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Masterchef (US) - General Discussion

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I don’t dislike any of the remainder contestants, but I am rooting for people like Jamie or Shari, hard working, quiet types.

I have met a few people people like Dorian, nice when everything is Ok but ready to throw you under the bus when something is wrong. But she is not a villain compared to other contestants from past editions. 

I liked Wuta, but he seemed to have an excuse for everything. I am also glad the snotty New Yorker who knew everything is gone, but I still feel this is probably the mildest, PC edition in the history of MC USA.

Edited by El maestro
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^^^ I agree with this entire post. New York guy was the only one I actually disliked. Renee annoyed me but I couldn’t really dislike her. They all seem like decent people. It’s refreshing. My favorites are probably Jamie, Shari and Sarah. I’m glad Sarah redeemed herself with her macarons after that cake disaster. I can’t believe she thought she could replicate that cake in the limited amount of time. 

Speaking of time, do the judges really think that shouting “Hurry up!” during the last 60 seconds really makes anyone work faster? It makes ME nervous and I’m not even cooking! 

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, JMarie99 said:

^^^ I agree with this entire post. New York guy was the only one I actually disliked. Renee annoyed me but I couldn’t really dislike her. They all seem like decent people. It’s refreshing. My favorites are probably Jamie, Shari and Sarah. I’m glad Sarah redeemed herself with her macarons after that cake disaster. I can’t believe she thought she could replicate that cake in the limited amount of time. 

Speaking of time, do the judges really think that shouting “Hurry up!” during the last 60 seconds really makes anyone work faster? It makes ME nervous and I’m not even cooking! 

I think Sarah believed it was easier to make and when she tried it, she discovered she had to do some kind of special frosting. After that almost everything went wrong.

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, DEL901 said:

I also hate when they talk to the contestants when they are working frantically against the clock. 


6 hours ago, JMarie99 said:

Speaking of time, do the judges really think that shouting “Hurry up!” during the last 60 seconds really makes anyone work faster? It makes ME nervous and I’m not even cooking! 

6 hours ago, DEL901 said:

I also hate when they talk to the contestants when they are working frantically against the clock. 

I understand your concern, contestants can make mistakes under that kind of pressure.

in the other hand we never know how it was edited. When I have watched Chopped in the food network I have noticed that the time warnings sometimes are not synchronized with the action in the kitchen. You hear a two minutes warning and somebody just throws something in the pan.

Edited by El maestro
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It's not Bri's looks that bother me, but her attitude. When she gets critiqued, she goes into "little girl mode," crying and apologizing in a little voice. Simpering is the exact right word for it. I don't like that, and I think it's saved her more than once.

Bri reminds me of that episode of How I Met Your Mother where Robin talks about how men like women they can save. Women who play dumb, women who act helpless. That's Bri, to me. She's not using sexuality directly, but downshifting into sad school girl mode creates an image of helplessness. Looking up from her eyelashes, all, "Aww, you wouldn't eliminate l'il ol' me?" Anyone think that would have the same effect on Tosi as it does on Ramsay, Aaron Sanchez and Joe?

Can anyone imagine Sarah doing that? She's a fairly attractive blonde, and she stands up there and takes her critiques like an adult. She doesn't start crying and pouting like a child. That's my main objection to Bri.

  • Love 22

I really like Nick but I feel he's going to get eliminated pretty soon. Which is a pity, because he's really pretty to look at in addition to being what seems like a nice guy. But he's definitely been struggling lately and his macaroons were pretty bad. 

Shari's macarons looked delicious. I wish I lived in her house so I could eat them every day, heh. 

  • Love 5

Hahaha, what a coincidence, I thought of adult Honey Boo Boo for Renée while watching this episode too!  Great minds think alike, right?  Just like the other week when Mr. Yeah No thought of Bar-bri, and then I saw it here.

I agree with the poster up thread that Dorian seems to be getting a winner's edit. Or at least a finalist's edit.  I don't love or hate her but I seem to have missed where she can be a b-word that can throw people under the bus.  Obviously I don't pay enough attention.

