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I binge watched it today. I haven't read the book but had enjoyed some of Lindy's articles before.

It wasn't laugh out loud funny but I felt like Aidy Bryant did a great job as the main character, there was a lot of heart and nuance to her performance and I was rooting for her. I feel like a lot of shows recently have been giving us the trope of the anti-hero and I was glad to have a show where I genuinely liked the main character.

I was convinced it was going to be someone in her inner circle that was writing the troll comments. I don't think we ever found out how he knew so many personal things about her (Dads cancer etc.) or maybe I just missed that bit.

I say this as a woman who was very overweight at one point and is still a little overweight, I'm not down with the fat positivity thing. I don't think people should hate their bodies or have to change if they don't want to but I will not buy into the narrative that we are being fed that you can be massively overweight and healthy (going into and past middle age). The people who point that out in the show do it in a pointed for the most part mean spirited way which isn't the answer either.

I realise its based on a true story but I really hate the boyfriend, hes such a composite of a guy you know you shouldn't date, there are so many red flags when it comes to him that I wonder is he based on several boyfriends or just one. Anyone who would continue to go out with him needs their head examined.

Overall I enjoyed the show and would watch a 2nd season

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I wanted to like this but they lost me when it became apparent that every person of color on the show was dating/sleeping with a white character. Then, of course, Fran's really good looking brother had to hook up with Anne. It came across as some white liberal fantasy; there were parts of it that totally rubbed me the wrong way. 

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3 minutes ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

Are we allowed to feel that Annie was pretty foolish for not using her own method of birth control whether or not the guy she was regularly sleeping with used condoms?

Yes particularly because he was sleeping with other people. However, I don’t think we are supposed to think that it was great that was what she was doing and that it was mostly do to her low self esteem and going along with what Ryan wanted.

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I'm only 2 episodes in, but I'm really enjoying this.  I especially appreciate how well they did the abortion storyline in the first episode.  I haven't seen many shows that don't fuck that up.

8 minutes ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

Are we allowed to feel that Annie was pretty foolish for not using her own method of birth control whether or not the guy she was regularly sleeping with used condoms?

Not only are we allowed to feel that she was foolish, I think the intent is to feel that she was foolish.

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9 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I have a soft spot for Norm corps Ted Kaczynski because I like the actor.

Oh, man. Same. I'll never get over People of Earth getting unceremoniously canceled just after his character was able to fulfill his lifelong dream.

I enjoyed the hell out of this show. Well, except for the episode where the dog ate the shroom pills because I'm not so sure any vet would advise just waiting that out. They could have given the dog hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting. It's a bad precedent to set to allow anyone to think they dog was just having a "fun little trip" like Ryan did when the dog very well could have died or had long-term, lasting side effects from the drugs.


Ryan: I could bring you to small claims court for [pepper spraying me]!
Fran: Small claims court costs $30. Do you have $30?
Ryan: Of course. What do I look like?
Fran: Norm core Ted Kaczynski.

Gabe: I asked for a lap dance and you gave me Twyla Tharp.

Annie: Come on, man. It's better than nothing.
Fran: That's what I always wanted for you - a relationship that's better than nothing.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Ryan is the worst. Anyone who treats his fuck buddy like that doesn't deserve a fuck buddy. I'm totally fine with two people having casual sex, but making a girl go out the back door and climb over a fence because you're too ashamed to let your roommate and brother see her?  GTFO, Ryan.

I loved when Annie marched into his house, introduced herself, and then dumped his ass. I was so disappointed when he showed up to her house and had a pity party about how he didn't realize how he would feel if she was gone. "Sorry that I treated you like shit and didn't realize that I would miss having midday bootie calls!"

And then he invited his brother and their podcast friend to their first date without telling her. AWESOME. This is a guy who wouldn't even spend an extra $20 so she could have her own pillow when she's in his bed. I would never date a guy whose mom does his laundry.

I enjoyed Annie's trip to the strip club (although I don't know why anyone would want a food review of the strip club buffet). Loved that one of the strippers told her that she has a fat ass and big titties so she gets to decide what happens.

