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S01.E18 Peggy Drives Away

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The Kids Are Alright

Peggy Drives Away (Season 1 | Episode 18)

8:30PM EST Tuesday | ABC

After a mishap at the grocery store, Peggy storms out of the house without explanation, leaving Mike and the boys wondering which one of them set her off. Meanwhile, Mike thinks he may be the culprit who sent Peggy away for not signing an application for a credit card she wanted, and he enlists Wendi to help find her.

Airdate: April 9, 2019

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The first half of this episode was broken up a lot - I don't know if it was the broadcast or my cable company.  Did anybody else have issues like that?  I wish they would rerun this entire series.  Maybe this summer?

The problem seemed to be resolved by the second half of the episode - I loved what I saw and laughed out loud a bunch of times.  I need to watch the whole thing on abc.com tomorrow.

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Oh and what did Frank say about tricking Lawrence about his hair? One hippie down and 5000 to go or something like that. Loved the look on his face.

I do love the other facets we see of Frank. Yes he is a do-gooder and an ass kisser of Mom but he saw his chance with Lawrence and he took it. That's Joey level right there. 

Edited by festivus
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Dang, son. Eddie is built, although I was a little sorry to learn he (and presumably Wendi) both drink and smoke pot. Yeah, I get that it's the 1970s. He's lucky he didn't burst into flames in direct sunlight, as gingers are wont to do. (Gotta give a hand to ABC for giving jobs to gingers, even if they are without souls.)

Lawrence's new haircut was awful, but good on Frank for being a little shit and pulling one on him. Lesson one, Lawrence -- never leave your journal unattended in public. 

William and his smart mouth were hilarious, especially the way he zinged Mike. I kind of liked that Mike wasn't quite sure if he was getting zinged or not.

I think the Mike/Wendi scenes are always interesting, but he comes around to "enlightement" a little to quickly and easily. (It was hot the way Mike strutted into the bar like the jock he probably had been.)

I was fully expecting someone to slip and fall in the spray-painted lawn.

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, festivus said:

That's Joey level right there.

I SO want that to be a life meme!

The running gags with the cleaning solvent made me snort laugh: Joey and Timmy passing out twice, not being able to pronounce "pretty", the tablecloth burning a rectangle in the lawn, Joey's fingerprints being gone.

Edited by 2727
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Pat's impending ice cube extraction surgery!  Bwah ha ha ha ha!  "I can't feel it anymore Mommy."  "That's not a good thing." 

I'm a little disappointed Eddie wasn't wearing the discarded bridesmaid's dress. 

"You women and your hats!" 

I adored the storyline about Wendi being mistaken for a hooker in the bar! 

The whale carcass being a bummer at the wedding on the beach.  Eddie skinny dipping with the groomsmen and the grandfather of the bride!

Edited by Cowgirl
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9 hours ago, SmithW6079 said:

Dang, son. Eddie is built, although I was a little sorry to learn he (and presumably Wendi) both drink and smoke pot. Yeah, I get that it's the 1970s.

Wendi ordered a glass of chablis at the bar, so she's definitely drinking.  But I'm not sorry because they were high school kids in the 70s in Los Angeles.  The movie Dazed and Confused feels like a documentary to me.

It was hilarious when Wendi startled Lawrence as he was brushing (and admiring) his hair.  I just watched that part again, and he said he thought Wendi was "that possum."  Then we find out about the possum that leapt out of the freezer.  Damn, this show is tight.

And for the youngsters--y'all do know that a woman not being able to get a credit card was a real thing, don't you?  I think the bank encounter was slightly overplayed, but I remember when my mother got her own credit card--and actually when she found out she could get her own credit card.


11 hours ago, festivus said:

Oh and what did Frank say about tricking Lawrence about his hair? One hippie down and 5000 to go or something like that. Loved the look on his face.

"One dirty hippie down, five million to go."

I don't like Frank.  I'm Joey's girl all the way.  "Hey, we use every part of the buffalo...which is actually where Tiffani goes to law school."


13 hours ago, 2727 said:

All the kids having a guilty conscience may be the most Catholic thing ever.

And it's hilarious even to non-Catholics, which is just another layer of excellence for this show.

And...the kids outside Peggy's bedroom door begging for forgiveness while she files her nails.  I can't say I've actually been there, and I don't know if my mother would have been filing her nails, but it felt really familiar.

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I love all the boys almost the same but I do like Pat and Frank just a tad more. But I love them all. My favorite thing is when they'll chase each other through the yard for some slight. I howl with laughter. I never chased my brother but my mom used to chase me. Of course I could outrun her and I'd be laughing all the way. Mama had a hot temper but she'd be over it by the time I'd come back. I know we had Frank and Lawrence last night but I could swear there's been another incident, maybe with Eddie?

