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S25.E11: The $350,000 Pyramid

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Noooooo not my CT.

I mean, between Johnny Johnny and Zach, I cannot even choose. Fuck 'em all.

Laurel has no humility. Not to be all catty bitch about it but she must have a terrible time making and keeping friends. And THEN, she alienates the ones she has!

Too bad so sad for Theresa and Devyn may not be the hardiest competitor but the fact that Devyn made it and Theresa did not makes me laugh and laugh.

However, the worst possible first partner for Devyn was Zach.

Oh and also, I hated that stupid beanie and beard on CT but the glasses were super sexy, but I am glad to see him looking like his fine Chris self in a pic he tweeted that looks pretty recent when he took over the MTV Twitter page tonight.

Edited by mojoween
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Oh Cara Maria, my heart aches for thee. Here's hoping that not only she comes back on another challenge but ends up taking first prize home.


I cannot believe that Nany, Devyn, AND Johnny managed to draw blank cards again. I honestly believe that someone behind the scenes tells them what cards to draw because that C.T and Bananas draw was just too coincidental. I'd rather have seen any of those two go in over Theresa but I find her bland so I'm not all that torn up to see her go. 


I must say it was nice to see Zach wet in the hottub, but not so much struggling and yelping in high pitched cries down a river. I don't really understand how the rescue team can ask where Zach is when a cameraman in that stupid helicopter is probably filming his ass drowning downstream. 





See, it would have been so much better if this puzzle thing had been in the regular rotation of eliminations.

And I think it's really stupid in an individual-based game, to have the final elimination hinge partly on a partner. Yeah, all the guys have to be stuck with Devyn once, but I'm sure there'll be at least one of the three missions she sucks a lot less at. I'd rather see them do it all individually.

I cannot believe that Nany, Devyn, AND Johnny managed to draw blank cards again. I honestly believe that someone behind the scenes tells them what cards to draw because that C.T and Bananas draw was just too coincidental. I'd rather have seen any of those two go in over Theresa but I find her bland so I'm not all that torn up to see her go.

And that all 4 people who drew first pulled blanks. The Bananas/CT draw reeks of shenanigans and it's also oddly coincidental that the only two girls who stood a chance at winning the final lost the draw.

Edited by Universalhunter


he only time someone got really messed up on a challenge was wen Eric almost died and none of his team cared.

Well, Coral almost died once too - even in the after show her team said they didn't believe her injury until they watched the show on tv lol.


A final 3 of Laurel Nany and Devyn - SO SUSPENSEFUL!! haha worst final ever. We need an Evelyn or an Emily so it's an actual competition. This show has totally fizzled over the last couple eps. 


Well, that sucked.


As much as I like the idea of a final Elimination, I didn't like how it shook out. Laurel won because she's a killbot. Johnny won because he's lucky. I should add that I will never give Johnny an ounce of credit. He could climb the volcano with Devyn in one arm and a box of every weave she's ever worn and will wear in the other, and I'd be all, "Johnny's fortunate that the stress got to Devyn, because she probably lost a lot of weight."


I'm glad CT got 83 percent of the Twitter vote, because that means that either people see him as someone worth rooting for, and/or they see Johnny as an absolute shitweasel like I do. Laurel getting 60 percent fit, because I'm "meh" on Theresa in general.


And yeah, WTF is up with pairing people up?!? Did we learn nothing from the end of Duel  II? It sucks. Also, we'll be getting a finale where times will be added up, and that's not suspenseful, unless they stagger the fourth or fifth stage starts. Am I wrong for hoping Devyn sinks Johnny like an anchor? I felt bad for her . . . though can you imagine what would've happened if she got paired with Frank? He would've hit her with the oar. Zach is lucky that he's a hunk, or nobody would like him.


Note to Cara Maria and CT: Don't come back. CM, I don't see you as a would-be dominatrix that was your original status quo. You're not weak, but you wind up in painful situations. CT, you're the man. Don't let anyone tell you different. But if you keep doing the Challenge, you basically become Mark Long; that is, somebody too old for the party that keeps coming. You should've went out on top, man. Seeing you lose to fucking Johnny was painful to watch. Go home, marry Diem, and adopt some cute kids.


So . . . go "Johnny Portland" and Devyn, I guess. I saw Devyn scaling the mountain, so it looks like she doesn't get disqualified. And if she beats Laurel, that would be hysterical.

Edited by Lantern7
  • Love 5

My poor baby Zach, first stuck with useless Devyn and now practically drowning in the water. Devyn wasn't even putting her oar in the water and just had it resting in her lap, being useless as always and she's been lucky to make it this far and I don't even think she's gonna finish the race. I really hope Zach makes it and can continue on racing.


