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S17.E13: Top 10 Reveal (2019.04.15)

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Ok. My 2 cents for whatever it's worth.
I'm not getting it on all the Alejandro love. He's mediocre at the MOST. Since day one the judges have been pushing him as some kind of musical wonder and I can only think it's in their contracts to do so because he is a producers nephew or something. They've been pushing his mediocrity since the audition! He is not some ovation deserving musical prodigy with the fawning over him like he's a musical God, judges! Wtf? His 2-3 note monotone voice is like a whisper in the wind.

 He just in no way is a great singer. He may be adept at playing some musical instruments that highlight his 2 note capable voice, but American Idol is about the voice. Not the humble cute sweetheart type of personality he is, which is nice. But nice isn't singing talent. Sorry Alejandro, but somebody's got to say it out loud. 

Thank God Evelyn is gone. What a strange egg. I couldn't stand watching her mouth and the forced deep tones that came out of it.

Eddie Island. Buh bye! Thankfully.

Shocked that Uche wasn't voted in by the viewers. What a showman! Now he's idol material in my book. He's got the moves down, now he needs to practice voice control. He's got the voice, and needs to spend the rest of his idol time focusing on that, cause remember Uche... it's more about the voice that gets you into the winning circle.

Lacy, eh, she's ok. The sandy breathy voice is one tone tho she does it nicely. At least she basically stays in tune.

Madison, to me is the most vocally talented out of the group. 

Those are the ones standing out to me the most, as I write this. I am a singer and my own worst critic and feel as tho I could go toe to toe with Simon on my opinions. He has a great and discerning ear. Wish he was here.

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3 hours ago, rr2911 said:

6. Alyssa Raghu - I was a big fan of her last season. I thought she should've gone through. Well, she comes back with the same voice that had me rooting for her. But...with a bit of arrogance. That right there is when I stopped rooting for her. Plus, I thought Ashley Hess was a better singer. More polished than her. Good move on Alyssa's part, for picking a Katy Perry's song.

I totally agree.......she was pretty much guaranteed to be saved by Katy with that move plus throwing in tears for good measure.  

I have to admit I was surprised Uche didn't make the Top 10 by America's vote alone.  

I went into the Top 14 genuinely thinking this really was the best we have seen in a long time and now not so much.  Laci disappointed last night as did Alejandro and Jeremiah and they are my frontrunners.  I do not like when they sing original songs......the only one I have ever liked was Jessica Muese's Blue Eyed Lie.   

The judges are horrible.....I like them as people but judges they are not.  They really do need a Simon or at least a Harry Connick Jr to actually give constructive criticism or just flat out criticism when they need it.    

I kind of hope this is the last season as I cannot quit this show ;)    

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Both Alejandro and Jeremiah have performed their originals twice now. A's is kind of growing on me, J's makes me want to gauge my eyes out. Kind of how I feel about the two of them right now. Also hated Walker's performance and I was so pleased to see ginger men in the finals!

So Demetrius and Uche are my guys. Wanting them both to cut loose. Of the girls, Madison and Laci can stay a while. Was getting a little worried that the top 7 would be all guys except for Madison. So now, we have 3 women left.

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I think Laine has this season on lock. Thankfully I like him, otherwise I'd tune out at this point. There isn't a contestant I like as much as Maddie Poppe last year. Alejandro is probably my favorite, then Jeremiah, Laine, Alyssa, and Madison. I don't mind Dimitrius or Laci. The only surprising thing about the judges' saves for me was that Luke didn't pick Riley. Not that I'm unhappy she's gone, I just thought he'd pick her because she's country and he's been pulling for her whenever she performs. She seems like a nice girl, but her voice isn't for me. I hope Alejandro chooses some better songs in the coming weeks. I'd like him to at least go top 5, if not the top 3.

Wade seems like someone who will go far, unfortunately. He sounds like Nickelback and I'm not here for it.

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On 4/16/2019 at 1:22 PM, Ladyrain said:

Wait wait wait wait wait.   Voters save Climb Every Mountain boy and don't advance Uche to the top 10???    Who in their right mind would go to a  CEM mountain-boy concert?   But if Uche came to a club anywhere near me, I'd be right there in the front row.   That man is an Entertainer, with a capital E.   And like I said previously, I'm old enough to be his grandmother.

Depends on your musical preference.  I cannot stand drama or theatrical productions of songs.  Uche reeks of that.

Find a meaningful song.  Figure out what the song's story means to YOU, because if you genuinely connect to the song, your audience will connect with you.  Stay on key.  Dump the melisma.

That pretty much sums up WALKER's (that his name) interpretation.  OK yeah, he was dressed like Mo Rocca.  It's a singing competition.  Not Project Runway.

