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S07.E27: June, Chad & Pauline LIVE CHAT

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot

Episodes happen in episode time.  LIVE CHATS happen in episode time.  Do not spoil the LIVE CHATS with any external info. Let's enjoy the ride together. 

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Just now, Friday said:

One of my most favorite meals (and it's what I'm having tonight) is my veggie chili over steamed cauliflower.  It's really a good combo.

Message me the recipe!!!

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1 minute ago, 7EasyPayments said:

Ya know.................................

I think I dislike Pauline even more than Steven Assanti.

Didn't think anyone could one-up him but she has.

No one can beat SA! However, Pauline is a close second.

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6 minutes ago, ShortyMac said:

This Dr. Pimple Popper explosion commercial. Gross.

Yeah, that's the same one I keep getting at the bottom of the page.

So this is the first time June's meeting her girlfriend in person?

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Just now, PrincessPurrsALot said:

Fireworks.  Pimples.  One way or another there will be explosions. 

It's a marathon tomorrow. 8 whole hours of DPP. 

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I'm obsessed with June's nails. I don't understand how she can get anything done with those nails. It doesn't help that every other aspect of this episode is stupefyingly dull.

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1 minute ago, Friday said:

One of my most favorite meals (and it's what I'm having tonight) is my veggie chili over steamed cauliflower.  It's really a good combo.

Well, if it works with chili, then maybe it will work for red beans.

I guess I owe Mary and apology;  she isn't nearly as big as I thought she would be from the live chat she did with June.  Good for June for driving 7 hours.   

Wow!  I just complimented someone for a 7 hour drive.   That's sad.  

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1 minute ago, FormeryHeavyJ said:

Remember the scene from Airplane where the passengers were lined up down the aisle to smack the hysterical passenger?  That's what we need to do to Pauline.

I'd be the one who shook her and then smacked her, and then doubled back and smacked her again. heh

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3 minutes ago, OoogleEyes said:

I'm all for the frozen pie crusts 

The lady who owns a chocolate shop in my village (so she knows her desserts) says she switched to frozen pie crusts because if you buy a good one, it's just as good as homemade with a lot less time and effort. 

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I got kicked in the arm by my horse. Shattered my ulna. Didn’t even cry. They did have to give me IV fentanyl in the ER to set it because it was in pieces, but that was all I took. I filled the oxy RX but didn’t take them. The only pain med I took in the 9 months of healing (yeah....went to a bad ER who should have sent me for surgery) was 4 months later the night I had corrective surgery. 1 oxy for when the nerve block wore off. But I was told to do that by the surgeon. That it would hurt like a mofo and yes, it did. So when I see these whiners I just want to send my horse to visit them.

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1 minute ago, Kid said:

Message me the recipe!!!

I will do that later tonight.  This is my go-to recipe, I've been making it for about 10 years and I never get tired of it!  It's a vegan recipe, but I would serve it to anyone.  

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3 minutes ago, Azubah said:

I'm obsessed with June's nails. I don't understand how she can get anything done with those nails. It doesn't help that every other aspect of this episode is stupefyingly dull.

Is it dull, or are we experiencing anticipatory end of season grief?

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2 minutes ago, Twopper said:

Wow!  I just complimented someone for a 7 hour drive.   That's sad.  

My longest one-way solo drive was 5 hours (New Jersey to Rhode Island).

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My guess is June is one of those people who is not going to diet successfully when she's in a relationship.    She was fine during the break up with her previous SO, turned roommate.   Then she was doing great until she found another relationship, and now she's gaining again.   Plus, traveling and sticking to the program doesn't seem to work for most of Dr. Now's patients.     

I really like June, and I just love her new girlfriend.    They are so adorable together.  

Pauline is reminding my why I dislike her so much.   Her son Dillon is her personal servant for endless years, she's a opioid user, and is a world class whiner.    Why is she back in that wheelchair?    

Where did Chad's segment go?     

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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1 minute ago, ams1001 said:

My longest one-way solo drive was 5 hours (New Jersey to Rhode Island).

I'm actually kind of phobic about doing long drives by myself. I guess I should write my parents a letter.

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2 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

My guess is June is one of those people who is not going to diet successfully when she's in a relationship.    She was fine during the break up with her previous SO, turned roommate.   Then she was doing great until she found another relationship, and now she's gaining again.   Plus, traveling and sticking to the program doesn't seem to work for most of Dr. Now's patients.     

I can hear her now "Mary loves me just the way I am. She doesn't care if I'm fat"

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3 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

My longest one-way solo drive was 5 hours (New Jersey to Rhode Island).

I've driven from Nashville to western Massachusetts in one day, about 18 hours. So, I'm impressed with her driving 7 hours one way. Most people wouldn't. 

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Just now, Azubah said:

I'm actually kind of phobic about doing long drives by myself. I guess I should write my parents a letter.

I’ve driven from Maryland to Vermont (12 hours) more than once. Now I’m concerned that I should be more phobic than I am. 

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6 minutes ago, Kid said:

That little girl voice makes you want to puke!🤮🤮🤮🤮

She should be ashamed, complaining like that. I know everyone has a different pain level. Usually I have to have more than 1 numbing shot for dental work, so I understand, but Dr Now has seen a lot of these patients. He knows the pain level that is normal and that Pauline is full of stuff.

I bet she could have taken a few aspirin or Tylenol while she  waited all day for Dr Now and at least taken the edge off of the pain, but that's not what she wants. She wants drugs (understandable 😄 ). 

Often, my hips hurt so much when walking thru the hospital (where I do audits on research), I have to stop and sit down or just stand in place for a moment. Pauline doesn't want to feel any pain. Well, sweetie, that's not life - especially if you eat yourself into 600 lb category. Things are going to hurt, or be difficult to do. Adapt and overcome.

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