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S15.E16: Blood and Water

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Meredith finds herself having to side with either Alex or DeLuca during a difficult situation, but she doesn't want to betray either of them. Meanwhile, Maggie reveals details about her personal life that cause a public stir, and Levi struggles with whether or not to tell his family about Nico.


Original Canadian air date: 3/6/19
Original U.S. air date: 3/7/19

Well, that's one way to ensure Owen/Amelia is over for good with no chance of them getting back together unless they want Amelia to look weak. That lash out from Owen to Amelia was absolutely brutal. She breaks up with him and his response is to get extremely nasty. Good on Amelia for standing her ground and getting out of that toxic relationship.

So, I'm guessing Carina will be right about Papa Deluca being unwell when he eventually kills someone with his new and evasive creation of a baby in a bag. I will say, the family stuff with the Deluca family is marginally interesting.

Oh, hey! Jackson and Maggie had two different plots away from each other! How nice! Jackson/Jo's scene was well done. I thought Jo was going to reveal that she didn't ever want kids, but I guess her being afraid of having kids because of the unknown with her genetics, followed by her deciding to take a version of the 23 and Me tests, works well too. 

Maggie/Richard's plot was actually pretty ok. 

Fuck off Bailey. She really is the worst. I cannot believe Alex only has 22 days left as Chief. He deserves to keep his job. 

Meh to Contacts/HAOG. 

  • Love 10

I wish Jo stayed in Ortho.

Link is a good dude. 

I love the moments with Alex and his mom. How about we get rid of some of these sisters and meet Amber Karev, instead? 

Amelia's biggest mistake was leaving James and Los Angeles (her life on Private Practice) for this mess. 

So did tptb remember that Andrew's mom is alive, because she was spoken-of as if she is, but at the beginning of the season she was dead (a contradiction to season 13 when she was alive)? They are so messy with details and continuity. 

Probably an unpopular opinion, but I am so over the Italian. Krista watches a season of "Master of None" and now we're being beaten over the head with it. I get that it's like the one interesting thing about Andrew, but with or without his family around, it doesn't have to be all the time. And don't get me started on Meredith oh so conveniently now knowing the language... By all accounts, Callie Torres was on the series for 10 years and only spoke Spanish (a language more widely familiar to larger populations) twice, and it was in the same episode.  

  • Love 12

Alex and his mom are sweet. I would like to meet his sister too. She went to med school so she could fit to series. I also like Jo this season.  

Linc is a good guy and he seems to have good contact with everyone he talk to (maybe except meredith but she is very fussy about people she like :)) 

Love that Amelia broke up with Owen. He would slowly destroy her. Can't uderstand why he blame her about their brake up. He got other woman pregnant. Is that really normal thing that youre girlfriend should accept? Really? And i'm glad that Amelia gave up with custody. She deserve better family that this. Latly she seems to be the only grown up there. I like her. 

I'm already anoying by Delucas family. I'm afraid its not going to end so fast. 

Maggie and Jackson are better apart. Still don't like either of them but I prefer when they are not on the same time on screen. Still... Maggie... you can't sany think like that on public without second thoughts. Just no. Every normal person would at list think once if detail like that should be reveled on public. Especially that this afect others people life.

  • Love 10

I had to laugh when Schmitt got bumped from the surgery and he accused Jo of getting special treatment and she pointed out that the only reason he was on  that surgery in the first place was because of HIS special treatment from Nico. Pot, meet kettle. And Jo is right - she has seniority. Maybe it seems unfair, but stuff like that happens all the time at this hospital.

I already disliked Vincenzo because apparently he doesn't have an inside voice, but his casual dismissal of Carina and how she could barely speak English made me hate him. GTFO, dude. Andrew is annoying me now. He knows his dad has a mental illness which caused him to kill several patients. He hasn't spoken to his dad in ages. Carina just spent the last three months with him. Yet despite all of this, he thinks his dad should be given the green light on this project, that accidentally killing a bunch of patients doesn't need to be disclosed, and that somehow he knows his father's current mental state better than the sister who has been with him recently. Okay then.

I felt for Jo when Helen said the baby hats were for her and Alex's babies. Slow your roll there, lady. I hope Jo doesn't let the pressure to procreate get to her. And why does she need to take a faux 23 and me type test when she works at a hospital? I'm pretty sure she could have them run all the genetic tests she needs right there.

Speaking of babies, ugh to Owen and Amelia. Did they really think they could share joint custody of Leo without discussing a schedule before meeting with the lawyer? IDIOTS. Although to be fair, I don't know why they need to set up a schedule since they both work 24/7 (except when they're taking personal days to hang out in front of high schools). Leo will be in the hospital daycare with Meredith's kids 99% of the time so it doesn't really matter who technically has him on Monday versus Tuesday.

Owen can suck it. He has the nerve to blame Amelia for not being able to love and sabotaging their relationship when he's the one who got Teddy pregnant and has been acting like a combination of Teddy's jealous boyfriend and her overprotective father. The only upside of him continuing to be a gaslighting asshole is that she is finally free of him. Run, Amelia, run like the wind!