I agree Devyn isn't funny anymore and her whole thing about Laurel having an unfair advantage in the puzzle against Theresa was just beyond lame. There was no unfair advantage so STFU. I guess saving grace is that Bananas will get her when she's running on empty.


Only person I'm rooting for is Zach and no one else really since CT was eliminated. 

Edited by ShadowSixx

I cannot believe that Devyn is in the final. I don't find her entertaining or funny. The people voted out should all feel like idiots that they allowed her to coast through the whole challenge without ever doing anything. I don't understand why her name never even came up to be voted into elimination. She should have been gone early on. She then sits there with her busted weave saying "I'm going to be going at Devyn's pace...". I also call BS with the "luck" of the killcard draws for her and Johnny. Her acting like she was offended they were telling her to her face she sucked was funny to me. Uhhm You do suck Devyn. I loved when TJ said  "Some of you are just lucky at the draw..". She doesn't deserve to be in the final IMO, but that's how the game was setup unfortunately. 


It was sad to see CT taken out that way. Theresa, didn't really care about her leaving. It would have been sweet though to see smug ass Laurel get sent packing. She is a super strong competitor but has zero humility and is such a bitch, cannot stand her.


Laurel will finally get her win, against two weak competitors. Johnny will most likely win again. Sigh...

  • Love 1

Noooooo not my CT.

I mean, between Johnny Johnny and Zach, I cannot even choose. Fuck 'em all.

Laurel has no humility. Not to be all catty bitch about it but she must have a terrible time making and keeping friends. And THEN, she alienates the ones she has!

Too bad so sad for Theresa and Devyn may not be the hardiest competitor but the fact that Devyn made it and Theresa did not makes me laugh and laugh.

However, the worst possible first partner for Devyn was Zach.

Oh and also, I hated that stupid beanie and beard on CT but the glasses were super sexy, but I am glad to see him looking like his fine Chris self in a pic he tweeted that looks pretty recent when he took over the MTV Twitter page tonight.

"I mean, between Johnny Johnny and Zach, I cannot even choose. Fuck 'em all." 


Absolutely. I guess if I had a gun to my head I'd root for Johnny R. because he's the lesser of 3 evils but I wouldn't be upset if all 3 guys disqualified. I almost felt like I should have felt bad for Zach when he was struggling because of Devyn, but instead I found it incredibly amusing that he was getting screwed over. 

Really? You have two of the strongest guys in the draw and you have them do three puzzles? That's so fucking terrible. They should have saved those for the regular draws. It's a wasted opportunity to have had an epic elimination. Sigh. At least a CT/Johnny pairing gave the producers a chance to show the Johnny Bananas backpack clip again. Never get tired of it. And you see, that was epic. One of the best moments of all the challenges.

Devyn grates so much. I can't stand that she's still there. She's really getting annoyed because people are saying she won't finish? Chances are she won't. People tend to make their judgments based on the past. Even without the last challenge she did, I would know weak she is. Sucks for Zach, because usually when you get behind by that much, you don't recover.

And that leads me to my next annoyance. Why in the hell would you pair the final six people together in the final on a challenge called "Free Agents?" Whoever mentioned the Duel II is right. That's a shitty setup especially here when the whole concept and premise is that you're on your own.

Honestly, at this point I'm hoping for anyone but old Johnny (I detest that nickname he uses), but it seems TPTB are on his side once again. I'm not saying that he's not capable, but damn is he lucky that he got paired with Laurel in the first heat. The rafting, from what I gathered from the previews, will be the most difficult of the challenges they'll do with a partner. Or at least the most physically taxing, in the sense that you have to rely on your partner's abilities more so than other heats.

I wish they would just show the Johnny Backpack clip at the beginning of every episode. I rewind it like 3 times every time they show it. Best challenge moment ever.


I was glad to see Theresa go. Her accent just grates on me and I can't stand her ever since she made that comment about being "the prettiest girl in the house" a few seasons ago (I don't find her attractive in the least, much less prettier than the likes of Nany, Cara Maria, etc.). 


And dammit - every once in a while Zach will make me like him, but then I remember back to his season of The Real World and I just CAN'T. 

  • Love 2
Well, Coral almost died once too - even in the after show her team said they didn't believe her injury until they watched the show on tv lol.


Was that the one where she was bitten by a snake or something?


See, it would have been so much better if this puzzle thing had been in the regular rotation of eliminations.

