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S01.E14: Someday

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On the eve of the new restaurant opening, Delilah tracks down a handsome expert to help with the last-minute details. Meanwhile, Regina struggles with her overbearing mother who causes friction by bringing up disturbing details of her past.

Airing Thursday, February 1, 2019.


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So, that was a thing.

First off, I’m really torn on the Regina abuse storyline.  It was magnificently performed and better written than most parts of the show.  They even appropriately used Maggie!  However, I kind of waver between a “well, that’s done” head shake as something like this should be more than a one-episode arc and “great, because the show really, really, really needs another heavy storyline.”  Sigh. 

I did have a couple of nitpicks here:
1 – A 2-hour drive is not a road trip.  Get over yourself Gary (I do get that he’s anxious about Maggie’s health, which was the driver of much of his behavior in this episode, but still…)

2 – Every medical facility I’ve ever been in has strong security protocols on their computer, usually requiring a badge or, at the very least, a passcode.  The fact that Maggie could just, you know, bend over the counter and log in is just ridiculous.

So, Drea De Matteo is Barbara Morgan.  Big whoop.  I’ve been over this since about the second episode.

If Delilah is in charge of the business side of the restaurant, which it sort of seemed like here, no wonder they had nothing they needed to open.  But, hey, St. Delilah of the Useless found yet another man to do everything for her!  The thing is, I kind of like him—but I just detest Delilah more with each episode and this is just ridiculous.

Don’t care about Eddie’s failed hook up (and I’m betting money that he got plenty of unencumbered action on the road.  Notice he dodged that question repeatedly!). 

Oh, and my eyes nearly rolled out of my head and across the floor at the restaurant opening when all of a sudden the guys are all working there and others just walking in and out of a kitchen.  Has DJ Nash ever watched Food Network?  Hell, has he ever been in a restaurant?  THAT IS NOT HOW ANY OF THIS WORKS!

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2 hours ago, HazelEyes4325 said:

A 2-hour drive is not a road trip.  Get over yourself Gary (I do get that he’s anxious about Maggie’s health, which was the driver of much of his behavior in this episode, but still…)

I'd ordinarily agree with this but the fact that it took apparently hours to walk, with support, the last half of a 5k... I mean it could take her YEARS to drive 2 hours.  

It isn't like I was invested in Gary's artisinal sandwiches but he made a big deal of making too many of them and they were never mentioned again.  I kept waiting for there to be another reference to them... which shows how much I am not riveted by this show.   

2 hours ago, HazelEyes4325 said:

2 – Every medical facility I’ve ever been in has strong security protocols on their computer, usually requiring a badge or, at the very least, a passcode.  The fact that Maggie could just, you know, bend over the counter and log in is just ridiculous.

I agree with that.  And weirdly every hospital I've ever been in they've been pretty willing to give out a patient's room number if you say you are family.   But then the patient had died so maybe that was the issue.    Giving out medical information, no.  

I don't care about Barbara Morgan.  But Jon bought all of her paintings and sent them to her?   Um, they were hers to begin with. 

I like (/sarcasm) how just, "eh, it will all work out" the restaurant was about not having a liquor license or the certificate of occupancy with 24 hours left until opening.    It really didn't seem like anybody had even really bothered to try before then.

No Katherine or Theo so it is a good thing Colin made an appearance.   

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WOW! This was another great episode.

Christina Moses KILLED it. Not sure if the uncle passing was a good thing or a bad thing with regard to Gina getting closure, but it is what it is. Hopefully she can now really start to heal and begin to rebuild her relationship with her mother.

Loved Delilah calling out Gary - it's more than just not wanting to lose Maggie - he feels powerless and is trying to micromanage the lives of everyone he cares about - it's not going to work, but I get it.

Speaking of Delilah, I liked her a lot in this episode, and I like Andrew. I'm on board with this becoming a thing.

Cannot wait to find out what this Barbara Morgan situation is all about. Drea De Matteo is a good dramatic actress and I'm ready for the drama!

Edited by Gothish520
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According to the email that Gina's uncle Neil sent to her mom, it's now April 13! With this show, I'll take any information about the time line that I can possibly get.

While I understand that for some people, there is still a stigma attached to medication/mental illness, I wish that Rome would let it go. If he had diabetes, would he say that he wants to be in control of it instead of the insulin?

As soon as Gina asked her mom if she'd told Uncle Neil about the restaurant, I knew we were going to get a creepy uncle molester storyline. I'm glad it gave the actors something to do besides the usual (OMG, Delilah, how can we help you?), and it also gave us a chance to see Maggie using her skills as a therapist (don't get me wrong - I never wanted to see her sessions with random patients, but I liked that we got to see her in action AND doing something that isn't related to Gary or her cancer).

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Okay, so now this is the show? It seemed like a totally different show from what we have been watching. Who’s doing the editing? We get a time jump, no Katherine, and a wonderfully acted, out of nowhere story about a very heavy subject.  My head is spinning, and not in a good way. 

The only part I really enjoyed was having all the men be involved in the restaurant’s opening night, because it was funny, but it made ZERO sense for any of it to have happened. Oh well. 