I have mixed feelings about Maggie blurting out that Richard and Ellis are her parents. On the one hand, it sucks for Richard that his dirty laundry is being aired. On the other hand, Maggie's parentage is still HER story. It's not her responsibility to keep that a secret for the sake of his privacy. The fact is that he had an affair with Ellis for YEARS. If he was that ashamed of cheating on his wife, he could have stopped fucking around. I don't mean to sound disrespectful of Catherine, but the fact that she has cancer doesn't mean that Maggie should have to keep this a secret just because it MIGHT upset Catherine (not to mention that she already knows).

  • Love 19

I've always had a soft spot for Owen.  Even when he effed up bad, but this is it.  The end.  I get that he was angry that he wanted to try again and Amelia didn't, but his response was downright nasty.  He even brought up the tumor and said that she hadn't changed, ever after surgery.

He's going to find life as a single dad challenging, especially when Teddy's baby is born.  

Maggie, Maggie, Maggie.  I agree that it is her story, but to announce in a podcast about Richard and Ellis.  And she's also worried that it will hurt her father (Tip, Maggie, give him a call and talk to him before he finds out).

Baby in a bag?  Gee, what could go wrong with that?  It's not even Senior DeLucca's medical specialty.  I get why DeLucca wants to believe in his father.  He grew up with his mother.  Whereas Carina grew up with dear old dad and suffered through his illness,, so I understand her position too.  Of course the program will be green-lighted.  The only question is which baby will they try it on first?  Teddy's?

Given it is Grey's, there's no doubt in my mind that this project will go south and fast. 

  • Love 10

Great episode. I really enjoyed it. I was dreading DeLuca's dad but I think they've come up with a pretty interesting storyline that will now have several key characters involved - DeLuca and Carina, because he's their father, Meredith because she pushed against the project and Alex because he decided to fund it. It'll be interesting to see how it turns out and I hope it helps flesh DeLuca out a bit more. I totally get the pull of him wanting to trust his dad, even if part of him knows he shouldn't. I liked how the entire episode was framed around family; what we inherit, what we fight against, how we differ and how we mirror them. It worked well for every storyline. 

I really loved all of Alex's stuff. It's so sweet to see him interacting with his mom, and I loved her talking about him as a kid. His scenes with Meredith were fun, too. I'm also always a fan of seeing characters interact with others that they don't get to often, and Jo and Jackson worked well together. I'd like to see more of Linc and Jo's friendship, as well. I wonder if the DNA test will lead to something more or if it's just an easy way to give her peace of mind. 

Maggie is... well, at least it wasn't a Maggie/Jackson storyline. This is actually another one of the stories that should have happened ages ago, when Maggie first showed up, but I like that Krista has addressed it. We've all known about Maggie's parentage for years, but the medical community never did. It makes sense that Richard would be pensive about that getting out. I actually ended up liking this story, too. 

Glasses & Nico are sweet. I don't love them, but I like the representation and I'm glad they're sort of getting small stuff every few weeks rather than dominating any storylines. My only issue is that the storytelling is a bit one-sided, focusing almost exclusively on Glasses. We need to learn a bit more about Nico for me to really care about it. For now I can just appreciate him being half-naked, though. 

I can't believe how much I've come to enjoy Amelia post-tumor. I really want her to ACTUALLY leave Owen. He's miserable. What he said about her being incapable of love is... very on-brand for Owen. I'd be here for them exploring Amelia/Linc, perhaps. I was excited last year when Owen's sister left and it seemed he was finally free of some of his dark and twistyness, but he's become truly mean and miserable again this year. I like that the writers are having Amelia acknowledge it rather than ignore it as if it's normal. I have no idea where they go from here, though. 

  • Love 13
3 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

 Speaking of babies, ugh to Owen and Amelia. Did they really think they could share joint custody of Leo without discussing a schedule before meeting with the lawyer? IDIOTS. Although to be fair, I don't know why they need to set up a schedule since they both work 24/7 (except when they're taking personal days to hang out in front of high schools). Leo will be in the hospital daycare with Meredith's kids 99% of the time so it doesn't really matter who technically has him on Monday versus Tuesday.

I get the feeling that Amelia was trying to avoid talking to Owen as much as possible. I think it's more who drops him off and who picks him up from daycare that is the worry. We saw Callie and Arizona have to work around custody, but Leo is way younger than Sofia.

1 hour ago, DEL901 said:

Baby in a bag?  Gee, what could go wrong with that?  It's not even Senior DeLucca's medical specialty.  I get why DeLucca wants to believe in his father.  He grew up with his mother.  Whereas Carina grew up with dear old dad and suffered through his illness,, so I understand her position too.  Of course the program will be green-lighted.  The only question is which baby will they try it on first?  Teddy's?

I mean, it's clear as day that Andrew got manipulated by his father. His father commented on how he wants Andrew to essentially become famous from this, putting his mark on the map, and Andrew ate it up. He didn't seem to read between the lines, with his father using subtle yet effective manipulation techniques, such as bringing up the fact that Andrew's girlfriend is super famous ("I've even heard of Meredith Grey from across the world") to make Andrew feel inferior, and consistently bringing up the being famous point. 

Carina is 100% correct here. Their father is clearly not well and this will only end in disaster....and I bet Andrew will be the one to take the fall. 