Gabe "I was the original bass player in Bikini Kill" is a pill (as is his assistant Ruthie), but at least he published her article as is.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
wrong name!
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10 hours ago, HazelEyes4325 said:

I'm only 2 episodes in, but I'm really enjoying this.  I especially appreciate how well they did the abortion storyline in the first episode.  I haven't seen many shows that don't fuck that up.

Not only are we allowed to feel that she was foolish, I think the intent is to feel that she was foolish.

When she had sex with Ryan on her couch, it didn't look as though they were taking the time to use a condom either, but, who knows. I'm sure that Fran's brother came prepared. 

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse


Gabe: Please try to dress like you've been to New York at some point in your life.

Amadi: And please, people, try to arrive by horsedrawn carriage and make sure that your butler is washed because this is not Fresno.

Tyra: Fuck this loser [Ryan]! He's done. I'm done. You're done. He's done.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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I'm with Tyra - fuck Ryan! He didn't show up to Annie's work thing because he was having a pencil fight tournament? That's something that kids do in elementary school. It's not a valid reason for ignoring someone's texts when you were supposed to be on a date with them.

I loved the double side eye that Fran and Lamar gave Annie when she said she was going to talk to Ryan. I think we have all had at least one friend who dated an absolute fuckwit and there was nothing we could say or do to make them see that they deserved so much better.

Ryan is not ready to be in a relationship, and that's fine. Not everyone is ready for stuff like showing up when they say they're going to and being emotionally available. Annie needs to realize that he isn't worth the amount of work she would have to put in with him to get even a fraction of what she wants in a relationship. She wants a relationship where she feels equal to the other person and she is clearly not going to get that from an emotionally stunted inconsiderate jerk like Ryan. She deserves better and there ARE other guys out there. He's about on par with Adam on Girls (who I also hated).

Hahahaha, "Jams to Smash To: A Musical Experience by Lamar" is exactly the kind of ridiculous title to give a mix tape! I laughed more than I probably should have when his sexy slow jams cut to "Clarity." DUDE, it's a good thing you're a hot chef now because your mixtape skills as a 15 year old were not great.

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Oy. I watched one episode and was glad to see the last of Ryan. Reading that he comes back means I won't bother watching any more. (I also legitimately thought it was Nick Offerman until you all wised me up.)

I did NOT like Annie interrupting her boss' work conversation and making loud demands of him. That's not being assertive or mature; it's disruptive and rude. Write the dumb story and then present it to him. I'm supposed to root for her?

I only found one person interesting and likable (the roommate) which isn't reason enough to watch.

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S1.E4 quotes


Annie: Aww, look at you! I guess Lamar inspired you to cook.
Fran: Yeah, I guess he did. Does that mean you're going to fuck me as well?
Annie: Oh, gawd. Fran, I'm sorry. Are you mad?
Fran: Why would I be mad? We're one step closer to being sisters.
Annie: I hope you know that Lamar and I talked and I was going to tell you.
Fran: Well, he already told me. He has a very big mouth. I mean, you know that already - because you just took his virginity.
Annie: Fran - no!
Fran: I forgot you believed in Santa until you were 16. Gullible baby possum.

Fran: I would like to propose and instill a strict no Ryan rule in this house, thank you.
Annie: What? What's that?
Fran: It means never say his name. Never bring him into our home. He is an ignorant bag of expired meat and I've told you and told you and you're not listening and I'm getting tired of it so I have to be strict with you.

Gabe: It's official. We're doing the thousand and one summer stories issue again so please, let's be diligent about the overlap. We don't need three stories about vaginal waxing.
Ruthie: Plus bush is back.

Gabe: We're going to do one heart healthy group-tivity once a month.
Annie: Oh, cool. Forced fun.
Gabe: That's right. Forced fun. I like that. We're going to call it forced fun.

Gabe: Kids are the opposite of fun. Kids are like mice on a glue trap, squealing and shitting until you drown them.

Gabe: The last thing we need is everybody feeling comfortable in their own skin. That would be the 70s.

Gabe: Annie, we gotta pace ourselves. Do you remember Guttenberg's second idea after the printing press?
Annie: No.
Gabe: Exactly.

Ruthie: Did you know that fruit was actually the original inspiration for candy?

