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4 hours ago, Frost said:

I find that commercial kind of offensive.  Nothing against Kendall, but really?  She's considered the face of a movement and can make a cadre of military-esque policemen crack open a Pepsi instead of, what, shooting into a crowd of protesting young people?

You aren't alone. I was on Twitter a little while ago and I saw that "Pepsi Kendall" and "Pepsi" & "Kendall" separately were all the top trends and I didn't know what the hell was going on. People are PISSED. Pepsi is getting slammed hard:


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I just saw it a moment ago & there is nothing inspirational about this crap. Everything about that ad sucked. From Skip Marley making a mockery of his legendary father (Bob Marley) to Kendall Jenner being her usual dumb self. I don't know why Pepsi thinks having Kendall in this dumb commercial would inspire me to buy & drink Pepsi. I also think that Bob Marley would also not approved of this commercial. I don't think he died so that his son can throw mud at his legacy by being a part of this crap with Kendall Jenner. Heck, I don't even know if Kendall (or the rest of those Kardashians) even knows who Bob Marley is & what his music stands for. But I'm sure that she & the rest of those Kardashians know what Pepsi is all about.

Edited by Magog
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34 minutes ago, GaT said:

I wonder if Pepsi would still be getting slammed for this if it was just some unknown actress in the commercial instead of Kendall? 

Yes. The ad was a boneheaded disaster, regardless of the actress.

Pepsi just pulled the ad due to the controversy:


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My father couldn't tell you who any of the Kardashians or Jenner's are out of lineup much less devote an ounce of time hating them, but he saw the commercial posted on Yahoo and he was horribly offended by it. I'm sure people just hating all things Kardashians accounts for some of the backlash but a good portion of the outrage seems to be about the overall theme.

Oh and Kris and her #proudmama bullshit on instagram can GFO. Wonder if she'll post about the ad being yanked.

  • Love 7

This was an obvious attempt to have Kendall do something outside of modeling.  Most models careers are done by the time they are 25.  And she only got as far as she did because of her family.  I don't see her having the talent, charisma, brains to sustain any real post modeling career.

Chalk this up to yet another failed K attempt to do something that requires some real work - Kris' cancelled talk show.  Khloe getting fired from X-Factor.  Kim bombing big time on Dancing With The Stars.

Edited by escape
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38 minutes ago, escape said:

This was an obvious attempt to have Kendall do something outside of modeling.  Most models careers are done by the time they are 25.  And she only got as far as she did because of her family.  I don't see her having the talent, charisma, brains to sustain any real post modeling career.

Chalk this up to yet another failed K attempt to do something that requires some real work - Kris' cancelled talk show.  Khloe getting fired from X-Factor.  Kim bombing big time on Dancing With The Stars.

Pepsi's apology included one to Kendall, for putting her in this awkward position. WTF, she's a grown woman, and her mother who probably negotiated the deal for mega cash, is no babe in the woods when it comes to advertising.  Can't believe neither of them had any qualms about the message.  But then in the Kardashian/Jenner world kash trumps klass. 


And what is Kendall capable of outside of modeling? She's the most wooden on the show, hates the attention (allegedly), and isn't particularly bright. She better save her money cause if she gains a few pounds and loses her modeling career, there's not much out there for a sulky faced 20 something.

Edited by iwasish
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1 hour ago, iwasish said:

Pepsi's apology included one to Kendall, for putting her in this awkward position. WTF, she's a grown woman, and her mother who probably negotiated the deal for mega cash, is no babe in the woods when it comes to advertising.  Can't believe neither of them had any qualms about the message.  But then in the Kardashian/Jenner world kash trumps klass. 


And what is Kendall capable of outside of modeling? She's the most wooden on the show, hates the attention (allegedly), and isn't particularly bright. She better save her money cause if she gains a few pounds and loses her modeling career, there's not much out there for a sulky faced 20 something.

