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S02.E11: Quarantine, Part 2

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In the midseason return, the hospital is still in quarantine as Dr. Shaun Murphy continues to be overwhelmed by the chaos and noise in the emergency room; Dr. Morgan Reznick struggles to keep her patients alive, and Dr. Audrey Lim fights for her life. Meanwhile, Dr. Neil Melendez and Dr. Claire Browne must find a way to complete their patient's bone marrow transplant, despite the quarantine.

Airdate:  Jan. 14, 2019

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Well, all things considered, that was a much happier ending than the first part of this 2-parter. The last one's ending was so bleak!

Also: I'm really glad Dr. Lim survived.

Edited by sinkwriter
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Yeah, I'm glad that most of the stories ended well. Also glad that Glassman's news isn't as dire as initially thought-hopefully after this surgery there can be more focus on the positive side of his recovery. 

Couldn't help being a little amused by that obviously fake baby Kellan was working on, and the over the top nature of the procedures was kinda overwhelming (maybe let at least one of the surgeries go off fairly routinely, without the sudden complications?). But it was good to see the way everyone worked together on their respective patients, and the different ways they all handled themselves under pressure.. I also loved Park just busting out that buzzing light at long last :p. Morgan offering a suggestion to help Shaun calm down and get up off the floor was a nice surprise, too.

Judging from the promo for next week, we'd better enjoy the good news from this episode while it lasts, it seems. 

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So much stuff happened! Too much stuff?

Glad Lim, and the mother and baby lived, but I guess someone had to die in all the chaos.

I enjoyed the fleshing out/softening up of Park way more than Resnik.

Interesting twist of having Esther the Vet help out in surgery.

Hardly any Claire, with everything happening.  :-/

Looking forward to the next episode, because, yeah there certainly needs to be some fallout!

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I also loved Park just busting out that buzzing light at long last

Oh yeah! I actually cheered a little. LOL FINALLY!


maybe let at least one of the surgeries go off fairly routinely, without the sudden complications?

Seriously. By the time the bone marrow patient's father died, I was trying to remember all the patients in my head, and if ANY of them had gone smoothly. I don't think so...

I'm also glad they didn't kill off that baby's mother. I was leery of that, the way she kept telling her husband that if anything happened to her, he needed to be alive to raise the baby. They faked me out on that one. I was so sure that the previews for this week's episode with Shaun shouting NOOO! was about losing a patient. Thank goodness it was only him trying to take control of the moment and get everyone to shut up. LOL.

P.S. I felt bad for Park's son. The poor kid just came there to visit with his father (which he was already begrudgingly doing because of their strained relationship), and he ends up in quarantine, fights with his father, has a severe asthma attack, sees people die, sees people throwing up on one another, and has to help perform CPR on a baby (no stress there!). I admit, I got a little teary at the end, when Park and son talked and hugged, and then met up with the ex-wife and she gave Park a hug because he lost his patient. Aw man... 

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Yeah, for this show, only having the bone marrow transplant's father dying is actually a pretty good victory for them!  With the added bonus that his death wasn't in vain since the transplant work, so at least his son will live on.  Yay for small victories for The Good Doctor!

As much as I love Shaun, I do think this episode highlighted the problems he will face and, as much as I hate to admit it, why the likes of Andrews are right to be cautious on some levels.  Had Reznick not been around to tell the nurse how to talk to him or had Park not been around to just finally smash that damn light, would he have ever recovered?  I don't know.  Either way, I hope it is addressed going forward and hopefully Shaun will find ways to cope with these obstacles and be a better doctor for it.

Disappointed over the lack of Claire, but hopefully that just means there will be more of her in future episodes.

The scenes with Park and his son are following some familiar beats, but damn, if Will Yun Lee isn't making it work.  I'm glad he's finally getting some meaty material here.

Can Ester the Vet stick around, somehow?

Glad Lim is still around and I'm curious to see what will be in store for her and Melendez.