*I plan to re-watch this whole show this summer. I know there's been things I've missed because yeah, this show is tight. Oh wait. Except for Lawrence's cast. That bugs me!

Edited by festivus
  • Love 4
15 minutes ago, festivus said:

My favorite thing is when they'll chase each other through the yard for some slight. ... I know we had Frank and Lawrence last night but I could swear there's been another incident, maybe with Eddie?

I remember a chase that started at the dinner table, and I think it involved Eddie. 

In the chase in this episode, I loved that they were running around Timmy and Joey just coming to after passing out.  I flove the lack of adult supervision in that house.

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I keep wondering what will happen to the new table the next time that they use Peg's grandmother's tablecloth on it, after the lawn got bleached so badly.  The table will probably be a new shade of light oak or pine.  I hope the tablecloth doesn't fall apart too -- I was kind of shocked it didn't. 

Love that Joey's got "a guy" for everything.  And, his narrowing his business to the specifics to increase profits made me laugh so hard when Timmy was holding up the page with the two circles and triangle cut out of it!!

When Joey and Timmy passed out the second time, I wonder if it was from residual tablecloth dry cleaning chemical fumes (I don't think they bothered to rinse it before they laid it on the lawn to dry.) or if it was from spray paint fumes from their lawn art. If it was the tablecloth residual, I can just picture the whole family passed out on their plates at the dinner table during the next big holiday meal!

ETA:  I re-watched last night and realized they passed out from the spray paint fumes.  Ahh the toxic 70's!

Edited by Cowgirl
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And for the youngsters--y'all do know that a woman not being able to get a credit card was a real thing, don't you?  

My mom's credit cards -- a gas card and a department store card -- had her name as "Mrs. Dad Lastname." It was probably the early 90s before she got a credit card as "Mom Lastname." Same with their checks. She signed "Mrs. Dad Lastname" for YEARS.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, LGraves65 said:

My mom's credit cards -- a gas card and a department store card -- had her name as "Mrs. Dad Lastname." It was probably the early 90s before she got a credit card as "Mom Lastname." Same with their checks. She signed "Mrs. Dad Lastname" for YEARS.

Yeah, my first joint bank account with my first husband was Husband Lastname and Mrs. Husband Lastname.  My first credit card with my own name and account was from Penney's in the early 1980's.  Trying to get a job in the early 70's - since I was married, they were allowed to ask if I was pregnant.  One place, a hospital, wanted the date of my last period.  A couple of years later, when I applied for a job, the hiring manager told me I wouldn't be hired unless my husband said it was OK.  We've made great strides, but sometimes it seems like two steps forward, one step back.

The tablecloth story was really amusing.  So was Lawrence getting a hair cut, though it was still long-ish.

Edited by zoey1996
  • Love 7
5 hours ago, tribeca said:

The kids were instructed to never accept collect calls no matter what.  Poor peg didn’t have any more change she use it all at the store since she didn’t have a gun 🤣

My freshman year roommate had this deal with her mother that when she wanted to call her she would call collect her mom would reject the charges and than immediately call back just because it would be cheaper for her mom to call back and know she was in our dorm room 20 years later the “rejection” of her mom saying no to that call still effects her that anyone who knows feels horrible when we see a missed call from her.

in the early 70's, my mom tried to leave my dad.  She couldn't rent a motel room without his "permission".  She couldn't open a bank account, get a credit card, rent a car, or an apt without either her husband or her dad as a co-signer.   She lived in a different state than her parents, my dad was in Viet Nam (home between tours when she tried to leave), & eventually my grandpa had to drive to California to bring her home.  Our first apt post divorce was signed for by my grandpa.  Eventually my grampa rented the house next door to him & my grandma for us to live in. 

Back on episode topic, I'm seriously in love with this show.  I thought for sure I'd never keep up with so many boys, but they've really made them each an individual that I can pick out & remember clearly.  It's funny how no matter when or where, if anyone says Frank's name out loud, he pops up immediately.  I agree that Frank conning Lawrence into cutting his hair was Joey level scheming.  Loved Joey & Timmy passing out repeatedly. 

  • Love 5
9 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

It was hilarious when Wendi startled Lawrence as he was brushing (and admiring) his hair. I just watched that part again, and he said he thought Wendi was "that possum." 

Wendi's exasperated tone when she answered, "A possum that knows your name?" was everything. It's like her full time job now to school all the Cleary men.

