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Frankie Grande: Overwhelming No

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I would like everyone in the house to keep saying: Frankie isn't famous, his SISTER is famous.  Frankie actually agrees that he is famous.  He is not!!!  I looked on twitter and he has 689K followers.  His mother has 160K followers, so right there at least 25% of his following is b/c of his sister.  Then there is the Big Brother bump (Zach has 34K followers), and just color me unimpressed. He is not a "mogul".  He's an ass.

He's mini-Kardashian famous--famous for no particular accomplishments or skills, but linked in various ways to people who were legitimately famous for those (in the Ks case, a famous lawyer Dad, a famous athlete step-dad, and having sex with the marginally famous at the time Ray J).  Frankie only has YouTube and Twitter followers because of Ariana, so even if those have grown, it's all rooted in her celebrity.

Agreed. The speech he gave the girls was almost exactly the same as the speech he had just given to the guys.

It's about selling the Frankie Grande brand.  I'm sure he's never been all that sure he had any chance to win this.  This is a plan that allows him a "win" either way, in terms of getting his brand out there I mean.  At least I'm sure he thinks that.  Now he can namedrop all he wants, and that's a nice followup from his perspective to how he played the first half of the season.

Edited by Kromm
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I have a 24 year old neighbor who has had Botox, and she's not famous. I can see a 21 year old pop star getting it done. It's the only reason I can think of that explains why Ariana's face doesn't move.

With respect to your neighbor, I'd tend to think anyone who got Botox in their early to mid twenties is mentally ill (with some kind of body dysmorphism).


Apparently there's some Hollywood-ish belief that as you approach 30 you might be starting to get subtle crows feet or mouth or neck wrinkles, but before 25?  It's ludicrous.  It's the brain not delivering correct messages to believe that, IMO.

Edited by Kromm
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While I realize it was more of a problem a couple days and it's more or less corrected itself...


Just a gentle reminder that this thread is about Frankie Grande, and not his sister. While I understand why Ariana will no doubt come up in conversation, keep in mind that if your post is more about Ariana than Frankie, you're off-topic. Thanks.

Ughhh.  I watched his Youtube channel last night and he is incredibly annoying.  I wanted to like him because I enjoy his sister's music and liked the idea of the connection.  He is totally unlikable and overdoing everything in those videos.  I was not overly impressed by the amount of subscribers or hits on his videos?  I mean the woman who does the desserts based on video games (Minecraft and such) has over 2 million subscribers.  He has 200,000.  

I just saw that Frankie

is now saying that he will not be donating his stipend. I remember a couple of days ago, Derrick was saying how great it was that he was donating all the money he received to building schools in Africa. Frankie got uncomfortable and evasive about the money and quickly changed the subject. I am beginning to fear that the dream of The Frankie J. Grande School of Improv and Jazz Hands (Africa Campus) will never be realized. 

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I wish they would just list his profession when the infographic comes up as "Unemployed". 


Also, if I were one of the house guests I would say something to the effect, "Oooooh!  So you're 'famous' and your sister is a famous pop star?  Then you must not need the prize money.  We'll just eject you."


Also, I would imagine his prancing and swanning and lying and backstabbing would actually cast a BAD light on his sister.  I would try to keep away from him if I were her.

Edited by Biosynth
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'He is incredible!' Ariana Grande defends Big Brother contestant sibling Frankie after Instagram user makes homophobic remark






Edited by JerseyGirl

I'm not gonna get on her case for defending her brother, however annoying he's turned out to be (not that a lot of us weren't guessing he would be from the start). But yes, the language she chose to use to do so is a problem.  Not that any of us hesitate to use terms like that, I bet, but we're not coming from a background of having presented ourselves as role models for children for the past half decade or so, like Ariana has.


Even more, this once again demonstrates the problem with stars having their own direct avenue to the public.  It's inevitably a disaster--it never fails to eventually get them in trouble sooner or later.  I wouldn't be surprised if Ariana's management,record label and P.R. people assert themselves after this and try to take over her social media (as they probably should).

Then again, maybe that would be a lost cause.  Frankie's role in her life has been somewhat to document hers. So even if she isn't tweeting and instagramming and YouTubing stuff herself... he will be.

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Yes, I can understand her reaction to bigotry too, which I should have also mentioned. I have the mouth of a sailor and was trying not to sound like I was clutching my pearls and wailing "think of the children!" I really appreciate you expressing what I was trying to say in a much more articulate manner!

Edited by Scout Finch
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IMHO she played into the hands of the person who posted that to piss her off. The Grande family is coming off as very entitled special snowflakes. There was a better way she could have defended her brother, her and her mother just come off as hateful to people that don't think Frankie is as special as the Grandes believe him to be.

Frankie's act is tired and it am very annoyed with everything about him. He is exhausting and fake. But hey at least he is still a Grande and is coming home to a loving family! What.Ever.

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I can't believe this twit said people can't tell who's younger him or Ariana. Granted she looks mature but Frankie is pretty ghastly, must have been a rough 31 years.

Ariana is this odd amalgam, where Netizens will toss out accusations that she botoxes at age 21, but in combination with a hairstyle and some mannerisms which make her continue to seem like a teenager.  Even her sense of fashion sends mixed messages about her age, since it bounces around between super-short leg baring (a tactic which actually ages someone as young as her) and Princessy (which does the opposite).  


