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S02.E03: Nightmare on Bourbon Street

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Kelsey is beautiful.  I did not realize that until the scenes by the water when her hair was blown by the wind.  Which makes me think, shallowly, she needs a new hairstyle and color.

Dear Jeff.  I know you don't want to show heartbreak, but it was all over your face and body language.   I am sad for you, but I think in the end, you'll be better for being dumped by Reagan.

Because Reagan is devoid of empathy for Jeff.  How do you sit there with a smile when it's so obvious that your great news just rebroke your ex's heart, who you supposedly care about?  Life goes on, yes.  But I just feel like she should have known this would be painful and her facial expression was gleeful.

Little Richard Simmons!  Love it!

I'm already over Regan/Reece/Jeff.  I dont want to watch Jeff fake being okay, Reece being insecure and Reagan being smug.  Interesting that the group's initial response to the engagement was silence.....

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I really like Kelsey and Justin. Yeah her nose is unfortunate but they seem so comfortable together. Her voice gets shrill when she raises it and Tamica towers over her in height and pomposity  so I cringed at that preview. “She’s two seconds away from her period” cracked me up. 

Oh Jeff. He seems so childlike and like he wouldn’t hurt a fly. No wonder Reagan could so easily control him. I love the interaction between him and Jon. 

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Watching Jeff's reaction to Reagan telling him that she was engaged was rough. I agree with the cast mates that think Jeff is not okay with it all. During that scene, he looked like he was trying so hard to act like everything was good when all he wanted to do was go to his car and cry. I would be ugly crying in my car if I was in that situation.

  • Love 17

Reagan is so full of shit. I really just can't with her.

Last season I didn't like Tamica. She was so full of herself and bitchy for no reason. But I think I'm starting to like Tamica 2.0.

I am firmly Team Jeff. Reagan and that frat boy that she wanted all along can have each other. Tamica is not a fool. She knows Reagan didn't grieve the marriage because she was already back with Reece long before the divorce.

Anyway, bump them. I'm here for all the Jon Moody-Jeff Charleston bromance. Who knew Jon had such empathy? I thought he was all surface but I was wrong.

  • Love 15
8 hours ago, dosodog said:

How do you sit there with a smile when it's so obvious that your great news just rebroke your ex's heart, who you supposedly care about?  Life goes on, yes.  But I just feel like she should have known this would be painful and her facial expression was gleeful.

I now officially loathe Reagan. She just sat there with that smirk on her face, watching Jeff squirm and loving every minute of it.

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5 minutes ago, Albanyguy said:

I now officially loathe Reagan. She just sat there with that smirk on her face, watching Jeff squirm and loving every minute of it.

She is garbage and she and Reece totally deserve each other.  That scene was so hard to watch but I'm glad Jeff held it together- breaking down just the slightest bit would just feed into her narcissism.

Does Jeff even have CTE?  There was a brief flashback where he yelled at Reagan to stop treating him like he was disabled - was she gaslighting him to give herself an out of that marriage?

The only good thing about Reece is his adorable Labrador Retriever.

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, Albanyguy said:

I now officially loathe Reagan. She just sat there with that smirk on her face, watching Jeff squirm and loving every minute of it.

That’s what really gets to me. Reagan’s facial expressions. Smirk or smug ( @dosodog). There’s something else in that face, but I can’t put my finger on it. Kind of like she thinks that she’s above it all, winning, set up for life and knows it and is bulletproof. She is shallow and even her BFF Tamika doesn’t believe the script that she is trying to act. 

Jeff now knows that she is engaged. Wait until he hears that she is pregnant. At some point he is going a have another breakdown. Shame on her for using him as a pawn and letting all this play out on a reality show. She chewed him up, and spit him out. Reagan only cares about herself and she doesn’t care how she gets what she wants as long as she gets it. She is making this show unlikable.  

  • Love 13

Jeff deep down knows that no matter how much he misses Regan, he dodged a bullet. His heart just hasn't caught up to his brain yet. Proof of this? When Regan asked if he really was okay (with that smirk that everyone else commented on) and he replied "No, I'm good. If I wanted you, I would have gone after you." He completely shut her down, but I don't think he even realized what it was that he was saying. She however, understood completely that she has forever burned that bridge. 

