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S07.E14: Brothers & Sisters

Lady Calypso
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4 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Im glad we got Oliver’s reaction but I wish there was more to the scene. I miss when they were allowed to breathe in their scenes. I feel like Olicity scenes are a bit rushed now. Remember the couch scene in 4x05 with the hand porn? Can I get that again?

Yeah, they should have cut Oliver and Rene’s first scene and given that time to Olicity’s last one. Wish we had seen what came next after she told him. 

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Oh please tell me that is the end of the dragon. 

We finally get to see the dreaded Dante. Who is, thankfully, a really badass Adrian Paul. After all the ridiculous and unwarranted hype, I was fully expected to be disappointed.

(Missed opportunity for the Arrowverse- Adrian Paul as VANDAL SAVAGE!!!)

I just realized this episode that Rene has become Needless Exposition Man:

Emiko: They set my home on fire.

Rene (filling in the blanks for audiences who stepped out of the room😞 Your mom was in that fire.

Oliver (on phone): William, I'm not sure my messages are getting through. Can you please call me?

Rene (donning his Captain Obvious hat): William ain't returning your messages?

Finally, Future Team Arrow is nearly as insufferable as New Team Arrow.

Edited by Cthulhudrew
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10 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Yeah, they should have cut Oliver and Rene’s first scene and given that time to Olicity’s last one. Wish we had seen what came next after she told him. 

Probably a reenactment of the baby's conception.

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Oh, the look on Oliver's face when he realized that Felicity is pregnant! He was lighting up so much he could power the city! It was so sweet, and so worth waiting all freaking episode for! I mean, come on, even Black Siren knew before he did! For awhile, I thought that Cupid would be planning the kids third birthday before he noticed he had another kid. But for real, while I hate that Olicity was on the backburner on what should be their episode, I loved everything we got. LOVED!

Like many episodes, it has both good aspects, and really bad ones, that basically lead to some kind of massive tonal whiplash, going from happy feelings to wanting to punch my television. 

I still like Mia, and her and grown up William having some cute sibling moments were the saving graces of the flash forwards, which are just so fucking confusing and depressing, its like being forced to sit through some god awful student art film every fucking week. So, we can presume that Oliver dies pretty soon (during Crisis?) and never gets to meet his daughter or make peace with his son, and the entire city now retroactively thinks that he was the bad guy. I mean, its consistent with how everyone except for his wife treats him like garbage until they want something from him, but its just so depressing and raises so many questions. Like, no one knew Felicity was pregnant? No one, except for Oliver and Siren? And when does she have time to be all evil or whatever while raising a child undercover. The whole situation with William and Mia is exhausting, it all sounds so stupid and convoluted and seems to exist just to add "mystery" and "drama" to the show, which already has enough without this ridiculousness. And I have zero idea where Conner fits into all of this, and I can hardly care.

Oh, and Williams grandparents are garbage people as it turns out, who kept him from his still living parents against their dead daughters wishes, making their grandson think they didnt love him. Great parenting there, garbage grandparents! I guess we know where Samantha learned her parenting style! Why is everyone in this show such a bag of dicks lately? And I dont buy at all that they never went to visit, or asked Barry to check in on William. This all so clearly exists to make us wonder why they became estranged from William in the flashforwards, not because it makes any actual sense.

Pod Person Dig is gone, long live real Dig! Finally he chooses OTA over obviously sketchy ARGUS, and now we get OTA back again! This was a bad idea from the start, allowing Diaz to run around, so thank god he finally realized that. 

Diaz is a terrible villain, I can only hope his ass his gone forever, because for a new Big Bad, there can Be Only One! Oh yeah, I like this new guy. This is the kind of over the top bad guy stuff I can get behind!

Diaz better be dead, there is literally no reason for his ass to not die. Oh, I am just so sad, I can hardly stop dancing.

Edited by tennisgurl
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Mia and William have such similar facial features I'm floored by the casting choice. I really enjoyed their scenes. The good casting for Olicity's kids is making me like the FF scenes even though they are so bleak and make no sense. 

