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S01.E11: Contrails

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Willing to follow any lead to keep his son safe from The Major, Ben heeds Cal's calling to help Captain Daly clear his name for what happened to Flight 828. The journey uncovers a seeming conspiracy that stems all the way back to the day the plane disappeared. Meanwhile, Michaela assists Autumn in her own journey of redemption - but has Autumn truly set out to redeem herself, or is she still working against the passengers?

Aired January 14, 2019

From at least a scientific standpoint, it would be cool if the pilot did succeed in replicating the "experiment" rather than being shot out of the sky.


ETA: Interesting that tomorrow ABC is featuring a 10-years-later look back at Sully Sullenberger's "Miracle on the Hudson" (abcnews.go.com/US/sully-sullenberger-meets-grateful-passengers/story?id=6834954).

Edited by shapeshifter
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I am going to be SO disappointed if the pilot and Fiona DON’T come back from the future!

Oh look, Cal is in danger because Grace refuses to buy a clue about what’s going on. That wasn’t totally predictable at all or anything.... And Grace loves Ben? Could have fooled me. That conversation with Michaela was unbearably awkward. Not looking forward to instance #8493972 of find/save Cal. Why can solving the mystery of the disappearance not be enough motivation??? And why do people act like Ben is crazy for wanting to figure out what happened when that seems to me like it’d be the normal reaction?

I’m still pulling for a Michaela/Jared/Lourdes OT3! But Jared, man, you need to have a plan.

Ben and Michaela play well off each other when they are actually allowed to be in the same space.

you can tell even the actors don’t believe what they are saying when their lines are like “being gone for five years ruined my life!”—the show treats it like they just left on a jaunt to get pizza that took an unexpected 20 extra minutes!

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Dark Lightning is a naturally occurring phenomena -- that somehow allows for time travel, and can be accessed at any time when conditions are right.  FFS !
Even stupider -- the fact that Mikaela and Ben could easily see both the fighter jets peeling off and the bright light when the plane disappeared, even though the plane had been flying into heavy cloud chock for of lightning for several minutes.

By the way, dark lightning is a terrible name for this -- while it was most certainly lightning, it certainly wasn't dark.  The clouds were dark.

How exactly did Captain Daly know for certain that that cloud formation contained the dark lightning.  Looked similar ?  That's a hell of an assumption.
Maybe it was previously unencountered reverse dark lightning and it sent them back in time.


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48 minutes ago, stealinghome said:

Oh look, Cal is in danger because Grace refuses to buy a clue about what’s going on. That wasn’t totally predictable at all or anything.... And Grace loves Ben? Could have fooled me. That conversation with Michaela was unbearably awkward. Not looking forward to instance #8493972 of find/save Cal. Why can solving the mystery of the disappearance not be enough motivation??? And why do people act like Ben is crazy for wanting to figure out what happened when that seems to me like it’d be the normal reaction?

Grace more than anyone should be more curious about what happened. Adults age, but sometimes slowly enough that they might not look different 5 years later. However, kids fucking age and can look wildly different from month to month and year to year. It would actually be believable and sympathetic if Grace acknowledged that something weird did happen, but she was too scared of powerful parties coming after them for inquiring about what happened. Instead she just refuses to believe that anything out of the ordinary happened to them like it's very common for people to disappear for years at a time without aging. 

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Wow, the captain's storyline had holes big enough that, well, a passenger jet could fly through them. I highly doubt that that's the last we'll see of Daly and Fiona. 

The scene with Michaela and Grace was so awkward and bad. Either Ben has told his sister how inexcusably, irredeemably awful his wife has been to him, and Michaela is doing her level best to take herself permanently out of the running for Sister of the Year by trying to get them back together, or he hasn't told her the finer points of how his marriage has broken down. In that case, I'd say that Michaela is projecting what she wants out of her own situation onto theirs: hoping two people who were (seemingly) in love before the plane disappeared will be able to reconnect in the present and live happily ever after. 

Also, when Michaela said that Grace is the best thing that ever happened to Ben? If that's true, then I feel even sorrier for him than I already did.

Which brings us to Mic and Jared. Let me get this straight. Last week, he very definitively tells her that he's in love with her, he wants to be with her, and she's his soulmate. They have sex. This week, he's all, "Oh, you wanted me to tell my wife?" Seriously? Are we actually supposed to surmise that this man fully expects to remain married and carry on a full-fledged love affair with his "soulmate," too? And could he have been any less convincing when he said that he loves Lourdes? 

