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Phaedra Parks: Undertaker, Esq.

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On 12/17/2016 at 6:11 PM, HunterHunted said:

This friendship is falling apart because these two come from two different social classes. Phaedra is middle class. She comes from a family of professionals. Kandi's family is not. I don't think that Kandi gets that there is a values/acceptable practices disconnect with the two of them. This isn't to say that Phaedra isn't shady and duplicitous. She is, but in weird ways that attempt to protect her middle class respectability.

THIS ;-) 

Also may explain why Kandi likes Apollo so much. 

I don't think Phaedra had anything to do with Apollo's crimes because she knows her sons would lose everything. Say what you will about her as a person but she is a good mother. I don't think she'd put them in jeopardy for Apollo's bullshit. Besides the FEDS investigated are we really supposed to believe that she's a criminal mastermind that can fool the FBI?

Edited by Drumpf1737
  • Love 9

ROTFL!!  Baby you went all the way back.   Push through #TeamPetty!!     However she pronounced it was messed up enough for us to still remember 5 years later huh?  Lol!!  

Remember how she carried on about chef boyardee et al.   Pretty pollo's mom is Italian.   Lort.  I wonder why he didn't say anything.    Anyhoo I only ever recall her referring to him as a black man so maybe it just doesn't dawn on her <-- I don't mean that as shade, the First Lady does the same thing all the time.

  • Love 3

If Phaedra is in fact lying about the whole "He was just bringing me 'bomb' CD's and there was a miscommunication" explanation (which I believe most likely is a lie), it needs to be said that it is seriously shameful that she would make implications about the other law firm having racist motivations for making it out like a bomb threat. That is pretty much slander. Though it wouldn't be surprising given this is the same woman who actually used Black Lives Matter as a way to defend the violent thug who knocked out his own aunt in Miami - but, hey, anything to discredit "Ms. Kenya Moore Whore," right, Phaedra?

  • Love 11
On December 24, 2016 at 6:11 PM, PhilMarlowe2 said:

If Phaedra is in fact lying about the whole "He was just bringing me 'bomb' CD's and there was a miscommunication" explanation (which I believe most likely is a lie), it needs to be said that it is seriously shameful that she would make implications about the other law firm having racist motivations for making it out like a bomb threat. That is pretty much slander. Though it wouldn't be surprising given this is the same woman who actually used Black Lives Matter as a way to defend the violent thug who knocked out his own aunt in Miami - but, hey, anything to discredit "Ms. Kenya Moore Whore," right, Phaedra?

The news reports also said that it was a false alarm and there was no bomb. They also alluded to it being a misunderstanding by the firm Drama went to.  

41 minutes ago, Feline Goddess said:

Although I agree that it should be tossed out, I also agree with Phaedra in that Apollo is already "engaged" to another woman so why is he contesting it! Either he is just playing head games on her once again or there is something in the divorce, child custody/visitation, decree that he disagrees with. But, aren't child custody agreements usually done separately from the divorce, so that doesn't make sense either.

  • Love 1
46 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Although I agree that it should be tossed out, I also agree with Phaedra in that Apollo is already "engaged" to another woman so why is he contesting it! Either he is just playing head games on her once again or there is something in the divorce, child custody/visitation, decree that he disagrees with. But, aren't child custody agreements usually done separately from the divorce, so that doesn't make sense either.

Maybe it is as simple as Phaedra didn't really want a divorce.

5 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Maybe it is as simple as Phaedra didn't really want a divorce.

Anything is possible, anything, but it wasn't Phaedra that stopped the divorce. I do think she tried to keep it private, using illegal tactics, but I do believe she wanted it private (and in her favor). I also don't think Apollo is going to out Phaedra as being complicit in his last illegal endeavors, he already passed on that chance, but maybe he is hoping for a bigger payout from the divorce even though it would go to the Feds and not in his pocket. 

  • Love 2

Phaedra is sneaky and smart, but she's never been very smart in her sneakiness. Nida isn't a name that spell check would know.  You'd have to add it to the dictionary. If you didn't, you might end up mispelling it just based on typing mistakes. It should have been spelled correctly in any place where she had to sign to maintain the plausibility that she would have caught those typos.

In other places, it could have alternated between Niad, Nidda, Nida, and maybe even Nidaa and you could chalk it up to innocent typing errors. Or she could have misspelled it with the letters next to "d" and ended up with Nifa or Nisa and that could have been excused. How many times have any of us typed sge on our phones in an attempt to type she or amd. Unfortunately, Phaedra overestimates her own intelligence and underestimates everyone else.

  • Love 4

Phaedra is so dirty.  Geez.  I get the man did you wrong, but you're still an officer of the court.

Misspelling his name so that he couldn't properly be served in prison and then having the court grant you a default judgment is just dirty.

As an attorney, she is held to a higher standard.  Suggesting that Apollo could attend hearings from prison makes it almost sound like she was trying to hide from the court the fact that he was in prison so that she could get the default judgment easier.