Yes.  Where has this game been the entire season.  It definitely should have been included within the rotation to even out the advantages.  And we know many of them can't count very well as demonstrated in the third puzzle - the final would have definitely shaken out a bit differently.  As much as I am completely ambivalent towards Theresa, I was really hoping she'd eliminate Laurel - she so deserved to be eliminated over a puzzle.  And I'm pissed that Johnny beat the lovely CT. 


I don't really understand how the rescue team can ask where Zach is when a cameraman in that stupid helicopter is probably filming his ass drowning downstream.

Dude was obviously struggling and they just kept rolling film!  Zach is the one who can't swim right?  Fucking scary.

I was glad to see Theresa go. Her accent just grates on me and I can't stand her ever since she made that comment about being "the prettiest girl in the house" a few seasons ago (I don't find her attractive in the least, much less prettier than the likes of Nany, Cara Maria, etc.).  


Thank you!! IDK who told Theresa that she was the prettiest that season cause she wasn't then and she isn't now. She isn't unattractive by any stretch but seriously girl if there was a list of attractive girls out of all the seasons of the challenges, she wouldn't make top 10.


The only good part of the episode was seeing Johnny Backpack again.  


Devyn killed Zach.  RIP. 


Laurel is truly such an ugly person (on these shows and on Twitter).  I don't think Theresa would have beaten her in the final but she sure as hell would have given her more competition than Devyn & Nany combined.  


The producers blew it with the final elimination being puzzles.  I'll go off the basis that the draw was fair - but no one wants to see the toughest competitors left with the biggest rivalries compete with puzzles.  We want to see CT smash JB's head and eat it.  We want to see if Theresa can slay the giant.  Such a lackluster ending for a mediocre season of elimination rounds that seemed to always be rigged based of who was voted in.  


Johnny Reilly is a non-entity to me and I would have liked to see anyone else in his place, but he got that free ride.  

Edited by Dev
  • Love 1

"Do you think they did that just to fuck with us?"


"Exploded the volcano?"


I'm choosing to focus on that exchange instead of the horrible CT/Bananas elimination. But, it did get us a review of JohnnyBananas backpack and I did like how it looked like CT just walked away into the wilderness after he lost. He'll emerge from the woods when he's ready for the next challenge.

  • Love 5

Well, if Laurel doesn't win then that would be pretty sad. Her only two competition (Cara Maria and Theresa) both got eliminated in this episode.


And Johnny beating CT was seriously, ugh. I'm also with the people who are over Devyn. I can't believe she's in this final.


As for Theresa, I've always been meh on her as well but I decided last season that I liked her when she called out Diem because Diem SUCKED last season. And I had been enjoying her this season, plus she went to the same college as me so I was sad to see her go. My sister went to college with her and did say that for whatever reason the challenges never do her justice but that she's absolutely gorgeous in person. I've always felt the same way though, never thought she was unattractive but always found that many of the other girls were hotter. But who knows!

Hi! Lurker for a while but had to make an account now because I have no one IRL who watches the show lol

I agree with all of you on almost everything.

I was all 'yay Devyn!" until I realized she would be holding other deserving competitors back. I think if they do a free agents again you will see the guys now going after the weaker girls asap


Totally agree about Laurel. That woman must not have any friends. She irks me to no end. Stuck up, cocky, no humility, and the way she treated Cara Maria was pretty shitty considering Cara Maria was her only friend and stuck up for her so many times. I so wished Cara could have sent her packing, and also Theresa.

Cara really deserved to be in the final I felt so bad she got hurt. Better luck next time!


Side note: I totally want Cara Maria and CT to hook up. Is that weird? I enjoyed their friendship. I am taken so I can't try to get CT for myself ( he is SO FREAKING HOT) 


I am assuming they finally do go rescue poor Zach- I really hope he isn't too traumatized and he is able to finish. That had to be so freaking scary, especially if he couldn't swim like someone said previously. I was nervous watching him. Also, I feel like they should have at least one hot tub scene per episode. I could stare at him all day lol


And YES to the Johnny Backpack. I love that clip . EPIC, i laugh every single time. lol!


As for Theresa, I've always been meh on her as well but I decided last season that I liked her when she called out Diem because Diem SUCKED last season. And I had been enjoying her this season, plus she went to the same college as me so I was sad to see her go. My sister went to college with her and did say that for whatever reason the challenges never do her justice but that she's absolutely gorgeous in person. I've always felt the same way though, never thought she was unattractive but always found that many of the other girls were hotter. But who knows!