Ruthie: Omigawd, who is that? It looks like Chewbacca after an acid attack.
Annie: Um, yeah, I actually know him.
Ruthie: EWWW.
Annie: Yeah.

Vic: Jeans to a pool party? Bold choice. I like it.

I LOVED when Fran instilled the No Ryan Rule. Sometimes you just have to lay down the law. A friend of mine had a shitty girlfriend but for some reason, no matter what crazy stunts she pulled, he wouldn't break up with her. Instead he would complain about her ALL THE TIME. At first I just let him vent, but after about a year of this, I was like listen, either break up with her or stop complaining to me about it. You have the power to stop being so miserable and you choose not to. I can't listen to you complain about the same thing week after week.

Annie just can't let go of the idea of Ryan, even though he has demonstrated repeatedly that he treat her like crap. When she told Fran that he went to the trouble of tracking her down, I was like uh, no, he showed up at your place of employment, where he was supposed to meet you for that work event but flaked on. Tracking someone down requires effort and all he did was take the information you gave him and how up at your work. In high school, a friend of mine got tracked down by a guy who called every person in the phone book with her last name until he found her, which is a little extreme/bordering on stalkerish but THAT is effort. Showing up unannounce where your ex works isn't really tracking her down. You know she'll be there from about 8am until 5pm.

I loved how Annie finally felt comfortable at the pool party. That was truly dancing like no one's watching. She was free and un-self conscious and not worried that someone was going to make a rude remark about her body.

When Gabe tried to tie Annie being overweight to the quality of her work, I remembered what Janeane Garofalo said in an interview years ago. She'd been doing standup and movies but she was told to lose weight (in another interview, she said she was offered the female lead in Jerry Maguire on the condition that she lose weight first). She said that a few years later when she did lose some weight that the more weight she lost, the funnier people said she was.

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Ryan is a moron. Instead of staying sober to take care of the dog, he decides to get high as some sort of act of solidarity with the dog? IDIOT.

When Annie brought her dad a celebratory meatball sandwich, I was afraid that he was going to die and then her mom would blame Annie for it.

I was really hoping that she wouldn't get back together with Ryan just because she had a stressful day and needed someone.

It's great that he admitted that he doesn't know what he's doing, but the onus shouldn't be on Annie to continuously teach him how to act like a human being. Honestly, she already had pretty low expectations/requests (a second pillow at his house, leaving through the front door, showing up when he says he's going to be somewhere, etc) and he's managed to fuck them all up. On top of that, he's the kind of guy who likes to have unprotected sex, doesn't seem to notice when she doesn't have an orgasm, and has his mom making him breakfast and doing his laundry. That's a solid no from me. I don't find his cluelessness cute. I find it really annoying.

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Fran confirmed that Ryan's podcast is terrible and then we got to see that he's also terrible at frisbee, like phenomenally bad.

I'm glad that Annie found her troll, but it seems unlikely that he would just open up and admit everything to her so readily.

I really like Annie and Fran's friendship so I hope that relationship gets repaired next season. Fingers crossed that she dumps Ryan's ass! I wish that instead of telling him that she would help him she had told him to leave her alone until he gets his shit together.

Poor Amadi. He has been so supportive of Annie but she has no clue what is going on in his life. And she stood him up for stupid man child Ryan. Ugh.

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13 hours ago, palmaire said:

I did NOT like Annie interrupting her boss' work conversation and making loud demands of him. That's not being assertive or mature; it's disruptive and rude. Write the dumb story and then present it to him. I'm supposed to root for her?

I only found one person interesting and likable (the roommate) which isn't reason enough to watch.

Yeah, Gabe is a prick to be sure, but Annie is a TERRIBLE employee. I found it so unrealistic that he didn't fire her. Pretty much a fire-able offense every episode. 

I did think the show had some great moments, but I went back and forth on whether or not we were supposed to be on Annie's side most of the time or think she's insufferably self-absorbed (and yes, she did finally get called out on that a little bit in the last couple of episodes, but nowhere near the amount she should have). I mean did she really think the way she stood up Amadi to have couch sex wasn't every bit as bad as Ryan standing her up for a dumb pencil game? And the way every single conversation was about her, despite other people desperately trying to get a shred of empathy in return from her?