I'm handwaving logic at this point as it is too ambitious for this show but I'll watch the Smoak Queen kids go on an adventure to find their mumma.

I felt like in this episode they softened or walked back Mia's stance on her parents. Some of the scenes she was acting more like Felicity was just "crazy annoying mum" than a mother who abandoned her. Also the line about how being the child they'd wanted wasn't all that great makes me wonder if Felicity was really over the top paranoid and protective as opposed to Olicity are crap parents. 

Bless Oliver he lit up like a Christmas tree when she told him. Shame on whoever edited the scene for cutting it atrociously and not letting us linger on his glorious smile. 

I wish I knew what he was thinking though. He didn't seem that surprised. Just really happy. Like he expected this for them at some point. I wanted a longer scene dammnit.

Felicity surprisingly didn't seem to have that much baby angst either. It was "protect the baby" angst not "Do I want a baby?" angst. Were they at the "If it happens it happens" stage in terms of having kids? Maybe this wasn't an oopsie?

@BkWurm1 get your ass in here and fill out the blanks for me!!!! Plzzzzzz

I really liked that even though they had Felicity be BS's cheerleader earlier on in the season, BS returned the favour today and coddled the Olicity progeny. Cracked up when she knew so much about taking care of pregnant women. I can sort of buy this friendship. BS imo is not a complicated person. I still think the part of her that's a psycho is allowing her to enjoy this fresh fake life, hang out with her new friend and be happy to roll with things without any qualms.

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44 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

I felt like in this episode they softened or walked back Mia's stance on her parents. Some of the scenes she was acting more like Felicity was just "crazy annoying mum" than a mother who abandoned her. 

Yeah, here it felt more like a Donna/Felicity situation where they love each other and are just very different people than the "my parents suck" impression I got before.

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Felicity's nightmare scene was very well done. 

I was sure they'd go for a newly pregnant Felicity being chased by Diaz which would have been sufficient but predictable. 

Felicity running to get to her crying baby had so much more impact.

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6 hours ago, Trisha said:

The future stuff is a mess. If Dinah didn’t know Felicity had a daughter (and Roy also looked shocked) that means Felicity and Mia cut themselves off from everybody within the next few months. Even if this terrible future all gets erased in the crossover, that’s a whole lot of episodes of the audience assuming everything is terrible. 

I've been thinking this future is going to be erased by the crossover, but then I've also been thinking that this show doesn't really go for happy endings anyway, so will it even be that much different?

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1 minute ago, Trini said:

I've been thinking this future is going to be erased by the crossover, but then I've also been thinking that this show doesn't really go for happy endings anyway, so will it even be that much different?

No show is gonna get happy endings when still airing. And i will bet you anything they gonna give oliver a happy ending. 

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Emiko: "I didn't know Oliver Queen did apologies!"

Oliver: "True, usually I'm all about just wallowing in angst and blaming myself for things that I'm barely connected to.  Hell, it could even simply stuff my parents did that I had no knowledge about, but I blame myself anyway!"

Oh, shit!  Dante is a Highlander!  Not the original, Christopher Lambert Highlander though, but Adrian Paul Highlander is certainly no slouch, to say the least!  Safe to say that he's already a more effective villain than Diaz ever was.  Only issue was getting use to him with knives instead of his classic sword.  But next time, Oliver needs to go for the head!

Speaking of Diaz, he sure got served extra crispy tonight, huh?!  Of course, I don't want to get my hopes up too much, but I would be quite happy with him being gone for good.  Or maybe the damage will be so bad that they'll get another actor to play him in the future.  I can dream, I guess.  I guess the big mystery is who did it.  He clearly recognized who it was at least.  Laurel seems like a likely suspect, but she could just end up being the red herring that everyone thinks did it, but it ends up being someone else.

Felicity reveals to Oliver that she is pregnant and they're both so happy!  Let us see how long that lasts!

Miracles happen and Diggle has apparently destroyed the parasite that has been controlling him all of this season, and finally is a supportive friend to Felicity again.  Yay, Diggle!  Please do not regress.  At least he no longer has ARGUS holding him down like an anchor anymore (still sucks for Lyla though.)