I have heard that she is really really attractive in person as well. I think she is pretty but I would never call her prettiest in the house ( I think Cara is gorgeous, same with Nany). Maybe its just the camera?


Cara Maria, Leroy and CT aren't in the finale? Ugh, I don't care who wins first. As long as it's not Johnny Bananas of course.


I was very thankful for the shots of wet Zach in the hot tub. Thank you so much! Him and Devyn in that kayak was hilarious. How could they be that bad? And I can't blame it all on Devyn because Zach should have been able to tell her clearly what she needed to do.


Laurel is ok to feel good at beating Theresa at the puzzle challenge but you didn't do anything to beat Cara Maria. She had a busted hand. She was no competition.

Edited by TiffanyNichelle

So the person with a broken hand (Cara) and the person with no hand (Jordan) BOTH get the wall climbing challenge?! Ugh!


I agree with the above posters that this final challenge is absolutely ruined by the fact that it's done in teams and in timed segments. So much for the suspense AND the free agents theme.


I am beyond disappointed by this season. I guess, by default, I'm rooting for Zach to win now that CT is gone.

  • Love 2

At this point, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Devyn and Johnny (non-Bananas) win.  I'm in it for the shocked, exploding heads of Bananas and Laurel.  


And, yeah, I'm calling so much bullshit on the final elimination draw "somehow" being CT/Bananas and Laurel/Theresa.  And then those potentially awesome showdowns get thrown a freaking puzzle pyramid.  Seriously, show?  I think they absolutely wanted Devyn in the final, just for the laughs of watching each of the guys trying to deal with being paired with her.  When it got down to Johnny/CT, I said "and right now, I'd die happy if they said the final elimination was going to be having to carry your opponent to a trash can and drop them on it."  But, sadly, no.  


Am I reading into things, or does it look like, much like my choices, CT and Cara Maria are TJ's favorites this season?  


While I agree that CT should have probably gone out on top, selfishly, I want to see him keep coming back, because it's just not the same without him.  I saw Mark Long on Twitter yesterday urging people to tell MTV/BMP that they want to see an "Old School vs. New School" format.  Could potentially be interesting, depending on what kind of format they use.  I'd love for them to go somewhat throwback and do a modified take on the old inner circle and cumulative points totals.  Or maybe the old format (I want to say the first Duel where Derrick went in over and over and lost one right before the Final?) where each team has a captain who has to go in against a teammate if their team loses.  Something to shake things up more.  

Cara Maria had a fractured hand, but Laurel still would have beat her. She wasn't even trying very hard because she knew CM was struggling. For all her other faults, I thought she handled the elimination with CM quite well.

It was the prettiest or hottest or whatever girl in the house comment as well as thinking Kenny and Wes would be fighting over her that made Theresa's first appearance memorable for all the wrong reasons. But people change and/or get better edits over challenges, and she's been pretty harmless for the most part recently except for some bonehead strategic moves here and there.

And she most definitely looks a lot better in person, television and print don't do her justice. She is stunning and a natural beauty to begin with. Many of the woman on these Challenges look a lot better on television because they wear lots of makeup (even natural looking makeup) to hide "party face" as well as "starvation diet face". When I've see some of these women in person I've been stunned by how sickly some of them looked without their makeup on. It's not as bad now as it was in earlier seasons of the Challenge because now you have to actually be somewhat athletic and therefore healthier in order to contend on the challenges. Theresa is an athlete and she takes care of herself, and in person you really notice her amazing skin and striking features.

I won't even go into which challengers look like crackheads in person, but there been quite a few over the years from both genders. The television can be very deceiving.

I want to hear about who looks like a crackhead, lol!

  • Love 4


I want to hear about who looks like a crackhead, lol!




So disappointing to see CT lose to Bananas.  I hope Devyn wins (even though I think she's totally undeserving) just to see Laurel's face.  Especially if Laurel gets second place once again.  For the boys, I'm okay with a Johnny Portland or Zach win.  I don't care much about either one, I just don't want Bananas to win.

  • Love 1

When the season was announced I was excited at the thought of "Free Agents". But then week after week they gave us team challenges where no one stood out as strong & weak players were saved. Then there still was alliances & voting. Nothing about that says "Free Agent". Now, we are on to the final & instead of having the 4 guys & the 4 girls go against each other in a final round they flip cards & do puzzles, WTF??? 


The editing this entire season has stunk. We saw in the previews that Zach & Devyn were in the final, along with Bananas, I think. So we knew they weren't going home. 


The final, should be every person for themselves. Them having to have a partner is not fair. Yes, each person will get Devyn but maybe she's better at some things than others. 