It'll also be the first time I have ever liked Carina so that's another plus to the Deluca family storyline.

13 minutes ago, BaseOps said:

Great episode. I really enjoyed it. I was dreading DeLuca's dad but I think they've come up with a pretty interesting storyline that will now have several key characters involved - DeLuca and Carina, because he's their father, Meredith because she pushed against the project and Alex because he decided to fund it. It'll be interesting to see how it turns out and I hope it helps flesh DeLuca out a bit more. I totally get the pull of him wanting to trust his dad, even if part of him knows he shouldn't. I liked how the entire episode was framed around family; what we inherit, what we fight against, how we differ and how we mirror them. It worked well for every storyline. 

I would also potentially include Bailey, since they brought up the point about Alex as Chief being almost over (22 days) so the fallout from whatever disaster that inevitably happens with the Baby in a Bag might carry over into Bailey's story when she takes over as Chief again. 

  • Love 10

Jo is a surgical fellow.  Eli  is a second year resident. How does he get the idea that he's equal to Jo? The delineation of seniority in medicine is second only to the Forces.

Carina said that their father is dangerous because he has an untreated mental disorder.  Did they say why he's untreated? He's bipolar, there are treatments, and you can often tell when someone is is ramping up to a manic episode. If he refuses to get treated, tell him he can't work on the research unless he is under care. As long as he's supervised and doesn't do any medical procedures without Deluca or someone else supervising him, it doesn't seem like such a problem.

12 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Well, that's one way to ensure Owen/Amelia is over for good with no chance of them getting back together unless they want Amelia to look weak. That lash out from Owen to Amelia was absolutely brutal. She breaks up with him and his response is to get extremely nasty. Good on Amelia for standing her ground and getting out of that toxic relationship.

You wish! Given Amelia's expression when Owen told her that she was incapable of loving or receiving love, I bet we get a Very Special Amelia Episode where she learns why this is true and heals herself. I'm someone who's like Owen but he's lost me right now with his jealousy of Teddy and his hurtful behaviour to Amelia but  I'm not betting against them getting together again or Amelia deciding to try to have a baby again.

Sarcasm aside, there's some foundation for Amelia having trouble being able to accept love. From her father being killed in front of her, to her fiance dying in bed beside her from an overdose and then having a brainless baby and carrying him to term so that he can be an organ donor, to her brother dying of a brain injury and Meredith didn't call  her to either help save him or say goodbye, to none of her family showing up for her wedding to Owen, there's been a lot of emotional pain in Amelia's life. Why isn't her sister the psychiatrist doing anything to help?

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 6
27 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Carina said that their father is dangerous because he has an untreated mental disorder.  Did they say why he's untreated? He's bipolar, there are treatments, and you can often tell when someone is is ramping up to a manic episode. If he refuses to get treated, tell him he can't work on the research unless he is under care. As long as he's supervised and doesn't do any medical procedures without Deluca or someone else supervising him, it doesn't seem like such a problem.

I think Andrew told Meredith how his father ended up killing four people during a manic episode but he wasn't punished due to him knowing people in high places. So I assume his dad just uses his connections and power to get away with being untreated. It doesn't seem like many stand up to him and can get away with it. Look at when Carina tried and their father went to manipulate Andrew instead (even reiterating how the Deluca women were so emotional and how him and Andrew were so similar). I don't know who will be able to get through to Papa Deluca, but I think he'd only listen to someone with a position of power, and that's still a big "if". 

29 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Sarcasm aside, there's some foundation for Amelia having trouble being able to accept love. From her father being killed in front of her, to her fiance dying in bed beside her from an overdose and then having a brainless baby and carrying him to term so that he can be an organ donor, to her brother dying of a brain injury and Meredith didn't call  her to either help save him or say goodbye, to none of her family showing up for her wedding to Owen, there's been a lot of emotional pain in Amelia's life. Why isn't her sister the psychiatrist doing anything to help?

I think, just because Owen was wrong in how he treated Amelia, it doesn't mean he didn't speak on a foundation of truth. Amelia DOES have issues with trust and love, and that's always been the case with her. So she can definitely heal from that, and I hope she does. But in terms of her and Owen, they're done. I honestly can't see a world in which Amelia takes Owen back. I think Krista has been writing Owen as a terrible person for a reason. At first, I wasn't sure if we were supposed to be rooting against Owen but now I feel like we're not supposed to see Owen as a good guy and we're supposed to be rooting for Amelia to be done with Owen. 

All throughout that tense scene with Owen/Amelia when she was telling him that she was done, I was anticipating him lashing out and then he proved me right. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

there's some foundation for Amelia having trouble being able to accept love. From her father being killed in front of her, to her fiance dying in bed beside her from an overdose and then having a brainless baby and carrying him to term so that he can be an organ donor, to her brother dying of a brain injury and Meredith didn't call  her to either help save him or say goodbye, to none of her family showing up for her wedding to Owen, there's been a lot of emotional pain in Amelia's life.