Edited by CatsAndMoreCats
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I like being entertained, along with the vocals.  Example:  Right now I have The Voice DVR'd from last night.   Many good vocalists, but much boredom - which is why I'm on here typing rather than paying close attention.   When Uche's on, I'm never bored.   Another example:  Mr. Rain is as outdoorsy as they come.   Hunter.  Fisherman.  Literally chops wood.   Builds things.  Not what you'd figure for an Uche fan.   But he loves watching him.  So, yeah, it all comes down to different people's preferences.  Different singers, different viewers.

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20 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

Laci is lucky she was safe because her song choice tonight did not showcase her voice at all.  That was icky.

She was already saved by the audience so what did it matter?  Can the contestants switch their choices when it's "I'm safe" versus "I'm singing for the judges"?  Once the contestants were safe they could have sung the alphabet.

All ballads last night except for Uche, Laine Hardy, and whatever Eddie sang because I FF'd.  It was like torture for me.

I'm happy Uche and Demetrius were saved.  Good choice.  There are A LOT of contestants that do nothing for me and we finally got rid of a bunch.  Good job America and judges.

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I'm watching Evelyn now since I missed her last night and I'm not sure what to call her singing style.  She uses her mouth to overexaggerate sounds....like smokers who blow O shaped smoke rings.   It's hard to connect to her.

On top of that I noticed she didn't connect to anyone in the holding room and when she was on the couch she gave very terse hand pats to the ones who joined her in the boot zone.....I dunno…..there is something really unapproachable about her.  Including me in the audience.

She's like an untouchable entitled robot.  Am I supposed to find her shtick amazing because she makes weird low groany noises shaping her mouth around blown air?

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1 hour ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

She was already saved by the audience so what did it matter?  Can the contestants switch their choices when it's "I'm safe" versus "I'm singing for the judges"?  Once the contestants were safe they could have sung the alphabet.

All ballads last night except for Uche, Laine Hardy, and whatever Eddie sang because I FF'd.  It was like torture for me.

I'm happy Uche and Demetrius were saved.  Good choice.  There are A LOT of contestants that do nothing for me and we finally got rid of a bunch.  Good job America and judges.

I think it's a little bit important because they shouldn't assume that the audience who is watching is seeing every episode of this show or even prior seasons.  I don't really remember her and since last night was one of the songs I watched it's kind of an opportunity to create a fan that might vote.  She sounded really bad to me....but since I read here I know that she's had some good prior performances.

Same with the guys who sang their original songs.  Didn't connect at all....maybe it won't matter....but maybe a wasted opportunity?

This show would really make the most sense if people bought the cover songs each week, full studio and then the proceeds went to charities.   Vote with your wallet.   If you weren't going to buy their songs in AI production with all of the live AI marketing hype, why would you buy their stuff later under smaller labels?

Agree with you that Uche and Demetrius were good saves.  What's the world coming to when a lot of us are happy with the judges LOL?

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Okay, so I got most of the top ten right.  There were some people who should be glad they weren't singing for their spots, but Uche' and Dimitrius did what they had to do - they were leagues better than Sunday night.

This is a top ten I can live with, especially since it doesn't include Eddie.

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22 hours ago, TeeMo said:

I had stopped paying attention by the time Uche performed and I have to hand it to Lionel for giving us a genuinely great TV moment there. It was the only part of the whole show tonight that really grabbed my attention. 

I'd be curious to know who the bottom four in audience votes really were.

I imagine it was who they said.

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3 hours ago, Ladyrain said:

I like being entertained, along with the vocals.  Example:  Right now I have The Voice DVR'd from last night.   Many good vocalists, but much boredom - which is why I'm on here typing rather than paying close attention.   When Uche's on, I'm never bored.   Another example:  Mr. Rain is as outdoorsy as they come.   Hunter.  Fisherman.  Literally chops wood.   Builds things.  Not what you'd figure for an Uche fan.   But he loves watching him.  So, yeah, it all comes down to different people's preferences.  Different singers, different viewers.

Me too. Unfortunately Uche's vocals are very inconsistent.  He was terrible, vocally, Sunday night.

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One of my pet peeves is when the judges act horrified that America voted for some people and not others, as though they believe that America has the power to vote every single one of the 14 contestants into the top ten and just chose not to. They seemed to tone it down as the night went on, but their reaction to Riley not being voted in was baffling as I think she is pretty objectively one of the weaker contestants relative to the overall pack. I actually think the top 7 as chosen by America was extremely reasonable, though I would have happily traded Walker for either Uche or Ashley.

