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Pirates of the Caribbean Mafia

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POTC mafia starts here...

Ahoy there me hearties!

We're going on an adventure that includes pirates, treasure, curses, ships, battles and, of course, the Caribbean! 


Don't be a landlubber, come join us for some swashbuckling fun!



Oh and in case I forgot to mention, there's these guys too:


We'll announce more details about the game once we get some sign ups. 

Please sign up below with an 'Ahoy Cap'n!'


  • Love 1
  1. MarkHB
  2. Drogo
  3. Machiabelly
  4. Deadpool
  5. aquarian1
  6. The Crazed Spruce
  7. statsgirl
  8. Snookums
  9. terrymct
  10. JTMacc99
  11. TexasGal
  12. peachmangosteen
  13. raven
  14. helenamonster
  15. deaja
  16. SVNBob

This is shaping up to be a good game!

It would be super helpful to your game mods @SilverStormm & @CuriousParker and any future GM's, if even just a few Qs of player profiles are filled out before the game starts. If you're part of the mafia mob in a game we'll have more info to work with (read more cryptic) when creating clues pointing at you in story.

Game details to follow shortly!

  • Love 1

Pre-game schedule:

Sign Ups will close Friday 30th August.
All PM’s will be sent out over this coming weekend.
The game will commence with the Day 1 story posted on Monday 2nd September.

Game details:

  • This will be a standard full reveal game. (This means when a player 'dies' their full bio and any abilities will be posted at the bottom of each story).
  • All deadlines will be strictly enforced during the game without exception.
  • Players must post at least once during Day or lose use of any ability that Twilight/Night.
  • There will be no Day extensions during this game so if you want to vote on a DL please ensure you do not miss the deadline. As soon as the story is posted you may start a DL at your discretion. We will do our best to give a time frame of when you can expect stories to be posted.
  • Whilst you are playing any game you may not alter any of your profile answers until after it ends.

It's gonna be fun!


  • Love 1

Day 1 Prologue

East India Trading Company Headquarters, Port Royal, 1720

A missive lay open on his desk. Lord Cutler Beckett, Governor of the East India Trading Company, grimaced. ‘Damnable pirates’ he silently cursed them. ‘Another prized merchant vessel sunk and its cargo lost thanks to those utter scoundrels.’

His man, Mercer, waited in silence.

“Any information about which pirates were involved?” Beckett asked.

“No milord’ Mercer answered.


“I’d wager Jack Sparrow’s grubby hands played a part” Beckett suggested with a thump of his fist on the desk.

“Go see what you can find out. I don’t care where you have to go, or who you have to menace. Just find out – no matter the cost…” Beckett stated resolutely.

With a nod of his head, Mercer turned and left the office. Beckett leaned back in his leather chair, his thoughts turned to a memory, one which still stung to this day. The day Jack Sparrow betrayed him and what it had cost him:

From his post in Calabar, he’d organized a search for the mythical island of Kerma, hoping to find its legendary treasure. However, the quest for Kerma didn't succeed because he was betrayed by none other than Captain Jack Sparrow, the man he’d been foolish enough to trust enough to place him in charge of his own ship; the merchantman Wicked Wench. Not only did Sparrow not bring him the treasures of Kerma, but he also liberated a cargo of slaves which Beckett's patron Lord Penwallow had needed for his plantation in the Bahamas. Since Sparrow's betrayal had forestalled his chance to join the British nobility at the time, Beckett had ordered his men to burn the Wench and had personally branded Sparrow a pirate and placed a bounty on his head.

More than a decade after the burning of the Wicked Wench, Beckett had been granted the title of Lord and eventually became the EITC's governor. As a duly appointed representative of King George II, it was he who led the company's expansion in the Caribbean, taking control over Port Royal with the blessing of the Crown and had made it his base of operations. With the huge EITC fleet and an army of mercenaries under his command, Lord Beckett made it his goal to forever annihilate piracy from the world. He’d sworn a silent vow long ago and he intended to honour it; ‘Sooner or later Jack Sparrow, I’ll be the one who sees to it that you pay for your treachery’.

Yo Ho, A Pirate’s Life For Me

A massive ship emerged from the grey and unnatural fog. The HMS Dauntless, the pride of the British Royal Navy, was sailing on a voyage from England to the British settlement of Port Royal. As the ship sailed through the Caribbean Sea, a young girl, Elizabeth Swann, stood at the bow rail and gazed at the azure water as she quietly sung a pirate shanty.