And I am 


Very worried about Katherine surviving to season 2, given the promos, and DJ Nash saying one major character is leaving. 😔

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3 hours ago, bybrandy said:

I like (/sarcasm) how just, "eh, it will all work out" the restaurant was about not having a liquor license or the certificate of occupancy with 24 hours left until opening.    It really didn't seem like anybody had even really bothered to try before then.

Guess we know why Regina's first restaurant failed.

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I found the show a smorgasbord of things. I hated all the Gary/Eddie sex talk, it wasn't funny (to me) and seemed something sophomoric that was going on too long. Delilah and this rich, handsome guy who doesn't seem to care she is pregnant suspended my belief but it is TV. Telling him it's not her husbands' but his best friend will be awkward or maybe it wont come to that. Delilah always has a knight come, maybe two of them, so she doesn't have to think without Jon. I also found the whole restaurant coming together very fake but again, it's Nash and TV so hopefully most know it's fiction and just smile.

I loved Regina and her story line was powerful and I hope she gets better and longer scripts in the future. My neighbor went through this, brother molested her and Mom didn't believe her but I think she knew and couldn't absorb it. Caused repercussions later that rippled a long time.  I hope thought that isn't the reason Regina didn't want children. Sometimes you just don't and I hate when shows make it seem like abuse or something else awful had to have happened to change the wiring there. They have done the same with people who are gay.  Time will tell.  Regina shined though and I loved her and her Mom's interactions.

I still don't think that's Barbara judging on what Nash said but who knows. I feel she is taking care of her and that's why the "2 years here" was significant. He will drag out that video until then. I think the grumpy husband and son calling her, not coming in, will probably add up to more clues but I just don't see it coming together.

It's 2019, for a long time you could google someone and find out a lot for free. I see my neighbor's name when looking up number, lived on that street and 3 other locations. I see part of family names attached to their name.  It frustrates me to no end how stupid they make the characters, it's not 1950.  Even the lack of HIPPA is annoying being in that field but the lack of knowledge on someone when tax records, voting, articles with that person's name exist so easily to find. Also when I put my kids on life insurance, there had to be a way to reach them, number, address, etc.

Only 2 shows left to tie it up.

8 minutes ago, debraran said:
8 minutes ago, debraran said:
Edited by debraran
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4 hours ago, bybrandy said:
7 hours ago, HazelEyes4325 said:

2 – Every medical facility I’ve ever been in has strong security protocols on their computer, usually requiring a badge or, at the very least, a passcode.  The fact that Maggie could just, you know, bend over the counter and log in is just ridiculous.

I agree with that.  And weirdly every hospital I've ever been in they've been pretty willing to give out a patient's room number if you say you are family.   But then the patient had died so maybe that was the issue.    Giving out medical information, no.  

I agree about the death being why the staff was stalling on the room number; it didn't make sense at first I kept thinking Regina just go over there and say his niece is here but once we found out he had died the whole "I can't give you information you'll have to talk to Dr so&so" made complete sense.

The computer though - maybe it's hand waving it away on my part but I didn't have a problem with it because of the never ending struggle to get people to log out of or lock their computer when they walk away.  Of course the employee can be given a warning or even be fired if they do it too often but you have to catch them first.  I don't know why it's so hard to CTRL+ALT+DELETE before getting up then type in a password when you get back but the whole "I just went 10 feet away to get a bottle of water" type excuses get old after awhile.  So, OK, before this turns into a rant just bottom line; lot's of people leave their computer open for "just a few seconds", they shouldn't but they do which is how I excused Maggie getting access.

Barbara Morgan - We're sure that lady Gary talked to is her.  One thing I thought was weird and I went back three time to listen, when Gary left and the guy in the house asked who it was Barbara replied "It's ok SHE'S gone now".  I'm sure it was SHE not HE.   If so just overthinking this wondering was that a flubbed line that the director missed?  Was it on purpose because Barbara didn't want the guy in the house to know there was a man at the door?  Was it referencing herself like the old She/Barbara doesn't exist?   

Regina nailed the whole confession scene in the bedroom, like give this girl an Emmy nailed it.  Eddie on the other hand - I don't hate the character and I certainly like seeing David on my screen but....what's his deal with women  I wish he or the writers would make up their minds because he hops from wanting Delilah to not wanting to divorce Katherine (until he saw the two breakfast plates) to not sleeping around on tour to jumping on PI girl to rejecting PI girl.  He has more mood swings than Rome and Maggie combined.  

At least we got two things explained - Gary got the PI "through work" ........so we know Gary does work at something although he seems to rarely actually be AT work and they threw in a line about how Delilah spent over 20 years in France which I honestly think was for no reason except the writers do read boards like this and tried to explain her fluctuating accent to the viewers.

Edited by sigmaforce86
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Well, presuming that Nash understands how pregnancy works (a big 'if'), the timeline should stabilize a little.  Delilah looks to be 20-24 weeks probably.  Presuming the April date of the email is correct and she is about 22 weeks, that means Jon died end of October.  Any earlier than that, and he's not the daddy, which he isn't, but the lie doesn't work if he was dead when she conceived.  It also puts her due date in mid August.