This Pepsi ad campaign was a disaster from its inception and Kendall was just collateral damage.  It’s true that Kendall is thought to be an airhead AND a Jenner-Kardashian but what other celebrity could have saved this ad from PR hell? Unfortunately, the feel-good days of “I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing in Perfect Harmony” Or “We are the World” are over. I believe that the ad was well-intentioned but tone deaf and not well-thought out in today’s harsh, gritty reality. For the advertising world: lesson learned and ditto for Kendall.

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, GaT said:

I don't know if there would be such  a sense of outrage about it if there wasn't a member of the Kardashian/Jenner family in the ad. There would still be complaints about it because it's basically a stupid ad, but I think what's really pissing people of is Kendall.  

The whole reason shes in the ad is because of who she is. PEPSI wanted her for the name recognition and Kris wanted the family name associated with an "iconic" product. 

People who don't even follow the show are sick of them, I hear comments in the cashiers line while food shopping. Gradually the tide is turning. Another reason that Kim is airing her alleged fertility issues. No way she actually wants  to carry another kid, she was miserable the last two times and "could have died!" But is gonna risk it for a third, while dealing with 2 and a mentally unstable husband?

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3 hours ago, Veronique Bette said:

Pepsi's apology included one to Kendall, for putting her in this awkward position. WTF, she's a grown woman, and her mother who probably negotiated the deal for mega cash, is no babe in the woods when it comes to advertising.  Can't believe neither of them had any qualms about the message.  But then in the Kardashian/Jenner world kash trumps klass. 

Kendall doesn't really decide the message. They hire her for a commercial for X amount of dollars, she signs the deal. 

She's not the advertising team who came up with the campaign and I doubt she gets creative control over the campaign. This issue begins and ends with Pepsi's campaign/ad team and who approved it.

Edited by Artsda
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2 hours ago, Artsda said:

Kendall doesn't really decide the message. They hire her for a commercial for X amount of dollars, she signs the deal. 

She's not the advertising team who came up with the campaign and I doubt she gets creative control over the campaign. This issue begins and ends with Pepsi's campaign/ad team and who approved it.

Kendall Jenner Had No Creative Involvement in Pepsi Ad

I just don't get why they apologized to Kendall. I know she had zero creative control, but couldn't she have said no that it made her uncomfortable or that she didn't agree with it? I don't like this babying of her. She's a grown woman who signed a contract, saw what the ad/creative team came up with and willingly filmed it. She made a decision and cashed checks and apparently didn't see anything wrong with the content. Pepsi didn't put her in this position, she did when she signed on to be their model and showed up to film this apparently without raising a single concern. And we know if she had raised a concern on set that the Kardashian PR blitz would be leaking that info out and saying she tried but Pepsi overruled her.

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I completely agree with the above comment. Kendall isn't just some faceless model signing on because she desperately needs the money. Even if she didn't come up with the concept (which I don't think people thought to begin with), her fame gives her some leeway in being able to turn down jobs that make her uncomfortable. She agreed to be the face of this company and had months of preparation for what the ad was going to be about, and still went ahead with it. That suggests some level of compliance.


To be completely honest, the idea of Kendall in a Pepsi ad made me cringe even without all the insulting extra layers.

This might just be me being bitter and a 'hater', but after hearing how Cindy Crawford is Kendall's role model and how much Kendall looks up to her and now Cindy's daughter looks up to Kendall and wow Kendall's accomplished her dreams and blah blah blah, I sort of expected something like this to happen and resigned myself to it in advance.
I'm sure Kendall works hard. I'm sure she's not a bad person, but watching her get handed massive opportunities like this time and time again exhausts me. What is my reaction to this supposed to be? Am I supposed to be happy for her? Proud?

Kendall and I are the same age but I'm not sure how I, or anyone else am supposed to relate to her.

Even if Kendall was in a Pepsi ad without the controversy, to her it would be a huge milestone for getting closer to her icon, celebrated on the show by her entire family, and for the rest of us it would be another 'buy this product because a pretty person is using it.'

Even as the 'normal one' in the family, I'm not sure what she's done that's supposed to make me care about her. Although to be fair, I'm not sure why any of us are supposed to care about any models.

