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S02.E23: The Unbefriended

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In an effort to save Chastain, Bell considers selling the hospital to a conglomerate, but Kit tries to make him see that the negatives will outweigh the positives. With Conrad's help, Nic tracks down Kyle and pleads for him to reconsider donating a kidney to Jessie. Meanwhile, Mina voices her concern to Austin when Shira is assigned to Micah's surgery and Devon fights for the care of a patient whom the doctors suspect is uninsured.

Airdate: Monday, May 6, 2019

I would have a very hard time asking my parent to risk death for an almost dead drug addict.  Even my sister.  They could offer....but railroading them and shutting them down when they have something "important" to tell me.  Just no.  Nic is barely sympathetic as a character, it's just not in VanCamp's DNA and this is a total fail for me.  And her firm "no chickens" made me crazy!  Love me, deal with me, accept me but nope, not going to get what you want if you do.

Conrad's a saint.  Mina and Austin rule the show and I'm probably out for the third season.  

Oh, and I read a recap....the issue here is doctors are not drug tested.  Ha, with all the soap I missed that.  And ya know what?  I don't care!  The show's going to do more harm than good with all its' preaching any moment now.

I wish the guy would be rich! But I bet he's not... because they need some Bell drama.  

Season grade...D.  not even D +.

Oh, and not a spoiler but I think Conrad's pounding on the Dad's heart, I doubt the girls could take it.  Then we see Austin all out run....to save a heart? 

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Can't wait for next season!

Mina and Raptor were so well written. I like that they haven't rushed this. They've cleaned up the Micah stuff and slowly developed them.

Also glad Connic are back on track although I do wonder if the death of dad or sister will derail them once again. I wanted her to ask him for more time and she did exactly that so I am pretty pleased with the way they wrote this. She even mentioned something about a family so I took that as a positive sign. Just no to actual chickens lol.

They need to keep paying Bruce Greenwood to stay! His face when he said he saw himself in George and then the way his face lit up when George mentioned he had a wife. I actually wonder if the writers have decided to soften Bell somewhat because Bruce Greenwood managed to humanise the super shady character in S1. 

Interesting they had a scene with the guys actively getting Kit to convince Bell. They obviously wanted to confirm his softer character is due to his friendship with her and didn't drop out of nowhere. A bit heavy handed but it reassures me they have their reasoning and aren't just randomly writing him. I am intrigued as to what they will do with him next season, especially after his chat to Kit and what she said to him.

I don't blame Nic for brow beating the dad into giving a kidney. Had he been a loving, supportive parent it would have looked bad but it seems like he's been a loser all their lives and left them to fend for themselves. I think the sister is garbage but she is still Nic's baby so of course Nic is going to browbeat deadbeat dad into giving up a kidney to save the person she loves and raised.

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Not much of a cliffhanger for me since as far as I'm concerned, they both can go (dad and sister) but I think it will be the dad especially with all the "memory flashbacks" Nic had while waiting any word from Conrad and him (the dad) saying he wanted to "tell her something".   Will the dad's heart even be useful to Jessy if he is the the one died?  Whoever dies, will Nic blame Conrad?

Nic still angers me with her ultimatums to Conrad with the "meet me halfway remark"!  Seems to me that's what he's been doing since S1.   I presume they've been together for some time and if memory serves, there was a flashback where she had a miscarriage (early in their relationship?) and he was supportive and certainly there for her--not only then but many tough and dramatic-filled times:  mother dying, her druggie sister, the uninvolved, estranged dad, desperately clearing her when she was falsely accused and in jail, etc.  After all this time, it seemed logical--to him (and me)-- to take the next step together but she's too busy taking on everyone's problems--without help--and then whining about it.  I like them together but at times, I want him to walk away.   Conrad is a good guy even though those sporadic God-like heroics can be a bit much, lol!

Marshall (Conrad's father) was willing to take on Quo Vadis to "right the ship" (offered some astronomical amount of $$'s) so I'd much rather have had him remain with the show to get Chastain solvent plus have oversight on Bell.   Since Kit is giving her ex another chance, is this woman going to be Bell's new love interest, will he sign the papers, or return to his evil ways as we know he doesn't want anyone holding him accountable?  I mean, c'mon, we have to have an antagonist and Bell was exceptional at playing that role!