As for Reece, let's look at this timeline closely. Regan has been separated for a year, living with Reece for six months, and he's complaining about how patient he's been with her and her divorce???? Dude, the ink isn't even dry and you are proposing. And Regan's mama is trash as well if she co-signed this foolishness. This is all cover for the pregnancy which is going to be disclosed in what, one month real time, from the time that Reece and Jeff first met. 

  • Love 8
12 hours ago, dosodog said:

Kelsey is beautiful.  I did not realize that until the scenes by the water when her hair was blown by the wind.  Which makes me think, shallowly, she needs a new hairstyle and color.


I would love to see Kelsey with darker hair.  I think she needs some contrast between her skin color and her hair color.

10 hours ago, Misslindsey said:

Watching Jeff's reaction to Reagan telling him that she was engaged was rough. I agree with the cast mates that think Jeff is not okay with it all. During that scene, he looked like he was trying so hard to act like everything was good when all he wanted to do was go to his car and cry. I would be ugly crying in my car if I was in that situation.

That scene was so hard to watch.  She didn't even try to break the news gently and convey that it was difficult and awkward to tell him.  She seemed to expect him to be more happy for her than sad for himself.  I hate her.  I hope karma bites her in the ass and I hope we see it in an episode.

  • Love 9

At this point, I really can't stand Reagan or Tamica. I have lived in La., 60 miles from N.O., all my life, so I know Tamica from local TV and have never liked her. If you guys could only see the show she hosts now, which is not news, despite what she calls it, It's an entertainment way more than news show, where they go to local festivals, talk about restaurants, music, etc. She is so self-absorbed, I can only watch a few minutes before turning the channel.

Regan and Reece totally deserve each other. I hope she enjoyed watching him pee in the horse stall. Keep it Klassy Reece.

I love Roux and wish he had more screen time. I like Kelsey, but that 1984 bad perm needs to go. I'm not an advocate of plastic surgery, but she seriously needs to think about a nose job. Every time she's on screen all I can think of is nose/bad perm.

And Jeff - I feel badly for him. He seems to be a kind person, and in need of counseling of some kind, but I really think he should be very grateful he dodged a bullet.

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1 hour ago, druzy said:

Why didn't Reagan's mother give Jeff the family ring when he proposed to Reagan?

Maybe grandma (?) was still alive and wearing the ring?  Or maybe Jeff had enough money to buy an acceptable ring and Reece doesn't?

I know there are business/PR reasons for this, but it also bugs me that she is still Reagan Charleston.  You need to change your name as quickly as you changed relationships, girl.

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, parrotlover said:

I like Kelsey, but that 1984 bad perm needs to go

That's not a perm, that's her natural hair (she's a very fair-skinned black woman BTW). She would probably look completely different with a blowout, but given the humidity in NO, it's probably easiest to keep it natural if she doesn't want to chemically process or put heat on her hair.

  • Love 12
3 hours ago, Rlb8031 said:

That's not a perm, that's her natural hair (she's a very fair-skinned black woman BTW). She would probably look completely different with a blowout, but given the humidity in NO, it's probably easiest to keep it natural if she doesn't want to chemically process or put heat on her hair.

I'm sorry - I honestly did not realize she was African American, and thought she was caucasian and just had a very outdated hairstyle. I think she would look completely different and so much better with straighter hair and a darker color, but yes I have naturally wavy/curly hair and I deal with the humidity which is year round in La., so I get it.

  • Love 10
15 hours ago, parrotlover said:

I'm sorry - I honestly did not realize she was African American, and thought she was caucasian and just had a very outdated hairstyle. I think she would look completely different and so much better with straighter hair and a darker color, but yes I have naturally wavy/curly hair and I deal with the humidity which is year round in La., so I get it.

You did something rare on the internet and increasingly in life. 1) acknowledged a mistake. 2) did not lash out or take offense at the person who noticed and 3) finished your point. I like it and I agree that at the very least a darker hair color could benefit Kelsey.

Upon looking at images, a lighter hair product like a curl cream or mousse could also be in order. I don't know what she currently uses but, the geled wet look I see does not translate well on tv. The hair is too close to her head to suit her facial features. A minor cut might also release some of the weight currently in her curls. I have fine curly hair too and embracing some of my natural frizz can make my hair appear thicker.