I wonder if the acoustics in the studio sound different than what we hear on TV at home, or if the judges are making remarks based on dress because it's too hard to hear over the screaming fans during the live performance. I thought Eddie sounded terrible Sunday night and couldn't believe not a single one so much as dinged him with a "pitchy." He was a mess. I also thought Dimitrius sounded off--he's incredibly talented and one of my favorites, but he didn't sound right to me. Dimitrius sounded better Monday, though still with some issue at the higher register, and Eddie still sounded like a garbage heap.

I concur that others that while Uche delivered a great overall performance, he didn't SOUND good. All that dancing threw off his breath control for sure. I also think the aesthetic he's going for is probably a little far out for the particular American Idol audience to identify with other than seeing it as a novelty. He also clearly needs a bit of a thicker skin. 

I don't have any issue with the fact that the age cutoff is as low as 16, but I do agree with old school Simon Cowell that a 16/17 year old can't possibly have the depth of experience to understand and relate to these songs the same way someone even a few years older could. Madison seems to have the fantastic quality of really getting and singing the songs with meaning, whereas I don't think Riley was there yet, I think Alyssa is a little stronger but still not there and the jury is out on Walker. Alyssa and Walker both, in my opinion, chose songs that were way out of their emotional depth range on Sunday. 

I completely agree with whoever said Eddie's performance was indulgent and I am glad he was eliminated. I hated his behavior during his duet and the fact that he thought Bennie and the Jets was a risky choice. He has a lot of growing up to do. 

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I noticed that several of the contestants were fiddling with their earpieces and I wondered if there were problems with what they were hearing and therefore what they were singing. It seemed like many of them were either drowned out by the music and the crowds or just weren't singing strong. It was frustrating to listen to and to watch.

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I noticed that several of the contestants were fiddling with their earpieces and I wondered if there were problems with what they were hearing and therefore what they were singing. It seemed like many of them were either drowned out by the music and the crowds or just weren't singing strong. It was frustrating to listen to and to watch.

It does help to listen to the performances with earbuds via streaming, as I do, than through television speakers. There is a difference in the sound quality and it seems as if that was a sound mixing issue in the live performances Monday night.

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What a weird show. At times it seemed like Ryan Seacrest was just winging it. He is usually so suave, but parts seemed like they were making it up on the fly, like when he was backstage with them and started giving Riley her results but didn't say that was who he was talking about! It just seemed disjointed.

I cannot believe they all sang AGAIN. Four hours a week is ridiculous. I long for the half hour results show of old with a horrible group number, Ford contestant commercial, and results. Wham, bam, thank you ma'am. Where is that show???!!?

Overall, I think these are ok picks. I'm not really a fan of Wade's growling or Dimitirius' high pitched drama, but the rest are fine. And there is my problem. I really don't care who wins at this point.

I miss Simon.

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One of my pet peeves is when the judges act horrified that America voted for some people and not others, as though they believe that America has the power to vote every single one of the 14 contestants into the top ten and just chose not to.

Thanks; I wondered why the judging always bugs me, and this is part of why.  Many shows express regret that more people can't go through, but (for example) America's Got Talent, for all its flaws, usually has judges who understand that someone has to go.


I wonder if the acoustics in the studio sound different than what we hear on TV at home

This (or that, as you note, they are judging/scoring from dress rehearsal, or some of both) would explain a lot.  This week could have been caused by otherwise-good singers trying to sing over the band, and sounding worse as a result to us, but not to the judges (who couldn't hear the signing, but had heard the song.)  Riley, for example, might not have the lung capacity to blast over the band and still sound good.  That's encouraging for her career, if she can either learn to do it or hire a better sound crew, and ideally some of both.

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1 hour ago, theschnauzers said:

It does help to listen to the performances with earbuds via streaming, as I do, than through television speakers. There is a difference in the sound quality and it seems as if that was a sound mixing issue in the live performances Monday night.

Yes! I was wondering why so many of them seemed to be having trouble finding, staying in key. It was definitely an out of tune night for most of them. Even Madison was struggling tho she did stay on key, mostly. They were all a bit hoarse too. From practicing their brains out.

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On 4/16/2019 at 5:07 PM, Ladyrain said:

@SassyCat, I loved your post.   I'm not feeling the Alejandro love either.   Glad the ones who left are gone.  Especially Evelyn.   Jeez Louise, how did she get this far???

Thank you LADYRAIN, I'm glad you liked it! I don't know how they even get on, but am thinking, well, they do have to pick people they know will have to eventually be voted off, so why not pick some quirky noodles! That's all I can come up with hehehe. I really just wish them well on their musical paths, and that Evelyn tones it down on the oral aerobic workout enunciating each word with exaggerated mouth movement and falsetto guttural low tones that just don't sound too good when sung like that any & everywhere she can fit one in. It just isn't as profound as she hoped. It's just cringe worthy.