  • Love 9
17 hours ago, escape said:

This was an obvious attempt to have Kendall do something outside of modeling.  Most models careers are done by the time they are 25.  And she only got as far as she did because of her family.  I don't see her having the talent, charisma, brains to sustain any real post modeling career.

Chalk this up to yet another failed K attempt to do something that requires some real work - Kris' cancelled talk show.  Khloe getting fired from X-Factor.  Kim bombing big time on Dancing With The Stars.

Kim bombed, Rob did great...Kendall is totally next for that show.

  • Love 1
17 minutes ago, VCRTracking said:

So. Kris brokered the deal with no idea of the creative message, just assumed it was tasteful. And only to be shown overseas. Kendall, the apparently dumbest member of the family, just did as she was told and got paid millions. 

Kris must be letting her love of the money over rule her business sense. Even a novice would see that ad was a disaster.

Kendall needs to stick with modeling, looking pretty and being able to walk in heels, that's her limit.

  • Love 8
5 hours ago, iwasish said:

Kendall, the apparently dumbest member of the family, just did as she was told and got paid millions.

Exactly. Kendall didn't understand how offensive the ad was even after she's filmed it. She grew up rich and sheltered, and her parents never put an emphasis on educating their children about history or current events. They let her and Kylie drop out of high school, for f***'s sake.

Edited by chocolatine
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One last thought.  When I watched this ad I didnt think about BLM protests, police brutality, the arrests, etc.  But do you know which protest march I did think of?  The women's march on Washington.


I'm not sure if anybody else was there, but this was a watered down / commercialized version of that experience.  People were generally in good moods and feeling empowered.  You had people dancing, music playing, etc, almost like it had a bit of a festival feel. Because the march route filled up, instead protesters took to the street so you might have passed people dining at outdoor restaurants if it hadn't been January.  I hate to say it, but it wasn't a particularly diverse crowd.  And...the police presence was there in the streets of Washington and quite frankly, they were friendly and in a good mood.  I probably could have handed one of them a Pepsi, no problem.

I don't think that Pepsi would solve the problems of the world, but I could have handed one over.  It was a very festive march.  Yes, people were there for serious reasons.  But it was nothing like the black lives matter protests. I cant help but wonder if the creative's behind this had that in mind when they came up with this.

11 hours ago, Marley said:

It's a commercial who cares. I didn't even know people still watched commercials. 

Seems like they all got what they won't though and that's tonnes of publicity. If the commercial wasn't such a controversy and made into some big thing then I probably would never have heard about it or seen it.


On 4/6/2017 at 2:40 AM, Kokapetl said:

Of course Kendall had zero input. 

I find the ad stupid, but I wish people would consider for a moment that it's probably not really intended for an American audience. Pepsi is all about developing markets. Not everything is about America. #LivesMatter issues do not consume the entire world's attention. 

I respectfully disagree. Not all publicity is good publicity. For one thing, Pepsi may be a global company, but IIRC it's originally an American one, so chances are the ad would get noticed by Americans sooner or later, whether a Kardashian/Jenner was involved or not. IMO, the commercial was too much wrong on too many levels. For one thing, while Pepsi may claim that they were inspired by the anti-Vietnam protests when they made it, given the worldwide protests of the past few years alone, especially those in this country about police brutality, I believe that when they came up with the concept there were either no Black people in the room at all or the one/ones who was/were there didn't say anything because they were afraid of getting fired. 

  The few Black people who were in the ad were either tokens or servants, like the Black woman assistant whom Kendall threw her wig at, hence the assistant's subsequent mean-mugging. The ad's underlying message-that the world's problems could simply be solved by Kendall Jenner & a Pepsi, trivializing real protests/protesters and their issues in the process-made me roll my eyes to the point of blindness.  Even worse, Kendall didn't even join the protest for the right reasons; she just did it to impress a guy. I also disagree with the coddling of Kendall. She's a grown-ass woman who made the commercial of her own free will and if she didn't like it, she could have gotten out of it anytime she wanted. Besides, it's not like Kendall needs the money anyway. 