Speaking of unconvincing, Michaela continues to beat the "she's my best friend" drum. No. No, she's not. The show can tell us that all they want (and they have), but every time they've tried to show it, they've failed. Miserably. Even supposing that that best friend bond is as real as ever, would Michaela really want her friend to be stuck in that marriage, blissfully unaware that her husband is (according to him) deeply in love with another woman who he considers to be his soulmate? 

On the plus side, I did like the Ben and Michaela scenes. That sibling bond feels realistic, and the actors work well together. 

Finally, is the show really going to have Cal needing to be rescued every other week? That got old really quickly. If that's their plan going forward, no thanks, show.

Edited by weathered1
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Oh, you mean always attentive parent of the year Grace wasn't paying attention to Cal? And continues to have no interest in him when he isnt in mortal danger? What an absolute shock! She clearly has no clue what is going on and has no interest in figuring it out, even after Ben told her most of what he was trying to figure out, which is just baffling. She really has no interest in how any of this weirdness happened? Considering how much Cal is clearly wrapped up in it, you might think she would care. So now we get another Save Cal story? Good lord, we`ve a;ready done that like three times already, in only half a season! 

I did like that they focused more on the mystery than the romance and family drama, which is way more interesting than listening to Grace whine or Jared be indecisive. No way are Fiona and the Captain gone for good. Maybe they show up for the last episode of the season, back from five years in the future? Or even further into the past? Or in an alternate universe? I kind of want an alternate universe, that sounds cool! But time travel seems more likely. 

I enjoyed the Ben and Michaela scenes, they have a natural sibling chemistry, and they are a pretty good team. I even liked Michaela and Cal, they seem to have a nice, uncomplicated relationship. She seems like a Cool Aunt type of person. Unfortunately, that led to the super awkward Grace and Michaela scene. I mean, I guess I get wanting to be civil for the kids sake, but if Ben really told Michaela what was going on in their marriage, you would think she wouldn't be so nice to the person who has treated her brother like crap and acted like she wished he was dead since he got back, and even more, act like they were still in love. I think that plane has long sailed past the horizon. 

I liked the Captain and Ben together, especially when Ben was going off to talk to Fiona and he told him that he should be the one to talk to her because "she would probably be more open to talk to a person who hasn't been calling her part of an evil conspiracy all week" while the Captain is like "yeah, fair." And maybe someone who looks like he has slept in the last month. 

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3 hours ago, weathered1 said:

Which brings us to Mic and Jared. Let me get this straight. Last week, he very definitively tells her that he's in love with her, he wants to be with her, and she's his soulmate. They have sex. This week, he's all, "Oh, you wanted me to tell my wife?" Seriously? Are we actually supposed to surmise that this man fully expects to remain married and carry on a full-fledged love affair with his "soulmate," too? And could he have been any less convincing when he said that he loves Lourdes? 

The only possible explanation for Jared's behavior that make sense to me is that Jared has a multiple personality disorder that Detective Michaela has never noticed because Jared is also a charming sociopath. 


2 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

liked the Captain and Ben together, especially when Ben was going off to talk to Fiona and he told him that he should be the one to talk to her because "she would probably be more open to talk to a person who hasn't been calling her part of an evil conspiracy all week" while the Captain is like "yeah, fair." And maybe someone who looks like he has slept in the last month. 

Josh Dallas (Ben) really is Prince Charming. That is all. 

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5 hours ago, weathered1 said:

The scene with Michaela and Grace was so awkward and bad. Either Ben has told his sister how inexcusably, irredeemably awful his wife has been to him, and Michaela is doing her level best to take herself permanently out of the running for Sister of the Year by trying to get them back together, or he hasn't told her the finer points of how his marriage has broken down. In that case, I'd say that Michaela is projecting what she wants out of her own situation onto theirs: hoping two people who were (seemingly) in love before the plane disappeared will be able to reconnect in the present and live happily ever after. 

Also, when Michaela said that Grace is the best thing that ever happened to Ben? If that's true, then I feel even sorrier for him than I already did.


4 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Unfortunately, that led to the super awkward Grace and Michaela scene. I mean, I guess I get wanting to be civil for the kids sake, but if Ben really told Michaela what was going on in their marriage, you would think she wouldn't be so nice to the person who has treated her brother like crap and acted like she wished he was dead since he got back, and even more, act like they were still in love. I think that plane has long sailed past the horizon. 

especially since Michaela was SO protective of Ben earlier in the season when she realized Grace had someone she was seeing when the plane returned. But I’m chalking her reaction to Grace this ep up to guilt over her tryst with Jared last week, but in a different way—she wants the married couple (Ben and Grace/Jared and Lourdes) to stay together, despite the fact that one party is clearly in love with someone else, so that she doesn’t feel guilty for breaking up the marriage. 