Lastly, is the path clear for Mina and Raptor?   It's been a slow burn but one I hope finally ignites a bit for S3!

Edited by cathmed
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Crossing my fingers that the corpse is Jessie. I find this whole plotline boring, and if she's saved, next season will be Jessie going back to drugs, Nic trying to clean her up, then some other organ fails, blah blah blah. Please-end it now, show.

Bruce Greenwood is actually tall, but he looks so wee in those tiny, tiny suits he wears.

So is it really likely that a doctor who's using/stealing hospital-grade drugs, administered through a drip, presumably sterile, would 'overdose'? Unless she did it on purpose, it seems unlikely that could happen accidentally.

Forgot to note that I loved the pretty scene at the beginning between Nic and Con, with the Billie Eilish song in the background. Lovely and poignant.

Edited by sempervivum
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I'm not looking forward to the possibility (probability?) of Mina and Raptor finally hooking up.  I wish they'd remain friends but, sadly, I don't see that happening.  

Also, this might be a UO but while I like the actress who plays Mina, I'm tired of her stoic looks and I wish she'd loosen up more.  Actually, I feel the same way about Raptor.  So if they did get together, I think they'd be boring as hell just to look at because they'd both have glum, taciturn faces even when they're happy. 

Also, the so-called "anesthesiologist" was an awful actress, and she looked too young and quirky to be any kind of doctor.  I felt so sorry for Kyle when she came up to him and announced who she was before he went into surgery.  He was already afraid but you could see the terror in his eyes when he saw her.  I'd be terrified, too.  

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41 minutes ago, sempervivum said:

Crossing my fingers that the corpse is Jessie. I find this whole plotline boring, and if she's saved, next season will be Jessie going back to drugs, Nic trying to clean her up, then some other organ fails, blah blah blah. Please-end it now, show.

Agreed. To begin with, I find Jessie a pretty unsympathetic character in that she's *barely* in recovery and the vast majority of her health issues came about from the bad choices she made while addicted. Also, if we're just going to torture Nic, then the dad is the better option to live. A) She wanted to save her sister and now she's caretaking her disliked father and b) Disliked father will likely go south healthwise and she can be made to feel guilty about being the one who guilted him into the surgery that ultimately killed him.

I also think it's the sis because of the compromised heart - I think they actually made the point that she would need a heart transplant as well. Also - who is paying for all this?

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I agree that Kyle better be the one surviving, but doubtful because Nic can be more angsty forcing the surgery on her dad that lead to his death, especially after the complications. And we can roll our eyes when we see twit sister feeling guilty about her father’s death and relapsing. 

I’m sure Micah moves on quickly because he was mad at Mina, but that still has to suck. Mina has moved on too with her subliminal feelings towards Austin.

Hope they don’t forget about addict anesthesiologist and she has hell to pay next season. It’s true (and sad) that anesthesiologists are the most likely to be drug addicts because of easy access, and I hope they address it.

I agree that George Wilson will save the day by being wealthy and put money into Chastain. Humanizing Bell has been nice to see this season.

Edited by twoods
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The subtle (or not quite) observation by Bell, about hospital controlling costs was a rare moment of - harsh - reality in this show. Hospitals do control prices, by hiking them up and making health care even more expensive. Then Bell "seeing himself" on a patient and allowing the surgery to move forward. Not sure if it was intentional, but the writers got a few points from me...

...just to lose them again with the Super!Resident! bullshit. Conrad bursts into the OR - seriously, he and Nic barely had time to wash their hands, wearing non-surgical gloves, ignoring the surgeon in the room (who apparently was all too happy to be ordered around or having the whole thing saved by Super!Resident!) and saving the day.

Is Conrad an ER resident, a surgery resident, a neurology resident or indeed the Super!Resident! ? Because he is all over the place, solving all the problems, not really doing what "normal" residents usually do, which is work a lot and be under an attendant supervision. He has time to watch a surgery, he orders tests without an attendant overseeing it... So much bullshit! 

