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"The View": Week of 5/6/2019

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As usual she was spouting a lot of nonsensical gibberish. I have no idea what she was trying to say. (It did seem like she was trying to quell the calls for gun control from Joy and Sunny though.  Don’t say anything that will upset our Princess!)

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WHEN is Abby going on leave?

Gosh, her brain can't keep up with her mouth. I swear she just talks and has no idea what she is saying!!

She is basically useless.

Edited by OnTime
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2 hours ago, merriebreeze said:

I can't stand Whoopi's hamming. Or her remarks on the shooting ("It's time to poop or get off the pot") Not helpful. Not appropriate.

What I really didn't like is that Whoopi said "on both sides"  and then said it wasn't a political or partisan issue.  OK - yes, kids being shot in schools should NOT be about politics.   But why say "ON BOTH SIDES", which prefaces the issue by making it about two opposing political views?  

  The "both sides"  is something Meghan uses for any topic - as though every single thing we talk about has to be democratic/republican, conservative/liberal, and there are only TWO completely opposite ways of looking at anything.  It is that crazy "us vs. them"  that Meghan copies from trump, and it divides the country far too much. I hate when Whoopi uses that for an issue like school shootings.  what is she saying when she says "poop or get off the pot?"  that's not an opinion -  it's just saying somebody should do something, but I don't know what. it doesn't advance the discussion at all.  

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Clearly this was Kiss McCain’s Ass Day on The View. The brat must’ve come to work in tears after being reamed out everywhere in the news and Whoopi was indulging the big baby. Mostly fluff topics for her to fake laugh and pretend as if she's relatable some more. Whoopi made sure they couldn’t talk seriously in response to the shooting, agreed with McCain on everything, disagreed with Joy on everything, etc. etc. What an awful show today. I’m pretty surprised McCain didn’t bring her father up to the guest whose spouse committed suicide like she did Jill Biden—or did I miss it? Usually she is that classless and self-centered.

As someone actually living in North Carolina, all I could do was laugh along with Joy when the other ladies tried to tell her that she was wrong and that Richard Burr is “one of the good ones.”

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50 minutes ago, OnTime said:

WHEN is Abby going on leave?

Gosh, her brain can't keep up with her mouth. I swear she just talks and has no idea what she is saying!!

She is basically useless.

Which has nothing to do with the current pregnancy (is it pregnancies?).

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1 hour ago, pinguina said:

I found what MM said about the shooting victim a little offensive.  She said something like "Despite his Hispanic 'ties' (I know she didn't say heritage - but not sure if she said 'ties') he and his family are American."  What?? So if your family has a different culture or family roots you aren't really American?  So if I did something she viewed as patriotic/heroic/"American values" it would be despite my background/culture/whatever??  And of course she brought it back to herself with the flag remark. 😞 

The city of her birth (and mine), Phoenix, Arizona, has a Hispanic population of 41% ... but she doesn't have a clue.  She could BUY one!

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2 hours ago, pachebo said:

I  have several friends with PHD's and NONE of them insist on being called "Doctor Blah Blah".

My kids grew up in a "college town" (pop. 60,000) and several of our friends or their friends' parents were PhD professors at Arizona State University--or working toward that degree.  No one insisted on being called "Doctor," but when the kids got to that university, they sure did call those same people (all men...one woman) "Doctor," and continue to this day.  I assume the university insisted on it.  (Current population 190,000)

Edited by HaaCHOO
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1 minute ago, HaaCHOO said:

My kids grew up in a "college town" (pop. 60,000) and several of our friends or their friends' parents were PhD professors at Arizona State University--or working toward that degree.  No one insisted on being called "Doctor," but when the kids got to that university, they sure did call thosee same people (all men...one woman) "Doctor," and continue to this day.  I assume the university insisted on it.  (Current population 190,000)

I had a high school history teacher that we called Doctor. It wasn't anything he insisted on, but it was his title, and we used it. He wasn't the kind of guy to insist on it in any case. I think it's a kind of reverse snobbism to refuse to use people's earned titles. Not that there aren't some who are obnoxious about insisting on their titles, but the reflexively anti-title people are equally obnoxious in my view. YMMV.

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On 5/9/2019 at 10:47 AM, GiveMeSpace said:

In fact, I might even change my first name to Doctor.

My sister-in-law's vet in Buckeye AZ was Dr. Doktor.  When she kept saying, "Doctor, Doctor" I thought I was missing the joke.

Edited by HaaCHOO
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Despite her Irish and Scottish roots, Meghan McCain and her family are Americans who love the flag and MM has the founding fathers all over the walls of her apartment.  She could stop a lot of bullets with her upper body if she wanted to be a hero instead of just a hero-adjacent, military-adjacent, politics-adjacent "pundint".

Part of me wonders if someone at ABC is trying to get MM to quit The View and all appearances on other ABC shows after repeatedly making a fool of herself. Does MyproducerBrian still sit backstage with her at these appearances or has he given up too?

