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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019)


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11 hours ago, Anduin said:

And yes, Ren is a great villain. I'll be happy to see him die.

I find Ren to be a piss poor villain. He's not scary or intimidating at all. He's a whiny bitch boy, like Anakin. Vader and The Emperor were much better villains. Hell, Snoak in The Force Awakens at least had potential since everyone was afraid of him (wasted opportunity). 

I really hope they do something with Ren in Rise of Skywalker to make him a good villain (and I have my doubts since there's a Rey/Ren team up in the trailer). Although, with the return of Palpatine and the glimpse of Vader maybe JJ goes full circle and makes Palps/Vader the Big Bad of Rise of Skywalker. 

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1 hour ago, Anduin said:

FFS. You mind-raped her, got inside her head. She still rejected you at every turn. You have no bloody idea

I can't agree with that since it wasn't his doing. You could just ask easily claim she mind raped him. 

Reality is they were both victims of Snoak.

And I am NOT a Ren apologist or Rey/Ren shipper (only 1 Star Wars ship ever worth supporting even if Abrams destroyed it). That's just the story presented in The Last Jedi.

ETA: it just occurred to me you might be referring to the Jedi mind reading in The Force Awakens which is a fair claim since he invaded her mind.

8 hours ago, Anduin said:

Rian Johnson has a trilogy lined up. Why? Because once again, he did a really good job with TLJ.

Does he?  I'm honestly asking. I thought they paused the Johnson Trilogy in favor of the D&D Trilogy?

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Not much revealed here, but it does look pretty damn epic. Emperor Palpatine is the villain that Rey deserves to fight, Kylo is such a hot topic kid I really struggle taking him super seriously as the big arc villain for the end of this part of the series. 

I liked TFA and TLJ, flaws and all, so I am excited for this as well. I would have made some different choices, especially in TLJ, but its been a wild ride. I mean, as long as no one mentions mitacloriens, I am pretty much great!

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I can't agree with that since it wasn't his doing. You could just ask easily claim she mind raped him. 

Reality is they were both victims of Snoak.

Kylo Ren in the Force Awakens very definitely did do a little mind raping. It even resulted in Rey telling him to get out of her head. And when he got more forceful with it, she managed to turn the tables on him which sent him running to Snoke.

You can make arguments for The Last Jedi maybe but in TFA Kylo Ren was the aggressor towards her and he'd already done it to Poe as well so it's not like ripping things out of people's minds was a new thing for Kylo. That Rey was able to resist him and then get something from him was a surprise to all involved.

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43 minutes ago, Dandesun said:

Kylo Ren in the Force Awakens very definitely did do a little mind raping. It even resulted in Rey telling him to get out of her head. And when he got more forceful with it, she managed to turn the tables on him which sent him running to Snoke.

Considering I updated my post with this ETA 6 hours ago I'm at a lost to how you missed it.

ETA: it just occurred to me you might be referring to the Jedi mind reading in The Force Awakens which is a fair claim since he invaded her mind.

6 hours ago, VCRTracking said:

Me: Well I've enjoyed the Disney era sequels so far but I doubt I'm going to get that emotional for TROS even though it's the last one in the "Skywalker saga".

(Trailer strongly implies C-3PO dies)



That surprised me too. It never occurred to me to worry about him or R2D2 since their droids they can go on forever. I assumed both would continue on with whoever survives. I'm going to be bawling if that was true. 

  • Love 4
23 hours ago, Chyromaniac said:

Have we heard that version of the main theme before?  Because holy $#!? Williams just went full opera on us!  That more than anything else in any of the trailers has me pumped for this.

It's such a powerful piece of music anyway, especially with all that nostalgia and fondness that goes with it. But that version? Holy shit, I could listen to it all day.

For anyone who hasn't seen it, the Girlfriend Reviews episode for A New Hope is just glorious, and she perfectly sums up John Williams' score when she describes the Force theme that plays as Luke looks longingly at the suns on Tatooine as:

"Have you ever heard the sound of despair, a call from the void to do something great and a glimmer of hope all at once? 'Cos here it is!"

I know it's too early to speculate in any great detail, but is anyone else confused by the creative decision to bring back the Emperor? I mean, why go to all the trouble of positioning Kylo Ren as the trilogy's Big Bad by having him kill Snoke, only to bring in yet another Dark Lord who may-or-may-not have been pulling everyone's strings the whole time.

Why not just start with the Emperor? Or just LET Kylo be the genocidal autocrat he's so clearly desperate to be. 