I am meh on Mina and Austin. Why do shows have to pair people up all the time? Can't Mina be the old arrogant, self-assured, awesome Mina from before?

Back to Bell: I agree with an no thread comment that Bruce Greenwood is killing it. He is a waste on this show. The subtleties of his acting should be explored. But I guess then we wouldn't have time to see the kidney family drama. I bet that, whoever dies, it will be a one episode big drama, Nic will feel guilty for a minute, then all will be forgotten. 

Adding: if you haven't watched The Sweet Hereafter, you missed one of Bruce Greenwood's finest acting moments. 

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I try not to nitpick shows, but when the corporate lady told Bell to sign the contract to sell Chastain even without reading it ... come on!  I don't think that is how hospitals are sold. Ridiculous.

Bell's face when Kit told him that she is back with her ex ... awww. Poor guy. Maybe if he had made a more direct play for her ... 

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8 hours ago, alexvillage said:

...just to lose them again with the Super!Resident! bullshit. Conrad bursts into the OR - seriously, he and Nic barely had time to wash their hands, wearing non-surgical gloves, ignoring the surgeon in the room (who apparently was all too happy to be ordered around or having the whole thing saved by Super!Resident!) and saving the day.

Is Conrad an ER resident, a surgery resident, a neurology resident or indeed the Super!Resident! ? Because he is all over the place, solving all the problems, not really doing what "normal" residents usually do, which is work a lot and be under an attendant supervision. He has time to watch a surgery, he orders tests without an attendant overseeing it... So much bullshit! 

Yeah, that's the kicker, he's an internist.  Or at least he started off season 1 as a 3rd year internal medicine resident.  Which means he's .... I don't even know because most internal medicine residencies are three years so either we haven't gone through a calendar year yet or they just don't care about the technicalities anymore.

3 hours ago, MoreCoffeePlease said:

I try not to nitpick shows, but when the corporate lady told Bell to sign the contract to sell Chastain even without reading it ... come on!  I don't think that is how hospitals are sold. Ridiculous.

Pretty much.  I missed the first half.  Did the board approve the transaction?  Did the GC review the proposal?  

14 hours ago, twoods said:

Hope they don’t forget about addict anesthesiologist and she has hell to pay next season. It’s true (and sad) that anesthesiologists are the most likely to be drug addicts because of easy access, and I hope they address it.

She's gonna be joining Jude at Mandyville General Hospital, caring for all the tertiary characters who get the boot after they stop being convenient.  

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I’m still wondering why a first year internal medicine resident is camping out in the ER all year. I know they do a few rotations there but all of them? I don’t even think the writers remember what type of doctor Devon is, so of course they think Conrad is the super resident who has time instead of taking care of patients to hand wring and watch surgeries all day.

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15 hours ago, leighdear said:

Oooh, "24" connection alert!  

Conrad's dad Marshall, aka actor Glenn Moreshower,  played Aaron Pierce, Secret Service agent assigned to protect President Charles Logan, aka actor Gregory Itzin, aka Sunflower!

Lord, I miss that show.....*LOL*  Just had to marvel at the connection.  

He was also the Sheriff on Friday Night Lights, who covered things up when his son Landry murdered Tyra's would-be rapist. (Man, that second season was *weird*.)

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On 5/8/2019 at 9:31 AM, MoreCoffeePlease said:

I try not to nitpick shows, but when the corporate lady told Bell to sign the contract to sell Chastain even without reading it ... come on!  I don't think that is how hospitals are sold. Ridiculous.

Yeah, I was imagining him standing in front of the board. "Oh, BTW, I sold the hospital, guys! Cool, right??"

On 5/10/2019 at 8:39 AM, Lemur said:

He was also the Sheriff on Friday Night Lights, who covered things up when his son Landry murdered Tyra's would-be rapist. (Man, that second season was *weird*.)

And Dr. Druggie played one of Landry's bandmates. 🙂

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On 5/6/2019 at 11:09 PM, Ohwell said:

Crusty Kyle has grown on me so I hope it's the sister who croaked. 

Yeah, me too.  I have zero interest in the sister, but am curious to see if the father survives and what happens from there.