No way in no world does Frankie seem younger to anyone sane though.  More immature?  Sure.  Younger?  Pu-leeze.

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I guess I still don't get why his reveal was a big deal? So he is youtube famous and his sister is a singer. OK, cool. What is the big deal?



I just wonder how Frankie would've taken my blank stare if I would've been in the house and he told me who his sister was.  Cause seriously?  Never heard of her before this show (yes, I'm an old 37). 

I guess I still don't get why his reveal was a big deal? So he is youtube famous and his sister is a singer. OK, cool. What is the big deal?


I just wonder how Frankie would've taken my blank stare if I would've been in the house and he told me who his sister was.  Cause seriously?  Never heard of her before this show (yes, I'm an old 37).


That's the thing that bugs me about his 'reveal' -- he didn't have to tell anyone.  He could have said his sister's name was Mulva, and never mentioned her again, and asked the show to never put current photos of her in his HoH basket.  But he deliberately chose to leak subtle details over the course of the show to troll the other houseguests (for example, calling his sister Ari to see if anyone picked up on it), and then 'accidentally' blurted out her full first name after he won that Botb comp (even then, no one noticed).  Then chose to do the big reveal since he assumed the other houseguests figured him out (and he claimed he felt so guilty for lying to them) and he had to come clean (complete with the correct camera angles, of course) because the guilt was eating away at him.  It was all an act from the get go (Acting !!), and despite what Frankie thinks it went over with a dull thud -- no one really gives a shit anymore.


And no one is buying his playing for charity nonsense.  And while he might donate $5 from his stipends, but there's no substantial money going to Africa from this child-like attention whore.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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I just wonder how Frankie would've taken my blank stare if I would've been in the house and he told me who his sister was.  Cause seriously?  Never heard of her before this show (yes, I'm an old 37). 

On one hand it would have been funny to see him react to someone not caring.


On the other hand, she IS indeed enormously famous, whether you know her or not.  That doesn't justify his arrogance in the least, because its HER fame and not his, but I suppose he's probably fairly used to people knowing her name, even if they don't give a shit about him (Because celeb siblings?  Really, who gives a crap?)

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On the other hand, she IS indeed enormously famous, whether you know her or not.  That doesn't justify his arrogance in the least, because its HER fame and not his, but I suppose he's probably fairly used to people knowing her name, even if they don't give a shit about him (Because celeb siblings?  Really, who gives a crap?)


The best satire of this riding the coattails of a famous sibling phenomena was in the movie 'The Goods -- Live Hard, Sell Hard'.  The running gag at the big car sales marathon in the show is that non other than American Idol's Bo Bice's brother would be showing up to sing some songs.  Here's an example of some of the dialogue.


Don Ready: And we're looking at an even better day tomorrow. Bo Bice's brother comin' in here to sing some tunes.
Wade Zooha: Shut up! Eric Bice?


That's the kind of talentless pseudo-fame that Frankie is aspiring to.

The best satire of this riding the coattails of a famous sibling phenomena was in the movie 'The Goods -- Live Hard, Sell Hard'.  The running gag at the big car sales marathon in the show is that non other than American Idol's Bo Bice's brother would be showing up to sing some songs.  Here's an example of some of the dialogue.


Don Ready: And we're looking at an even better day tomorrow. Bo Bice's brother comin' in here to sing some tunes.

Wade Zooha: Shut up! Eric Bice?


That's the kind of talentless pseudo-fame that Frankie is aspiring to.



To be fair, Ariana is probably around 100 times more famous than Bo Bice.


That said. Frankie?  Is nobody, except when his sister mentions him or appears in something next to him.

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On one hand it would have been funny to see him react to someone not caring.

Next time I'm busily not caring, I'll have to remember to snap a pic of my not caring. It's fairly impressive - not that anyone would care. :)

On the other hand, she IS indeed enormously famous, whether you know her or not. That doesn't justify his arrogance in the least, because its HER fame and not his, but I suppose he's probably fairly used to people knowing her name, even if they don't give a shit about him (Because celeb siblings? Really, who gives a crap?)

Under no circumstances would I consider my recognition an accurate and meaningful barometer of someone's success. That would entail a level of narcissism on a par with... well, Frankie. Edited by Nashville
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I could pick Bo Bice out of a lineup. Ariana Grande? Not so much.

That's possibly a personal preference in music/pop-culture thing.  Bo Bice was on a top rated TV show years ago, sure, but hundreds of others have been on the same show and gone as far or further.  In his recording career the closest thing Bice had to a hit was a single rolled out by the Idol machine, which went Gold by riding the coattails of Carrie Underwood having recorded it simultaneously.  Grande, in contrast, had a #1 charting album last year (on the Billboard 200 chart, I mean), and while it's true she's never had a single go higher than #2, a whole bunch of stuff from her has gone Double Plantinum or higher, and her biggest hit happened THIS year, right before Big Brother came on the air.  So she's current.


So I guess the distinguisher might be "was on American Idol' vs. "sold a lot more records".

I'm sure Frankie will be thrilled to learn he is featured in Entertainment Weekly's "The Week's Best Sound Bites" page. His face and the "I haven't seen a cowboy cry this much since Brokeback Mountain" comment about Caleb are in the August 15 issue. He'll take it as validation that people other than his immediate circle of family and friends think he's just soooo funny.

Edited by Scout Finch
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