Anyway, hopefully if there's a season 2, the growth she made this season will make the character more rootable since for me it was mostly Aidy's own irresistible charm that had me caring. (And more Fran please!)

Does anyone know why Hulu released this all at once, unlike their other originals?  Have they changed their strategy or was this just for this one?

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Finished watching this morning. I spent most of my adolescence and adulthood as an overweight woman, so the show hit on some uncomfortable truths, like being silent and agreeable and hoping that that will make people overlook the fact that you're not a size 4. And then there's the mom who "means well" but says passive-aggressive shit like "I hope this isn't another unrequited crush,"  and implying that her daughter couldn't possibly have a love life. So, I floved the scene in the strip club:

I've got a fat ass and big tits, so I tell THEM what to do.


I was bummed that Annie kept giving Ryan another chance. I think he's just a clueless case of arrested development rather than mean-spirited, but still.

Is pencil-fighting an actual thing?!

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5 hours ago, archer1267 said:

pencil-fighting an actual thing?!

Yes it was so stupid that it was real.

As I said I have a soft spot for Ryan because I like Lucas and I also knew a lot of man children like him but regardless I think one of the most realistic things about this show is that she was not in a place with herself to break it off with him. 

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I somehow got free access to hulu as part of my Spotify subscription, and this is the first thing I watched. At first I wondered why it was called Shrill when the main character was a meek, overly obliging, put-upon person, but over the course of her awakening, the pendulum swings back the other way and she becomes rather unpleasant. I think it's normal for someone coming out of her shell to have growing pains and sometimes take things too far, and I don't mind having mixed feelings toward the character. She is brave to write her truth and go after her troll, but her workplace behavior is totally unprofessional, and she can be a really bad friend at times. The worst thing she did from my point of view was leave her dog with that idiot Ryan when her parents live right there. It seemed like just an excuse to get back with him.

Ultimately Aidy Bryant is the big draw, and I like her roommate as well. I'm definitely in for a second season if there is one.

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55 minutes ago, Sesquipedalia said:

The worst thing she did from my point of view was leave her dog with that idiot Ryan when her parents live right there.

I didn't even understand why, even if she had to leave Bonkers with Ryan, she couldn't rush home after work. Instead she made plans with Amadi (and then stood him up), stopped by her parents, and probably stopped for a box of Jujyfruits all before she actually went home.

The show generally wasn't very good at writing any character other than Annie. Gabe -- who, by the way, Lindy West insists is not totally based on Dan Savage -- was a one-dimensional villain (as was his bf: Joel Kim Booster is usually a treat, but here he seemed like he was in a whole other show, one that was broader, campier, and more slapsticky), and her friends and even roommate mostly seem like plot devices. But I'll put it down to the short run of the series, and imagine they'll develop everyone else a little more next season. 

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On 3/18/2019 at 12:16 AM, ItCouldBeWorse said:

Are we allowed to feel that Annie was pretty foolish for not using her own method of birth control whether or not the guy she was regularly sleeping with used condoms?

This!!! From the very first episode, I couldn’t believe that the morning after pill was her go to birth control. The complete idiocy in regards to the birth control plus reading in the future episode descriptions that she dates Ryan again? I just have to peace out. I don’t want to watch a show about a woman self-sabotaging her life.

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Annie bellowing at her boss while he’s speaking to someone is very obnoxious, but I get the sense that this is supposed to be her trying to assert herself for the first time in her life and she is not good at it yet. A tad unrealistic, but, like the “raw dogging” (ew) storyline, I like the character in spite of her dumb decisions and self-centeredness. As others have suggested, this is credit to Aidy’s charm.

Edited by StatMom
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On 3/26/2019 at 12:57 AM, Corgi-ears said:

who, by the way, Lindy West insists is not totally based on Dan Savage

Yeah Lindy...the fictional boss that is gay, writes an article about the obesity epidemic, and was generally a dick toward his writer is definitely not based on her real, gay boss that wrote an article about the obesity epidemic and was generally kind of a dick toward her.