Edited by deirdra
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15 minutes ago, deirdra said:

Part of me wonders if someone at ABC is trying to get MM to quit The View and all appearances on other ABC shows after repeatedly making a fool of herself.

but she made a fool of herself on Seth Meyers show, which is NBC

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5 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

Did I hear wrong, of did Meghan refer to Don trump Jr as "beloved?" because that is weird.

Beloved by Ivanna and the NRA, perhaps, and "beloved" … /sarcasm off by wild-animal lovers. 

Edited by deirdra
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I agree that what NutMeg said about the school shooting was offensive. But the reason is that is what she chose to focus on.  She couldn't screech about guns, but she had to come up with something for her "side".  However, what she read was an actual quote from the dad, at least the first bit about being Hispanic and loving America, and about patriotism.  I only know this because I saw the dad being interviewed beforehand.  It just irks me that that is what she would focus on out of all of this, plus the kids chanting "mental health", and using that to try to steer it away from gun control.

I believe Sunny said that Jill Biden said Joe would take care of this problem,  and I am sure that was another clever way to shut down NutMeg.  Sunny is sneaky.

The entire conversation about school shootings was ridiculous and offered nothing new, as usual.  Especially Whoopi and Nutmeg's comments.  Joy at least pointed out that people in other countries have mental health issues but not school shootings (although that is starting to change).  There is an obvious solution to gun violence in the US, but it will never occur in our lifetimes.  But they can't talk about that because of rabid NutMeg.

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3 hours ago, pinguina said:

I found what MM said about the shooting victim a little offensive.  She said something like "Despite his Hispanic 'ties' (I know she didn't say heritage - but not sure if she said 'ties') he and his family are American."  What?? So if your family has a different culture or family roots you aren't really American?  So if I did something she viewed as patriotic/heroic/"American values" it would be despite my background/culture/whatever??  And of course she brought it back to herself with the flag remark. 😞 

I've said it before, but please, someone on the show, bring up Arizona's history to Meghan sometime. Her brain is going to explode all over the table when she finds out it was part of the Mexican state of Sonora at one time! 😂.

Thanks @bannana, I didn't remember she was referring back to a statement made by the father. I agree, it's irksome that she brings it back to lame patriotism cliches. A whole lot of hot air from her.

Edited by SuzieSioux
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Just got around to reading our morning paper.  Once again, there's a Meghan McCain article.  Not long ago I wondered if she hired a PR agency to feed stories.  Well, our local reporters bit.  This is the headline: "Meghan McCain's husband apologizes for Twitter rant."   Here's my favorite line in the article, "McCain nor her publicist immediately responded to The Arizona Republic's request for comment."  I bow to myself!  This article was actually given a quarter page!

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16 minutes ago, bannana said:

There is an obvious solution to gun violence in the US, but it will never occur in our lifetimes.  But they can't talk about that because of rabid NutMeg.

Rabid and pampered/protected/bossy Nutmeg.  Remember the old days when everyone would joke about someone's "having dirty pictures," and that's why they weren't fired, banned, or deported?  Well...even if she has pictures, no one would care these days.

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4 hours ago, pachebo said:

I  have several friends with PHD's and NONE of them insist on being called "Doctor Blah Blah".

I had a professor who wanted to be called Dr., not Ms. or Mrs. 

Does it ever occur to Meghan that while she focuses on the Hispanics, the mass shooters are usually white and male?

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26 minutes ago, heysmilinstrange said:

Everyone seemed extra wacky and giggly today. Whoopi's dancing and singing, the weird questions Abby and Meghan asked Anne Hathaway, Joy calling Shakespeare "cute" ... I wonder what that was all about?

I agree.  As @TheGreenKnight speculated I think that to counter the extremely negative publicity generated by the rage tweeter, which washes over NutMeg, the producers decided to make everyone play nice, even on tough topics, and make everything happy and friendly.  Now I am unsure as to how NutMeg can turn on the giggles and happiness when she has no doubt been reading everything about herself and the fallout and, if she is a normal person 👀, screaming at her idiot husband for pretty much trashing her reputation via his homophobic tweets.  So I would guess it has been a couple of sleepless nights for her.  Maybe they gave her some happy pills to get through the show?  She definitely didn't have her normal bitch face on, and didn't attack Joy when she talked about gun control, etc.

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6 hours ago, pinguina said:

I found what MM said about the shooting victim a little offensive.  She said something like "Despite his Hispanic 'ties' (I know she didn't say heritage - but not sure if she said 'ties') he and his family are American."  What?? So if your family has a different culture or family roots you aren't really American?  So if I did something she viewed as patriotic/heroic/"American values" it would be despite my background/culture/whatever??  And of course she brought it back to herself with the flag remark. 😞 

6 hours ago, Coffeewinewater said:

That's what I was so pissed about. It had to do with Latinos being seen as other , not real Americans.  I wrote to abc.  I know it won't matter to them but i was pissed. I don't need people like Meghan McCain giving backhanded compliments to POC. I was absolutely offended and I said so in my note to ABC. That child's ethnicity had nothing to do with his heroism. 