The Ghost Initiative ended up being a nonentity and a general waste of Cupid and China White.  Boo!

Mia and William are fun together in the flash-forwards, but all of it is still convoluted.

Emiko is in league with Dante?  And I was actually warming up to her...

The Noobs taking a backseat certainly made this one of the better episodes this season.   

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I do hope they're lying about the future not being changeable because even if Oliver sacrifices himself within the next year it doesn't help the city and everyone hates him etc. I can't make the future make any sense any other way but then again that hasn't ever been a strong suit of the entire Arrowverse. If he has to die soon, it should at least be bittersweet and not just to save Barry and Kara's asses whilst his city becomes apocalyptic. That said it wouldn't surprise me if the COIE is a worse deal than death. 

Really not into Rene and Emiko's retread of S1, if Oliver does die and Felicity disappears in the current present time they won't be strong enough to anchor the show and even though I think KmN is so much better here than in Shadowhunters the FF people can't either.

Diaz is BBQed (hopefully!, finally!) should never have been more than a 1 season villain. And so many things they set up were dropped  for him. HIGHLANDER!

Diggle can come off the naughty step now or maybe he had the goa'uld removed. But what the F is going on with JJ/Connor? Do they adopt an orphaned kid in the near future? The same actor was their bio son in LOT. 

Edited by Featherhat
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OK so normally I'm not very critical about the FF because I consider them all to be Bullshit.  They're all misdirect and empty explanations because they want to keep the mystery alive.  However, the Flash Forwards, like the Flashbacks are usually tied to something in present day.  We see Oliver trying and failing to talk to Will and then in the flash forwards we get a reveal that he blamed Olicity for dumping him because they never reached out.  We can make the connection that Will's grandparents lied and kept him from Olicity.  It doesn't make sense when you think about it but, there's a deliberate thread between the two time periods to give us the answer as to why Will hates his parents and feels they abandoned them.

My one issue with the Flashforwards in 714 is the Felicity/Mia reveal because it doesn't make much sense given the present day storyline.  Mia says that Felicity is paranoid, constantly dropping off the grid, kept Mia a secret from everyone except Diggle.  OK there's another thread there, we find out that Diggle is the only one that knows about Mia and in this episode we have Diggle come back to the fold.  He puts Felicity above Argus as he failed to do earlier in the season.  He apologies and recognizes how he failed her as a friend.  We get an OTA reunion that ties directly to the reveal that only Diggle knew about Mia and, had his son protect Mia because OTA are family.

However, we have a 2019 Felicity that doesn't line up at all with Mia's version of 2040 Felicity.  Given the 714 storyline if Felicity tried to kill Diaz or even succeeded it, I could see it.  Especially given the whole BS speech about not killing Diaz out of fear.  So, if we had Felicity kill him or admit at the end that she was still afraid, i could see her carrying down that paranoid route that she was earlier in the season, which would lead to 2040 super paranoid Felicity (Mia's version).  However, that's not what we got.  What we got was a stronger more confident Felicity that faced her fears and, proved that she was no longer scared of Diaz or of the evils to come.  That she was now strong and, could protect herself and her family.  IMO the Felicity from 714/2019 doesn't line up with Felicity talked about in 714/2040.  I know people will say that we don't know what happens between 2019 and 2040 to make her paranoid and, I would agree, except the show has been very deliberate all season to draw threads between 2019/2040 and, did it twice in this episode alone.

I don't know if this is a clue that something is off in 2040 or at least Mia's version of Felicity, or just really bad writing.  I want to say it's a clue because they've been good about it except for that but, who knows.  In any case it's left me curious

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I actually thought the parallel was there and consistent with where they are headed with Felicity's character. She's been changed by the whole ordeal of Oliver going to prison. I think even though she pulled back from killing Diaz, the core of her now will always be a bit paranoid. I took the end scene as her making peace with it and managing it (as proven by the fact that she didn't kill Diaz).

However I can see that paranoia compounding over the years. She starts off doing what she thinks is reasonable to protect her kid, more baddies come along and so it grows and grows over the years.