So, poor Delilah has been widowed less than 6 months, she is visibly pregnant and her friends, people who knew and loved her later husband, are encouraging her to take off her wedding ring and start hunting for a man?  Really?  I know she wasn't happy in her marriage, but it seems a little soon to me.  And it especially seems soon for the people who were closest to her late husband to be telling her to get out there and find a boyfriend.  Everyone has their own timeline for grieving, but I'd say a pregnant widow with two teens perhaps should have other priorities.  As for a middle aged guy who thinks a pregnant widow is fair game for a relationship, well, that's just icky, too.  I used to deliver babies, and it always kinda surprised me when a single pregnant woman would find a new boyfriend in the midst of a pregnancy, but the average age of those women was around 17 and the babydaddy wasn't dead.

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Don’t care about Eddie’s failed hook up (and I’m betting money that he got plenty of unencumbered action on the road.  Notice he dodged that question repeatedly!).

Oh but I think we're supposed to read that he's SO IN LOVE with Delilah and CONFLICTED about Katherine and Theo and BOO HOO for how COMPLICATED Eddie's life is right now you guys! Poor man baby.

I don't know. I like the characters on this show, but I'm my ability to suspend disbelief is starting to slip.

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8 hours ago, bybrandy said:

I'd ordinarily agree with this but the fact that it took apparently hours to walk, with support, the last half of a 5k... I mean it could take her YEARS to drive 2 hours.  

It isn't like I was invested in Gary's artisinal sandwiches but he made a big deal of making too many of them and they were never mentioned again.  I kept waiting for there to be another reference to them... which shows how much I am not riveted by this show.   


It's the little-known plot device of Chekhov's sandwiches!

Yes, and riding for 2 hours in the back of a car is so, so draining... (eye roll directed at Gary, not you).

8 hours ago, bybrandy said:

I like (/sarcasm) how just, "eh, it will all work out" the restaurant was about not having a liquor license or the certificate of occupancy with 24 hours left until opening.    It really didn't seem like anybody had even really bothered to try before then.   


Actually, that makes sense.  If Delilah was in charge of the business side of things, her entire MO is "someone will take care of this for me," which of course is exactly what happened.  There is no accountability with Delilah, only a poor me tactic of getting everyone to do everything for her.

Also, and I know this was the last episode, but did she (and by "she", it was Katherine, not Delilah--although Delilah will get all the credit) actually clean up her entire little $18M problem last week with one real estate sale?

3 hours ago, nexxie said:

Wait, Regina’s mom didn’t acknowledge her child’s assault because she didn’t want to face her own - WTF?!


That is actually very common.  Not only was my mother a mental health professional and had a lot of patients with similar situations, but it was also not uncommon in my extended family (fortunately my parents, unlike many of the other adults, were wise enough to keep us sheltered and away from certain relatives).  I didn't find that unbelievable, but I did find how quickly Regina's mom sort of acknowledged it and moved on to be unbelievable.

3 hours ago, debraran said:

I found the show a smorgasbord of things. I hated all the Gary/Eddie sex talk, it wasn't funny (to me) and seemed something sophomoric that was going on too long. Delilah and this rich, handsome guy who doesn't seem to care she is pregnant suspended my belief but it is TV. Telling him it's not her husbands' but his best friend will be awkward or maybe it wont come to that. Delilah always has a knight come, maybe two of them, so she doesn't have to think without Jon. I also found the whole restaurant coming together very fake but again, it's Nash and TV so hopefully most know it's fiction and just smile.


I strangely didn't have a problem with this--and I thought I would.  I can see how a widower finding another widow who he thinks is cute AND he can relate to on multiple levels (dead spouses, the food industry) being okay with her being pregnant WITH HER DEAD HUSBAND'S CHILD.  Of course, once that cat gets out of the bag, it's an entirely different thing.  So, now Delilah has yet another self-serving reason to lie...and to force Eddie to lie to everyone.

Edited by HazelEyes4325
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1 hour ago, doodlebug said:

  Any earlier than that, and he's not the daddy, which he isn't, but the lie doesn't work if he was dead when she conceived.

Were Eddie and Delia still knocking boots more than a few days past when Jon died?

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3 hours ago, nexxie said:

Wait, Regina’s mom didn’t acknowledge her child’s assault because she didn’t want to face her own - WTF?!

At least the food looked delicious!

Oh, so now another TV cliche about why Regina hates her mother, she let her uncle molest her and she herself was a victim once upon a time and seems why her uncle became one as a result of his own molesting. So, I guess now the REAL reason why Regina didn't want to have children was because she have her uncle molest them too. Yet, hey she is a sex addict with her own husband? Yeah, usually women or men who are molested and don't turn to molesting themselves, don't turn into: "Hey, we need to have sex to make life great." Plus, how Regina didn't have her own depression or knows what it was like for Rome's situation is very, very bad writing. 

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32 minutes ago, bybrandy said:

Were Eddie and Delia still knocking boots more than a few days past when Jon died?

No.  We know that Delilah ended it the night of the funeral, but my guess is that there was no bedroom action after the suicide.  As much as I think Delilah is a horrible person, sleeping with your dead husband's best friend before he's even in the ground is probably too much, even for her.  Plus, when would she have the opportunity?  My guess is that family (or not) and friends were always around in those days.