5 hours ago, HaaCHOO said:

The city of her birth (and mine), Phoenix, Arizona, has a Hispanic population of 41% ... but she doesn't have a clue.  She could BUY one!

Actually, Meghan was quoting Kendrick Castillo's own father who said, "He loved the patriotism...We are Hispanic by nature but we love America to the core."


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Sunny also mentioned that all countries have people with mental illness, but in countries where guns are regulated, people shooting up schools, churches, is not as common.

Edited by deirdra
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His father did say that, but what was offensive to me was that MM used the word "Despite", as if his "nature" was something to overcome.  For example, "Despite the student's lack of support at home, he succeeded in school."

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1 hour ago, pinguina said:

His father did say that, but what was offensive to me was that MM used the word "Despite", as if his "nature" was something to overcome.  

Yes, it was the "Despite" that twisted the sentiment from respectful of his patriotism to dismissive.

Edited by deirdra
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Thank the Lord, today is Abby's last show. She said she'll be back in the fall though, ugh. Hope everything goes well with the birth, but I won't miss her.

Also, Meghan is sick today, according to Joy, as is Ana.

Edited by Alexis2291
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9 minutes ago, Alexis2291 said:

Thank the Lord, today is Abby's last show. She said she'll be back in the fall though, ugh. Hope everything goes well with the birth, but I won't miss her.

Also, Meghan is sick today, according to Joy, as is Ana.

And we’ll have a revolving door of fill ins 

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A Meghan-free show and yet I still can't bother to get up and turn on the tv to watch it.  I guess the bloom is really off the rose for me when it comes to this show anymore. 

Edited by Cementhead
Because I can't read today.
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16 minutes ago, Alexis2291 said:

Thank the Lord, today is Abby's last show. She said she'll be back in the fall though, ugh. Hope everything goes well with the birth, but I won't miss her.

Also, Meghan is sick today, according to Joy, as is Ana.

Megan is still licking her wounds..lol  The so-called tough chick cannot handle any type of criticism for her own stupidity.  Her behavior yesterday was so telling, the constant laughing, kissing Whoopie's ass because she protects her and indulges her stupidity.  She knows that Whoopie is the only person other than Abby who likes her.  Joy tolerates her professionally and Sunny is over her as well. Anna not inviting her to her wedding was the final nail in the coffin regarding their friendship that was due solely to Anna's respect for her late father. 

Edited by Apprentice79
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4 minutes ago, TheView said:

And we’ll have a revolving door of fill ins 

Who's betting on Elisabeth showing back up with her trusty Bible tucked under her overly-tanned arm? 

As far as today's show goes, I always like watching Tara when she shows up on CNN and I am still not motivated to turn the tv on to watch today. 

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I'm calling it right now---Ahbby is NOT coming back full-time in the Fall or any other time--at least not for very long (maybe 3 months before she announces that her family needs her more).  CBO, dontcha know?   Blech. 

Or when ABC finds a replacement for her that MM approves of--and I'm serious.

Stupid, despicable MM has given the View a media presence--negative 99% of the time,  but it's better (in their eyes ) than no presence.  Pathetic, greedy, and stomach-turning, I agree. 

Back to Ahbby .

She will have 3 children under age 5. 

She's rich, and yes,  she has hired help, and a supportive family.  

But would you?  

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2 minutes ago, Tosia said:

I'm calling it right now---Ahbby is NOT coming back full-time in the Fall or any other time--at least not for very long (maybe 3 months before she announces that her family needs her more). 

Also, I'm wondering if they've even signed their contracts for fall yet? I doubt it.

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I like Abby. I don't agree with her on much of anything, but she's probably one of the few conservatives this show's had on that don't irritate me just to hear their voice or to see their face; Paula and Ana are the other ones. Interesting that her BFF would be a no-show on her last day (for a while anyway).

I suppose Tara being there means she might be on a great deal while Abby's out? It would be nice if Ana was there 2-3 days a week now and Tara filled in the other half of the week.

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I don’t know who Ciara is, but, the message from her family reminded me of the war zone messages from soldiers at Christmas.  She’s just away from home working as an entertainer, right?

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I'm 45 mins behind. So Meg is "out sick" and today is Abby's last day. 

I like Tara.  Since Ana doesn't want the full time gig, can she and Tara split duties and boot The Arizona Princess?  Both of them are so much smarter and can speak without histrionics. And to be shallow, Tara has gorgeous eyes. 

I wonder how Meg would have reacted to Ciara's video.  All the moms were crying. She'd probably roll her eyes and complain how it didn't relate to her. 

Edited by Haleth
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