Its just pathetic.....does Georgia not have enough attorneys that they don't want to sanction her?

  • Love 6
On 3/26/2017 at 7:33 PM, HunterHunted said:

Phaedra is sneaky and smart, but she's never been very smart in her sneakiness. Nida isn't a name that spell check would know.  You'd have to add it to the dictionary. If you didn't, you might end up mispelling it just based on typing mistakes. It should have been spelled correctly in any place where she had to sign to maintain the plausibility that she would have caught those typos.

In other places, it could have alternated between Niad, Nidda, Nida, and maybe even Nidaa and you could chalk it up to innocent typing errors. Or she could have misspelled it with the letters next to "d" and ended up with Nifa or Nisa and that could have been excused. How many times have any of us typed sge on our phones in an attempt to type she or amd. Unfortunately, Phaedra overestimates her own intelligence and underestimates everyone else.

But here's my question, Phaedra has a lawyer with a staff so if there were misspellings why is it being positioned as her deliberately doing something to hold on to Apollo?

Edited by Drumpf1737
because I didn't actually write a question
  • Love 2
11 minutes ago, Drumpf1737 said:

But here's my question, Phaedra has a lawyer with a staff so if there were misspellings she's not responsible for that.

Even if it wasn't intentional she signed it without reviewing it which something you shouldnt ever do and a lawyer doing it is even more surprising so yes she is responsible for that. However, I believe that is moot because I think she stated it was intentional so the press wouldn't find the documents which is crazy ridiculous and makes me doubt not only her legal knowledge but her common  sense.

  • Love 5

Well, the alternate explanation  (and the true explanation I think) is much worse...that she was dodging serving Apollo so she could get a divorce by default.  I also think the paperwork made it sound like he could show up to court, even though it's clear he could not because he was I'm prison.  So you sneak the paperwork in with the wrong name and list the prison as his "address" without ever indicating it's a correctional facility.

With the wrong name Apollo never gets the paperwork because they can't find him in the system.  So he doesn't know what's going on.  The court doesn't realize he is in prison so when he doesn't show up Phaedra gets judgement by default.   

And if she gets caught she can blame a spelling error and some clerical for not including that Apollo was in prison.  

It's a very Phaedra move.  

  • Love 9
13 minutes ago, RealReality said:

Well, the alternate explanation  (and the true explanation I think) is much worse...that she was dodging serving Apollo so she could get a divorce by default.  I also think the paperwork made it sound like he could show up to court, even though it's clear he could not because he was I'm prison.  So you sneak the paperwork in with the wrong name and list the prison as his "address" without ever indicating it's a correctional facility.

With the wrong name Apollo never gets the paperwork because they can't find him in the system.  So he doesn't know what's going on.  The court doesn't realize he is in prison so when he doesn't show up Phaedra gets judgement by default.   

And if she gets caught she can blame a spelling error and some clerical for not including that Apollo was in prison.  

It's a very Phaedra move.  

Except that Apollo acknowledged that he knew about the divorce and was contesting it. I also think Apollo knew about her using slightly different spellings of their last name when she filed the paperwork with the courts.

Playing games on Phaedra is something Apollo has done before.

Edited by WireWrap
1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

Except that Apollo acknowledged that he knew about the divorce and was contesting it. I also think Apollo knew about her using slightly different spellings of their last name when she filed the paperwork with the courts.

Playing games on Phaedra is something Apollo has done before.

He knew it was happening, but not when, where and how.  According to him Phaedra said held off the paperwork.  He didn't know any of that because he wasn't served.  

Phaedra can play games with Apollo all she likes, but she can't play games with the court.  

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, RealReality said:

He knew it was happening, but not when, where and how.  According to him Phaedra said held off the paperwork.  He didn't know any of that because he wasn't served.  

Phaedra can play games with Apollo all she likes, but she can't play games with the court.  

Somewhere along the way, Phaedra lost that tight control over herself that she took so much pride in. She really has fallen and most of it has been her own doing.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

Somewhere along the way, Phaedra lost that tight control over herself that she took so much pride in. She really has fallen and most of it has been her own doing.

Yeah....its hard to imagine that when she got sworn into the bar Phaedra imagined that this is how she would represent the profession.

  • Love 4

Has she really been fired??? Wendy Williams reported that she was going to be back on the show with Omarosa. I wish her no ill will, but I hate how two faced she was with Kandi. Omarosa is apparently in D.C. with Trump. If I was her I wouldn't go near this mess with a ten foot pole. But I guess FAME is more important than anything else with these people.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, riffraff said:

Has she really been fired??? Wendy Williams reported that she was going to be back on the show with Omarosa. I wish her no ill will, but I hate how two faced she was with Kandi. Omarosa is apparently in D.C. with Trump. If I was her I wouldn't go near this mess with a ten foot pole. But I guess FAME is more important than anything else with these people.