11 minutes ago, readster said:

Oh, so now another TV cliche about why Regina hates her mother, she let her uncle molest her and she herself was a victim once upon a time and seems why her uncle became one as a result of his own molesting. So, I guess now the REAL reason why Regina didn't want to have children was because she have her uncle molest them too. Yet, hey she is a sex addict with her own husband? Yeah, usually women or men who are molested and don't turn to molesting themselves, don't turn into: "Hey, we need to have sex to make life great." Plus, how Regina didn't have her own depression or knows what it was like for Rome's situation is very, very bad writing. 


I will be beyond pissed if the show tries to work that logic!  Some women were molested want to have kids.  Some women who were not molested don't want to have kids.  THE TWO ARE MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE!  And, if the show tries to pull this shit, they are just doubling down on the myth that there is something "wrong" with a woman who doesn't want to have children.

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I really dislike this show and was ready to say I am done until Regina aka Christine Moses kicked ass with her scenes. She was fabulous. As for the rest of them, with the exception of Rome, Theo and MIA Katherine, I don’t care about them and have zero interest in their drama. What is up with Delilah? Is she supposed to be the ultimate honey trap and no man can resist her? I loathe her and the actress is mediocre at best. I cannot stand Gary or Eddie. Gary harping on whether or not Eddie had sex on the road was beyond juvenile and begged disbelief in men their age.  I have no idea why Maggie has become such an integral part of this group (in minutes) and is in everybody’s business. I have the same interest the dog showed in this foolishness and cannot see myself sticking around past this season unless by some miracle the show runner gets serious and gives me something worthy of my time.

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6 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

While I understand that for some people, there is still a stigma attached to medication/mental illness, I wish that Rome would let it go. If he had diabetes, would he say that he wants to be in control of it instead of the insulin?

Exactly. A very wrong message to send. It’s not like he’s in control without the meds. I understand that antidepressants take a while to kick in, and that you have to work to find the right medication/dosage, but it’s irresponsible for the show to send that message. Even if at the end of the episode they had him change his mind about taking them because he was “inspired” by his wife. 

I also call bs on Maggie being able to access patient info with a few keystrokes without anyone seeing her. Not only was the computer not locked, but she knew exactly which program to get into to get the info. Not to mention she was within the peripheral vision of the guy Rome was distracting. Even as a “lowly social worker” I know that would not pass in most places. And maybe some facilities are more lax than others, but this is so drilled into people it becomes muscle memory. I now work from home, but even in my own house, with almost 0 risk, I lock my computer to go grab a glass of water. It’s just force of habit. 

I can hand-waive with the best of them because realism doesn’t make good drama, but this show has a lot more WTF moments than most. I’m not sure why I record this, to be honest. 

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Why do we need to spend so much time on Eddie’s sex life. 

The restaurant is opening but they do not have a liquor license or a certificate of occupancy but Delilah has time to look up random gas station guy. And why is Maggie trying to push pregnant Delilah to contact gas station guy. 

Of course, Delilah’s solution is to go find gas station guy who manages to fix everything. How convenient that she found someone who could take care of everything while she just stood around.

I’m glad Regina is getting her own story but I really do not want to watch another tragic backstory. It was well done and powerful but this show does not need anymore heavy emotional plots. At this rate what is there going to be left for next season. 

Another episode with a twist about Barbara Morgan. At this point the most shocking thing would be if the show got to the point quickly. 

Edited by Guest
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22 minutes ago, A.Ham said:

I also call bs on Maggie being able to access patient info with a few keystrokes without anyone seeing her. Not only was the computer not locked, but she knew exactly which program to get into to get the info. Not to mention she was within the peripheral vision of the guy Rome was distracting. Even as a “lowly social worker” I know that would not pass in most places. And maybe some facilities are more lax than others, but this is so drilled into people it becomes muscle memory. I now work from home, but even in my own house, with almost 0 risk, I lock my computer to go grab a glass of water. It’s just force of habit. 

I also work from home and I don’t need to take any action to secure my computer, it locks down on its own almost immediately if I’m not clicking the keyboard.

Edited by taurusrose
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1 hour ago, HazelEyes4325 said:

I will be beyond pissed if the show tries to work that logic!  Some women were molested want to have kids.  Some women who were not molested don't want to have kids.  THE TWO ARE MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE!  And, if the show tries to pull this shit, they are just doubling down on the myth that there is something "wrong" with a woman who doesn't want to have children.

That's the problem. They are trying to have the: "This is the excuse" issue. Plus, you add in that Regina apparently doesn't know how business in the food industry works. Plus, why does she have a passion for it? We know why Rome did for his filming and cinema. Yet, Regina is: "Well, I like restaurants, but have ZERO idea how the business works." It's painting her character just above Delilah. 

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10 hours ago, bybrandy said:

Jon bought all of her paintings and sent them to her? 

No, he bought them and the gallery send her the money.

2 hours ago, HazelEyes4325 said:

If Delilah was in charge of the business side of things, her entire MO is "someone will take care of this for me," which of course is exactly what happened.  There is no accountability with Delilah, only a poor me tactic of getting everyone to do everything for her. 