I really enjoy when CT & Bananas are cool with each other. They've come along way & there seems to be a level of respect for one another as vets. No hard feelings. CT threw in Bananas during Battle of the Exes & Bananas threw him in this time but they were not upset with each other. Still, for me the coolest, funniest person was Leroy. From his days on the RW to now, he's always been an upbeat, nice guy. I hope he returns & does better.

  • Love 1

In Devyn's defense, didn't she say she'd go at her own pace before we found out she'd be partnered with the guys? I'm still rooting for her, whether it's to win, finish, or weigh down Johnny.


New idea for "Free Agents" format: instead of winning players voting people into Elimination, they would vote one male and female to be exempt from The Draw. Then you'd have two Kill Cards for each gender in play. Just tossing that out there.

You might have to toss that idea at MTV, like they'll listen to their fans anyway.


I would like to also add how I would have jumped in the pool with Zach and be all over him that he would have to call the police or the producers would have to pull me off of him. Goodness that body and his looks, I would do unspeakable things to him LMAO. I also loved that face he made when TJ said they were going to their new location and he didn't know what country that was in, it was so cute.


I really did like that pretty much everyone was mellowed out this season. When it's free agents I guess they know they are in it for themselves cause when it's a group or team thing is when the backstabbing and alliances are formed and everyone is on edge and cranky. Bananas wasn't so over the top and annoying like he usually is and most of the people he aligns himself with wasn't here this season.


Next season I would love to see Derrick and Landon return, they're awesome competitors, but the last time when Derrick was eliminated I was so sad. He's one of my all time favorite players.

You can't really tell but TJ's favorite is Leroy. Not sure if that's favorite Challenger or favorite cast member. Although once upon a time his favorite cast member was rumored to be Cara Z. =)

And I'd rather not get myself in trouble and start a who looks like a crackhead list! LOL. And I guess it would be kind of mean. But I will definitely jump in here and there if I see name pop up. Like Theresa. She's not one of my favorites or anything but I did feel the weird need to defend how much prettier she is in person.

I think everyone loves Leroy, if I was a guy i'd probably want to be his bro too. Did TJ have a fling with Cara?


The crackhead list would be mean (but also funny). I think we all have a couple ideas though coughpaulacough

They really need to bring back worst performer goes in no matter what.  Combine that with anyone who didn't win goes into the draw, and kill the politics game completely.  Nany and Devyn have no business there, but I feel like I have to root for them.  Been rewatching from the start, just got up to Cutthroat, and I want Laurel to die in a fire.  Repeatedly.  That was originally the one where I'd started watching, about half way through, so I missed some of her less than shining moments in the first weeks attacking Eric (and Mandi).  She is truly an ugly human being.


More to the point, she really hasn't changed.  I've played along, thinking she must have some redeeming qualities in there that CM sees, but she's the same narcissist robot she was then.  I want nothing more right now than for her to come in 2nd again.


For the guys, I guess I root for Zach by default, but I was truly dreading him having another Sam moment with Devyn.  I suppose their's still time when he's teamed with Nany.  Laurel would be too much to hope for, but in that case I wouldn't mind watching her treated the way she treats everyone else for a change.

Laurel just bugs. I hated how Johnny not Portland Johnny was like, "you are so deserving of this" to her. Like she needs more of that BS talk. Ugh. Honestly, I don't think she's that great. I'm sure there's someone better than her, past and/or present challengers.

Put her in an individual game with Evelyn and Emily and I think she'd have a good shot of getting her ass beat. Those two are the only recent girls I think are on her level. Laurel's very strong, but this season she had no real competition. Not one of those girls, even Cara, Theresa, or Camila at their best were going to beat her.

Him and Devyn in that kayak was hilarious. How could they be that bad? And I can't blame it all on Devyn because Zach should have been able to tell her clearly what she needed to do.


I was thinking the same thing - it couldn't be THAT hard. I do think Zach's explanations to her were pretty bad though. I would've been confused too. I didn't get why he kept telling her to lean, not lean, lean more.... um, I think paddling would've helped a whole lot more. Especially if she actually put the oar in the water properly.


While I agree that CT should have probably gone out on top, selfishly, I want to see him keep coming back, because it's just not the same without him.  I saw Mark Long on Twitter yesterday urging people to tell MTV/BMP that they want to see an "Old School vs. New School" format.  Could potentially be interesting, depending on what kind of format they use.  I'd love for them to go somewhat throwback and do a modified take on the old inner circle and cumulative points totals.  Or maybe the old format (I want to say the first Duel where Derrick went in over and over and lost one right before the Final?) where each team has a captain who has to go in against a teammate if their team loses.  Something to shake things up more.  