Glassman's cancer isn't back after-all, but he just needs surgery again.  And to have Lea around to tell him to quit lying to Shaun, dammit!

Happy the show is back!

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Okay, I had a lot of issues with this episode. Let's start with a few of them (I actually wrote down notes about what was wrong with this episode):
1. Wow, that baby was so fake it made me laugh.

2. If Shaun had that much overstimulation from that, he needs to look into a different specialty. He cannot be in the ER if that overstimulated him to the point where he couldn't even communicate (even through gesturing). he should be a surgeon in a private practice, just going to the hospital for surgery.
3. Assuming extracting bone marrow is similar to a biopsy, that is not how it is done. A bone marrow biopsy has the patient lying on their stomach. There is no hammer and chisel involved - I have had two bone marrow biopsies, each time, my parents said they used something that looked like an auger. You don't hear any noise from the tools they use during a BMB. Also, he would not have been lying on his back so soon after the extraction - after each BMB, I had to lie on my stomach for 15-20 minutes afterwards.

and here's the biggest one:


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That was a little too neat how the virus outbreak was suddenly contained, Lim made a full recovery, and the improvised c-section ended well for both mother and baby. The only casualty is the bone marrow donor who atoned for abandoning his son by selflessly giving his life. Who writes this stuff?

The one positive for me is that the show seems to have dropped the potential Claire/Melendez romance and paired him with Lim. See, other shows (Grey's Anatomy in particular), you *can* have cute couples without crossing professional boundaries.

This may be an unpopular opinion, but I'm sick of Glassman and his pity party and was a bit disappointed that he's not dying after all. I think his story and the dynamic of his relationship with Shawn have run their course; there's nothing new to be added there.

Edited by chocolatine
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Enjoyed the episode and I had to watch it again to pick up on all the plot points.  Interesting that the (one?) autistic writer on this series should so ably show the premise of the second series: his greatest challenge is his greatest strength.  Three steps forward two steps back.  Is it the strength enough?  This series should really be called The Good Surgeon because it's clear Shaun would be an excellent clinician but surgeon when the chips are down?  Looking forward to next week's episode for the aftermath of all this.

I liked that they addressed Lea's inconsistent behavior.  I think it needed to be.  I liked that Park didn't blame Shaun but tried to help and he has some nice character development.  I can't really reconcile how a senior attending would suddenly ignore a DNR and do exactly what he had accused Claire of doing earlier in the series.  It's not in character.  

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Honestly I thought the baby was the most unbelievable part of all of it.  With a placental abruption, the baby being born early, being deprived of oxygen due to the meconium in his lungs, but sure, let’s wrap him up and not worry about all of those things.  In reality, I’m pretty sure that baby would have gone straight to a NICU. Of course, with the quarantine situation that would have been difficult, but couldn’t they talk about it.  That whole situation took me out of the storyline.

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8 hours ago, bros402 said:

If Shaun had that much overstimulation from that, he needs to look into a different specialty. He cannot be in the ER if that overstimulated him to the point where he couldn't even communicate (even through gesturing). he should be a surgeon in a private practice, just going to the hospital for surgery.

Yeah, that's a tough one--glad Park put that light out, shoulda been done right away (and obviously Shaun's gonna get in trouble for his meltdown in the next episode). 

I think the good news is that Shaun showed he is aware of over-stimulation and can take control of the variables (yelling people) and tell them to be quiet. This is a trick I've had to learn myself--before, I'd just melt down. Now, I'm vocal when overstimulated or am having trouble with distractions. Maybe this is Shaun's key to handling these situations. Hopefully it can be managed with enough mindfulness. 

ETA: Lea was likable this episode. 

Edited by TurtlePower
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11 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

Can Ester the Vet stick around, somehow?

I love her!!


8 hours ago, chocolatine said:

This may be an unpopular opinion, but I'm sick of Glassman and his pity party and was a bit disappointed that his not dying after all. I think his story and the dynamic of his relationship with Shawn have run their course; there's nothing new to be added there.