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6 hours ago, weathered1 said:

Which brings us to Mic and Jared. Let me get this straight. Last week, he very definitively tells her that he's in love with her, he wants to be with her, and she's his soulmate. They have sex. This week, he's all, "Oh, you wanted me to tell my wife?" Seriously? Are we actually supposed to surmise that this man fully expects to remain married and carry on a full-fledged love affair with his "soulmate," too? And could he have been any less convincing when he said that he loves Lourdes?


Yeah, that took me aback as well. The way it was done last week, I assumed he'd go home and tell Lourdes he was leaving her. I sort of liked the torn Jared, but not the have the cake and eat it too Jared.

Was it just me? I laughed when Ben looked at the Captain's wall and thought it looked bat shit crazy, when he has a pin board with strings going every which way. Pot, meet Kettle. The aluminum foil on the window, I grant you, but as the story develops, it seems like a wise move.

As opposed to all the other other unwise moves - talking to each other on the phone without any sort of code, revealing locations of sources, hiding stolen books in plain sight, and then somehow getting a clue and hiding it under your clothes., another poor location. (btw, even a fake investigation would be at least a one, but likely more, banker's box worth of documents, not a large binder. Investigations generate forests of documents).

All that being said, I felt like it moved a little ahead and I more or less enjoyed this episode. I am with the ranks who think we'll see the captain again - after all, we didn't see the plane explode - just a bright light.

Edited by Clanstarling
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23 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

Was it just me? I laughed when Ben looked at the Captain's wall and thought it looked bat shit crazy, when he has a pin board with strings going every which way. Pot, meet Kettle. The aluminum foil on the window, I grant you, but as the story develops, it seems like a wise move.

He did ask his sister if this is what his wife saw when she looked at him.  He did have some self-awareness in the scene.

I am not a fan of the kidnapped child plots, but this one was coming so might as well get it over with.  At least it moves things a long with Grace being in the dark.  

I am not a huge fan of Grace and think she has been self-involved, but don't think her saying she loves Ben was out of left field.  I do think she has shown she does have some feelings for him, but she waffles between who she wants to be with and has left them both hanging.  My issue with her is she is a bit passive aggressive about it and has funneled her frustration with herself to blaming Ben for the situation.

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Maintain a level attitude isn't it? Not altitude. I think he said it wrong twice. But right once when saying descending to a different altitude.

Groaned when Michaela said Massapequa on the phone. Come on! Also some ninja skills to silently extract Cal out that window. Windows on TV never have screens.

No need for Jared!

Apparently stealing a plane is as easy as stealing a shuttle on Star Trek.

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13 hours ago, Maverick said:

 The pilot and Fiona are totally coming back; it's just a question of when.  I'm thinking season finale cliffhanger.  No way they're waiting until the 5th season to have them show up.   

Yeah, I totally agree with that.  I don't believe they were shot down but did indeed zoomed into the next dimension (and I don't think this show will actually make it to 5 season--but I could be wrong!)   Pilot was too determined and they have to keep the fans guessing a while.

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Well I totally forgot the show was on last night.  I remember looking up from my laptop trying to remember if there was anything worth while watching on a Monday night and coming up with nothing at the time.  So I have to patch together this episode from you people here.   So can some kind soul(s) help with a brief summary.  What I got from reading all of the above comments so far is:

1. The Captain and Fiona flew off into the wild blue yonder only to reappear when the writers want them to in the future.

2. That stupid Golden Child kid is lost again and who cares anyway.

3. Bunch of soap opera stuff happened that wasn't interesting at all as per usual.

Did I miss anything?

Edited by green
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I agree the Captain and Fiona will be back.  Fiona didn't seem scared enough to me.  A typical person in a cockpit watching that weather would be FREAKING OUT I think.  She just kinda sat there.

I think it is interesting that sometimes they can tell who the bad guys are by weird feelings and visions and other times they just let the bad guy in to play video games with the chosen one.... UGH

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10 hours ago, weathered1 said:

Wow, the captain's storyline had holes big enough that, well, a passenger jet could fly through them. I highly doubt that that's the last we'll see of Daly and Fiona. 

The scene with Michaela and Grace was so awkward and bad. Either Ben has told his sister how inexcusably, irredeemably awful his wife has been to him, and Michaela is doing her level best to take herself permanently out of the running for Sister of the Year by trying to get them back together, or he hasn't told her the finer points of how his marriage has broken down. In that case, I'd say that Michaela is projecting what she wants out of her own situation onto theirs: hoping two people who were (seemingly) in love before the plane disappeared will be able to reconnect in the present and live happily ever after. 