I would love this. Especially if they brought back Coral and The Miz. It kills me that Amazon Prime only streams back to Season 15.


I can't believe I'm saying that an MTV show needs more producer machinations, but I wish they had almost blatantly stepped in and decided that they would let all eight players go to the finals with the last place girl and guy getting no money. There is absolutely no drama or interest to this finale at all now.


And finally, one of my greatest acts of humanity has been cutting together the relevant bits from the Johnny Backpack episode. Please enjoy (and shake your head at the bro-y comments): http://youtu.be/OUugoWbAhAM.

Edited by jRoxy13
  • Love 1

I can't believe I'm saying that an MTV show needs more producer machinations, but I wish they had almost blatantly stepped in and decided that they would let all eight players go to the finals with the last place girl and guy getting no money. There is absolutely no drama or interest to this finale at all now.


Teege did say that the money would go to whomever finish the course, so there's drama that someone like Devyn (sorry, honey) might not make it all the way. Shit, what if all of them give out before making it to the top of the volcano? That's drama, unlikely as it may seem.

Please don't hate me.  I didn't see it coming, but I rooted for Johnny B. over CT.  I have no idea why - it just happened suddenly.  I don't think the challenges are set up for Johnny to win.  It was very suspicious that CT and Johnny had to go against each other.  If that was a set up by production, they must have been setting it up for CT since he is strong in puzzles.


In the scene where Johnny, Johnny, and Zack were standing together, I had a flashback to The Princess Bride scene where Andre the Giant, Mandy Patinkin, and the short bald guy are lined up.


Typically Johnny's misogyny irritates me, but apparently not when it's aimed at Devyn.  Hoping that when she's partnered with him it will be a makeup application or wig challenge was pretty funny.


I know it's irritating that Johnny wins so many times, but I kind of respect it.  He's very focused - he treats these challenges like a job.  He also takes the time to be very aerobically fit - something that CT, Evan, Wes, and Leroy lacked in prior losses.  I thinks Wes' problem was more dehydration and having milky white skin, I can't remember.  


Regarding Devyn just sitting with her paddle in her lap, I think Zack told her to stop because she was fucking it up.  I don't know if she was or not, he complained about everything she did.  She was a pathetic paddler anyway.


I was glad to see Theresa go. Her accent just grates on me and I can't stand her ever since she made that comment about being "the prettiest girl in the house" a few seasons ago (I don't find her attractive in the least, much less prettier than the likes of Nany, Cara Maria, etc.).



I've never gotten over her sitting on the top bunk with that stupid hat on her head, drunkenly propositioning Kenny.


Put her in an individual game with Evelyn and Emily and I think she'd have a good shot of getting her ass beat. Those two are the only recent girls I think are on her level. Laurel's very strong, but this season she had no real competition. Not one of those girls, even Cara, Theresa, or Camila at their best were going to beat her.



Laurel's like CT, in that she has the brute strength but is not super fit aerobically.  I think she even says long distance running is her weakness.


Nany is another one that all the guys find so hot and I just don't see it. To me, she looks like a rat. She's also got a lot of hair and its always plopped to one side, with little baby hairs creeping into her forehead.



She has that one inch Neanderthal forehead like Mandy.

  • Love 1

I blame Zach for their issues more than Devyn.  The person in the back of the kayak is responsible for steering.  I can practically guarantee that if Bananas had Devyn as his partner during that leg he would have told her to put her paddle down and just concentrate on not falling out of the boat while he did all of the work.  That strategy would have paid off for him too because he has more experience than Zach.  Based on the previews the kayaking leg seems to be the best one to have Devyn as your partner (provided you know how to kayak), because the other legs look to be endurance-based.

  • Love 1
And finally, one of my greatest acts of humanity has been cutting together the relevant bits from the Johnny Backpack episode. Please enjoy (and shake your head at the bro-y comments): http://youtu.be/OUugoWbAhAM.


Aww shit!  That never gets old.  It makes me laugh so hard everytime I see it.  And the greatest part is when CT throws Johnny onto the can and someone yells from off screen, "We're gonna need another barrel!!" followed by Abe's face of absolute disbelief and all the other cast members open-mouthed with shock.  Greatness!


I'm not entirely thrilled with the people in the final.  I haven't watched Real World in quite a while, so I don't know who any of these new people.  I guess, at this point, I don't care who wins, as long as it's not Johnny B and Laurel.