That is probably why they are in such a hurry to get her to take off her wedding ring and find a boyfriend. They're too busy to take care of everything for her, so they're trying to out-source the job.

2 hours ago, readster said:

Yet, hey she is a sex addict with her own husband?

I don't think they have portrayed Regina as a sex addict at all.

59 minutes ago, Dani said:

Delilah’s solution is to go find gas station guy who manages to fix everything. How convenient that she found someone who could take care of everything while she just stood around.

I did like Gary noting that he must have bribed someone to expedite the paperwork. The idea that anyone would be planning to open with neither their occupancy nor liquor license 24 hours out is absurd even for tv. And that a third party could just swoop in and make it happen? C'mon. Gas Station Guy is clearly in the mob, despite his aw shucks demeanor.

This show seems to be comfortable openly acknowledging that they don't care about writing, they just want to move their plot points forward and to hell with writing. It's like they're flaunting it at this point.

They introduce and resolve Regina having been molested in one episode, but they are dragging out "who is Barbara Morgan?" for the entire season.

Edited by possibilities
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2 hours ago, readster said:

Yet, hey she is a sex addict with her own husband? Yeah, usually women or men who are molested and don't turn to molesting themselves, don't turn into: "Hey, we need to have sex to make life great." Plus, how Regina didn't have her own depression or knows what it was like for Rome's situation is very, very bad writing. 

Yeah, I'm not willing to say that having a healthy sex drive and enjoying sex makes somebody a sex addict.   Especially because she was pressuring Rome when she didn't understand why he was suddenly not interested.  There is no indication at all that she wouldn't have been understanding if she knew he was going through something with the meds.  I mean thinking your husband suddenly lost interest and not understanding why is a fair issue.  It is not being supportive of him once you know the reasons that is an issue.  

But Regina is clear about wanting him back on those meds since she learned he went off them. This isn't somebody who values sex over her husband's mental health.  So she's not a sex addict.  Or if she is we haven't been shown that, yet.

But some women do react to molestation by being sex addicts.  I don't think that is Regina's issue at all but for some women yes (and by some women I am saying one woman I personally know) that is a reaction... or maybe it is not.  Maybe she'd have been that way even if she hadn't been molested.   But I personally know a woman who was molested by her step father who then responded by being highly sexualized  Her younger sister reacted in the exact opposite way.  I don't assume either of these women are the way all women react or that they are the only two options but that these are valid responses is something.

10 minutes ago, possibilities said:

No, he bought them and the gallery send her the money.

That makes so much more sense.    I mean, CREEPY AF.  But makes more sense.

8 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

While I understand that for some people, there is still a stigma attached to medication/mental illness, I wish that Rome would let it go. If he had diabetes, would he say that he wants to be in control of it instead of the insulin?

Well, yes, but I don't think we're supposed to think Rome is right here.  He's CLEARLY wrong.  And he's CLEARLY heading for a crash and hard.   The fact of the matter is that it is a stigma that is real and Rome is handling it in a STUPID way but in a way many people still do.  But I think the ultimate arch here is that he's going to have to realize he needs help.  We just haven't hit bottom where he's ready to accept that yet.

Edited by bybrandy
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12 minutes ago, possibilities said:
3 hours ago, HazelEyes4325 said:

If Delilah was in charge of the business side of things, her entire MO is "someone will take care of this for me," which of course is exactly what happened.  There is no accountability with Delilah, only a poor me tactic of getting everyone to do everything for her. 

That is probably why they are in such a hurry to get her to take off her wedding ring and find a boyfriend. They're too busy to take care of everything for her, so they're trying to out-source the job.

So much this. Delilah is probably the most dependent character to ever appear on television.  She's not even going to be able to parent her own kids without the gang's help.  And...as soon as her friends are successful in out-sourcing the gig, poor Gas Station Guy is going to have to expand the department.

5 hours ago, sigmaforce86 said:

Regina nailed the whole confession scene in the bedroom, like give this girl an Emmy nailed it. 

It's no coincidence that the show's strongest episode featured its best actor.  The big problem that I had with this S/L was Gina's vague inferrence that she invited the molestation.  Didn't she say that she voluntarily took off her shirt?  Even if that was true, the Uncle was still a perv for taking advantage of her.

12 minutes ago, possibilities said:

This show seems to be comfortable openly acknowledging that they don't care about writing, they just want to move their plot points forward and to hell with writing.

And it's such a fucking shame.  The premise was so solid.  It could have been an iteration of "this is us" that dealt with depression and the aftermath of suicide in a real, compelling way.  Demonstrating how survivors cope and get on with their lives.  Seems like the concept was all the writers had; there's not enough creative bandwidth to make it work.  Sad.

Edited by Winston Wolfe
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1 minute ago, Winston Wolfe said:

Didn't she say that she voluntarily took off her shirt? 

She said she took it off after he asked, but she feels responsible because she did take her shirt off.  She isn't.  A 12 year old can't make informed consent decisions.   But feeling guilty about your own sexual assault is something that isn't healthy or right but is pretty common.

