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S07.E09: Elseworlds Part 2

Lady Calypso
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OK, mid-story episode. My strongest reaction, with 5 mins. left, was "F*king Diaz?!? Even in the Elseworlds?" 

As I've said, I've liked Acevedo  in other things (Band of Brothers, Fringe), but he's not great in this role. He must be the world's nicest guy or cheapest actor because I am just at a loss to understand why he is still around.

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32 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

So Kara brings Caitlin to Arkham without any paperwork, and the nurse just goes, okay? I like the nurse, but that's weird.

It’s probably what happens a lot at Arkham. Batman or another vigilante captures a Rogue, gets them into Arkham ASAP due to the danger the pose, and they staff sorts out the paperwork and diagnosis after the fact. 

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39 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:


Still don't get why they bothered to have Oliver sleep with that journalist or whoever in Gotham in S2/whenever. Why was it necessary to remind viewers of his past bad choices? 



Bruce Wayne boinked Vesper in the comics

. And anything he did, Oliver must do on this show and have in his past, because a lot of stuff has been usurped from Batman's history. Silly @insomniadreams88! Haven't you learned anything these past 7 years?😉

29 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

He looks like he’s gonna cry, LOL. Asshat. 


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12 hours ago, Trini said:

Was the intro monoloque to this a recreation of the last Arrow episode, or is it kind of previewing the intro to the next episode?

Previewing the intro to next week's episode, I believe. Previous Arrow intros this season have been Oliver voiceovers identifying himself as Inmate 4587 or no voiceover at all (Oliver got out of prison at the end of 707)...

No Oliver voiceover intro.

Oliver (voiceover): "My name is Oliver Queen. After six years of being a vigilante, the only way to achieve my goal and save my city was to confess to being the Green Arrow. Now my family and friends must carry on my mission without me. I am no longer a hero. I am Inmate 4587."

No Oliver voiceover intro.

Barry (voiceover): "My name is Oliver Queen. After six months in hell, I've been released from prison and returned home with only one goal - to save my city. But things have changed. Instead of operating outside the law, I am now working alongside the police. I am no longer Inmate 4587. I am once more the Green Arrow."

Last night's episode showed Felicity kissing both Barry/Green Arrow and Oliver/Flash! Completely different context, emotional tone and relevance, of course...



Overall, I enjoyed this episode more than Sunday night's Flash episode. 

SA should never wear a red onesie ever again. Ever.

Edited by tv echo
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12 hours ago, Trini said:

Was the intro monoloque to this a recreation of the last Arrow episode, or is it kind of previewing the intro to the next episode?

It was a recreation of scenes from multiple episodes from this season.  

5 hours ago, phoenics said:

I guess we'll see - but 90s Flash did mention something about getting the book, so I think it's somewhat relevant.  But nevermind.


I agree - I just wonder if anyone will recognize the symbols - both Cisco AND Caitlin have seen them in addition to Barry, so if either of them get a chance to see the book, I'd imagine it would come up then.

But given how the speedforce literally CAN allow speedsters to rewrite history - literally time itself - with only speedwraiths to stop them - then I think the book really is relevant somehow to the speedforce, speedsters and Nora (only because she's the only one there who can read them).  That's all.

I doubt anyone is getting their hands on the book to read in the next episode.  Even Deegen didn’t really read it, he just channeled thru it or saw the universe as it could be.  The writing could mean something later but I doubt it matters during this crossover.  They had the book but hadn’t had time yet to crack the mystical lock.   The Monitor can take it away at anytime. Even if Nora Allen was here (sooo many named Nora) unless the Monitor wanted her to read the book, she’d never have the chance. Since this is just about testing them, once they prove themselves, the Monitor probably will do a reset without anyone needing to use the book.  

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1 hour ago, popgoesculture said:

Here's the issue (one of many) that I have with the writing on this show... he keeps doing this. He hasn't shown growth since they did the whole dumb secret son thing that broke them up. (And even going back to running off to fight the League, etc.) By having Oliver do the secret deal with the FBI, and THEN to again keep something like the body swap from Felicity after apparently apologizing over and over again (and being surprised that she told Iris about it and she was really upset??), at what point am I, the viewer, supposed to believe that he respects Felicity and will tell her the important things and not just keep it to himself over and over again, playing out this plot point forever? I think time only passes so that we can temporarily forget all the times Oliver has done the same thing, and are lulled into complacency, like Felicity. Why can't the show write conflict in their relationship naturally? 

Without rehashing Arrow (cuz everyone here who is an Olicity fan is familiar with their history anyway), Oliver has paid big time for everytime he's lied to Felicity (only exception is S3 but it was the first time and I think she was too caught up in their romance to look into it that time).

The lie in this crossover and the whole "But Iris knew right away" made no sense but I think that was more MG being "I got my epic Olicity speech and these are my tentpoles to get there"

I agree with you the writing is shit in this respect but it's CW so I'm thankful for what they do get right.  At this rate I'd have to quit if I wanted them to be original and clever about things. He does suffer for it plenty at least.

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6 hours ago, jmonique said:

1. Did Oliver-Flash really change Barry-Green Arrow's clothes during the siege on Arkham?

He did. Say what you will about Barry, he hasn't changed anyone's clothes on them. Although it does make me wish we'd get something similar to this:


2 hours ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I don't understand why Barry thought, "hey, if this guy's not Jay, he's my dad." It may have been understandable if he'd said, "Henry Allen?" But no, he says "Dad?" 