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I really liked that Mia said Felicity was who she cared about the most. She may think her mama is very paranoid but she still has to believe that her mom loves her and I'm pretty damn sure Mia would kill to protect her Mama. I just wanna see Mia go ham on whoever threatens Mama and Bro in the future 

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35 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

My one issue with the Flashforwards in 714 is the Felicity/Mia reveal because it doesn't make much sense given the present day storyline. 

I just thought the connection was Felicity's line at the end about wanting their children to know they'd do anything for them (to parallel William and Mia's earlier conversation about how Olicity treated their kids), meaning that it's just a perception problem from the kids who don't know that Olicity actually are trying to help them.

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2 minutes ago, way2interested said:

I just thought the connection was Felicity's line at the end about wanting their children to know they'd do anything for them (to parallel William and Mia's earlier conversation about how Olicity treated their kids), meaning that it's just a perception problem from the kids who don't know that Olicity actually are trying to help them.

Maybe, i don't know.  The threads were so direct in this episode, like sledgehammers.  I just don't see how confident/strong/I could kill Diaz but, choose not to Felicity ends up this paranoid person who made her daughter's life miserable version.  I suppose this could just be Mia being an angry teen who only sees something from her perspective, they did kind of do the same with Will and his parental issues.  Guess we'll see how stuff develops over the FFs but, this just didn't seem to parallel the way everything else did in the episode

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12 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Maybe, i don't know.  The threads were so direct in this episode, like sledgehammers.  I just don't see how confident/strong/I could kill Diaz but, choose not to Felicity ends up this paranoid person who made her daughter's life miserable version.  I suppose this could just be Mia being an angry teen who only sees something from her perspective, they did kind of do the same with Will and his parental issues.  Guess we'll see how stuff develops over the FFs but, this just didn't seem to parallel the way everything else did in the episode

The thing is though with Felicity specifically the parallels were always kind of contradictory. Like, yeah in 704 Felicity was all for torture and we find out FF Felicity started going underground in criminal circles, but at the end of 704 Felicity then makes a plan and finds another way after BS's talk. In 706 FF Felicity is still remembered as a friend but now we find out she had plans to destroy the city, but in the present Felicity backs down from even murdering Diaz because all she wants is to see Oliver again. In 713 FF Felicity left William's life without contact, but in present Felicity was still very caring for him and her last interaction was that she'll miss him and send him extra clothes, etc.

With Felicity they seem to want to draw purposeful confusion so the audience doesn't exactly know what FF Felicity was doing to draw out the mystery.

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I am starting to think Mia's life may not be as bad as KM has made it out to sound. I wonder if they tell KM very little and so she came up with certain conclusions.

She talks about Felicity teaching her the cube, how her last phone call was to tell her to get out of Star City, about how it's hard being the wanted child.

Doesn't sound like the alley cat life that I thought she would have based on what was said about her in interviews. 

It even sounds like she didn't have to live in Star City. Plus her mum was definitely around so wasn't Felicity rich with Smoak Tech?

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4 hours ago, Featherhat said:

Do they adopt an orphaned kid in the near future? The same actor was their bio son in LOT. 

Was it ever stated that he was the bio son in the LOT  episode... Plus wasnt that before flashpoint... Who knows how the timeline has shifted since that aired

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But that LOT timeline was an AU. It seems like Connor will get adopted eventually by Diggle and JJ is still his own character. The actor did a q&a on insta and said we'd get JJ info soon.

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I'm still so amused by Laurel bringing Felicity healthy food. I'm imagining her in the supermarket, Googling what pregnant women should eat. "No deli meat, potassium..." And then starting to threaten the person at the deli counter ("There better not be any deli meat or I'll...") before remembering she's turning over a new leaf. 

Is it bad that I want Dinah to find out in the future that Laurel knew about Mia? I just really like NTA being kept out of things. 

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1 hour ago, apinknightmare said:

I’m confused about why Mia thinks Felicity is paranoid. She lives in a garbage fire of a city and she knows it wasn’t always that bad. 