I believe he is probably a mix of people in her life and isn't 100% based on Dan Savage, and I'm sure they are genuinely on good terms now. But, I will never believe that Gabe isn't at least 30% based on him.

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On 3/17/2019 at 6:26 PM, shipmate said:

Ryan is the guy your best friend keeps going back to and you can't convince her there are tons of red flags and she deserves better.

As the girl that has had self-esteem issues, Ryan is the guy I would keep going back to, knowing it was a terrible idea and I deserved better. But, I was grateful for the attention and could rationalize myself out of any red flags. So many of the things Annie said and did could have come right out of my brain in certain points in my life.

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On ‎3‎/‎18‎/‎2019 at 8:08 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Gabe "I was the original bass player in Bikini Kill" is a pill (as is his assistant Ruthie), but at least he published her article as is.

I love Gabe so much, I am mostly watching for him.  

On ‎3‎/‎19‎/‎2019 at 8:24 AM, Corgi-ears said:

That's not Nick Offerman, it's Colin Firth

He is so cute without the beard!

I know him from somewhere... cannot place him.  I thought he was the guy from Mad Men, Jay R. Ferguson.

Is this show supposed to take place in New York?  

I saw Lindy West speak at an event last night and she said that they are two weeks into S2 in the writing room!

Some other tidbits about the show:

  • Although the show is named after and based on her book, the character of Annie is not strictly autobiographical. She said they used some of the events from the book for the show (the abortion, her job at the paper, her troll) but that Annie is definitely not 100% her. She said they incorporated stuff that has happened to other people and that she was happy to add other things that were not just her experience to the character.
  • This season they had to establish all of the characters in only six episodes but next season they will have more room to explore stuff that isn't from the book (as well as the other characters' stories).
  • She insisted on having women on the writing staff, but there are guys on staff too. When she told them about some of her shitty dating experiences, the guys were incredulous that these things actually happened (not in an "you're a liar" kind of way but in a "OMG, this happened in real life?!" kind of way). She said the women writers backed her up and said that kind of stuff happens all the time. She said it was a learning experience for the guys.
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On 4/30/2019 at 12:55 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:
  • This season they had to establish all of the characters in only six episodes but next season they will have more room to explore stuff that isn't from the book (as well as the other characters' stories).

I'm not sure how to read this.  Does it mean that:

1 - There will be more episodes in season 2?


2 - Because the characters are established, there will be more "story" in the 6 episodes of season 2?

On 4/18/2019 at 4:27 PM, biakbiak said:

Portland replacing Seattle in real life.

As a Portlander, I’ve got some issues. Most egregiously, Amadi says her troll is ‘over in Forest Grove,’ as if it’s the next neighborhood over. Forest Grove is AN HOUR AWAY from Portland. No one goes there. That coffee shop was in SE Portland! 

And another thing! All Portland’s (and environs’) addresses have directionals before the street name (SE, N, etc.). ‘ 431 Live Oak could not be a Portland address. 

Finally, as if I’m not being nitpicky enough, the establishing shots are from all over the city, places very far apart from each other. Anyway, I know these are pretty typical location issues but that Forest Grove thing really pushed me over the edge into pedantry. 

One thing they did get super right is Ryan, who is every single guy in Portland. 

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S1E1 I mostly liked Lindy's book but I haven't read anything else from her. I kind of like Aidy on SNL but mostly from talk show appearances because they don't use her a lot on SNL.

This pilot was rough. I was excited to see John Cameron Mitchell and... that's it? I don't know. It made me sad. I'm not saying every pilot needs to start on a high. The Mindy Project started with her crashing a wedding. Love You More (the Amazon pilot they didn't pick up) had a main character with a very messy life and she also had body insecurity. But this is a lot of misery to heap on an audience without enough levity to balance it out. Is this supposed to be a drama? It has quips but they're not that funny. It just feels bitter and miserable and depressing. It's not cringe but it has that similar kind of particular sensibility that doesn't work for everyone. Like, I feel like they think this is more entertaining than it is. I'll stick with it but it might take me a while if it doesn't pick up. This is worse than Kristen Wiig indie movies. I think part of it is direction and style. I'm not saying they need a laugh track but like, when she's calling Andy's articles on molly that could be funny. But there's no music. It's filmed so it's so bright and washed out. And the camera is shifting perspectives weirdly in a way that keeps you at a remove. I mean, there's a reason why mainstream movies generally have the same look. 