Andy just said on WWHL that Omarosa isn't joining the cast.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, LIMOM said:

SO Mr chocolate is Jamal Bryant.lol



This person also says that even though they can't stand Kandi, they won't lie against her. Claims that Phaedra told her directly that she was responsible for Kandi's issues with obtaining licences for OLG.

It's not enough for Phaedra to feel like she's the smartest person in the room, she wants everyone to know it. She's sharing information so that people can revel in her genius...you ain't that smart if you have to try so hard for people to believe it. And you ain't that smart if your ass got caught.

  • Love 4
9 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

This person also says that even though they can't stand Kandi, they won't lie against her. Claims that Phaedra told her directly that she was responsible for Kandi's issues with obtaining licences for OLG.

It's not enough for Phaedra to feel like she's the smartest person in the room, she wants everyone to know it. She's sharing information so that people can revel in her genius...you ain't that smart if you have to try so hard for people to believe it. And you ain't that smart if your ass got caught.

So she took it there...

Phaedra is something else. 

  • Love 6
41 minutes ago, cooksdelight said:

I never understand why it is not mentioned that Phaedra once represented Kandi.  That is another rule violation.  Phaedra will find a way to weasel her way out of this.  Thanks for the update. 

  • Love 4
33 minutes ago, cooksdelight said:

Kandi will remember that. Phaedra messed with the wrong woman.

Kandi showed some class when she backed off of Phaedra at the Reunion.  Kandi is  bright enough to know that Phaedra's flat affect was the end of her.  Porsha for all her basic stupidity knew it was time to play it to the hilt.    The tears the walk off, the apologies, li'l dummy Porsha knew exactly what she was doing.

Kandi seems to be concerned with the added stress of a lawsuit, I just hope she brings one to put an end to the rumor RH can't sue each other.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, LIMOM said:

Hum, which one of you , is this concerned petitioner?

When has she represented her?

Kim Z. was selling "Tardy for the Party" and Phaedra represented Kandi, filed the lawsuit halting sales a couple of days before the Reunion.  A lawsuit that  was dismissed  due to statute of limitations. . . .  something attorney Parks should have known.  It is called a calendar.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 6
On 12/15/2016 at 9:56 AM, ZaldamoWilder said:

Steps like these are where she keeps slipping.   I can't tell whether she thinks the viewing audience is so unsophisticated as not to know the difference or we simply won't study the drapes that closely, but I'm smh at how sloppy the details are.  We're not even really paying attention until her flagrancy. It's so glaring it makes me doubt myself.  Selftokermitself:  she isn't really this stupid, is she? Kermitselftoself:  n'uh she did that because she thought she could get away with it and you're not really even checking her close.   In several interviews she was claiming she was divorced.  Meant, I believe, to sound as though proceedings had been finalized.  When all she did was file a petition for divorce that was subsequently rejected.   There's no way she thought or could pull off the pretense of thinking she was divorced when even the preliminary paperwork to request a dissolution of marriage got returned.   It's Aiden's due date all over again.  Lol.   The thing is I really am trying to give her the benefit of the doubt about this because let's say it's not about public perception and there is at least one official government document where Apollo's last name is spelled with a T instead of a D (my name is spelled incorrectly on my driver's license and no one ever catches it).   In good faith, she could argue that it qualifies, at least once, as the legal spelling of their name.   Where it all goes to hell in a handbasket is that it's not misspelled on their marriage license nor certificate.  That's A.   and B.  an attorney, of all people, would know it's risky to *try* the court that way.   Nonethelses, damn this shady muffucah, she got away with it, it was only reexamined when she requested it be sealed.   Even if I don't like nor agree with sneakiness, I can understand it as a self preservation tactic.  But somehow her hem is always showing.   #raggedy 

Is it spelled "Almanzo"? Hee hee. 

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Kim Z. was selling "Tardy for the Party" and Phaedra represented Kandi, filed the lawsuit halting sales a couple of days before the Reunion.  A lawsuit that  was dismissed  due to statute of limitations. . . .  something attorney Parks should have known.  It is called a calendar.

Add that to her dismal representation of Sheree during her divorce, and I'm surprised Phaedra ever mentioned she was an attorney on camera again. 

  • Love 9
20 hours ago, cooksdelight said:

All about the tea doesn't mention it, this the guy who says he filled the grievance.



"Michael Lissack has filed an official grievance with the State Bar of Georgia against Phaedra for her behavior on 'Real Housewives.' He told us why he thinks Phaedra's treatment of Kandi and Porsha this past season is grounds to yank her law license.

Lissack's a former Smith Barney director who famously blew the whistle on his firm in 1994 for overcharging municipalities. This also isn't his first 'Housewives' rodeo either -- he claims to have exposed Vicki Gunvalson last year for allegedly running a fake cancer charity. "

Edited by Giselle
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