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I had mixed feelings about her saying she took off her shirt. On the one hand, I liked that they still 100% played it that the uncle was at fault despite this. And also, she did say he told her to take it off, so it's clear that she didn't initiate it. I think that they are not skilled enough writers to handle a sensitive issue properly, but I do actually think it's important to send the message that even if the adult was not blatantly violent, it's still a violation. Children and teens especially should not be held to the standard that they have to be the ones to prevent being molested, even if they are confused, acting out, or just not strong enoough to resist an adult's directive. In a situation where an adult is taking advantage of their vulnerability, it is 100% the adult's fault.

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3 minutes ago, possibilities said:

I did like Gary noting that he must have bribed someone to expedite the paperwork. The idea that anyone would be planning to open with neither their occupancy nor liquor license 24 hours out is absurd even for tv. And that a third party could just swoop in and make it happen? C'mon. Gas Station Guy is clearly in the mob, despite his aw shucks demeanor.

I loved that Delilah reaction to Gary was, “ I can take care of myself” as she let someone else handle all of her problems. Self awareness is not her strong suit. 

5 hours ago, debraran said:

Only 2 shows left to tie it up.

There are 3 more episodes. 

1 minute ago, possibilities said:

I had mixed feelings about her saying she took off her shirt. On the one hand, I liked that they still 100% played it that the uncle was at fault despite this. And also, she did say he told her to take it off, so it's clear that she didn't initiate it. I think that they are not skilled enough writers to handle a sensitive issue properly, but I do actually think it's important to send the message that even if the adult was not blatantly violent, it's still a violation. Children and teens especially should not be held to the standard that they have to be the ones to prevent being molested, even if they are confused, acting out, or just not strong enoough to resist an adult's directive. In a situation where an adult is taking advantage of their vulnerability, it is 100% the adult's fault.

I felt the same way about that moment. I saw what they were trying to do but it was poorly done. 

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8 hours ago, cardigirl said:

Okay, so now this is the show? It seemed like a totally different show from what we have been watching. Who’s doing the editing? We get a time jump, no Katherine, and a wonderfully acted, out of nowhere story about a very heavy subject.  My head is spinning, and not in a good way. 

The only part I really enjoyed was having all the men be involved in the restaurant’s opening night, because it was funny, but it made ZERO sense for any of it to have happened. Oh well. 

And I am 

  Reveal spoiler

Very worried about Katherine surviving to season 2, given the promos, and DJ Nash saying one major character is leaving. 😔

I absolutely agree. I told my daughter it was as if they had fired all their writers and hired new ones. It did not flow at all for either one of us.

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2 hours ago, Dani said:

I loved that Delilah reaction to Gary was, “ I can take care of myself” as she let someone else handle all of her problems. Self awareness is not her strong suit. 

There are 3 more episodes. 

I felt the same way about that moment. I saw what they were trying to do but it was poorly done. 

I agree.  Delilah still is the clueless lass but so smart of her to google the gas station guy even if she couldn’t figure out other things in her life. That guy is of course connected and a later plot twist.   The baby will be found out to be Eddies  I guess by math or a blood transfusion. It’s a very overused plot but the writers  probably won’t care. I dread the end if the season because Jon will be permanately gone, the death of someone will probably be someone I like and the whole premise of the show seems gone.  It was such a good idea too .

I wonder if it would have worked  better to have them all together for the season,  with Jon existing doing things in 2 worlds and had him jump or die in another way at end of the season. That way he’d be more cemented and we’d see him with his mask on, with it down a little and interacting with the kids, working etc and it would have hit even harder when it happened . 

Edited by debraran
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1 hour ago, Dani said:

I loved that Delilah reaction to Gary was, “ I can take care of myself” as she let someone else handle all of her problems. Self awareness is not her strong suit. 

There are 3 more episodes. 


I think "self-awareness" is the only "self-" word that doesn't apply to Delilah.  

Yes, there are 2 episodes until the final episode.  But, you know, saying ONLY TWO EPISODES UNTIL... creates more false urgency than ONLY THREE EPISODES LEFT!

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54 minutes ago, gibasi said:

I absolutely agree. I told my daughter it was as if they had fired all their writers and hired new ones. It did not flow at all for either one of us.

In a rare moment of optimism, I'm going with the thought that maybe this is the show that Nash wanted us to see all along.  It just took a very long time to get there. 

39 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I laughed at dish-washing Eddie pouting that Gary got to wait on tables. 

And Rome trying to stall and distract with, “Rules, rules. I love rules. I only used rulers, no measuring tape.” 

Rome and Gina are wonderful. 

One of the few times (maybe the first) that I actually liked Eddie.  Rome and Gina are magic, and besides Theo the most engaging, realistic characters on the show.

Re: Eddie and the Real Estate (?) lady - is that what 30-somethings do now, starting making out almost immediately after meeting?  If so, I'd like to turn the calendar back a couple of decades.

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2 minutes ago, Winston Wolfe said:

Re: Eddie and the Real Estate (?) lady - is that what 30-somethings do now, starting making out almost immediately after meeting?  If so, I'd like to turn the calendar back a couple of decades.


She was a private investigator...who worked in Gary's actuary office--where he never goes.  Don't think about it too hard.