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On 5/24/2019 at 2:09 PM, Pachengala said:

And another thing! All Portland’s (and environs’) addresses have directionals before the street name (SE, N, etc.). ‘ 431 Live Oak could not be a Portland address. 

I don't live in Portland but visit occasionally, and I was wondering about "431 Live Oak" as well. That aside though, I'm always happy to see the PNW represented (and not like on Grey's Anatomy where it's obvious that they don't shoot there).

I thought it's a fun show, and I'll be back for S2. I did find it a bit unrealistic that Ryan started to make an effort to change after two conversations with Annie. In my experience, guys like him are set in their ways and don't have an incentive to change because they don't give a shit how they make anyone else feel.

On 3/28/2019 at 4:48 PM, HappyBerry said:

I believe he is probably a mix of people in her life and isn't 100% based on Dan Savage, and I'm sure they are genuinely on good terms now. But, I will never believe that Gabe isn't at least 30% based on him.

I actually found the portrayal of Gabe to be much milder than Dan Savage. I think Dan Savage is an irredeemable asshole and a mediocre writer.

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On 3/15/2019 at 10:12 PM, maggiegil said:

I say this as a woman who was very overweight at one point and is still a little overweight, I'm not down with the fat positivity thing. I don't think people should hate their bodies or have to change if they don't want to but I will not buy into the narrative that we are being fed that you can be massively overweight and healthy (going into and past middle age). The people who point that out in the show do it in a pointed for the most part mean spirited way which isn't the answer either.

I agree. I am still somewhat overweight but working on it, was a lot more overweight. The health issue is real and it's disingenuous to pretend it isn't. I had a lot of mixed feelings watching this. I was happy for Annie that she accepted herself and her body, but I feel like part of self-love is wanting the best for yourself and that includes being a healthy weight. They didn't have to make the mom basically a concern troll and anyone who brought up her weight be so negative and mean. I did enjoy the pool party episode though. 
Ryan was the worst and he was gross. I was repulsed that Annie would sleep with him. Just no. She deserved better.
I was mostly here for Aidy Bryant and I thought she did a great job. Overall the show was enjoyable and I'll watch the next season. I do hope Ryan is gone but I doubt it.

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I really thought her troll would turn out to be Gabe's husband or Gabe himself. I was disappointed with how that turned out. She was lucky "Awesome" didn't try anything violent when she just showed up alone at his house. Another instance of lack of common sense. At least she didn't go inside!

Nonetheless, an interesting series and I look forward to season 2 for further character growth.

On 3/18/2019 at 7:25 AM, Giant Misfit said:

 I'll never get over People of Earth getting unceremoniously canceled just after his character was able to fulfill his lifelong dream.

That's where I know him from. Thank you!! It was so sad that they renewed PoE for a third season then cancelled. Damn, that was a fun show. My friend and I are still in mourning.

Just now watched this, and excited to see the pool party woman, who was also in Florida Girls as a very different kind of empowered woman.  Putting in a plug for that show; I think there would be some overlap in the audiences.  Characters are from a very opposite demographic, still sometimes making equally bad decisions.  It's on Pop tv - the only way I've found to watch it (other than live) is on their website.

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Fran: Fran's hanging because your dad called me and didn't know where you were and we thought you were murdered, but thank God you're alive and just inconsiderate.

Fran: You can't just disappear and leave me to clear up all your mess. You have to be my friend too.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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S2.E1: Camp


Annie and Ryan escape the potential wrath of the Troll and go camping. But reality comes crashing down when Annie finds out her dad is alone and her mom skipped town to Vancouver.

Part of me is glad that Ryan was so excited about Annie quitting her job and confronting her troll. The other part of me was just going ugh every time he did, well, anything.

One very accurate portrayal on the show is how hypocritical people can be about the way they treat people. Annie's dad was so mad that she hadn't called him back but when his own wife, who left the country and only wrote a short note to say she was going to Vancouver, finally called him he was all sunshine and unicorns with her.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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