Also, when Michaela said that Grace is the best thing that ever happened to Ben? If that's true, then I feel even sorrier for him than I already did.

Which brings us to Mic and Jared. Let me get this straight. Last week, he very definitively tells her that he's in love with her, he wants to be with her, and she's his soulmate. They have sex. This week, he's all, "Oh, you wanted me to tell my wife?" Seriously? Are we actually supposed to surmise that this man fully expects to remain married and carry on a full-fledged love affair with his "soulmate," too? And could he have been any less convincing when he said that he loves Lourdes? 

Speaking of unconvincing, Michaela continues to beat the "she's my best friend" drum. No. No, she's not. The show can tell us that all they want (and they have), but every time they've tried to show it, they've failed. Miserably. Even supposing that that best friend bond is as real as ever, would Michaela really want her friend to be stuck in that marriage, blissfully unaware that her husband is (according to him) deeply in love with another woman who he considers to be his soulmate? 

On the plus side, I did like the Ben and Michaela scenes. That sibling bond feels realistic, and the actors work well together. 

Finally, is the show really going to have Cal needing to be rescued every other week? That got old really quickly. If that's their plan going forward, no thanks, show.

All so true.    I'm not sure where they found these actors but there just doesn't seem to be any chemistry among them.  The only one I really like is Ben; maybe it's the role he plays but he seems about the most "normal", trying to truly find out what happened, trying to keep his marriage afloat (that's a lost cause but they'll stay together in the end) and keeping his son safe.  And I wholeheartedly agree, don't make the entire show about the son who has the "power" to figure out this puzzle.    "Mared" - MUSTS.STOP.NOW.  They act like they're 10 instead of adults.   If you don't love Lourdes (which Jared clearly doesn't--just a rebound) then be a man and end the marriage but don't act like neither of you know what to do - geesh!

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7 hours ago, shapeshifter said:


Josh Dallas (Ben) really is Prince Charming. That is all. 

Not for me, he's the main reason I stopped watching (and I grew tired of seeing Grace slaughtered in comments). I see that he had a little understanding of her view of things, when he saw someone else's work. Haven't watched, just going by a post above. 

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Grace’s view of things would be more understandable if *she* made any effort to understand that Ben has been through a huge traumatic event that he didn’t ask for, and at least *try* to have a little empathy for him and see things through his eyes. Instead she has mostly treated him like his “resurrection” has been a huge burden/inconvenience on her, without spending one second trying to understand things from his POV—while imo he has been, if anything, overly understanding toward her. A better actress might be able to invest Grace with layers of nuance that would help us connect with her better, but the core problem is the writing. (Witness also every time she talks about 828, all she ever talks about is thinking her son died, with nary a mention of Ben ever.)

Whats baffling to me is that the show didn’t have to protray Grace as so unlikable. Since it looks like she’ll begin to see the light next week, a better route would have been to have her not act like Ben is a raving lunatic/inconvenience, but still be unable to re-ignite her feelings for him. That would have been a more compelling situation where you genuinely felt for everyone involved in the triangle, instead of feeling like Grace is at BEST a huge narcissist we are somehow expected to sympathize with even when she’s treating Ben and, to a lesser extent, Danny poorly.

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It's weird that Ben doesn't mention Olive at all when he's making plans to spend time with Cal or stopping by to say good night.

Too bad Fiona and the captain are out of the picture (for now at least). They're among the more compelling characters and actors on the show.

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11 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

So now we get another Save Cal story? Good lord, we've already done that like three times already, in only half a season!

At this point I say put a tracking device - maybe a shock collar - on the little brat and call it a day.


7 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Ben needs to start wearing contact lenses.  The way he takes off his glasses is absolutely comical,  I know when he is going to do it before he does it.   Did he prep for this series by watching old black and white episodes of Superman?

Probably. But he's so pretty I don't even care.

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7 hours ago, CCTC said:
8 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

I laughed when Ben looked at the Captain's wall and thought it looked bat shit crazy, when he has a pin board with strings going every which way. Pot, meet Kettle. 

He did ask his sister if this is what his wife saw when she looked at him.  He did have some self-awareness in the scene.

Yes, when Ben said, "Is this what Grace sees when she looks at me?" I did a little silent "Hallelujah!".

But then . . .

5 hours ago, fauntleroy said:

Apparently stealing a plane is as easy as stealing a shuttle on Star Trek.

. . . it was because Ben was on the case that fighter jets were scrambled to take down not-quite-Sully and the kidnapped mind-melder --not Ben's intent, but, still his fault, IMO--do I sound like Grace?