 Bell continues to be the main draw for me...I love the man... maybe it's because Bruce Greenwood is such a fine, fine actor. Even when Bell was the villain he infused him with so much humanity, he was NEVER a cartoon villain. What can I say, I love him.

Conrad barging into the OR and doing the tracheostomy..couldn't the surgeon do it? WTF moment, indeed.

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Looking back, I realize they never really explained the full nature of the rift between Conrad and Marshall. I mean, sure, they didn't get along, dad was always busy working, etc. But Conrad literally vanished without a trace, causing Marshall to spend years searching with a private detective! You don't just do that sort of thing lightly, not unless there's a REALLY good reason. And given how they hinted at Marshall having been involved in Conrad's mother's death...well, I expected a bit more storywise.

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25 minutes ago, SnarkySheep said:

Looking back, I realize they never really explained the full nature of the rift between Conrad and Marshall. I mean, sure, they didn't get along, dad was always busy working, etc. But Conrad literally vanished without a trace, causing Marshall to spend years searching with a private detective! You don't just do that sort of thing lightly, not unless there's a REALLY good reason. And given how they hinted at Marshall having been involved in Conrad's mother's death...well, I expected a bit more storywise.

That was the rift.  Conrad thought Marshall was involved in his mother's death and may have pushed her down the stairs or hit her (I can't remember the details)  Conrad asked Marshall about it and he denied it, gave some explanation of what was what, and that seemed to satisfy Conrad at that point.

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59 minutes ago, izabella said:

That was the rift.  Conrad thought Marshall was involved in his mother's death and may have pushed her down the stairs or hit her (I can't remember the details)  Conrad asked Marshall about it and he denied it, gave some explanation of what was what, and that seemed to satisfy Conrad at that point.

Maybe so, but IMO it still seemed like too little, considering Marshall was initially built up to be this monster.

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I think if any of us thought our dad killed our mom, it would be a serious rift.  I think Conrad had started seeing his dad differently and was questioning whether he really was the monster that Conrad thought he was before he went into his dad's hospital room to ask.

I agree the show wrapped that up too quickly, though.  I'd expect Conrad to need more confirmation than his dad's word.

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I was disappointed with the second season because I felt like the writers removed the thriller/darker aspects of the show and made grave mistakes killing off Big Bad Lane Hunter way too soon and way too abruptly. The Quovadis storyline also seemed to end too early in the season, leaving almost zero serialized story for the end of the season. And then just when I thought Nurse Nic might illegally buy a kidney, the writers chickened out! 

As a huge VanCamp/"Revenge" fan, I really want to see Emily in a deeper/darker storyline than this show may ever offer her. I liked her season 1 storyline taking down Dr. Hunter, but it felt like the storyline breadcrumbed us the entire season with lots of boring patient-of-the-week stories filling up time in between. 

Snarky thoughts about the season 2 finale, the direction of the show, and what's to come next: "The Resident" Season 3 Trailer: Emily VanCamp Weeps for Her Post-"Revenge" Career in a Field of Flowers

On 5/6/2019 at 10:44 PM, Jlina said:

I would have a very hard time asking my parent to risk death for an almost dead drug addict.  Even my sister.  They could offer....but railroading them and shutting them down when they have something "important" to tell me. 

Agree 100%. I was estranged from my mother for most of my adult life (similar to Nic and her father, though I am much older than Nic), and I would never expect her to donate an organ to me or my sibling. I did have a loving relationship with my father, but I wouldn't demand that he donate if the organ was going to a drug addict who has barely finished her latest attempt at getting clean and doing rehab, and who likely would have a hard time complying with the lifelong post-transplant requirements and likely would relapse again if she survived the operation.

I must be dense, but I didn't get it when Bell said he saw himself in the patient who couldn't speak. What part of himself did he see in this patient?



On 4/11/2024 at 2:11 PM, Paloma said:

I must be dense, but I didn't get it when Bell said he saw himself in the patient who couldn't speak. What part of himself did he see in this patient?



Not that I'm sure or anything, but I took it as Bell realising that he too could easily be "unbefriended", has no family or life partner, and so on.

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