I felt the same way!

And if he recovers, he will want his job back, right? So that brings him back into conflict with Andrews. I don't need to see that, either.


Re the newborn: I was just glad they didn't use a 3 month old baby, like shows often do. Better a prop than a giant.

I didn't really like this double-header. It was too much melodrama for me. The show already skates close to the edge of what I can tolerate in terms of contrivances and over the top situations. Amping it up even more for the "Special Event" is something I hope they never do again.

Edited by possibilities
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I think there's still plenty more they can explore regarding Glassman's relationship with Shaun before he came to work at the hospital, and I'd be all for seeing more of that. But yeah, while I am sympathetic to Glassman's struggles and frustration, it would be nice to balance that out with the more positive aspects of his recovery. Maybe it could give him a new lease on life and have him making some major, and happier, changes in his life. Maybe it could further deepen his relationship with Shaun and give them more stuff to bond over. If they want to go that route, I'd definitely be interested in that storyline. 

11 hours ago, sinkwriter said:

Seriously. By the time the bone marrow patient's father died, I was trying to remember all the patients in my head, and if ANY of them had gone smoothly. I don't think so...

LOL, same. Should've done a rewatch of the first half of the two-parter to refresh my memory :p.


Thank goodness it was only him trying to take control of the moment and get everyone to shut up. LOL.

On that note, I wonder how often that's happened in the midst of real life surgeries :p. Obviously people have to be as professional and focused as possible in those situations, but I have to think that the stress and occasional people yelling would make some people rather snippy after a while. 


P.S. I felt bad for Park's son. The poor kid just came there to visit with his father (which he was already begrudgingly doing because of their strained relationship), and he ends up in quarantine, fights with his father, has a severe asthma attack, sees people die, sees people throwing up on one another, and has to help perform CPR on a baby (no stress there!). 

Right? Kudos to him for being able to handle all of that fairly well, though. 

I'm wondering if the fact they let Kellan do CPR on a baby might be part of the complaints with this upcoming investigation. I don't know what the rules typically are on allowing visitors to be that involved in helping out in hospitals, but I'd imagine it would pose some potential issues and risks. 

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One of my favorite moments of this episode was Glassman being brutally honest w/Leah about her treatment of Shaun.  When she said she'd give him a pass I yelled at the TV, lol - "you don't need to give him a pass because he's absolutely correct about you."  Girl bugs the sh*t out of me. 

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15 hours ago, Annber03 said:

Also glad that Glassman's news isn't as dire as initially thought-hopefully after this surgery there can be more focus on the positive side of his recovery

I kind of got the impression that they're wrapping his cancer storyline up.  They'll take care of his meningitis, he'll get his license back, and maybe we'll see him back at work in some capacity.

I find his character absolutely grating.  I think this episode had the nicest thing I've ever heard him say:  When the baby was born, he said to the father "Sounds like you have a new alarm clock, congratulations".  Even that had a look at the dark cloud side to it lol.

Next week looks like everybody involved in the quarantine are going to be at risk for losing their medical licenses.  Wow, you try to do your job under horribly difficult and dangerous circumstances, and the establishment comes down on you for it.  Something bad happened, so they have to make a scapegoat out of somebody.    Sounds about right.

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Of course if you need someone to handle a problem by breaking something, you call Park! That might have been my favorite part of the episode. Shaun is freaking out about a buzzing light? Bust that sucker up and move on! 

That was a surprisingly happy ending to the episode, with most everyone making it out alright, except for the dad, who at least died doing a good thing for his son. We can hold onto that happy ending by next week when everything becomes depressing again, people start dying, and Claire will be traumatized yet again. I really thought the mom would die and the baby would live, especially after they showed her in the previously on telling her husband to keep going for the baby's sake, but i was glad to be wrong and they were both alright. 