3 hours ago, Anela said:
11 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Josh Dallas (Ben) really is Prince Charming. That is all. 

Not for me, he's the main reason I stopped watching (and I grew tired of seeing Grace slaughtered in comments). I see that he had a little understanding of her view of things . . . 

Just to clarify, I'm not a fan of the character of Ben (he's kind of dumb), but I appreciate that pretty-face Josh Dallas has good "chemistry" with anyone he's in a scene with. Maybe it's because the other actors like looking at his face.



2 hours ago, CleoCaesar said:
13 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

So now we get another Save Cal story? Good lord, we've already done that like three times already, in only half a season!

At this point I say put a tracking device - maybe a shock collar - on the little brat and call it a day.

Hee. Some of these comments are So Much More Entertaining that the show.



2 hours ago, basiltherat said:

I liked the Captain  -- he sort of favors Captain Sully.  Was Bill Daly supposed to be a nod to the actor who played a pilot (Howard Borden) on the Bob Newhart Show?

I was thought maybe his name was a nod to Tim Daly, currently playing a pilot/religious scholar/spy (and more) on Madam Secretary, but it's probably just a generic name.



3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:
4 hours ago, green said:

Did I miss anything?

. . . The Captain kidnapped Fiona and put her on the plane and flew off into a "dark" lightning  storm.  Some posters are speculating that they were some how transported into the future.  Two military planes were following that plane and shot that plane down . . . 

I'm in the "transported into the future" (or past or other dimension) camp, because: 

  1. The bright flash could have been the result of a strike by the jets, but it was also the same as the 828 flash, and we have not yet seen any debris.
  2. We hear a snippet of the reporter later on TV, of which the show's closed captioning records: 
    "The search continues for Captain William Daly and Professor Fiona Clarke. Hours after their plane was reportedly shot from the sky, the plane's remains as well as . . . " which could have continued with ". . . not been found"  (we don't hear) which sounds to me like the ol' trope of "no body = not dead."
  3. One of the two fighter jet pilots that were sent up to intercept Sully Daly does say, "Threat has been neutralized," but that could just mean it went poof!, right? 
Edited by shapeshifter
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2 hours ago, CleoCaesar said:

At this point I say put a tracking device - maybe a shock collar - on the little brat and call it a day.

Or something along the lines of Dr. Evil from Austin Powers 2: "For God’s sake would someone put a fricken bell on him or something."

56 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

I was thought maybe his name was a nod to Tim Daly, currently playing a pilot/religious scholar/spy (and more) on Madam Secretary, but it's probably just a generic name.

Tim Daly -- also played a pilot on Wings.

Looking at Mikaela's tablet, the plane disappeared or crashed or was blown out of the sky (choose your own adventure) between Sexton Island and East Fire Island over Great South Bay, Long Island.   Which might explain why they are having a tough time finding wreckage or bodies.  Probably "took off" from Republic Airport near Farmingdale.

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What would really suck is if Daly's plane, and the missiles, made it into the future and he goes down there, much to the consternation of everyone in 2024.  I noticed (sidebar) that, while in the simulator, he was wearing earphones by David Clarke Co.( a very popular, and expensive, set of aviator gear).  But, they put tape over the logo on the outside.

9 hours ago, fauntleroy said:

Maintain a level attitude isn't it? Not altitude. I think he said it wrong twice. But right once when saying descending to a different altitude.

It could be correct.  The attitude of the aircraft is its position relative to the earth below it, as in flat and level attitude, or nose up attitude.  I wasn't listening closely enough.

After this episode, if I were a passenger on Flight 828, or anyone connected with it, I sure as hell wouldn't consent to meeting Ben for any reason.

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8 hours ago, basiltherat said:

I liked the Captain  -- he sort of favors Captain Sully.  Was Bill Daly supposed to be a nod to the actor who played a pilot (Howard Borden) on the Bob Newhart Show?

That was my take on the character's name as well.  And he does look a bit like Sully.

Edited by Moose135
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I agree with the comments above how the characters seem so different week-to-week.  So is Grace all A-ok now?   She seems to be back at work and not able to babysit Cal.  I get that she still has feelings for Ben deep inside, but it just felt out of the blue when she said she loved Ben.  As others have said, I fully expected this week, Jared would be struggling with how to tell Loudres.  His reaction asking Michaela if he should tell his wife is beyond ridiculous.  If they're not careful, his character is going to be as unlikeable as Grace.