  • LOL 4
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On 4/9/2019 at 10:26 PM, 2727 said:

It was fun to see Mike and Wendi together -- there are so many possibilities for amusing character combinations on this show!

It's a curious combination, but didn't ring true to me.  Teenagers back then didn't talk assertively to their friends' parents.  We treated them like our own parents as authority figures.  Wendi acts just a little too much on an equal footing with both Peg and Mike.  And when Mike started talking about his issues with her, that definitely felt off as parents of his generation usually didn't open up like that to people young enough to be their kids, or even their own friends, LOL.

10 hours ago, LGraves65 said:

My mom's credit cards -- a gas card and a department store card -- had her name as "Mrs. Dad Lastname." It was probably the early 90s before she got a credit card as "Mom Lastname." Same with their checks. She signed "Mrs. Dad Lastname" for YEARS.

I know, my mother had that problem too, although she always signed her own name with her maiden name first, then her married name.  This episode brought back how she didn't take no for an answer with getting credit in her own name after she went back to work full time.  At one point she made more money than my Dad because he was in non-profit and she was a high level legal secretary in a big law firm.  I remember it well because she had quite a fight on her hands, but she did prevail.  I forget the year but I think it was some time in the '70s.  She was a real feminist.  I miss my mom terribly.  She died in 2001.

14 hours ago, Cowgirl said:

I adored the storyline about Wendi being mistaken for a hooker in the bar! 

I think that was a little too much.  I think they were going for her low cut V neck outfit as being mistaken for hooker attire, but the whole thing was IMO overdone and not really how I remember the 1970s.  The '50's would have been a lot more believable for something like that to happen.

14 hours ago, tribeca said:

The kids were instructed to never accept collect calls no matter what.  Poor peg didn’t have any more change she use it all at the store since she didn’t have a gun 🤣

I was LOL at this because it was so true to life back then.  We used to have to use code words so our families would know it was really an emergency and to accept the call otherwise they would just say no and hang up.

  • Love 6

I appreciate that the writers understand the pasty ginger hotness of Caleb Foote and had him basically naked the entire episode. I love he and Pat's relationship so any scene with them is great.

It's great how people all have their favorite kids/pairings and they vary so much. I think that is a good thing to show the wide appeal of this show. Please let it get a second season.

  • Love 9
23 hours ago, LGraves65 said:

My mom's credit cards -- a gas card and a department store card -- had her name as "Mrs. Dad Lastname." It was probably the early 90s before she got a credit card as "Mom Lastname." Same with their checks. She signed "Mrs. Dad Lastname" for YEARS.

My mom had a Sears card that had my dad's name only on it. She got it back in the 60s when they got married. FF to 1996, she goes to use the card and they refused it. She explained to them she always used it etc.... they said no. She was trying to by a $4 pair of toddler shorts for my son. 

In the end she got even. Previous to that, she had put in a custom blind order with them. Well she was so disgusted after the incident she called to cancel not only the order but the card. About a month later, her blinds arrived. She never got charged for them. 

  • Love 3

Who takes care of baby Andy? William and Eddie are the only kids that really interact with him. Interesting contrast. 

The innocence of a naked Eddie and smoking peer pressure was hysterical.  

Everyone scared they were what set Peggy off was too real. William being a smart mouth and sliding down the wall in despair was sooooo funny. God that kid cracks me up with everything he does.  

I really want to see a William/Eddie pairing and throw in baby Andy with it too.  

Please more then one season for this show. It is so good.

  • Love 8
14 hours ago, Yeah No said:

I think that was a little too much.  I think they were going for her low cut V neck outfit as being mistaken for hooker attire, but the whole thing was IMO overdone and not really how I remember the 1970s.  The '50's would have been a lot more believable for something like that to happen.

In the 70s, there were bars where I live where solitary women were not allowed - these were in general bars that catered to an older set.

  • Love 2
53 minutes ago, MaryMitch said:

In the 70s, there were bars where I live where solitary women were not allowed - these were in general bars that catered to an older set.

And it seemed pretty clear that it was exactly that kind of bar. I wasn't lucky enough to see the Karen Wolek storyline on One Life to Live, but I'm assuming she prostituted herself at a similar kind of bar.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, OnceAgain said:

Who takes care of baby Andy? William and Eddie are the only kids that really interact with him. Interesting contrast. 

I think I've seen most of the older boys holding Andy. In this episode, it was the book smart one (I forget his name).

With such a large family, I guess we can assume (and actually see) there's always someone around the house. That's what I like about this show. 