I got the feeling from that encounter that Eddie felt like he should have sex (thanks to Gary) and the PI was more than happy to be a groupie for an evening.  I didn't see it as anything more than a convenient almost-hookup for a storyline that didn't even need to exist.

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26 minutes ago, HazelEyes4325 said:

She was a private investigator...who worked in Gary's actuary office--where he never goes.  Don't think about it too hard.

I got the feeling from that encounter that Eddie felt like he should have sex (thanks to Gary) and the PI was more than happy to be a groupie for an evening.  I didn't see it as anything more than a convenient almost-hookup for a storyline that didn't even need to exist.

Well, she needed something to do since she clearly sucks at her job. They have Barbara’s last known (and possibly current) address but couldn’t find out anything about her. 

Just another gigantic waste of time to drag out the mystery unnecessarily. 

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2 hours ago, Dani said:

Well, she needed something to do since she clearly sucks at her job. They have Barbara’s last known (and possibly current) address but couldn’t find out anything about her. 

Just another gigantic waste of time to drag out the mystery unnecessarily. 

I think that's my biggest beef, and not because my husband is a detective. Most things any lay person can find out initially. I'm the person in my family when someone is looking for something that they ask. If someone wonders if an old friend got divorced, I show them how to look it up on their courts free site. All civil and other cases are public. Voting records and tax records are there if you have an address or name many times.  I can't imagine an artist and person who paid taxes or worked is invisible.  I can go on and on but it's really bad writing. They are making a mystery out of something that shouldn't be. And most life insurance beneficiaries have to have a way to reach the people you put down.  Colleges have alumni networks. Just having her address or past address is enough to find out some information.

I understand many stretch reality on TV, Hippa doesn't exist, people never work and have money, they fly across the country in 2 hours, but don't insult the intelligence of the audience on a regular basis.

Edited by debraran
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5 hours ago, taurusrose said:

I really dislike this show and was ready to say I am done until Regina aka Christine Moses kicked ass with her scenes. She was fabulous. As for the rest of them, with the exception of Rome, Theo and MIA Katherine, I don’t care about them and have zero interest in their drama. What is up with Delilah? Is she supposed to be the ultimate honey trap and no man can resist her? I loathe her and the actress is mediocre at best. I cannot stand Gary or Eddie. Gary harping on whether or not Eddie had sex on the road was beyond juvenile and begged disbelief in men their age.  I have no idea why Maggie has become such an integral part of this group (in minutes) and is in everybody’s business. I have the same interest the dog showed in this foolishness and cannot see myself sticking around past this season unless by some miracle the show runner gets serious and gives me something worthy of my time.

I agree with all of this! Delilah is so unlikeable in every way. Are we supposed to feel sorry for her? Is any viewer actually in her corner? 

Whatever job Gary has I want. His hours are fabulous!

Maggie is everywhere. There’s never something going on without “new person we just met a minute ago” being fully involved. 

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5 hours ago, taurusrose said:

What is up with Delilah? Is she supposed to be the ultimate honey trap and no man can resist her? I loathe her and the actress is mediocre at best.

Yeah, I don't get it either.  I'm not that shallow, and have taken a hard look at Delilah over the last couple of episodes.  This may be intentional given what the character has gone through, but she always looks haggard and her hair is a perpetual mess - and I normally don't notice women's hair.  In comparison to Regina and Ashley, there isn't one attractive thing I see about Delilah, yet half the show's male characters want her, including Gary though he's loathe to admit it.

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26 minutes ago, Winston Wolfe said:

In comparison to Regina and Ashley, there isn't one attractive thing I see about Delilah, yet half the show's male characters want her, including Gary though he's loathe to admit it. 

I've always thought Gary was more into Delilah than anyone.  Maggie better watch out.

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6 hours ago, taurusrose said:

What is up with Delilah? Is she supposed to be the ultimate honey trap and no man can resist her? I loathe her and the actress is mediocre at best. 


I said in an earlier thread that Delilah is some sort of Scarlett O'Hara knock off--although Scarlett is a much better sort of terrible person.  All I can think now is, "Delilah Dixon was not beautiful, but the men on this show seldom realized it when caught by her charm."  Except, of course, that Delilah isn't all that charming...

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Are we meant to believe that Ashley is out of the picture? She flew off to Barcelona and ... poof? I could definitely see the show teasing that a character is leaving and that being it.  Her storyline is over.

Not to mention, with Gary AND Ashley and now the PI... it doesn't occur to any of them that a woman might do something totally radical and unheard-of like, say, get married and change her last name? The fact that it says "Nelson" on the door doesn't really mean anything.  That one got all the eyerolls from me.

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3 minutes ago, Eeksquire said:

Are we meant to believe that Ashley is out of the picture? She flew off to Barcelona and ... poof? I could definitely see the show teasing that a character is leaving and that being it.  Her storyline is over.


The answer to this is in the spoiler thread.

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So Eddie comes home from a three month tour and spends the day with Gary’s private investigator and the night as a bus boy instead of seeing or even mentioning Theo. I could have done without the completely pointless sandwich scene for even a FaceTime glimpse of Theo. 