The first scene in the flight simulator cockpit dragged a bit and made the episode start very slow (I can totally imagine people tuning out).  I did like watching Ben and the pilot working together, though.  Before he became a kidnapper.

I figured the meteorologist would be done for after the visit from the two crazies.  He did not deserve to die.  The pilot should have gone to see him without Ben who wouldn't have told Michaela who wouldn't have spoken in front of Autumn.  I found it frustrating to watch the mole hear the sensitive conversation.   I am guessing the picture quality of those documents Autumn took are going to be really bad.  I was very glad to see Michaela and Ben clueing in at the end... finally.

I don't see why Ben was so amazed when he saw the Captain posting papers on the wall.  It's not much different from his own bulletin board.  

I thought we would see Autumn seeing her bleak future in Cal's sketchbook.

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17 hours ago, basiltherat said:

Oh, dear Lord, WAAALLLTTT is missing yet again! 

Will The Captain and Fiona (apologies to Mr. Dragon) find a Frozen Donkey Wheel wherever they have travelled to?

Will Lost sue Manifest for plagiarism?

Sorry, I had to spit out my water.  I laughed at the WALT reference. He wasn't my favorite character.  I kind of like Cal.  Seriously, is his actual name "Calamander", is this a fairly common name?  Anyway, as someone who cannot tolerate Grace, she was actually sort of sympathetic in this episode despite the personality/scenario shift.  She seemed totally believable when she appeared forlorn during her convo with Mick.  "Eyebrows" (A.K.A. Michela, her brows get no love on this board, I guess) looked equally forlorn with her convo with Jared, who seems to have settled down once he got some.

Thankfully, no Danny or Olive.  Not enough Saanvi. Now, for Autumn.  I LOATHE people who pretend to be your friend while they are working against you.  I understand that the government has something over her and can apply the necessary pressure, but she's asking Mick for help while she's spying on her.  There goes any help she wanted since she's now working against her own interests both with finding the woman that wronged her AND solving the mystery of who fucked up the past 5 1/2 years of her life.

Speaking of "Lost", wasn't there a Fiona on that show also?  Perhaps Penny's mother or the actress or someone.  Anyway, yup, she and Daly are alive.  Good.  This adds a nice twist.  Just as long as this show doesn't turn into another "Flash Forward", Yahtzee!! Then I'm out.

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Harris the guard at the airport said that Daly had been coming there for 3 weeks, so this brings us back to the timeline since the return.  

Shouldn't it be getting close to Christmas by now ?  The plane returned in November, yet still no signs of decorations and no one seems to have a Christmas tree.
And no sign of snow or cold weather, even though it snowed in the very first episode.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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27 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Harris the guard at the airport said that Daly had been coming their for 3 weeks, so this brings us back to the timeline since the return.  

Shouldn't it be getting close to Christmas by now ?  The plane returned in November, yet still no signs of decorations and no one seems to have a Christmas tree.
And no sign of snow or cold weather, even though it snowed in the very first episode.

I hate to have to be the Scrooge, Otto, but I don't think Christmas is coming to Manifestville this year.
But maybe if the show isn't cancelled before next Christmas you can hang Cal's stocking by the fireplace?
But, yeah, is this show supposed to be set in Boston? Maybe the main props and settings person miss-read it and thinks they're in Baltimore--which would be more convenient for a big government cover-up conspiracy from Washington.


3 hours ago, Jacks-Son said:

I kind of like Cal.  Seriously, is his actual name "Calamander", is this a fairly common name?

I assumed it was a pet Mom-name or pet sister- or dad-name, and that it's a portmanteau made from "Cal" and "salamander" and that maybe, as a baby, Cal crawled like a salamander, or maybe he just liked salamanders. I have to admit that my kids all had pretty nonsensical pet names too, but this *is* TV, and I wish it was a little cuter, like maybe Calisaurus.
Or maybe I'm way off base and it actually is his name?? I hope not.

Edited by shapeshifter
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22 hours ago, CCTC said:

He did ask his sister if this is what his wife saw when she looked at him.  He did have some self-awareness in the scene.

True enough, but my laughter was before he asked the question. (and the organizer in me thought Daly's wall looked more sane than his strings - lol)

19 hours ago, DFWGina said:

I agree the Captain and Fiona will be back.  Fiona didn't seem scared enough to me.  A typical person in a cockpit watching that weather would be FREAKING OUT I think.  She just kinda sat there.

Some people freak out silently and shut down in terror.

17 hours ago, basiltherat said:

I liked the Captain  -- he sort of favors Captain Sully.  Was Bill Daly supposed to be a nod to the actor who played a pilot (Howard Borden) on the Bob Newhart Show?