Although Bar-bri's cake sucked I do think it was Renée's time to go.  She'd been circling the drain for a few weeks now.  Almost literally half of what she cooked ended up in the garbage.

I'm not sure how Subha is still hanging on, but the judges seem to be amazed at his seasoning ability, so appearances definitely aren't everything in this race.  They're making him look like a bumbling idiot that's actually more of a diamond in the rough.

Sorry to see Wuta go, but not sorry to see some of his loud shirts go.  And I'm not usually averse to color, either.  If I'd only heard him speak I'd have thought I was listening to a 60 year old Rabbi from the Bronx, not a young guy, LOL.  I have to respect him for not butchering the English language, though.  Because I've watched other reality shows featuring English teachers that have used poor grammar and usage.

Only one observation - "Snotty" and "New Yorker" shouldn't go together like that's a thing, because it's not.  Evan's snottiness really rubbed this native New Yorker the wrong way!  Most New Yorkers I know wouldn't tolerate him for very long.  Just sayin'.

Oh, and one more thing, Noah seems like a nice enough guy but all I can think of is a very young Mike Rowe on "Dirty Jobs" for some reason when I see him.  So let's see, on this season we have Malibu Barbie, adult Honey Boo Boo and now Mike Rowe, LOL.  Who's next?

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Oh, and one more thing, Noah seems like a nice enough guy but all I can think of is a very young Mike Rowe on "Dirty Jobs" for some reason when I see him.  So let's see, on this season we have Malibu Barbie, adult Honey Boo Boo and now Mike Rowe, LOL.  Who's next? 

The military gal, G.I. Sarah.

  • LOL 1
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On 8/3/2019 at 1:19 AM, JMarie99 said:

I honestly think the Barbie look is the look she is going for. Her skin is almost too perfect and has a sort of plastic sheen to it - it has to be the type of makeup she uses. And then there’s the obviously fake black lashes and her hair which is the exact color blonde that Barbie dolls have. (Believe me, I have a 5-year-old granddaughter so I know Barbie-doll hair!) I’m not saying this as a criticism. It’s just who she is, and in her job as a cocktail server it could be an asset. There are a lot of pretty girls out there but her look definitely stands out. 

Exactly! She works hard to achieve, and maintain,  this plastic doll look

  • Love 1
14 minutes ago, OoogleEyes said:

Exactly! She works hard to achieve, and maintain,  this plastic doll look

In Bri's case, I'm willing to believe it's a style choice, with an eye to the payoff in terms of tips/male attention. If it was one of the things that distinguished her from the crowd for the MC producers (and face it, how could it not be?) she will be likely be "encouraged" by same producers to maintain the same look throughout her stint on the show.

There are others who take it much further, and for whom, in my opinion, it's a symptom of mental instability or illness:


  • Love 2

Sometimes I think that the producers are showing as Shuba in the same light they showed Claudia in season 6. She was even saved of elimination challenges because people felt she was not a real competitor.

Sometimes I miss Christina “did I told you I am a baker” Tosi, specially when writers give Aaron the lamest lines in the show.

Gordon doesn’t seem too mean this season, but maybe because my idol, the hot Joe Bastianich is there.

Noah may have said he was overweight, but I don’t remember, probably he just mentioned the first day of the contest.

At least he doesn’t try to use as a tool with the jury. 

Some people try to use the sad stories in MC to get sympathy, such as this is my only/last opportunity... really?

Last time I watched MC Spain, it was embarrassing to watch too many candidates trying to use the “abuela” (grandma) story to get into the contest.

It seems the producers tell the contestants to keep dressing the same to fulfill some look or stereotype. Noah with the overalls and bandana to keep the southern country look going, Micah with the backwards hat for some reason, Nick too keep looking like a college kid, Bri has to look like she walked off the set of Beverly Hills 90210, and Dorian has the play the older contestant with the library bun in her head. 