  That the commercial debuted on the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's assassination proved just how tacky it is, which made Bernice King's brilliant response even better. In fairness, Coca-Cold made similar commercials, such as "America the Beautiful" from a few years back and "I'd Like To Teach the World To Sing," the old-school one from 1971, the latter of which was revived in the series finale of Mad Men, but the difference is that those commercials celebrated diversity, not exploited it, which is why they're considered classics while this one is a massive fail. As far as I'm concerned, the Pepsi commercial was a case of bad taste and worse timing. 

Edited by DollEyes
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On 04/06/2017 at 8:33 PM, Artsda said:

Kendall's barely in LA. She's an in demand supermodel, we'd see every other member of the family on DWTS before her.

I doubt we'll see Kendall anytime soon, but I live in fear we'll see Caitlyn or Kris. However I'd be all over seeing Scott! I think he'd be hilarious.

ETA... yeah, that was a pretty good wig she had on, didn't look wiglike at all

Edited by Fostersmom
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32 minutes ago, Marley said:

That's reading a lot into a commercial. Who would ever think a pop would solve major issues like that? Also whether it's good or bad publicity I don't think Pepsi or the Kardashians/jenners care. This will pass just like everything else does.

This will be more like a kidney stone though.

Interesting that Kris still hasn't tweeted anything about the ad.

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2 hours ago, Marley said:

Also whether it's good or bad publicity I don't think Pepsi or the Kardashians/jenners care. This will pass just like everything else does.

Pepsi cares.  They invested millions of dollars into a campaign - that bomb.

The family cares.  They needed a win.  Ratings for KUWTK are at it's worse.  And this is yet another negative - in what seems to be a lot of negatives for the K brand recently - which will make some investors nervous.

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Kris had posted about the ad on instagram when it first came out but then deleted her post the same time Kendall did the same with hers.

3 hours ago, escape said:

Pepsi cares.  They invested millions of dollars into a campaign - that bomb.

The family cares.  They needed a win.  Ratings for KUWTK are at it's worse.  And this is yet another negative - in what seems to be a lot of negatives for the K brand recently - which will make some investors nervous.

Exactly. This is not the kind of publicity either side wants because both Kendall and Pepsi look bad and Pepsi basically lost millions. There was an article the other day with a "source" saying Kris was furious about the ad being pulled and that she feared Kendall will now be seen as damaged goods.

  • Love 7

Exactly. This is not the kind of publicity either side wants because both Kendall and Pepsi look bad and Pepsi basically lost millions. There was an article the other day with a "source" saying Kris was furious about the ad being pulled and that she feared Kendall will now be seen as damaged goods.

Isn't that whole family damaged goods anyway? 

If Kendall was really devastated about the commercial blowing up in her face, she can return the money right now.

Speaking of "poor little Kendall" being possibly scarred for life because of the Pepsi debacle, I wonder how she & Kris will feel about this. I saw this last night & it was way funnier than that repulsive Pepsi commercial.

SNL - Pepsi Commercial

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, Magog said:

Isn't that whole family damaged goods anyway? 

If Kendall was really devastated about the commercial blowing up in her face, she can return the money right now.

Speaking of "poor little Kendall" being possibly scarred for life because of the Pepsi debacle, I wonder how she & Kris will feel about this. I saw this last night & it was way funnier than that repulsive Pepsi commercial.

SNL - Pepsi Commercial

The SNL skit is hysterical, "I know, it's cute right?" LOL And they did a great job with the characters.

Edited by GaT
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On ‎4‎/‎6‎/‎2017 at 7:03 AM, The Ascension said:

I just don't get why they apologized to Kendall. I know she had zero creative control, but couldn't she have said no that it made her uncomfortable or that she didn't agree with it? I don't like this babying of her.

From her perspective as an actor, she would not have been able to see the final finished product that we all see, it's a work environment and all of the dramatic effects are added in after the fact. 

Kendall's public apology is just part of the Pepsi apology tour.  Can you imagine how many angry phone calls Kris and her attorneys have made this past week?  I'm thinking that Kendall's Pepsi involvement was planned to be more than just this commercial.  She was probably going to appear in other commercials, advertisements, etc.  They probably had to issue a public apology just to keep her in the deal for the future.

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