Whether or not it's a nod, I love the idea and I'm going to go with it.

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3 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

But, yeah, is this show supposed to be set in Boston? Maybe the main props and settings person miss-read it and thinks they're in Baltimore--which would be more convenient for a big government cover-up conspiracy from Washington.

No, it is set (and mostly filmed) in New York.  Ben and his family live in Queens, Mick is an NYPD officer, the doctor works in a big hospital in Manhattan.

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7 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Or maybe I'm way off base and it actually is his name?? I hope not.

I don't think they called him any name besides  Cal and Calamander, (which I think I've heard them call him before).  Who knows, maybe it's a childhood nickname, but normally the longer name is the actual name with the shorter name being the familial nickname.  I've heard them call him some variation of Calamander or something similar sounding.  I had thought at the time, "Oh, that's what the Cal is short for!".

Stuffed Tiger?  Awww, I've missed Calvin and Hobbes since it ended.  Loved that comic strip and its final words, "It's a magical world, Hobbes, ol' buddy... Let's go exploring!"

Edited by Jacks-Son
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On ‎1‎/‎14‎/‎2019 at 10:05 PM, Maverick said:

 The pilot and Fiona are totally coming back; it's just a question of when.  I'm thinking season finale cliffhanger.  No way they're waiting until the 5th season to have them show up.   

My money is on Michaela's calling about "rescue her" and the snow is in reference to wherever Fiona ended up. 

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1 hour ago, crgirl412 said:


I loved Flash Forward!  I forget how it ended, though

“Flash Forward” had an interesting premise but they ruined it by following up the Flash Forward event with some stupid dialogue and follow ups. One dude, had his FF while he was on the toilet and didn’t want to admit to it. I don’t know how the show ended because as soon as the lead announced, “Yahtzee!!” I gave up on the show.  Stuck with “Under The Dome” though, for the laughs.

I’m hoping this show doesn’t follow in either show’s footsteps and starts becoming ridiculously silly.

I’m wondering why the fighter pilots, that shot down Daly’s plane, exclaimed that the threat had been eliminated. There was no explosion (or threat for that matter) indicating a plane was shot out of the sky. Why shoot at a plane that’s really not a danger to anybody at the time, with the intent to totally destroy it? Why not just damage the plane enough that it has to land. To me, it just looked like the plane disappeared into a blinding White light.

Also, who kidnapped Cal? Autumn or other agents? If Autumn, child kidnapping ruined any chance she had at redemption.

Edited by Jacks-Son
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37 minutes ago, Jacks-Son said:

“Flash Forward” had an interesting premise but they ruined it by following up the Flash Forward event with some stupid dialogue and follow ups. One dude, had his FF while he was on the toilet and didn’t want to admit to it. I don’t know how the show ended because as soon as the lead announced, “Yahtzee!!” I gave up on the show.  Stuck with “Under The Dome” though, for the laughs.

I’m hoping this show doesn’t follow in either show’s footsteps and starts becoming ridiculously silly.

I’m wondering why the fighter pilots, that shot down Daly’s plane, exclaimed that the threat had been eliminated. There was no explosion (or threat for that matter) indicating a plane was shot out of the sky. Why shoot at a plane that’s really not a danger to anybody at the time, with the intent to totally destroy it? Why not just damage the plane enough that it has to land. To me, it just looked like the plane disappeared into a blinding White light.

Also, who kidnapped Cal? Autumn or other agents? If Autumn, child kidnapping ruined any chance she had at redemption.


I watched Flash Forward because I read the book and loved it. I enjoyed it for the most part, but it didn't really live up to my expectations, though I too forget how it ended. I don't remember the yahtzee bit, but then I remember very little.

I couldn't tolerate Under The Dome (again, a book I'd liked), not even for the laughs. I finished the first season and that was it.

I suppose if the plane vanished, the pilots could honestly say the threat had been eliminated. But they are, of course, trying to keep us in suspense and play with our expectations.

As for the nicknames - mostly it's a shortened name, but I also know a number of people who's nickname is a play on words, or a mispronunciation by some child that was deemed cute enough to keep.  In Cal's case, I'd say if he were a real kid, that maybe some experience or book regarding a salamander somehow created the nickname.

Edited by Clanstarling
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Why so little Saanvi these last two episodes?
Anyway, I liked this episode because it was family-drama lite. I also hope Autumn comes to a bad end - I have no sympathy for her.

8 hours ago, Biggie B said:

I figured Cal's full name is Calvin. 

Yes, either Calvin or Callum.

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16 hours ago, Camera One said:

I thought we would see Autumn seeing her bleak future in Cal's sketchbook.