Really, not much Claire at all this week, but they had so many other characters and plots going on, its hard to get to everyone I suppose. I am glad that they seem to be edging away from the Claire/Melendez hook up and are leaning into Melendez/Lim pairing instead. Even if Claire is no longer serving directly under Melensez, it still seems like it would have an awkward power dynamic, especially with Claire still so early in her career. Lim and Melendez seems to be much more a meeting of equals. Very glad that she survived, I was getting worried that she would get fridged to give Melendez some sad times!

I felt bad for Parks son. He was just supposed to have some awkward father/son times, but he ended up getting locked in quarantine, having a severe asthma attack, sees multiple people being horribly sick and almost dying, and has to give CPR to a new born! He did handle himself though, and while he is clearly a more sensitive soul than Park Senior, he is still made of strong stuff, staying pretty calm throughout, even more calm than a lot of the adults. I liked getting more on Park and why he is the way he is, even if its a pretty standard backstory, especially for an ex cop. I swear, do cops just COME with an ex wife/husband and a teenager that they're estranged from? Do they hand them out at Police Academy graduation?

I actually liked the Glassman and Leah interaction. They were at times quite kind towards each other, but were also VERY quick to call each other out on each others shit. Really, what the other one said about the other one isnt any different than stuff I've said. Yes, Glassman treats Shaun like a child sometimes and and takes out his frustrations on him. Yes, Leah did send Shaun mixed signals than act like he was crazy for getting those signals wrong. But I do think they both truly care about Shaun, and want to do right by him. 

I hope that Shaun learns from this, and finds some coping mechanisms for high stress situations like that. He is very self aware of his own problems, but he still has them, and hopefully this will be a way for him to learn how to be a better doctor. After his melt down, he seemed to be making an effort to stay calm and be aware of his surroundings, and asked for help right away with the birth, so hopefully its a good sign. I loved when the woman was freaking out about her messed up delivery, and Shaun was trying to be comforting by telling her that the woman helping him was the head OBGYN at the whole hospital, and would be even more qualified than the doctor she was planning on seeing! Way to look on the bright side, Shaun!

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1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

Of course if you need someone to handle a problem by breaking something, you call Park! That might have been my favorite part of the episode. Shaun is freaking out about a buzzing light? Bust that sucker up and move on! 

I couldn't figure out why they didn't do that in the first place.

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15 hours ago, chocolatine said:

That was a little too neat how the virus outbreak was suddenly contained, Lim made a full recovery, and the improvised c-section ended well for both mother and baby. The only casualty is the bone marrow donor who atoned for abandoning his son by selflessly giving his life. Who writes this stuff?


Seriously, who comes up with those stories? And who decides that the second part of a special espisode must deny everything that happened in the first part? Of course the virus was transmitted by fluids, and not airborne, though that wasn't even a consideration before; of course Lim recovers, although none of the others did; of course Glass's cancer is not back, it's (just!) meningitis; of course Andrews agreed with the transplant (and even came up with a plan himself), even though he was completely against it before. And wasn't there a patient with insulin problems, or did I halucinate that? Oh, and don't get me started on the mother of the baby. One minute she's bleeding out, her abdomen opened up, two doctors desperate about her condition; the next she's completely awaken and well, a broad smile on her face, ready to hold the baby - I had to blink a few times, it felt like I was watching some Star Trek episode and that was a different dimension.

Lea and Glassman. It seemed to me the authors had read these boards and were talking the dialogue straight off the posts here. Lea treated Shaun like a toy and is going to hurt him again? Check. Glassman treats Shaun like a child and is a shitty mentor? Check. I did like what he said to Lea, but hated that he apologized later. Hope there is some repercussion to his words to her, but I'm not holding my breath.

I'm glad Shaun recovered from two meltdowns in this episode, but I don't know how they will justify not firing, or at least suspending him. I mean, a doctor that reacts like that that under pressure is not what an hospital director is looking for. Andrews was right when he said Shaun couldn't handle it... Of course, Shaun needs to stay, or the series is over. Let's see how (and if) they handle it...