I'm immune to the whole sympathy story or last opportunity. Especially the single parent story, oh poor me I got knocked up/I knocked someone up and we deserve it more. No you don't. My (insert family member here) passed away. Yes, it's tragic but don't pull that as a means of staying in the competition. It's nice for motivation but don't use it for sympathy. I don't believe the last opportunity either because if it's something you want to do then you're going to keep going after your dream until you achieve it because people have faced being homeless and living in their cars to achieve their dream. 

Even then most people on MC don't even continue on with a culinary career after the show. 

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, SweetSin said:

It seems the producers tell the contestants to keep dressing the same to fulfill some look or stereotype.

That’s exactly what they do. It’s how CryPie earned that big bow on her head every time. Courtney always wore very high heels. Shaun always wore that stupid-looking cap (he still wears it).

As to what they do afterward, I learned this morning that Christine Ha (the blind contestant) has opened her first restaurant in Houston.

  • Useful 2
  • Love 4
3 hours ago, SweetSin said:

I'm immune to the whole sympathy story or last opportunity. Especially the single parent story, oh poor me I got knocked up/I knocked someone up and we deserve it more. No you don't. My (insert family member here) passed away. Yes, it's tragic but don't pull that as a means of staying in the competition. It's nice for motivation but don't use it for sympathy. I don't believe the last opportunity either because if it's something you want to do then you're going to keep going after your dream until you achieve it because people have faced being homeless and living in their cars to achieve their dream. 

I'm beyond immune. I'm numb. I get so tired of hearing, "my tragic life has made me the person I am today." It shouldn't take a major tragedy to get you to have some compassion or motivation or whatever they claim they've gained from their tragic lives. Those are just basic human emotions. There is something seriously wrong with you it you couldn't figure out how to motivate yourself without a tragedy. Guess what? People who haven't faced being homeless and living in their cars are motivated by their dreams, too.

  • Love 3
33 minutes ago, NowVoyager said:

Baby Dawl!

Oh yeah. I blame the fact that these casts are blurring into each other more and more each year. Especially since [Googles Season 8] his season also featured a Harvard student, some teachers, a cowboy, a scrappy kid with more chops than training...

ETA: I guess what I really meant is Gordon not allowing a vegetarian/vegan winner who cooks strictly veg cuisine on the show anytime soon or ever, since he's so disdainful of the idea. Dino won with veal, so he doesn't fall in that column (although I guess his new restaurant is vegan?).

Edited by PhoneCop
  • Love 2
8 hours ago, SweetSin said:

It seems the producers tell the contestants to keep dressing the same to fulfill some look or stereotype. Noah with the overalls and bandana to keep the southern country look going, Micah with the backwards hat for some reason, Nick too keep looking like a college kid, Bri has to look like she walked off the set of Beverly Hills 90210, and Dorian has the play the older contestant with the library bun in her head.

I think a season or two ago, a woman contestant was a city bus driver.  She got kicked out fairly early, but for every show she was in, she had to wear her work uniform.  Because of course she would wear that while cooking *eyeroll*   And if a guy is from Texas, he will have to wear a Stetson and talk about nothing but grilling steak. 

BTW, I can't stand when they make people who aren't from the coasts talk like they are completely ignorant about seafood, gourmet food, ethnic ingredients, etc. 

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, daisybumble said:

I think a season or two ago, a woman contestant was a city bus driver.  She got kicked out fairly early, but for every show she was in, she had to wear her work uniform.  Because of course she would wear that while cooking *eyeroll*   And if a guy is from Texas, he will have to wear a Stetson and talk about nothing but grilling steak. 

BTW, I can't stand when they make people who aren't from the coasts talk like they are completely ignorant about seafood, gourmet food, ethnic ingredients, etc. 

The show is very heavily edited and of course, they try to keep the stereotypes of  southern  and midwestern regular Joes and Janes who don’t know how to cook sophisticated foods. Even if they win in the contests to the “cosmopolitan” cooks. 

It it is like in MC junior, it gets tired to hear these kids telling the audience that they have sophisticated palpated because their parents take them to the best restaurants. 

5 hours ago, PhoneCop said:

Oh yeah. I blame the fact that these casts are blurring into each other more and more each year. Especially since [Googles Season 8] his season also featured a Harvard student, some teachers, a cowboy, a scrappy kid with more chops than training...