On that note, why should I get excited at the thought of Rey (or Kylo) fighting the Emperor? Kylo is obsessed with Vader, and Rey's main nemesis is Kylo. What the hell does Palpatine have to do with anything set up in the previous two movies?

Hopefully Ole' Sheev's appearance will just comprise of a cameo designed to mess with Rey's head, but can someone please assure me we're not going to get ANOTHER reiteration of the Throne Room scene in which the Emperor pits Vader/Kylo against Rey/Luke, a scenario which was already done (and deliberately subverted) in TLJ. 

Because I get the sinking feeling his reappearance is just a way to give Kylo yet another opportunity to "redeem" himself. And honestly, words can't express how uninterested I am in Kylo redemption at this stage. He's been offered two olive branches by the good guys and rejected both of them. Enough already. 

Edited by Ravenya003
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I think it's more likely that Palpatine appears as a Force ghost, attempting to influence both Rey and Kylo Ren. I don't need or want to see him resurrected.

The armada of old Star Destroyers is interesting, and my guess is that ghostly Palpatine tells Kylo Ren where to find them, after something happens to the First Order fleet.

  • Love 3

Oh, and one more thing: I promise I'm not trying to be a Debbie Downer, but is anyone else a little overwhelmed by the sheer amount of characters in this? I don't know what the run-time is going to be, but we've got to find room for:

Protagonists Rey, Finn and Poe

Second Tier Characters C3-PO, R2-D2, BB8, Chewy, Rose, Connix (Billie Lourd)... is Maz Kanata coming back?

Legacy Characters Leia, Lando, the Emperor, and Luke in some capacity

Brand New Characters Jannah, Keri Russell, Dominic Monagham, Richard E. Grant, Matt Smith - and isn't there a new little droid?

Villains Kylo and Hux and the Knights of Ren (the last of which we don't know anything about).

That's a staggering amount of people to juggle, and it's hard not to think someone isn't going to get shortchanged. (Finn. It's going to be Finn). 

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, Ravenya003 said:

I know it's too early to speculate in any great detail, but is anyone else confused by the creative decision to bring back the Emperor?

I'm not excited about this decision.  It feels like a re-tread.  I wasn't impressed with him in the OT either.

I also agree with you about overstuffing the characters.  I have been feeling like a Debbie Downer because this trailer didn't really make me enthusiastic to see it.   I'm mildly interested as to how they intend to wrap things up but I haven't ordered tickets yet and doubt I will be rushing out to see it.  I mean, it looks fine; just..fine.

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Excited for this since it looks like the main trio will spend a lot of time together (which they should have done in the sequel as well imo), but I'm disappointed that Finn seems to have been reduced to the WOOO guy throughout these movies. There was so much they could have done with him. A Stormtrooper breaking his conditioning and joining the Resistance? He could have served as anti-First Order propaganda, inspired other Stormtroopers, learn to adjust to his new life, be force resistance, worked his way up the ladder in the resistance etc. So many paths they could have taken with him, and they just reduced him to mostly comic relief.

  • Love 6
5 hours ago, Anduin said:

I really want a good picture of Jannah. One that isn't blurry or pixelated, without someone standing in front of her. There must be some out there.

I'm surprised (in a good way) of how prevalent she is in the promotional material. Now fingers crossed she doesn't go the way of Val and die pointlessly fifteen minutes in. 

(Not to be the person who assumes all black people are related, but she's GOT to be Lando's daughter, right? That fact might guarantee her safety).

That article also had an interesting tidbit from Daisy Ridley, in that Rey spends more screen-time with



than any other character. Does that sound right to you guys? 

4 hours ago, Ravenya003 said:

I'm surprised (in a good way) of how prevalent she is in the promotional material. Now fingers crossed she doesn't go the way of Val and die pointlessly fifteen minutes in. 

(Not to be the person who assumes all black people are related, but she's GOT to be Lando's daughter, right? That fact might guarantee her safety).

It would be only one of two revelations in three movies, the other being Ben Solo. So it isn't overused. I can accept the idea without groaning.

  • Love 1
31 minutes ago, Danny Franks said:

^ I love that Kyo Ren has got the traditional, woman's 'twist your spine so they can see your butt and your boobs' pose. And Rey is front and centre, looking every bit the hero that The Last Jedi established her to be.

Good catch! I hadn't noticed that. Someone knows the tropes and is willing to play with them.

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The Last Jedi’s Rey & Poe Scene Was Original Star Wars 9 Director’s Idea


Speaking with Empire, Trevorrow opened up about some of his input in the franchise. In particular, Trevorrow mentions a discussion he had with Johnson about a scene he thought should be included in The Last Jedi. The scene is one near the very end of the film and depicts Rey and Poe meeting for the first time. "I just asked Rian if he could include a little moment where Rey and Poe meet for the first time," Trevorrow said. "They’re such beloved characters, it felt right for them to have some history in the next movie. I thought the way he did it was perfect.