In short, I still like this show (I was missing Shaun like hell), but wish the writing was ten times better. Right now, I think it's lazy, sloppy, derivative and downright annoying. You can do better, show!

Edited by maddie965
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33 minutes ago, maddie965 said:

of course Glass's cancer is not back, it's (just!) meningitis

And that's why you don't read your own x-rays.

33 minutes ago, maddie965 said:

And wasn't there a patient with insulin problems, or did I halucinate that?

Hey, whatever did happen to that guy?  I thought he was in hypoglycemic shock or whatever the last time we saw him.

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I was underwhelmed. Also, I fast forward...A lot.....do we know if this was the first time Melendez and Lim were together, or is this something that casually happens occasionally, or happened when they were interns/residents?  

What, if anything did Andrews do?

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5 minutes ago, maddie965 said:

I'm glad Shaun recovered twice in the episode, but not sure how they will justify him presence in the hospital anymore. I mean, reacting like that under pressure must be a very hard no for hospital bosses all around. Andrews was right when he said Shaun couldn't handle it... Of course, Shaun needs to stay, or the series is over. Let's see how (and if) they handle it..

I can agree that Shaun did crack under an extreme circumstance and that Andrews and the board may not like that fact. I also think Shaun got lucky with Morgan thinking quick on her feet. However, him recovering and be able to hold it together later in the episode does prove that he IS able to handle it. Are there obstacles with Shaun's autism? Of course. But he did prove that there are workarounds and ways to pick himself back up. The hospital just needs to recognize that he may have meltdowns but he can get out of it. Sure, maybe there will be some times that he can't snap out of it with someone talking medical jargon to him, but it isn't grounds to let him go. 

Lea and Glassman had an ok storyline here. I saw this episode working toward some redemption toward Lea with standing up to Glassman, but I also thought Glassman had some very valid points against Lea. I'm hoping this DOES end with Lea recognizing that Glassman is right and that she takes the steps to correct herself. She's going to be with us for at least the end of this season and possibly beyond, so they have to make her likable at some point. Much like Morgan, who I am pleasantly surprised with her change. I can accept the change from last season to this season and this episode really warmed me on her. I'm cool with her now and it's not a bad thing. The show very clearly recognized that they wrote Morgan really badly last season and they needed to change her character, or at least give her growth, in order for her to be liked. 

Yeah, this conclusion was fairly predictable. Lim was never going to die, and at least one patient was going to die that wasn't because of the virus. I thought briefly that they might have killed Lim, but then changed my mind to Dad Donor. 

The Park stuff was really good. I liked his son a lot. He really did go through a lot during these quarantine episodes. I'm glad the newborn turned out to be ok. I can see why asking patients wouldn't be the wisest thing to do, but I can also see why asking patients to help out if they have some experience is better than letting people die. 

I'm glad Glassman just has meningitis and I assume this is concluding his cancer storyline for the season. Maybe he'll chill out now that he's working his way back to the hospital. I hope so, because cranky cancer Glassman has been an irritating ass to watch. Or maybe he was like this in season 1 and I never really noticed. 

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There was a lot going on.

I did like that Glassman called Lea on all her shit about how she treated Shaun. But my God, Glassman makes Eeyore looks like the happiest donkey in the world. I'm getting really tired of him.

I am looking forward to seeing more of Lim and Melendez together. They have good chemistry and there's no power dynamic there.

I enjoyed seeing Park with his son. It looks like they're trying to retcon Reznick to be a nicer (not nice, but nicer) person this season. They didn't really have a choice because she was so unlikeable in S1.

Edited by AEMom
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12 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

Yeah, that's a tough one--glad Park put that light out, shoulda been done right away (and obviously Shaun's gonna get in trouble for his meltdown in the next episode). 