ETA: I guess what I really meant is Gordon not allowing a vegetarian/vegan winner who cooks strictly veg cuisine on the show anytime soon or ever, since he's so disdainful of the idea. Dino won with veal, so he doesn't fall in that column (although I guess his new restaurant is vegan?).

The problem of being a vegan in a food contest and just cooking strictly vegan food is that you are limiting too much the choices of your plates. I have had excellent meatless dishes, but I don’t think I could eat them forever.

  • Love 1
12 hours ago, SweetSin said:

It seems the producers tell the contestants to keep dressing the same to fulfill some look or stereotype. Noah with the overalls and bandana to keep the southern country look going, Micah with the backwards hat for some reason, Nick too keep looking like a college kid, Bri has to look like she walked off the set of Beverly Hills 90210, and Dorian has the play the older contestant with the library bun in her head. 

Absolutely 100% this is how it's done, on this shows and others. Producers pick the wardrobe and make them keep wearing the same thing. The poor fishmonger in his hoodie, dressed for a frigid New England morning or ready to go out on the Andrea Gail, must be boiling under those hot studio lights. 

(As far as wardrobe goes, most famously, Cochran from Survivor had never worn a sweater vest before being forced to wear one on every season he's on, and that's what he's known for now)

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, El maestro said:

The show is very heavily edited and of course, they try to keep the stereotypes of  southern  and midwestern regular Joes and Janes who don’t know how to cook sophisticated foods. Even if they win in the contests to the “cosmopolitan” cooks. 

I've always hated the stereotypes this show pushes, especially via the wardrobe.  I feel for Noah having to dress in such an idiotic outfit all the time.  It's like they want him to look dumb and unsophisticated.  Especially at a time when the public is most against prejudice of any kind, the fact that no one says anything about this (except on this board) also pisses me off no end.

  • Love 7
11 hours ago, daisybumble said:

I think a season or two ago, a woman contestant was a city bus driver.  She got kicked out fairly early, but for every show she was in, she had to wear her work uniform.  Because of course she would wear that while cooking *eyeroll*   And if a guy is from Texas, he will have to wear a Stetson and talk about nothing but grilling steak. 

BTW, I can't stand when they make people who aren't from the coasts talk like they are completely ignorant about seafood, gourmet food, ethnic ingredients, etc

For real.

I live in a tiny Appalachian town that only has one grocery store in the entire county, but I can still cook seafood and other ethnic foods. I mean, we DO have Krogers in the next county over. And Amazon. FWIW, we have a house on St Simon's Island and I have never been able to buy fresh seafood there. Different state, same grocery choices (albeit with a few notable differences like ham stocks and hog balls up here and aloe plants down thete).

  • Love 2

For tonight's stunning episode that will be epically amazing we have:

S10E16 NASCAR - Finish Line Feed

Summary:  The Top 10 contestants test their speed in a special team challenge, taking place in one of the most surprising locations of the season: Irwindale Speedway. The judges come racing to the home cooks in speedy race cars before introducing NASCAR driver Bobby Labonte. Told to break into two teams, the contestants are given 75 minutes to cook for 101 race car crew members. One team will woo the judges and secure safety for the week, the other team will face elimination (tomorrow).

  • Love 1

Nothing too amazing, spectacular in tonight's episode, aside from the slight bit of rain and obligatory throwing of food for effect--seems like that and the SEASON 10 TWEEST at the end was tacked on because they realized the EP wasn't up to MasterChef season 10 standards of intense drama at every turn

Side note of tomorrow's ep (for me at least) being delayed due to foosball

  • Love 2

Can Micah pick himself because I have a crazy idea that he's going to pick himself. I get that the idea is they want him to pick a strong player but Dorian, Sara, and Jamie (I can't believe I know names!) don't deserve that and I don't know if Micah will pick on Subha. Subha is an easy target but Micah seems like a man who might fall on his sword for his team.

This season is a bit odd for me because I actually basically like all the remaining cooks. Even Septic Gramma Burger. It is going to be difficult to start losing people I like.

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