Did we see his whole drawing of her? 


12 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

I hate to have to be the Scrooge, Otto, but I don't think Christmas is coming to Manifestville this year.

😊 The Grinch is behind the mystery!

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3 minutes ago, ams1001 said:


16 hours ago, Camera One said:

I thought we would see Autumn seeing her bleak future in Cal's sketchbook.

Did we see his whole drawing of her? 


THANKS!!!!  Slow ‘ole me simply thought the drawing that Autumn tore out of Cal’s journal was a prophetic drawing of herself looking at the drawing. I had forgotten that the drawing by Cal in the beginning of the episode was the actual drawing of HER, just before she tore the page out.  Duh! Feel dumb, now, thanks. J/K

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5 minutes ago, Jacks-Son said:

THANKS!!!!  Slow ‘ole me simply thought the drawing that Autumn tore out of Cal’s journal was a prophetic drawing of herself looking at the drawing. I had forgotten that the drawing by Cal in the beginning of the episode was the actual drawing of HER, just before she tore the page out.  Duh! Feel dumb, now, thanks. J/K

Don't feel dumb, because I didn't think of that. I was actually asking, because I caught a glimpse of what he was drawing (I recall it being her sitting on the couch or something?) but I didn't know if they showed more later and I missed it. ;)

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2 hours ago, Jacks-Son said:

Also, who kidnapped Cal? Autumn or other agents? If Autumn, child kidnapping ruined any chance she had at redemption

I'm guessing Autmn might be hiding Cal from the Big Bads because it didn't look like he was in an expensive lab or anything like that. Maybe Autumn will get redeemed in the sense of having done right by Cal but she might get killed off in the process. 

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13 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

I hate to have to be the Scrooge, Otto, but I don't think Christmas is coming to Manifestville this year.
But maybe if the show isn't cancelled before next Christmas you can hang Cal's stocking by the fireplace?

Heck, I'll take a Hanukkah reference, Thanksgiving/Macy's parade/Black Friday reference or even a New Year's Eve reference (this show is based in New York City after all). anything seasonal.

They made such a point about the plane returning in November, it's like the writers forgot what time of year it is.

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Another interesting effect of Daly & Fiona making it into the future, assuming they land at some reasonable time downstream, is that the original disappearance/reappearance would still be in everyone's collective memory.  Now it happens again, and the pilot has a first person account of both occurrences. Even if the mysterious three letter government organization managed to bury the story the first time, it will come roaring back again.

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Please forgive me if I geek out for a moment over this week's episode.  As noted, the series is set in and filmed in and around NYC.  The airport scenes from this episode were shot at Republic Airport, in Farmingdale on Long Island.  The airport has been a frequent set for television and movie shoots in the past ten years or so, and I'm always happy to see it on screen.  A hundred years ago, I learned to fly at Republic, earning my Private Pilot License while in college, prior to entering the Air Force and pilot training there.  For the past dozen years, I have been a volunteer at the American Airpower Museum based at the airport - it is located in one of the original Republic Aviation hangars, where they built P-47 Thunderbolts during WWII.  There have been many shows filmed at the airport - Madame Secretary, Unforgettable, Manifest, and Pan Am, to name a few, and I've managed to see some of that filming over the years.   Pan Am is especially memorable for me, as they flew John Travolta's 707 airliner in twice for filming, wrapping one side in Pan Am markings.  They used the museum hangar for wardrobe, extra staging, and meals - one long night I spent there as a volunteer helping keep people out of trouble, I got to meet most of the lead cast and share dinner with a few of them.

The gate where they drove onto the airport is real, I've been through it many times, although the little guard shack and stripped barrier were there only for the show - normally all you do is scan your key card and open the gate.  The hangar where the pilot parked his car and subsequently taxied out with the airplane is one of the Fixed Base Operators (FBO) on the field, and houses the old airport control tower, where I usually shoot during air show weekend.  When the hangar door comes up as the aircraft is about to pull out, the building on the far side of the ramp is our museum.  The two vehicles they had on the field are actually airport operations trucks, with the airport logo hidden.  I checked with a friend who works in ops - he was working that day, and said they had actors in the small truck, but real ops guys were in the fire truck.  They used guys who were not working that day, and were paid by the studio.  The pilot took off on Runway 19, not 27L (there's no such thing at Republic) which in a couple of minutes would have him heading out over the Atlantic.  Those ANG F-16s were a bit of television magic, as there is no ANG base on Long Island with fighters, the nearest F-16s would be at Atlantic City, with larger F-15s coming down from the Massachusetts ANG.

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