Edited by red12
  • Love 12
1 hour ago, parrotlover said:

I'm sorry - I honestly did not realize she was African American, and thought she was caucasian and just had a very outdated hairstyle. I think she would look completely different and so much better with straighter hair and a darker color, but yes I have naturally wavy/curly hair and I deal with the humidity which is year round in La., so I get it.

It's cool, and yes, like many women who naturally have darker hair, she doesn't look best with her hair so light. I too have humidity sensitive hair and have recently stopped using chemicals on it. I've resigned myself to the fact that I'm going to look like this all year round...


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If I knew her, I would give her a bottle of Wen to try.  The best thing i discovered for fine, wavy, curly hair. And maybe shorten the length.

Not that I know much fashion beauty stuff.  Last night, with the wind blowing off her face, I found her beautiful.  Her features are unique and strong.  I never realized that and I'm blaming the hairstyle. 

Get on it Jon Moody!

Thanks red12 and Rlb8031. I feel like a total idiot for not realizing her ethnicity, but anyway I totally agree about the wet look, which is what is so unflattering. And also the lighter color not helping either. There is a congresswoman from Florida, Debbie Wasserman Schultz - I see her on cable news a lot, and she has had this same exact look as Kelsey for years but her hair is longer, and I keep wishing someone on her staff or whatever would suggest to her how much better she would look with a darker color, and a different/lighter weight gel or mousse. 

  • Love 5
11 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

Does Jeff even have CTE?  There was a brief flashback where he yelled at Reagan to stop treating him like he was disabled - was she gaslighting him to give herself an out of that marriage?

Ding ding ding.....we have a winner!

I don't see any evidence of Jeff's supposed CTE, other than that one flashback where he got understandably pissed off and walked out of the car which, let's face it, we've all had that sort of anger.  He didn't lash out at her that time, he moved away from her to deal with his anger privately, which is a stand-up kind of thing for anyone to do.

I agree that she was gaslighting him, using "CTE" as a way to simultaneously knock him down and move along with her horse-stall-pissing, foul-mouthed love of her life.  I give that relationship 2 years.

Jeff:  You're better off.  In the previews, it shows him with an attractive brunette, and in this episode, he definitely made mention of wanting to get back out there.  Find the nicest, cutest girl around, who will make you forget all about this awfulness that is Reagan.

I just loved me some John Moody (is that his last name?) this episode.  I absolutely adored watching them play hoops, while John kept assuring Jeff that he had his back.  That, dude, your family is right here, bring it in.  So Mr. Fur-Coat to a pool party has a heart.

  • Love 16
8 hours ago, Rlb8031 said:

Jeff deep down knows that no matter how much he misses Regan, he dodged a bullet. His heart just hasn't caught up to his brain yet. Proof of this? When Regan asked if he really was okay (with that smirk that everyone else commented on) and he replied "No, I'm good. If I wanted you, I would have gone after you." He completely shut her down, but I don't think he even realized what it was that he was saying. She however, understood completely that she has forever burned that bridge. 

I was glad to hear him say that. If he had said it to any other woman on earth, I would have thought it was arrogant and douche-y, but Reagan had it coming. He was obviously blindsided and in pain, but at least he was able to maintain some dignity. And you're right, it means that she's definitely burnt that bridge, which I don't think she expected. She's probably been thinking that if Reece flakes out on her, or the new store fails, or her law career stalls, she can always go back to good old Jeff.

25 minutes ago, Sterling said:

I agree that she was gaslighting him, using "CTE" as a way to simultaneously knock him down and move along with her horse-stall-pissing, foul-mouthed love of her life.

Here's my guess: Jeff's doctor told him that he may have very mild CTE and that if he's lucky, it may not get any worse. Reagan immediately exaggerated it, weaponized it and turned it to her advantage, keeping him off-balance and giving her the chance to play the noble "stand by your man" martyr to their friends. Then when she found out that Reece was available and wanted to get something started with her again, she used Jeff's "instability' as her excuse for why she HAD to get away from her marriage.

On an unrelated note, when they were all dressed up in their costumes at the end, Reece said "Jeff is Caesar and I'm Mark Antony, and Cleopatra left Caesar for Mark Antony!" Uh, no she didn't, dimwit. Cleopatra was Caesar's lover right up until his death and then took up with Antony for practical reasons.

  • Love 13
33 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

I doubt any doctor would tell him that because CTE can still only be diagnosed when someone is dead. 