The crackhead list would be mean (but also funny). I think we all have a couple ideas though coughpaulacough

I vote for a "looks like a crackhead thread".  I know this technically isn't "television without pity" anymore, but I'm still rolling with that same mentality.

  • Love 1

I really enjoy when CT & Bananas are cool with each other. They've come along way & there seems to be a level of respect for one another as vets. No hard feelings. CT threw in Bananas during Battle of the Exes & Bananas threw him in this time but they were not upset with each other. Still, for me the coolest, funniest person was Leroy. From his days on the RW to now, he's always been an upbeat, nice guy. I hope he returns & does better.


As has already been pointed out a couple times in previous episode threads - CT and Diem did not send Johnny and Camilla in in Battle of the Exes.  Johnny and Camilla were in last place in that game - the one where they were running through the path of the jet engine to collect items. Last place went in automatically.  CT and Diem sent in Mark and Robin against them, instead of Ty & Emily (which was probably doing Johnny/Camilla a huge favor, since Robin was, by far, the weakest link left in that season at that point). 

You're right. It was still not cool since Mark, CT & Bananas were in an alliance. Emily might have been stronger than Camila (we don't know as they've never gone 1 on 1)  but Ty is no way near the level of Bananas. CT did make Bananas & Camila go 1st when that is a clear disadvantage especially so far into the game. Bananas & Camila never make CT & Diem go 1st.


Back on the Gauntlett 3, CT talked Evan into throwing Bananas in too. Back before Bananas & Evan were friends. I don't get why CT (who I happen to like) is forgiven for his physical attacks & treated like a champ when he's only won 1 & people talk crap about Johnny when he's won 4. He may be obnoxious, arrogant & loud but he never sucker punched anyone or attacked a smaller player. I don't know, I have more of a problem with someone who did physical harm over words. That's just me. Either way, I'm glad they both have matured & can be cool with each other. I think some of their issues are contrived for the show, as on twitter they are very friendly.

I blame Zach for their issues more than Devyn.  The person in the back of the kayak is responsible for steering.  I can practically guarantee that if Bananas had Devyn as his partner during that leg he would have told her to put her paddle down and just concentrate on not falling out of the boat while he did all of the work.  That strategy would have paid off for him too because he has more experience than Zach.  Based on the previews the kayaking leg seems to be the best one to have Devyn as your partner (provided you know how to kayak), because the other legs look to be endurance-based.

I thought the same thing when watching, that it wasn't all on Devyn. It looked like Zach panicked & at some points she's doing just what he says to do. I don't think she's physically a strong player but in this instance, she's shouldn't take the entire blame.

Please don't hate me.  I didn't see it coming, but I rooted for Johnny B. over CT.  I have no idea why - it just happened suddenly.  I don't think the challenges are set up for Johnny to win.  It was very suspicious that CT and Johnny had to go against each other.  If that was a set up by production, they must have been setting it up for CT since he is strong in puzzles.


In the scene where Johnny, Johnny, and Zack were standing together, I had a flashback to The Princess Bride scene where Andre the Giant, Mandy Patinkin, and the short bald guy are lined up.


Typically Johnny's misogyny irritates me, but apparently not when it's aimed at Devyn.  Hoping that when she's partnered with him it will be a makeup application or wig challenge was pretty funny.


I know it's irritating that Johnny wins so many times, but I kind of respect it.  He's very focused - he treats these challenges like a job.  He also takes the time to be very aerobically fit - something that CT, Evan, Wes, and Leroy lacked in prior losses.  I thinks Wes' problem was more dehydration and having milky white skin, I can't remember.  


Regarding Devyn just sitting with her paddle in her lap, I think Zack told her to stop because she was fucking it up.  I don't know if she was or not, he complained about everything she did.  She was a pathetic paddler anyway.



I've never gotten over her sitting on the top bunk with that stupid hat on her head, drunkenly propositioning Kenny.



Laurel's like CT, in that she has the brute strength but is not super fit aerobically.  I think she even says long distance running is her weakness.



She has that one inch Neanderthal forehead like Mandy.

I agree about Nany. She always seems fidgeting & nervous to me. In interviews it's hard to listen to her because she's constantly shaking & moving around. I think she's ok looking but nothing super special. Laurel always looks like she needs her upper lip waxed. Maybe it's just lighting but to me, it looks like she has a moustache.