I always just assumed they met offscreen at the end of The Force Awakens.

New TV Spot featuring a shot of the Knights of Ren:

I just can't work up much enthusiasm for this. Not even the prequels managed to get me into this state. I only wish we could treat TLJ like Highlander II. That said, I'll likely go see it in the theater just because I'm a completist. Not the first week, probably not even the second, and even then at the extra early, extra cheap, pre-noon, pre-matinee. I do hope Finn gets treated better.

  • Love 5
27 minutes ago, AimingforYoko said:

"They fly now?!?"

I love the different ways they says "They Fly Now":

C-3PO: Ahh! They Fly Now!

Finn: They fly now?!

Poe: They fly now.

Abrams has flaws but he's always been able to create an exciting action set-piece with fun interaction between characters.

On 11/24/2019 at 12:23 PM, Terrafamilia said:

I just can't work up much enthusiasm for this. Not even the prequels managed to get me into this state. I only wish we could treat TLJ like Highlander II. That said, I'll likely go see it in the theater just because I'm a completist. Not the first week, probably not even the second, and even then at the extra early, extra cheap, pre-noon, pre-matinee. I do hope Finn gets treated better.

It boggles me that people think Finn was treated as comic relief only in The Last Jedi when he was also that in The Force Awakens. There is literally a scene where he has to drink foul water next to a huge space hippo.

Edited by VCRTracking
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2 hours ago, VCRTracking said:

I love the different ways they says "They Fly Now":

C-3PO: Ahh! They Fly Now!

Finn: They fly now?!

Poe: They fly now.

They have a cave troll!

But look at Rey, will you? Not only does she fly the skimmer, when she looks back to shoot, she takes out a trooper with every shot. Such a mary sue.

Kidding! Rey is better in the Falcon's gun turret than with a pistol. And her piloting skills in TFA were nothing to write home about either.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Anduin said:

They have a cave troll!

I hate you so much right now 😁

I've heard this before...where have I heard this before....they have a cave troll...they have a cave troll...they have a cave troll....oh I know! Now let me go watch clips of Fellowship 🤣😂

Edited by Morrigan2575
  • Love 3

The clip reminded me of one of my favorite scenes in A New Hope, the detention center rescue: snappy humor in a dangerous situation. Classic Star Wars. Seeing some of the comments on Youtube and Twitter though.....hoo boy. Either there are fans who want to be angry just for the sake of it or have willfully erased the many comedy moments from the OT. They would only consider a "Todd Phillips' Joker" ultra serious take on Star Wars to be like their memory of the old movies.

Edited by VCRTracking
  • Love 7
6 minutes ago, VCRTracking said:

The clip reminded me of one of my favorite scenes in A New Hope, the detention center rescue: snappy humor in a dangerous situation. Classic Star Wars. Seeing some of the comments on Youtube and Twitter though.....hoo boy. Either there are fans who want to be angry just for the sake of it or have willfully erased the many comedy moments from the OT. They would only consider a "Todd Phillips' Joker" ultra serious take on Star Wars to be like their memory of the old movies.

Pretty much.  I really have grown to hate the Star Wars fandom.

  • Love 8

The only humour I have ever disliked in a Star Wars movie was the opening humour with Poe and the battleship crew at the start of The Last Jedi. It felt more like Spaceballs than Star Wars and unfortunately and it gets the movie off on the wrong foot and the movie does struggle to course direct the tone for the rest of the movie.

So far I have enjoyed the humour displayed in all the promos, for me they are standard Star Wars humour. Quick little riffs amongst the 'seriousness'. That Poe humour from Last Jedi was just humour for the sake of being funny.

  • Love 3
On 11/26/2019 at 5:21 PM, VCRTracking said:

The clip reminded me of one of my favorite scenes in A New Hope, the detention center rescue: snappy humor in a dangerous situation. Classic Star Wars. Seeing some of the comments on Youtube and Twitter though.....hoo boy. Either there are fans who want to be angry just for the sake of it or have willfully erased the many comedy moments from the OT. They would only consider a "Todd Phillips' Joker" ultra serious take on Star Wars to be like their memory of the old movies.

You'd think the original trilogy were movies on a par with the greatest literature ever produced, the way some supposed fans act about the new movies. And, sadly for them, it's often very difficult to tell the difference between honest critiques and people who are doing so because they hate women and black people being portrayed positively in their wish fulfilment fantasies.

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