True, but none of those things are why she ended her relationship with Owen and decided to be Aunt Amelia to Leo instead of his parent. She ended her relationship with Owen because he’s been an unrelenting dick. She decided not to coparent Leo, not because of Owen, but because she realized that what’s best for him is having stability, not being shuttled back and forth between them. If anything, these two decisions show that she has enough self-esteem not to accept a third rate relationship and that she is capable of putting someone else’s best interest ahead of her love for them. She’s not running away from Owen because she can’t accept love. She dumped his ass because she realized that she deserves better than the shitty way he treats her. 

  • Love 18

Owen has been awful lately, true, but he did choose Amelia over Teddy and quickly too. And Amelia  broke up with him because she thinks he'll go back to Teddy (she said) so I still think there's a chance they'll get together.

The baby bag growing a lamb is a real thing. The Biobag could be a real miracle for preemie babies who can suffer a lot of medical complications from being born too early.

I love that Alexi's mother took apart a doorknob because 6 year old Alex wanted to know what it looked like.

I appreciate that the two dads didn't want to now which fathered their daughter. But now that she's in the sexually active age it's important to know if she's got the Factor V Leiden gene because it pretty much limits her birth control to condoms or diaphram.

1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

I think Andrew told Meredith how his father ended up killing four people during a manic episode but he wasn't punished due to him knowing people in high places. So I assume his dad just uses his connections and power to get away with being untreated. It doesn't seem like many stand up to him and can get away with it. Look at when Carina tried and their father went to manipulate Andrew instead (even reiterating how the Deluca women were so emotional and how him and Andrew were so similar). I don't know who will be able to get through to Papa Deluca, but I think he'd only listen to someone with a position of power, and that's still a big "if".

Alex. Alex lets him do the research at the hospital only if he is treated and his research is monitored. Or, you know, the real medical head of the hospital who we've never heard about.  This seems to me to be an easy problem to solve.

Also Deluca Sr. has to get his research approved by the hospital ethics committee before he does anything. That's another level of oversight.

But this is Grey's.

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 3
8 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Owen has been awful lately, true, but he did choose Amelia over Teddy and quickly too. And Amelia  broke up with him because she thinks he'll go back to Teddy (she said) so I still think there's a chance they'll get together.

I would have said that before Owen's terrible lashing out at Amelia. He was downright cruel toward her. Not that I would write it off, because this is the show that also has Jaggie, but at this point, it does seem highly unlikely. Plus, Owen only chose Amelia over Teddy because Teddy said no to Owen in Germany (he wasn't the one who chose to leave Germany after their one night stand, although he certainly didn't fight to stay) and then, when Teddy showed back up in Seattle, he was already starting a family with Amelia. Owen got turned down by Teddy and then went running back to Amelia, which proved Teddy's original point that Owen is afraid of being alone.

At this point, Owen should not be with any woman. His endgame has always been to have his own child. Now, he gets to have both Leo and his unborn daughter, and without Amelia in the picture anymore, Owen will have full custody of Leo and joint custody with his daughter with Teddy. That's probably more than enough for him now. And Amelia made it clear that not being with Owen would hurt less than being with Owen. That's something you can't really take back. So, because I want Amelia to find happiness, and unless proven otherwise, I'm taking that as confirmation that Owen/Amelia are done for good.

  • Love 7
20 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

His endgame has always been to have his own child. Now, he gets to have both Leo and his unborn daughter, and without Amelia in the picture anymore, Owen will have full custody of Leo and joint custody with his daughter with Teddy.

It will be interesting to see if the writers think that this is enough for him.

In other things unbelievable, the teenage boy had 3 months of chemotherapy and his mother didn't notice?

This show does mental illness terribly but Deluca saying "She thinks he has bipolar" is awful. He is bipolar, or better he has BPAD.

It's nice to see J.P. Manoux back on screen as the panicking dad.

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 4

Meredith dreams about Amelia mocking her mother's Alzheimer's? I sure wouldn't want to be inside that woman's head.

I guess we now know where Maggie gets her petulance from. I really dislike the way Richard has been written for the last few episodes.

Some things are too good to be true and Amelia and Owen breaking up FOREVER is one of them. I'll believe it when I see the closing credits of the series finale and they're still not together. But I'll try to enjoy it while it lasts because this is probably the most I've ever liked Amelia since she first appeared on the show. And I'm really glad they put an end to the stupid "Amelia is Leo's mom" retcon, because it was never supposed to work like that. 

Papa DeLucca is a horrible actor. His character is also annoying, I don't really care about the baby in the bag thing and I never thought I'd say this, but at this point I'd gladly trade Andrew for his sister. The only good thing about that storyline was that adorable little lamb! 

  • Love 7

I HATE Linc’s haircut.  I know I have said this previously but I feel very strongly about it.  He’s a handsome guy and his hair makes him look like a Keebler elf. 

I don’t care about the Delucas.  At. All.  Also do I need to turn on the subtitles? Meredith speaks Italian but I don’t.  

Just because dad is bipolar doesn’t mean his idea isn’t brilliant.  Perhaps assign another doctor to help with the research 

In fact some of most brilliant people in history have had mental illnesses.

See this book:


but Alex should still know the real deal 

Also Richard you did have an affair if it bothers you that people know then don’t have affairs.  Your affair is Maggie’s birth story.  So check yourself...