Didnt get that either I was like SERIOUSLY MIA, DO YOU SEE YOUR CITY!

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43 minutes ago, JJ928 said:

But that LOT timeline was an AU. It seems like Connor will get adopted eventually by Diggle and JJ is still his own character. The actor did a q&a on insta and said we'd get JJ info soon.

That would be fine except it's the same actor from LoT which just makes it super confusing and stupid IMO but, it is what it is

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3 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

That would be fine except it's the same actor from LoT which just makes it super confusing and stupid IMO but, it is what it is

But this is arrow, so logic doesn't doesn't matter. lol

Someone said (either here or on twitter)  that maybe Crisis brings back baby Sara and then Connor is adopted, but that seems even more complicated to me.

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7 minutes ago, JJ928 said:

But this is arrow, so logic doesn't doesn't matter. lol

Someone said (either here or on twitter)  that maybe Crisis brings back baby Sara and then Connor is adopted, but that seems even more complicated to me.

Which brings up my other annoyance with this whole stupid thing. So Guggie had the idea for LoT AU future to make Diggle have a son (JJ) who is Connor Hawke.  Then in order to make that AU even more a possibility they had Barry erase Sara so JJ could exist.  Now, Sara basically died for nothing because JJ isn't even Connor Hawke that's some adopted son we never met before!  The whole thing just annoys me 😡

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2 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

The whole thing just annoys me 😡

It's dumb and overly complicated for no reason. Genetics are weird and there's no reason JJ couldn't be Dyla's kid (since the actor mentioned the complexion difference.) But this is Arrow so I'm not surprised at all they chose this instead of using what what already set up in the Flarrowverse. This better result in Baby Sara returning. 

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The Highlander is on Arrow! I love Adrian Paul as Dante! Massive upgrade in Big Bads from Diaz! My feels right now...

(Chris Goguen)

ETA: I love "MacDante" - thanks, @BkWurm1!

Edited by tv echo
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6 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Which brings up my other annoyance with this whole stupid thing. So Guggie had the idea for LoT AU future to make Diggle have a son (JJ) who is Connor Hawke.  Then in order to make that AU even more a possibility they had Barry erase Sara so JJ could exist.  Now, Sara basically died for nothing because JJ isn't even Connor Hawke that's some adopted son we never met before!  The whole thing just annoys me 

Par for the course in this universe.

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I don't think that E2 Laurel/Black Siren burned Diaz. IIRC, watching Diaz burn alive his childhood nemesis was one of the things that disgusted Black Siren and made Black Siren rethink her alliance with him - it was also supposedly proof that he was so evil while Black Siren was less evil. So for her to turn around and do the same thing to him would undercut her redemption arc. 

With respect to Mia in the flashforwards, is anyone else starting to get strong Terminator 2 vibes? Antagonistic mother-child relationship, when mother is just trying to protect the child. I'm now (hopefully) expecting future Felicity (if she's alive) to show up all buffed up and armed with a gun, like T2's Linda Hamilton.

As for Connor being adopted, maybe Barry changed more than the sex of Diggle's child. Maybe Lyla had childbirth complications - Baby Sara died and she became unable to have more children, so Diggle/Lyla adopted JJ as an infant. 

Edited by tv echo
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1 hour ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Oliver called him John Diggle Jr. in the LoT episode.

Oh could sworn he was called Connor hawke there as well.. Maybe in that timeline as there was already a baby Sara he still adopts Connor and names /renames him JDJ... Or maybe Connor is still his pseudonym and he's Jerry Diggle or something...  I still figure its like ive said before that they loved the actor and character.. Didn't want to get rid of Lyla and kinda had a bind because somebody.. Probably a fellow black person pointed out the odds of diggle and lyla producing a child who looked like that was damn near impossible so then Barry turned Sara into JJ and now we have an adopted brother... 

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9 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

Felicity surprisingly didn't seem to have that much baby angst either. It was "protect the baby" angst not "Do I want a baby?" angst. Were they at the "If it happens it happens" stage in terms of having kids? Maybe this wasn't an oopsie?