I think the good news is that Shaun showed he is aware of over-stimulation and can take control of the variables (yelling people) and tell them to be quiet. This is a trick I've had to learn myself--before, I'd just melt down. Now, I'm vocal when overstimulated or am having trouble with distractions. Maybe this is Shaun's key to handling these situations. Hopefully it can be managed with enough mindfulness. 

ETA: Lea was likable this episode. 

Shaun should be able to realize he is overstimulated before he gets to the point where he is lying on the floor covering his ears - putting cotton in his ears to try to block out the noise - that is a reasonable thing for him to do.

Lea was likable this episode!

And one more thing I forgot to mention in my post - there is no way for them to tell if the BMT is taking yet, it was only hours afterwards! It takes a while to see if it is working!

8 hours ago, rhys said:

I must have looked away. How did Glassman 's cancer morph into meningitis (or whatever he told Shaun)?

I am guessing compromised immune system from treatment led to meningitis getting in the brain, but he should've had a *lot* more symptoms if that happened.

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5 hours ago, rmontro said:

And that's why you don't read your own x-rays.

Hey, whatever did happen to that guy?  I thought he was in hypoglycemic shock or whatever the last time we saw him.

They gave him D50 for his hypoglycemia (maybe the reading was faulty initially and he was given too much insulin?).  He came out of it quite quickly.

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I'm glad Shaun recovered twice in the episode, but not sure how they will justify him presence in the hospital anymore. I mean, reacting like that under pressure must be a very hard no for hospital bosses all around.

Is Shaun planning on working in the ER as a career, though? Or is he simply required to work the ER right now as part of his residency and eventually he may be able to focus solely on surgery as his main thing? Not that surgery can't be stressful, but at least the overall environment is much more controlled.

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Obviously it's bad that Shaun had a couple of meltdowns, but they've also seen him keep it together and be a major asset during other crises. I think this show fools around with characterization for the sake of plot drama.

Also, it's really been annoying me that Glassman doesn't have a shaved head after brain surgery.

Edited by possibilities
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2 minutes ago, possibilities said:

Obviously it's bad that Shaun had a couple of meltdowns, but they've also seen him keep it together and be a major asset during other crises. I think this show fools around with characterization for the sake of plot drama.

Also, it's really been annoying me that Glassman doesn't have a shaved head after brain surgery.

Agreed on point 1.  It's not just the buzzing but multiple voices that bug him but not in Not Fake.   And yet when everything goes to hell he holds it together nicely to save both mother and child in the end.

He doesn't have a shaved head as the tumor was removed via his nose.  There would be no need.

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Leah continues to annoy. I think Dr. Glassman's "shut up!" was a nod to us, the audience.  Why is she even there with him? Why is she calling him "Glassy?" Did she imply she is a tech person previously? She writes code or something? Why does she come across so hippy-dippy? Doesn't fit the profile of such a career. I am just simply annoyed at this interloper. Everyone else played it awesome. Sad that Shaun has issues with the hyper stimulation. I hope he seeks some therapy for it and continues beinfna surgeon. 

I had tears at the end of the ep. The way the sun rose and whatever happened was behind them - for good and for bad. It reminds us that there are thankfully people out there like these doctors who want to deal with all that. *Someone* has to do the work and take the responsibility that no one else wants. I sure wouldn't want to do all that. It was like a weight lifted at the end and yet- almost the beginning of something new. Next, "The fallout." Cringe😬

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9 hours ago, doctor destiny said:

He doesn't have a shaved head as the tumor was removed via his nose.  There would be no need.

I missed that! Thanks. It's been annoying me for weeks.

What about chemo? Didn't he say he did chemo? Or was it only radiation?

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To the above: I get that Leah drove bc Glassman has no more license . I guess it was more of a rhetorical question as in "why?! Why! Why! Why!" Why do we have to put up with Leah!? There is Uber and there are many ways to get where you're going. Why *her*!? Oh yeah- so she can play his therapist! Ugh...puke 

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51 minutes ago, rmontro said:

So Shaun should have done it, or asked someone else to.