Back on the Gauntlett 3, CT talked Evan into throwing Bananas in too. Back before Bananas & Evan were friends. I don't get why CT (who I happen to like) is forgiven for his physical attacks & treated like a champ when he's only won 1 & people talk crap about Johnny when he's won 4. He may be obnoxious, arrogant & loud but he never sucker punched anyone or attacked a smaller player. I don't know, I have more of a problem with someone who did physical harm over words. That's just me. Either way, I'm glad they both have matured & can be cool with each other. I think some of their issues are contrived for the show, as on twitter they are very friendly.



I too like CT, but wonder why he's so popular.  If I had to guess, I think his relationship with Diem showed a good side of CT - I know that's when I started liking him.  My favorite CT season was the first Rivals.  He seemed truly cognizant that he'd been a vicious asshole to Adam, and seemed to really value a friendship between the two of them.


I enjoyed Johnny's take on CT.  He said that CT has two sides to him.  The violent scary guy, and then the one that puts on a nice shirt and glasses.


If we're talking fans of the show disliking Johnny, I think it's because he's dominated so many seasons and has seemed to control his alliances.  Johnny has revealed some misogyny - the show is actually loaded with it - but he seems to go about eliminating people in an impersonal way that I find less offensive.  I don't mean he's not cutthroat, I just think he plays the game to win rather than as a social outlet with the goal of making friends.  Plus, I've heard many people repeat that show Johnny and real Johnny are different.


I think women love CT for his appearance (I'm not loving it this season), but he also managed to look an underdog for years.  I have found him frightening at times, and I really think they should have contemplated banning him when he tried to kill Adam.  Other than Johnny Backpack, I've been less than amazed by CT's performances.  He smokes too much, is not as aerobically fit as he should be, and because of these two things, I think he lost Exes for Diem.


I agree with the poster who said that Johnny probably would have worked with Devyn better than Zack.  As much as Johnny has talked smack about women, he doesn't seem to break down and scream at them like Wes and some of the others.  As much as he knew how to push Camilla's buttons, he was able to partner her in such a way that they won Exes.  I personally believe Camilla is a mediocre player, but that's subjective.

Edited by RedheadZombie

I don't think it was about knowing the pair twist.  Reality is the finals are half marathons or triathalons with task stations along the way.  We don't watch the majority of the running/biking/etc, just a few interesting moments from them.  Broken hand or not, she can beat most of the girls there in that situation, even moreso now that she's been specifically training for endurance.  The stations might slow her down for a little while, but unless it was literally impossible to do with her hand, she could easily gain back the time lost.


People tend to leave CM out of the powerhouse girl group, and focus more on Laurel and Emily.  It's worth remembering that in their Fresh Meat Combine, there's a reason CM, and not Laurel, was the first girl chosen.  If the final had been down to Nany, Laurel and CM, Nany couldn't even hope for 2nd place. 


Cara is very strong, but they're going to be climbing up a volcano. She would not be able to do that with a broken hand.

If she made the final and I was in charge of the show, I wouldn't let her climb a volcano one-handed. I don't think the show had any intention of letting Cara near that final.

Edited by Universalhunter

I get what people mean about "spirit of the competition" and preferring the stronger players to be there in the end. But I just can't hate on Deyvn for making it to the final. She got lucky, sure, but otherwise, she played within the rules and didn't piss off the wrong people (namely, Laurel).  In my view, she's deserving enough. Plus, I like seeing the occasional underdog make it to the end. You used to see that more with the older challenges.


But back to Laurel, I can't stand that chick. You know it's bad when the guys call you out for being a jerk. Her alpha female mentality may give her an edge in battle, but it makes for a lousy person (not saying all alpha females are lousy, but she takes it up a few too many levels). I'd love to see one of the stronger girls come back and give her some real competition. Even the best guys don't steamroll their opponents constantly. Most of the time, Laurel can just overpower the other girls. Aneesa was the only one to stack up strength-wise, but she lacked the speed to finish the job.


What's odd about me is that I honestly don't mind Johnny Bananas that much. I'm not in love with him (especially when he goes on one of his misogynistic tirades), but I always found someone to dislike more (Evan, Kenny, Zach, Ty, CT back when he was beating everyone up).

From the recap:


The elimination is a series of three puzzles in a pyramid: once you finish one, you move up a level to the next one, and the first person to the top of the pyramid wins. I'll be totally honest and admit that I fast-forwarded through a lot of this, because watching the "drama" of puzzle-solving, especially when the first puzzle appears to be exactly the same one they did in last week's episode and yet nobody seems to remember how they solved it.


Better yet, the puzzle had already appeared twice this season. It was also the puzzle element of that skyscraper climb challenge in the season premiere.

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