Other shows like Single Parents drive me nuts because I haven't seen or heard where the baby is for episodes at a time.

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On 4/9/2019 at 10:26 PM, 2727 said:

I loved that Mike didn't fall for Peggy's "I want to hear your explanation" trick.

Loved that she tried to go for it (why don't you tell me exactly what you did) and then his little smile as he realizes that she's conning him.  

"So it wasn't me at all"

"Thought I could get away with it, like with the kids"

"I'm not the kids"  

  • Love 7

When Wendi asked Laurence for help to get Eddie into the house, and Frank popped up, I was wishing that Laurence would have asked for his help, for two reasons.  If he would have learned it was Wendi who needed the help, he might still have a residual crush on her and would maybe have agreed to assist.  Second, if they actually included him purposefully on a secret and told him they were trusting him and made him feel wanted, maybe (just maybe!) he wouldn't tattle for once.  (But yeah, he probably would have told, because it almost kills him to keep a secret from Peggy.)

  • LOL 2
1 minute ago, Cowgirl said:

When Wendi asked Laurence for help to get Eddie into the house, and Frank popped up, I was wishing that Laurence would have asked for his help, for two reasons.  If he would have learned it was Wendi who needed the help, he might still have a residual crush on her and would maybe have agreed to assist.  Second, if they actually included him purposefully on a secret and told him they were trusting him and made him feel wanted, maybe (just maybe!) he wouldn't tattle for once.  (But yeah, he probably would have told, because it almost kills him to keep a secret from Peggy.)

I don’t think there is anyway in the world that Frank would have not told Peggy that Eddie was using drugs.

  • Love 3
7 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

I don’t think there is anyway in the world that Frank would have not told Peggy that Eddie was using drugs

I agree.  Also, I can't believe that Peggy didn't have a bigger fit (or even A fit) when Eddie mentioned his smoking and then trailed off.  It's a little odd how that storyline just sort of ended there.  We didn't even see if Peggy tried to make a shady deal with him to get them home and not tell Dad she got lost and she would not tell Dad about his drug smoking, or if she did indeed box his ears and throw him in the care and get him to give directions and then drove home and had Mike give him the what for. Maybe we'll find out next week. 

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46 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I liked Mike sarcastically fantasizing about how they would spend all the money they saved buying Shredded Wheat.

Also ominous? Peggy's offhand reply to his comment that the kids didn't like shredded wheat being they wouldn't know. What was she planning to do to it?

My mother would only buy Cheerios, Shredded Wheat (big turd, not the minis) and Grape Nuts. But we had free access to the sugar bowl, so several teaspoons of that got dumped onto everything.

  • LOL 1
1 hour ago, 2727 said:

Also ominous? Peggy's offhand reply to his comment that the kids didn't like shredded wheat being they wouldn't know. What was she planning to do to it?

My mother would only buy Cheerios, Shredded Wheat (big turd, not the minis) and Grape Nuts. But we had free access to the sugar bowl, so several teaspoons of that got dumped onto everything.

I think Peggy might have been crumbling a Shredded Wheat “big turd” (I like that!) into a pot on the stove, some kind of stew or soup?

  • Love 5
On 4/11/2019 at 3:08 PM, MaryMitch said:

In the 70s, there were bars where I live where solitary women were not allowed - these were in general bars that catered to an older set.


And it seemed pretty clear that it was exactly that kind of bar. I wasn't lucky enough to see the Karen Wolek storyline on One Life to Live, but I'm assuming she prostituted herself at a similar kind of bar.

Even if so Wendi still wasn't there alone.  The manager just assumed she was and when Mike said she was with him, the guy didn't believe him.

I'm from NYC so these kinds of bars were not in my experience.  Back in the '70s I was down in Greenwich Village singing "YMCA", LOL!  😉

Edited by Yeah No
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1 hour ago, Chaos Theory said:

Peggy cooks all the meals so who knows what she will use the Shredded Wheat in.

A hand full in this.

A handful in In that.

its a recipe.

thats what it’s all about.

She was crumbling it into the pot on the stove. But if the kids won't eat it for breakfast,  they'll need to eat something else, so it may not be actually saving them money unless it's replacing the meat Peggy would normally put in a stew.

On 4/14/2019 at 7:23 AM, Chaos Theory said:

Peggy cooks all the meals so who knows what she will use the Shredded Wheat in.

A hand full in this.

A handful in In that.

its a recipe.

thats what it’s all about.

Bwah @Chaos Theory!! I see what you did there.  The cannibals supplement their stew with Shredded Wheat.  Economy is what it's all about. 

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