I'm up there in years too, and just love that Uche! Wow! He's so young now, I hope he goes far with his dream of being the star that he is. He's trying to show all of his musical talent at once in each and every song he sings and needs to just concentrate on a couple of his many talents per song, he'll sound better, be more relaxed and in control. He sounds like he's trying to prove he can sing 17 different varieties of voice and style in one song, and I think that it's hurting his chances now, during this competition.

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2 hours ago, Ilovepie said:

What a weird show. At times it seemed like Ryan Seacrest was just winging it. He is usually so suave, but parts seemed like they were making it up on the fly, like when he was backstage with them and started giving Riley her results but didn't say that was who he was talking about! It just seemed disjointed.

I cannot believe they all sang AGAIN. Four hours a week is ridiculous. I long for the half hour results show of old with a horrible group number, Ford contestant commercial, and results. Wham, bam, thank you ma'am. Where is that show???!!?

Overall, I think these are ok picks. I'm not really a fan of Wade's growling or Dimitirius' high pitched drama, but the rest are fine. And there is my problem. I really don't care who wins at this point.

I miss Simon.

I think next week we go to the real-time results with no results show. Still not sure how that includes the West Coast. 

ETA: oh wait, it's aired simultaneously on the West Coast, isn't it? 

Edited by Jillybean
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As mentioned, the judges does don't judge.  There is not any constructive criticism.  I long for 'dawg , that was pitchy' ,' you're too Broadway','you belong on a cruise ship'.

I can't believe the salaries of these 3 judges who don't judge.

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10 hours ago, Jillybean said:

I think next week we go to the real-time results with no results show. Still not sure how that includes the West Coast. 

ETA: oh wait, it's aired simultaneously on the West Coast, isn't it? 

It airs across al time zones and folks can vote from the time the show starts until the last commercial break. Since there’s no phone voting in the ABC iteration of Idol, the votes can be tallied from text, online and app voting really quickly and announced at the end of last commercial break.

Edited by theschnauzers
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@Ilovepie mentioned the old group numbers.   I'd forgotten about those!   The show could save what is probably a ton of money if they just had the singers do a group number each week, instead of having all those guest "stars" on for duets.   We'd still get a handle on how well each singer could do harmonically and how well they interact with others on stage.  

And as @Diana Berry said, I too miss the constructive criticism and honest evaluations.   I never thought I'd miss hearing, "Dawg, that was pitchy".   But I do.

Just wait till these special snowflakes get out there into the real music business, especially given some of their limited talents.   They're gonna hear a lot worse than "pitchy".   And they're certainly not going to be told they're "already a star!".  

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I guess I have to say it, but everyone is giving Uche the love. He is so over the top that I kept waiting for him to drop the mic and shout, " Sexual Chocolate"! Remember "Coming to America"? 😂 

Edited by rr2911
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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I heard it'll be 2 a week.

I think that sucks. They spent two months to get to the top 10 just to dump them as quick as possible. It’s over just as the real competition gets started. What a waste.

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On 4/17/2019 at 8:25 AM, Jillibean said:

I don't have any issue with the fact that the age cutoff is as low as 16, but I do agree with old school Simon Cowell that a 16/17 year old can't possibly have the depth of experience to understand and relate to these songs the same way someone even a few years older could. Madison seems to have the fantastic quality of really getting and singing the songs with meaning

See, I thought Madison sang Fallin' well, but when I listened to the lyrics, I was like, "she doesn't know what 'falling in and out of love with you' means." Same with Riley and "Suds in the Bucket." At least Laine picked Elvis, so no deep musical interpretation needed. But ever since Jordin Sparks sang "You'll Never Walk Alone" -- which is sung to a grieving widow about persevering after tragedy -- with a big smile on her face, I have been biased against 16/17 year olds having the maturity to interpret the meaning of more emotionally complex songs. Like every teenager who's belted out "Natural Woman." No, please no. Just 'cause you can belt it doesn't mean you get it.

I'm sure others have said it, but Walker is like the hipster reincarnation of John Stevens, the ginger-haired crooner from Idol season 3. I can't unsee it now.

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On 4/17/2019 at 8:25 AM, Jillibean said:

I don't have any issue with the fact that the age cutoff is as low as 16, but I do agree with old school Simon Cowell that a 16/17 year old can't possibly have the depth of experience to understand and relate to these songs the same way someone even a few years older could.

Curiously, making the lower age limit 12 was supposedly one of Simon's drivers for starting The X-Factor.

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On 4/18/2019 at 5:56 PM, rr2911 said:

I guess I have to say it, but everyone is giving Uche the love. He is so over the top that I kept waiting for him to drop the mic and shout, " Sexual Chocolate"! Remember "Coming to America"? 😂 

I love Uche, but your post made me laugh out loud.   Yeah, I could picture that!

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