I’m tapped out on Amelia and Owen.  They have been unhappy forever.  Enough is enough pull the plug. 

Glasses “I love you.” Isn’t this sort of soon ? 

It’s nice to see Meredith being nice to Amelia, she’s come a long way

I thought this episode was DOA.  It can have one more star than last week for a total of two out of five

Edited by dmc
  • Love 2
7 hours ago, statsgirl said:

It will be interesting to see if the writers think that this is enough for him.

In other things unbelievable, the teenage boy had 3 months of chemotherapy and his mother didn't notice?

This show does mental illness terribly but Deluca saying "She thinks he has bipolar" is awful. He is bipolar, or better he has BPAD.

It's nice to see J.P. Manoux back on screen as the panicking dad.

Thank you mental illness is not done well.  It’s a bunch of stereotypes 

  • Love 3

I don't care about the Delucas and I'm sick of hearing Italian, especially from Andrew.  He doesn't sound sexy, he just sounds like the horndog that he really is.  

It looks like from the previews that Amelia might wind up with Linc.  Although I hate his sideburns, I think he's a much better "catch" than Andrew now.

I cannot stand NotGlasses and I want something bad to happen to him so that he gets written out.

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, Ohwell said:

I don't care about the Delucas and I'm sick of hearing Italian, especially from Andrew.  He doesn't sound sexy, he just sounds like the horndog that he really is.  

It looks like from the previews that Amelia might wind up with Linc.  Although I hate his sideburns, I think he's a much better "catch" than Andrew now.

I cannot stand NotGlasses and I want something bad to happen to him so that he gets written out.

Not glasses 😂😂😂😂😂

This might be an unpopular opinion, but I don't think Contacts did much wrong in this episode, except that "I love you" after 3-4 months of dating might be a bit soon-ish. I mean, I wouldn't want my mom to know I was just about to have sex with someone, either, and that's obviously not because I'm afraid she'll find out I'm straight. There was no reason to think that he was shame-spiralling or whatever and HAOG's "tried and true gay" act is starting to annoy me. Dating a person who is completely inexperienced in romantic and sexual affairs comes with a price and if you can't handle it, it's perfectly within your rights to pull out. But if you do decide to stick through it, at least try to understand your partner's perspective instead of freaking out whenever they do something you think they should have done differently.

  • Love 11

I fast forward so much of this show now...

I hate the Owen and Amelia storyline. Everything with those two is the worst.

alex and jo are all right. Boring but fine.

I like Meredith and DeLuca together but the father storyline feels predictably doomy.

the Maggie storyline made me angry. I feel like the reaction from Richard was completely realistic and Maggie was being a selfish brat. Yes, it is her birth story but that didn’t happen in a vacuum. There are other people with feelings that are part of that story. If you want to tell it fine but maybe talk to Richard about it before hand. Talk to your adoptive parents and Meredith about it. All of these people are going to have justified feelings about that information being out in the world.  Give them time to process the reality of the whole medical community knowing the family business. If it gets out in the extremely unprofessional way that it did, give these people some slack to react emotionally. Most will come around to logic and reason with time. 

  • Love 12
23 minutes ago, Kippy said:

the Maggie storyline made me angry. I feel like the reaction from Richard was completely realistic and Maggie was being a selfish brat. Yes, it is her birth story but that didn’t happen in a vacuum. There are other people with feelings that are part of that story. If you want to tell it fine but maybe talk to Richard about it before hand. Talk to your adoptive parents and Meredith about it. All of these people are going to have justified feelings about that information being out in the world.  Give them time to process the reality of the whole medical community knowing the family business. If it gets out in the extremely unprofessional way that it did, give these people some slack to react emotionally. Most will come around to logic and reason with time. 

Maggie never gives anyone slack ever. It’s very cut and dry with her. I still hate how angry and indignant she got when she found out Richard figured out who she was and didn’t run to tell her right away. It’s never as simple as “you lied!”. He had just found out ellis his his child and now this child has zero interest in getting to know him. That’s ROUGH! It was one of the first things I didn’t like about maggie. 

  • Love 10

More assholes assholing all over the place tonight.

Bailey, just because you've been acting like such an entitled asshole, I hope Alex (of whom I'm not, and never have been, a huge fan) keeps his position as chief just so that you can't have it.

Richard, if you were so afraid of people knowing you're a cheater, then you shouldn't have cheated in the first place and really shouldn't have cheated for so many goddamn years.  Maggie didn't spill the beans intentionally, and tough shit that everyone will know you're a cheating dick.

Owen, you're a miserable sack of dicks.  You are actually the one who needs mental help for your anger issues.  I hope you decide to climb Mt. Rainier and fall into its lava-filled crater and die, leaving Teddy, Koracick, and Amelia (and Linc, maybe) to raise Leo and Teddy's daughter in a very modern, supportive, and loving way.

That declaration of love from notGlasses?


Bitch, please, you've been boning for, like, seven minutes, you and HAOG have had no development beyond having horrible chemistry, and you can't even tell your horrible mother you're boning this stud.  I can't.