A hand gently clapped her on her shoulder, “Quiet missy, cursed pirates sail these waters, you don’t wanna be bringing them down upon us now do ya”, one of the sailors, Joshamee Gibbs, warned her in hushed tones. Lieutenant Norrington appeared along with the girl’s father, Governor Weatherby Swann.

After some discussion, Norrington ended the conversation by stating decisively, “I intend to see to it that all pirates get a short drop and a sudden stop".

Soon after Elizabeth spotted a young boy floating adrift on some planking, “Help! Help! There’s a boy” she shouted, pointing overboard.

The unconscious boy was retrieved and brought on board as the wreck of a merchant ship came into view. It had been blown apart and was aflame. Gibbs and Norrington exchanged a look, neither spoke but both knew…pirates. Governor Swann charged his daughter with the care of the boy for the remainder of their journey to Port Royal. She went to where he lay unmoving.

“Poor thing” she muttered.

The boy roused briefly.

“What’s your name?” Elizabeth asked the dazed lad.

“W-W-Will, Will Turner” he answered before lapsing back into unconsciousness.

“I’m Elizabeth” she told the prone boy as she pushed a lock of hair back from his face.

She noticed a gold chain around his neck and reached for it. On it hung a gold medallion with a skull emblem. She pulled it from him and hid it, fearing he could be a pirate and that if her father or Lieutenant Norrington saw it they would have him hung.


She caught movement out of the corner of her eye. She looked up and saw a tall ship with black sails moving silently through the thick fog. At the top of the highest mast flew a flag, a flag that had the same skull emblem as the medallion. As the ship slipped quickly into the fog, Elizabeth widened her gaze as she realised it meant that it was a pirate ship. Fearing the black-and-white flag that billowed in the wind, Elizabeth shut her eyes.

Eight Years Later

Elizabeth awoke from a dream of that fateful day. The medallion lay in a secret compartment of a drawer in her room, where it had been for the last eight years. She retrieved it and impulsively decided to put it on. At that moment, a knock on the door from her father startled her.

“Come in” she called.

Governor Swann entered carrying a box, “A gift for you my darling”

Elizabeth opened the box to reveal a new dress, “Oh it’s beautiful!” she exclaimed.

“I thought you’d like having a new dress from London, it’s the latest fashion I’m told” her father smiled.


“What have I done to deserve this?” she asked wistfully.

“Can’t a father simply wish to spoil his daughter” he replied kindly, “Try it on”

Elizabeth dashed behind a screen and with the help of two maids began to dress.

“Perhaps you’d like to wear it to the ceremony today?” her father suggested.

“Which ceremony is this?” Elizabeth inquired with a groan as the maids pulled her corset tight, restricting her breathing.

“Captain Norrington's promotion ceremony of course. Today he becomes Commodore Norrington. And he has a soft spot for you my dear” he left that hanging in the air.

“Oh yes, of course” Elizabeth responded as she emerged wearing the dress.

“So you’ll wear it?”

“Yes, it’s quite lovely, thank you father” she kissed his cheek.

“As are you” he smiled again.

The Governor made his way down to the foyer of the grand residence to receive a visitor, Will Turner.

“Ah Mr Turner, the blacksmith’s apprentice isn’t it?” he greeted the visitor.

“Governor” Will nodded deferentially, “Yes, I have your order here. I am certain you will be pleased with it” he stated as he lay the box he carried on a table and opened it.

He lifted a sword and presented it to the Governor.

“Wonderful. Commodore Norrington will be very happy with such a gift. Tell your master I am most satisfied and give him my thanks” Governor Swann said as he inspected the weapon.

Meanwhile, a strange figure approached Port Royal atop the mast of a sinking dory, the Jolly Mon. Captain Jack Sparrow was in the market for a new ship, and, after bribing the harbourmaster, he headed into the docks...


There is 1 clue in this story. You have 36 hrs until Day ends and Twilight begins unless a DL is completed beforehand.

10 votes are required to complete a DL.

Living players: Still sailing the seven seas

  1. MarkHB
  2. Drogo
  3. Machiabelly
  4. Deadpool
  5. aquarian1
  6. The Crazed Spruce
  7. statsgirl
  8. Snookums
  9. terrymct
  10. JTMacc99
  11. TexasGal
  12. peachmangosteen
  13. raven
  14. helenamonster
  15. deaja
  16. SVNBob
  17. Lisin
  18. festivus

Dead players: Sent down to Davy Jones’ locker

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