The question was "why they didn't do that in the first place."?  Because Shaun was having a problem but wouldn't tell anyone what it was (other than some "buzzing").  It's on him, not anyone else.

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1 hour ago, jhlipton said:

The question was "why they didn't do that in the first place."?  Because Shaun was having a problem but wouldn't tell anyone what it was (other than some "buzzing").  It's on him, not anyone else.

Yeah, so he should have done something about it.  Better than ending up on the floor in the fetal position.

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I thought in part one he had said outloud to other people at least a couple of times "that light is buzzing" or some variation thereof. The people he said it to either didn't hear it so ignored him or did but thought he overreacting to it. Could he have maybe gotten on a ladder and taken the bulb out himself? I'm not sure. With all the crises that kept popping up, maybe not. Or maybe one of the times he went out to the waiting quarantined people he coulda shoulda woulda said "somebody take out that light bulb", but I don't really fault him for not thinking to do that. When it first started he did say something and seemed to be trying to power through and by the time it was sending him over the edge it was way way too late.

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9 hours ago, possibilities said:

I missed that! Thanks. It's been annoying me for weeks.

What about chemo? Didn't he say he did chemo? Or was it only radiation?

He only said radiation.  In Ep 1x18 it was 5 days a week for 6 weeks of radiation followed by 10 more weeks of chemo.   Would that timeline work?  It's September when they start the resident year? And then wait for recovery prior to radiation? Google says 3-6 weeks depending whether you are having chemo or not.  So a slight wait to have surgery, a 6 odd weeks to recover plus 6 weeks of radiation would take you to Christmas Eve at a stretch.

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On 1/15/2019 at 5:44 PM, catrice2 said:

 What, if anything did Andrews do?

Andrews helped Melendez figure out the Danny Ocean manoeuver for the transplant, with the laundry chute and the zero-pressure (?) janitor's closets and the blueprints and whatnot. 

Loved Glassman calling out Lea. Hated that he apologized. Hated it even more when she called him "Glassy" again.

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1 hour ago, doctor destiny said:

He only said radiation.  In Ep 1x18 it was 5 days a week for 6 weeks of radiation followed by 10 more weeks of chemo.   Would that timeline work?  It's September when they start the resident year? And then wait for recovery prior to radiation? Google says 3-6 weeks depending whether you are having chemo or not.  So a slight wait to have surgery, a 6 odd weeks to recover plus 6 weeks of radiation would take you to Christmas Eve at a stretch.

I believe residency start date is July 1st, at least judging by when the fellows rotate with my doctors

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23 minutes ago, bros402 said:

I believe residency start date is July 1st, at least judging by when the fellows rotate with my doctors

But Brown had known Melendez for 6 months at the time of filming Not Fake 1x6 events that happened prior to Apple 1x8 which happened on Nov 20th.   Obviously the other 1st years had been working prior with Melendez in episode 1.  Or maybe like MST2K I should really just relax.  

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20 hours ago, theatremouse said:

I thought in part one he had said outloud to other people at least a couple of times "that light is buzzing" or some variation thereof. The people he said it to either didn't hear it so ignored him or did but thought he overreacting to it.

That does sound familiar, that he mentioned it a few times in passing.  Maybe no one understood what he was talking about.

As for asking one of the quarantined people to take it out, I don't see why he couldn't have done that.  He didn't have any trouble loudly asking someone to perform CPR on the baby.

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48 minutes ago, rmontro said:

That does sound familiar, that he mentioned it a few times in passing.  Maybe no one understood what he was talking about.

As for asking one of the quarantined people to take it out, I don't see why he couldn't have done that.  He didn't have any trouble loudly asking someone to perform CPR on the baby.

I recall him asking "Does anyone else hear that?"  At no time did he say "The buzzing of the light is SUPER annoying -- can someone fix that?"  It was all low-key until he fell to the floor.

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