  Adrian basically saying that her life for the past few years has been based on his lying by omission felt like the straw on top of the camel.

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