But a doctor could still warn someone with Jeff's football history that he could be at risk for CTE or that he could be displaying some of the first-stage symptoms (dizziness, headaches, hyperactivity). Other posters raised the possibility that Reagan was gaslighting Jeff and my point was that she probably wouldn't be able to pull that off unless Jeff's doctor had given her something to work with by at least warning him about the possibility of CTE.

  • Love 3

I wanted to die laughing when Jon Moody took Jeff to Perlis for his makeover. Perlis is pretty traditional preppy Southern clothing...think seersucker and polos with crawfish on them. I used to buy my dad's birthday and Father's Day presents there and he loved them, but he was 60-something! There had to be some better options! I know Jon does not shop at Perlis. 

Looking at some old photos, it looks like Reagan got quite a nice engagement ring from Jeff that he probably paid for himself.  You can see it in this shot. Reece needed that family ring. image.thumb.png.9381dc20975fd50e535412a388f5fe57.png

Unrelated but I really hate Reagan's jewelry.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, AttackTurtle said:

Reagan is an awful, horrible human being.  The only good thing is that Jeff can actually find someone that actually loves him.  

Jon, Justin, Jeff and Barry all seem like such great guys...but Justin is just awesome.  Jon’s talking heads in his various get-ups just make me smile.

They could change the name and focus to Real Husbands of New Orleans and I would be fine with that.

Because I'm finding the men more interesting than Reagan and Tamika and would rather just follow the guy's lives. 

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I don't get this Jeff love because I always thought Jeff looked creepy.  I think Reagan did what many people, many women do, she was with a man who wouldn't commit, so she found a man who would commit and married him.  Many women do that and many of them stay married.  Unfortunately, since Reagan didn't really love Jeff, it didn't work out.  

What I don't like about Reagan is that she should have just cut Jeff out of her life, she has a new man.  Why drag Jeff into that?  Jon Moody was right, Jeff is being haunted by Reagan.  He needs to cut the cord.

I don't like Reese, but hey, I'm not the one with him, so to each her own.   I did like how he told Reagan off; he sees that Reagan wants to be on the fence, not committing to either him or Jeff, wanting to keep both of them in her life just in case.  There is no reason for Reagan to hang out with Jeff, they don't have children together.

I do agree that the producers probably like Jeff; but hey, most of them are male and Jeff was a professional football player, so there is that.  

Kelsey has a nice body but she's fug.  She looks like she had a bad nose job.  

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 3
8 hours ago, dosodog said:

They could change the name and focus to Real Husbands of New Orleans and I would be fine with that.

Because I'm finding the men more interesting than Reagan and Tamika and would rather just follow the guy's lives. 

From your lips to God's ears!  I would love that.  They could get rid of both Reagan and Tamika and I would be good with that.

  • Love 7
13 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

From your lips to God's ears!  I would love that.  They could get rid of both Reagan and Tamika and I would be good with that.

Because we don't have enough men on TV today LOL.

Now, I dislike Reagan but I do like Tamika.  I like to see self confident black women on TV who don't act like the women on Basketball Wives.  

What bugs me about Reagan is I sense that she doesn't get her own privilege, that if she didn't look the way she did, neither Reese nor Jeff would have been interested in her.

But that is the way of the world.  

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 6
On 6/20/2019 at 12:33 AM, biakbiak said:

I know people don’t always announce their separations immediately but R/J announced theirs in June and yet this episode around Halloween and Reese said they had been dating for over a year. 

Tamika looked gorgeous in the dress on her anniversary!

R/J may have waited to announce their separation until after season 1 ended so as not to interfere with the storyline since they technically ended the season together (though I think most people would have wagered that they wouldn't last). They could have privately separated around fall 2017 but Reagan's social media doesn't suggest that (though that could be a matter of keeping up appearances) but the fact that everyone in the group is surprised by the timelines makes me think that the timelines are in fact sketchy and that Reagan was doing more than studying in that French Quarter house. I felt bad for Jeff...but I'm glad he kept it together. I kind of felt like she testing him. She had a smirk on his face the entire time he was at a loss for words but the moment he started saying he was relieved and she didn't need his blessing because they were done, her expression seemed a lot more serious...disappointed even. Yup...still think Reece is an ass.

Perfect opportunity to propose...as in I got her knocked up so let's make this official.

That was a weak ass applause for their big announcement. Can't wait to see how quickly everyone will recover when they need to congratulate them on their baby.

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