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6 minutes ago, Dani said:

So Eddie comes home from a three month tour and spends the day with Gary’s private investigator and the night as a bus boy instead of seeing or even mentioning Theo. I could have done without the completely pointless sandwich scene for even a FaceTime glimpse of Theo. 

Yeah, I would think that Theo would have been there to greet his Dad who he hadn't seen since the one-night Red Robin getaway, even if it meant that Katherine sent him with his uncles Gary and Rome.

But, in this show, children only exist as plot devices.  Theo, so far, has been a useful plot device, but he's not immune to the fate and the "now you see them, now you don't" Dixon kids.

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I laughed so hard when they said they'd checked every Barbara Morgan on the east coast. Why would they assume she had to live in the East Coast? Even if Jon had lived in Boston his entire life and met her near home, there's zero reason to assume she herself never moved away.

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8 hours ago, HazelEyes4325 said:

I said in an earlier thread that Delilah is some sort of Scarlett O'Hara knock off--although Scarlett is a much better sort of terrible person.  All I can think now is, "Delilah Dixon was not beautiful, but the men on this show seldom realized it when caught by her charm."  Except, of course, that Delilah isn't all that charming...

If you mean that Scarlett O'Hara was a much better sort of terrible person in that she was much better at actually being terrible, then yes, I agree. 

I still don't get why everyone hates Delilah. At all, really. The vitriol is almost comical at this point. She's flawed sure, but she's not evil. Everyone on the show is flawed. And beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder - I think Stephanie Szostak is quite lovely. 

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1 hour ago, Gothish520 said:

If you mean that Scarlett O'Hara was a much better sort of terrible person in that she was much better at actually being terrible, then yes, I agree. 

I still don't get why everyone hates Delilah. At all, really. The vitriol is almost comical at this point. She's flawed sure, but she's not evil. Everyone on the show is flawed. And beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder - I think Stephanie Szostak is quite lovely. 

Delilah as a character has not been given much to do. She’s been portrayed as essentially a helpless woman with no clue about who her husband was, or the amount of pain he was in. She chose to have an affair with someone from her inner circle of friends, with little thought to the damage it would do to the people around her, yet she’s been totally forgiven. She even got the wife of her lover to help her figure out her financial situation, but she’s shown no remorse for the affair, no resolve to take care of her family, other than to get others to do it for her, and now she’s on to the next new guy. She’s very poorly written, in my opinion, and so far, has not been given any storyline that makes me care about her. Yet, every man in the show dotes on her. Why?  Make me care about an adulteress who hasn’t shed a single tear over her husband (that we’ve been shown) and maybe I’d get on board.

Katherine as a character was vilified initially, yet with far less screen time, and less support from the other characters on the show, she’s been written and acted in a way that makes me care what happens to her. I’m far more invested in that story, than whether or not Delilah will be able to arrange the flowers in time for the restaurant opening. 

Katherine has been given agency, Delilah has not.

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18 hours ago, possibilities said:

I had mixed feelings about her saying she took off her shirt. On the one hand, I liked that they still 100% played it that the uncle was at fault despite this. And also, she did say he told her to take it off, so it's clear that she didn't initiate it. I think that they are not skilled enough writers to handle a sensitive issue properly, but I do actually think it's important to send the message that even if the adult was not blatantly violent, it's still a violation. Children and teens especially should not be held to the standard that they have to be the ones to prevent being molested, even if they are confused, acting out, or just not strong enoough to resist an adult's directive. In a situation where an adult is taking advantage of their vulnerability, it is 100% the adult's fault.

Yes. Never blame the victim. Ever. Especially children. The power dynamics is implicit, explicit, obvious, conscious and unconscious, all at the same time. 

On 2/9/2019 at 7:31 AM, nexxie said:

Wait, Regina’s mom didn’t acknowledge her child’s assault because she didn’t want to face her own - WTF?!

Victims of trauma often experience denial. Even if you worked through the traumatic experience, the brain can take you right back to that and your reactions can seem inappropriate to others, while making sense to you. The brain can also make you believe that denial equals protection, so I think this was spot on. 

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25 minutes ago, alexvillage said:

Yes. Never blame the victim. Ever. Especially children. The power dynamics is implicit, explicit, obvious, conscious and unconscious, all at the same time. 

Victims of trauma often experience denial. Even if you worked through the traumatic experience, the brain can take you right back to that and your reactions can seem inappropriate to others, while making sense to you. The brain can also make you believe that denial equals protection, so I think this was spot on. 

Plus, Regina's mom is from a: "Don't ask, don't tell." generation. It is also showing that Regina's family has had an endless cycle of molestation as it shows that the uncle who was most likely molested himself became a molester that is sadly very common. Going back to my post a while ago, I should have said that Regina wasn't a "sex addict" just that her constant wanting to have sex with Rome despite his issues was what was ringing as a problem. As Regina SHOULD know what it is like to deal with depression and issues. Regina reliving those moments talking about what happened to her at 12 should have been a "AH moment" with what Rome is going through. However, in the long run, Rome is heading to a bigger crash as Regina still hasn't gotten a clue of Rome is going through. Plus, seriously, how can she run a restaurant if she doesn't have any ideas how to run them?

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