Yeah, neither of them had the "How did this happen?" reaction, so I have to assume that they weren't in the "actively trying" stage, but also weren't in the religious birth control stage. If Felicity was on the pill, it's easily understandable why she may have stopped while Oliver was in prison. And maybe it wasn't a priority once he got out. Maybe Oliver is terrible at pulling out, LOL.

36 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

It's dumb and overly complicated for no reason. Genetics are weird and there's no reason JJ couldn't be Dyla's kid (since the actor mentioned the complexion difference.)

Had I known, I would've offered to show the writers pictures of the variety of complexions in most black families.

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14 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

I have so many questions about this. Does Oliver just accept that William never returns his calls? Does he get curious and go looking and find out that they've moved? How does Felicity not find them? Does he really never get curious about them? It seems very much like Oliver is dead - does he not even bother going to his funeral? Surely that would've been in the news. 

So dumb.

This is like the problem I have with the movie, The Parent Trap. Are you telling me the parents would just give up on ever seeing one of their kids forever? And the kids never knowing they had a sibling? DUMB

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2 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

Yeah, neither of them had the "How did this happen?" reaction, so I have to assume that they weren't in the "actively trying" stage, but also weren't in the religious birth control stage. If Felicity was on the pill, it's easily understandable why she may have stopped while Oliver was in prison. And maybe it wasn't a priority once he got out. Maybe Oliver is terrible at pulling out, LOL.

Had I known, I would've offered to show the writers pictures of the variety of complexions in most black families.

Yeah our families can range in complexions and shades.. But when you look at diggle and his brother.. I imagine one of their parents was probably the complexion of iris west or a lil darker.. And one parent a few shades lighter than diggle and his bro.. Odds being that one of both the parents has some nonsense sub saharan African blood a generation or two removed... Those kids making a baby with a white lady.. I don't see how that equals a Connor hawke.. I means he's not even a deep brown bruh is dark... I got cuzzins who are Dog's complexion.. Now the racial makeup is different as were from south America.. But generally and by most legal documents they're black.... If they got a white lady pregnant and the kid came out and stayed as dark as Connor.... Somebody is calling Maury... 

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1 hour ago, tv echo said:

The Highlander is on Arrow! I love Adrian Paul as Dante! Massive upgrade in Big Bads from Diaz! My feels right now...

(Chris Goguen)

ETA: I love "MacDante" - thanks, @BkWurm1!

Me tooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is as almost as good a surprise when I saw that Finch Emerson was on this show. But then the show fucked it up. I hope Adrian's been keeping up, because dude did most of his stunts AND SWORD work! Who'da thunk I'd be rootin' for a villain? Well, if 'tis Duncan MacLeod...♥️♥️😍😍♥️♥️

And ditto for the "MacDante" as well as "Scottish Delight"! @BkWurm1!!!

Can anyone tell me if he's sporting long tresses???😜

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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15 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Laurel boasts about being a good DA but we never see proof of it.

BS couldn't be any worse at the DA thing than E1 Laurel was.  It's probably 90% management duties anyway.  (Being a ruthless psychopath probably is an asset, not a liability in that job.)  

I don't even have a  problem with her lack of legal training. We've seen her hitting the law books in multiple episodes and "reading the law" was a perfectly viable way to become an attorney once upon a time.  You can still take the bar exam in a few states without having attended law school. 

The BS/Felicity friendship is one of my favorite things about Arrow these days and about the only thing that carried me through the endless episodes with Oliver in prison. Not that I didn't cheer when Diggle used the Diaz fiasco to get the heck out of ARGUS, while making it look like he was taking one for the team and saving Lyla's job. Win, win. 

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27 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

don't ruin this for me KA Diaz better be dead!!!!! 

He’s a joke at this point. How many times is he apparently dead before they kill him for good? 

Edited by lemotomato
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15 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

He’s a joke at this point. How many times is he apparently dead before they kill him for good? 

next week better be his charred dead body and a flashback revealing who roasted him.  i can't even imagine why'd they keep him around now that they finally introduced Dante 

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