I actually liked Carina for the first time ever, so kudos, writers.  She is going to be proven very much right, and Andrew is realllly going to regret allowing himself to be manipulated by their dick father.

  • Love 8

Am I supposed to be invested in Contacts and the other guy?  Because like I genuinely don't know either of their names and now they love each other?   Do they know each others names?    None of the relationships are terribly deep these days but that was the most yawn worthy deceleration of love I've seen in a long, long time.

I thought Owen was terrible but I guarantee (without knowing a single spoiler) that Amelia is going to totally have an episode where she has to own what Owen said.  I prefer them to Teddy because I have no use for Teddy but that in no way is an endorsement of this relationship.   

I don't have much use for Maggie at all but I was surprised by Richard's reaction to the news being out.  He's had years now to warm up the idea of Maggie.   And yes it is a bit embarassing to have the details of your personal life out there for exposure but again he's had YEARS to prepare for this.   

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, bybrandy said:

Am I supposed to be invested in Contacts and the other guy?  Because like I genuinely don't know either of their names and now they love each other?   Do they know each others names?    None of the relationships are terribly deep these days but that was the most yawn worthy deceleration of love I've seen in a long, long time.

I thought Owen was terrible but I guarantee (without knowing a single spoiler) that Amelia is going to totally have an episode where she has to own what Owen said.  I prefer them to Teddy because I have no use for Teddy but that in no way is an endorsement of this relationship.   

I don't have much use for Maggie at all but I was surprised by Richard's reaction to the news being out.  He's had years now to warm up the idea of Maggie.   And yes it is a bit embarassing to have the details of your personal life out there for exposure but again he's had YEARS to prepare for this.   

Their names are glasses and not glasses. Lol I’m not even certain they told us their names 🙂

  • LOL 2
  • Love 3
7 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

Bitch, please, you've been boning for, like, seven minutes, you and HAOG have had no development beyond having horrible chemistry, and you can't even tell your horrible mother you're boning this stud.  I can't.

Heh. Although, to be fair, they've been dating for more like three-four months. It's just been all in the background. I can't say I care for Contacts or HAOG, although I will say at least the actor who plays Contact can emote. The actor who plays HAOG is...bad. He has one facial expression and it's definitely not a good one. 

  • Love 6
7 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

Richard, if you were so afraid of people knowing you're a cheater, then you shouldn't have cheated in the first place and really shouldn't have cheated for so many goddamn years.  Maggie didn't spill the beans intentionally, and tough shit that everyone will know you're a cheating dick.

I kept wondering why it was such a big deal. OK, having the entire world know that you used to cheat on your wife can't be pleasant, but still. I've always been under the impression that his affair with Ellis was basically a public secret in the hospital circles, no? And anyway, it happened decades ago, the people directly affected by it are dead now, Catherine knows, as does Meredith, obviously, he has no other children to be embarrassed by daddy's past and the other who might care about it should either be dead or retired by now. The whole thing is at this point more of an interesting tidbit than some huge scandal. Again, I get why he would be uncomfortable, but it looked more like drama for drama's sake.

IMO Maggie's adoptive father had it even worse and I really hope she called him to explain what happened in that interview. 

  • Love 9

I’m just so over Bailey’s character at this point, NotGlasses and Nico, Amelia and Owen, and Meredith. I’ve always been over Maggie, but I did like her plot last night. 

NotGlasses realizes he’s gay after connecting a new doctor to the show and worries about his family accepting it. Hmmm.... where have we seen that before? Oh yeah. This same show. 

The opening with Ellis and the sisters and Zola was cute.

I’m thinking that DeLuca’s father is around because he wants to use his son for his connection to Meredith. 

I normally don’t mind Owen, but I really disliked him today. When Amelia walked away from Leo, there was a part of me that was hoping that the lawyer would recommend that Amelia have sole custody based on everything currently going on in Owen’s life. I also see Amelia being more in touch with Leo’s biological family than Owen  I wouldn’t be surprised if he cut them off after one of his moods.

I’m glad that they went with the DNA test with Jo.  When she was iffy on having kids, I was afraid they were doing the Christina 2.0 route. 

  • Love 6

* the dream Amelia snarking at Meredith's mom cracked me up. Felt very Amelia.

* Glasses and Not Glasses are such a waste of screen time. With better actors and with a more organic-feeling plotline where feelings develop, it may have been good. They just tossed them together with no connection and so all of it falls flat--especially the blurted out I love you. I really hope at least one of them gets hit by a bus or taken out in some sweeps disaster soon.

* Deluca is not being written consistently. I get being swayed by your dad, but a dad that you acknowledge killed 4 people and then waltzes in with some big idea . . and you just want to go with it and not disclose the deaths etc? doesn't fit. They should have written him as not being willing to admit the 4 deaths--i.e Carina says he killed them, Deluca keeps insisting it was not his dad's fault. . .  --and then it would have felt more believable. If I thought my parent killed 4 people while being in denial about an illness, I would be very cautious with any idea they came up with especially when my sister is telling me "I've been with him 3 months and he's sick."

* I was hoping we'd never see Carina again, but (a) she actually didn't blather on about vaginas etc. at in appropriate moments so points for that and (b) I loved her blouse.

* I'm glad Amelia dumped Owen. It makes him such a jerk character for him to be with her, break up, fly to Germany and profess his true love to Teddy, get her pregnant and then expect Amelia to just not have any Teddy concerns. It really doesn't make sense.

* I wish we had fewer storylines where the patient makes something clear for the doctor--i.e. the mom of the guy with the foot/knee surgery bringing clarity to Jo. It's so overdone.

* I'm tired of Alex/Jo having "conflict at beginning of episode of a minor sort that is sweetly resolved at the end." They keep giving them those storylines. Otherwise, both were fine. Alex not being able to read Meredith's face at all was funny though seemed unrealistic he would be that dense.

* I'd forgotten (and still can't remember) why Jo doesn't know either of her parents --was she adopted? but we happy she managed to discuss her past without mentioning living in a car. That takes real growth.

* I realize it was a medical podcast but seemed unrealistic to me that the interviewers are just so up on who Ellis, Meredith and Richard are without needing last names.

also my assumption is that the lamb Dr. Deluca's Dad showed (the one that was born with his technique) actually is just some video footage he got off the internet and he's never actually birthed anything yet.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Joana said:

I kept wondering why it was such a big deal. OK, having the entire world know that you used to cheat on your wife can't be pleasant, but still. I've always been under the impression that his affair with Ellis was basically a public secret in the hospital circles, no? And anyway, it happened decades ago, the people directly affected by it are dead now, Catherine knows, as does Meredith, obviously, he has no other children to be embarrassed by daddy's past and the other who might care about it should either be dead or retired by now. The whole thing is at this point more of an interesting tidbit than some huge scandal. Again, I get why he would be uncomfortable, but it looked more like drama for drama's sake.

IMO Maggie's adoptive father had it even worse and I really hope she called him to explain what happened in that interview. 

Hell, Lexi knew about it before she died. In my opinion it's a few years TOO LATE now. Plus, all those people as you mentioned who were affected by it are all long dead now or have since been fired or retired. Yes, I get it, Richard still feels guilt over it, especially since Ellis hid Maggie from him. Plus ,the fact that Richard feeling so guilty about it later is the reason why he and Adele never had children of their own. Of course, Adele being a former nurse and section manager and decided to be a "house wife" when Richard started excelling into his career in the late 80s and had been chief for several years never made sense since they had no kids and apparently Adele was bored at home. 

Edited by readster
  • Love 1
On 3/7/2019 at 5:08 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I already disliked Vincenzo because apparently he doesn't have an inside voice 

I'm Italian. Most of us don't have inside voices and don't realize it, and when people shush me, I get pissed off. Mostly because people tend to treat me like a child when they do it. 

You'd REALLY hate family dinners with my grandmother's ten siblings (who are all gone now).  Ahhhh, Sunday dinners back in Poughkeepsie...would you like some ear plugs to go with your Cafe Aurora toasted almond coated rum cake? 

Owen can suck it. He has the nerve to blame Amelia for not being able to love and sabotaging their relationship when he's the one who got Teddy pregnant and has been acting like a combination of Teddy's jealous boyfriend and her overprotective father. The only upside of him continuing to be a gaslighting asshole is that she is finally free of him. Run, Amelia, run like the wind!

Speaking of inside voices, does Owen actually have one? Teddy needs to stay the fuck away from that, as well. Stay with Koracik, Teddy! Owen's rages are so played out. 

I have mixed feelings about Maggie blurting out that Richard and Ellis are her parents. On the one hand, it sucks for Richard that his dirty laundry is being aired. On the other hand, Maggie's parentage is still HER story. It's not her responsibility to keep that a secret for the sake of his privacy. The fact is that he had an affair with Ellis for YEARS. If he was that ashamed of cheating on his wife, he could have stopped fucking around. I don't mean to sound disrespectful of Catherine, but the fact that she has cancer doesn't mean that Maggie should have to keep this a secret just because it MIGHT upset Catherine (not to mention that she already knows).

WORD. It's not like Richard would not have the opportunity to play the, "I was young and stupid, but I am so proud of Maggie" card, if asked about it.  Kinda of a silly sub plot. 

  • LOL 3
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Amelia and Owen should be over for good, but I've thought they passed the point of no return numerous times before, and yet the show kept putting them back together. I'm actually liking Amelia more lately, so I hope she's free from Owen for a while. 

I liked Jo's scenes and that she ended up taking the DNA test. I have never fully believed that Alex would be so gung ho about having kids given his family history, but I guess on this show, men are all about the babies. 

Alex's scenes with his mom were nice, but I was hoping for an actual storyline for Alex and his mom and not just nice scenes.

I wish I cared about DeLuca or his family since it looks like this will probably be a major storyline. 

  • Love 10
30 minutes ago, Evie said:

I liked Jo's scenes and that she ended up taking the DNA test. I have never fully believed that Alex would be so gung ho about having kids given his family history, but I guess on this show, men are all about the babies. 

Alex's scenes with his mom were nice, but I was hoping for an actual storyline for Alex and his mom and not just nice scenes.

I think Alex wants the family he didn't have growing up. He likes kids. He was willing to make embryos with Izzy back in Season 5. And now that his mom is doing well and he has a good life, I can see how he wants to add to that happiness. Especially with a wife he adores and clearly is communicating with over the issue.

Since Jo is using a commercial DNA test that is probably going to lead to her family coming into the picture. Those services match you with the folks that share your genes. 

Edited by anna0852
  • Love 8
13 minutes ago, anna0852 said:

Since Jo is using a commercial DNA test that is probably going to lead to her family coming into the picture. Those services match you with the folks that share your genes. 

That's my theory, too.  If the show just wanted her medical data she'd do the tests in hospital.   She's going to find a long lost parent/sibling with this kit.  the only question is will the sib/parent be cast or somebody we already know.   Because, yes it would be ABSURD if Jo was another long lost Ellis kid, but, you know this show is absurd.

Or she's related to Amber and OMG!!! Only to find out Amber and Alex have different dads... but then we'd have to meet Amber so nevermind.

Edited by bybrandy
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What struck me about Richard being upset about Maggie revealing that his is her bio-dad is that it was very self0centered of him. Instead of being proud to have Maggie as his daughter, he was ashamed that it came out. That could really have hurt Maggie, if she were sensitive enough to be aware of it,. that is.

It was a medical podcast so I'm not surprised that the interviewers had heard of Ellis and Meredith who had both won the Avery. The show keeps pushing the Avery as this really, really, really big deal. The kind of thing I've never heard of in the real world.

5 hours ago, askasza said:

I think that this is more for the futere. 6 month fedus can survive outside the uterus. But we just started to think about someone elses children. Someone who have to accept this project...

I'm sure a parent would only agree to it if there was no other viable option. At the least, no hospital ethics board would agree on a purely experimental basis.

3 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

also my assumption is that the lamb Dr. Deluca's Dad showed (the one that was born with his technique) actually is just some video footage he got off the internet and he's never actually birthed anything yet.

In the real study, the experimental lambs were all euthanized so that their organs could be examined. Poor lambs.

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

What struck me about Richard being upset about Maggie revealing that his is her bio-dad is that it was very self-centered of him. Instead of being proud to have Maggie as his daughter, he was ashamed that it came out. That could really have hurt Maggie, if she were sensitive enough to be aware of it,. that is.

Not to knock it, or Richard's feelings, but who all in the medical community would really care all that much that Richard Webber cheated on his then-wife and that cheating resulted in Maggie? In this universe the only thing people would care about is that Maggie Pierce is Meredith Grey's sister and Ellis Grey's daughter and who the bio-father is would presumably be an afterthought. And like you or others have said, it's not like Catherine doesn't already know all of this or knows this isn't a secret. She knows where Maggie came from. 

  • Love 5
8 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Not to knock it, or Richard's feelings, but who all in the medical community would really care all that much that Richard Webber cheated on his then-wife and that cheating resulted in Maggie? In this universe the only thing people would care about is that Maggie Pierce is Meredith Grey's sister and Ellis Grey's daughter and who the bio-father is would presumably be an afterthought. And like you or others have said, it's not like Catherine doesn't already know all of this or knows this isn't a secret. She knows where Maggie came from. 

I don’t care what community anyone is in, we all love some drama and controversy, lol. 

  • Love 1
11 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Not to knock it, or Richard's feelings, but who all in the medical community would really care all that much that Richard Webber cheated on his then-wife and that cheating resulted in Maggie? In this universe the only thing people would care about is that Maggie Pierce is Meredith Grey's sister and Ellis Grey's daughter and who the bio-father is would presumably be an afterthought. And like you or others have said, it's not like Catherine doesn't already know all of this or knows this isn't a secret. She knows where Maggie came from. 

Since Adele and Ellis are dead and Richard is not even chief, no one would care.  Richard is not a celebrity 

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, bybrandy said:
4 hours ago, anna0852 said:

Since Jo is using a commercial DNA test that is probably going to lead to her family coming into the picture. Those services match you with the folks that share your genes. 

That's my theory, too.  If the show just wanted her medical data she'd do the tests in hospital.   She's going to find a long lost parent/sibling with this kit.  the only question is will the sib/parent be cast or somebody we already know.   Because, yes it would be ABSURD if Jo was another long lost Ellis kid, but, you know this show is absurd.

What if Jo is a long lost Shepherd kid or, even better, a long lost Thatcher Grey kid? Surely Meredith needs another sister.

  • LOL 1
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Maggie babbling away about Richard and Ellis is just so...her. She's just such a self-involved airhead. How has she not given any thought to this issue before about whether or not to be open about her parentage. And I'll be the contrarian here: yes it's Maggie's story but it's not ONLY her story. Her decision whether or not to "go public" affects people other than her. It affects Richard and Meredith. She doesn't need their permission but the least she could do is give them a heads up that she's going to put their business in the street.

Owen continues to be an emotionally abusive ass. Amelia has never been my favorite character - although I find post-tumor Amelia much more tolerable - but I was cheering her on. She made nothing but good choices in this ep. She saw the warning signs that co-parenting Leo with Owen would be misery and she took the offramp.

For some reason the whole baby-in-a-bag thing made me think of the Chinese scientist who has supposedly created the first gene-edited baby

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