I think Barry just immediately jumped into wishing with his heart. When it wasn't the Flash he expected to look like that, he jumped to the next person he knew. Barry sounded so heartbroken in that scene.

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I watched the real Olicity kiss again in the scene where they recreated the Barricity kiss. Even his shirt is absolutely identical. 

That is so trippy. No wonder they didn't want to spoil it. 

Laurel holding up a pic of Barry's face is hilarious!

Hubs saw it and thought CW did a dodgy and swapped ships for real 😂 

He was like "Why are you still writing fic for Olicity? Shouldn't you be really mad?"

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This part of the crossover was slow. I think them going to Gotham slowed down the momentum. The time they took to introduce Batwoman who lakes any personality and the bickering between the 3 wasted valuable time. I honestly didn't even care about the Arkham asylum fight but it did give us an awesome Diggle fight sequence. I don't think I have seen him take out that many guys like that before. No wonder they said he is the Green Lantern on Earth 90. 

I honestly loved that Felicity used her brain to help the team. 

Also, I love that Team Arrow's reaction to the body swap is different than Team Flash who see weird stuff on the regular. Team Arrow basically believed Oliver in like a minute. lol

Can I just say that I am over the whole let's have Oliver not tell Felicity some important stuff that is going on with him thing. She just fought with him about excluding her from important things from their lives like 24 hours ago and it the reason why he probably hasn't slept the same bed as Felicity. Anyways, I am glad they made it up in the end though. 


So, am I like the only one who wanted either Iris or Felicity wearing the Green Arrow or Flash suit to show up and save Oliver and Barry in that final scene? 

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13 hours ago, Starry said:

Considering that the newspaper reports that Barry disappears during the Crisis he should make the connection but knowing these writers he won't.

I'm really not expecting anything in this crossover to matter until the next crossover. Whatever plot points and details tend to be ignored by the individual shows.


12 hours ago, shantown said:

Y’all put a lot more weight on the book being written in the symbol language, I just assumed they wanted something futuristic looking that the audience wouldn’t actually have to (or be able to) read

On The Flash, those symbols have been showing up since the start of Season 4, and just recently got an explanation, so them showing up here to seems significant -- if you've been following Flash.


10 hours ago, jmonique said:

4. I REALLY like Grant as a badass in combat. His dance training definitely helps him pull off the fight choreography.

I hope some of those hand-to-hand combat skills stick with him after the crossover! He needs it. (Not holding my breath, though.)

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3 minutes ago, Trini said:

On The Flash, those symbols have been showing up since the start of Season 4, and just recently got an explanation, so them showing up here to seems significant -- if you've been following Flash.

I have been watching Flash, but I assumed it was like the same warehouse and staircase and stuff getting reused as "new" sets - this was just a prop getting reused. Cool if it means more, but I think sometimes the posters on this board think through things/think ahead a lot more than the writers do!

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I liked it. The best parts were definitely the big three heroes interacting and the scene with Oliver and Felicity in the end. 

I don't even watch Arrow and was like totally awwwwwing at them. 

I don't get why Iris couldn't come over too. Ralph and Sherloque could have stayed in Central City. She could have a nice conversation with Felicity. 

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2 hours ago, lemotomato said:

I wasn't going to post this because Barry annoyed me less than usual in this episode. But the crossover overall has made me grouchy, and this gif makes me feel better.


Well now I appreciate your being grouchy... because lol. 

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13 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

Laurel holding up a pic of Barry's face is hilarious!

I'm a little confused by the body swap. If Oliver and Barry swapped bodies, so that everyone looking at 'Oliver' would still see SA and everyone looking at 'Barry' would still see GG, then why was it necessary to head-swap the actor's faces on the photos? Shouldn't all the photos of Oliver Queen and Barry Allen remain the same?

Edited by tv echo
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5 minutes ago, tv echo said:

I'm a little confused by the body swap. If Oliver and Barry swapped bodies, so that everyone looking at 'Oliver' would still see SA and everyone looking at 'Barry' would still see GG, then why was it necessary to head-swap the actor's faces on the photos? Shouldn't all the photos of Oliver Queen and Barry Allen remain the same?


No I think "Oliver" looks like GG and same for "Barry"

So as far as Felicity is concerned she met and married Oliver Queen with GG's face. 

Their meet cute, Nanda Parbat etc all GG in appearance.

They didn't swap bodies just realities.

Edited by Mellowyellow
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I guess that makes more sense. I was confused because both Oliver and Caitlin used the words "body swap." But then Cisco said something about how it's only Quantum Leap if you can only see the real you in the mirror.

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1 minute ago, tv echo said:

I guess that makes more sense. I was confused because both Oliver and Caitlin used the words "body swap." But then Cisco said something about how it's only Quantum Leap if you can only see the real you in the mirror.

They kept getting it wrong, calling it Freaky Friday AND Quantum Leap. And both were wrong. There is no pop culture equivalence of this. None that I can think of. Oh wait. Smallville did one. Never mind. They sort of did, but not really. Move along. Nothing to see here.

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6 hours ago, olicityfan25 said:

Looks robotic. LL, Dinah and now Batwoman seem all robotic to me. With their poses and such.

This is EXACTLY what I said when she showed up in the live thread. Pose. Turn head. Raise arm. Shoot. Turn. Pose. Shoot. I know NOTHING of her backstory. But just because she's Bruce's cousin, does that mean she also has the SAME tragic backstory, which makes her try to be just like Batman? PUHLEAZE. Why yes, I'm very BIASED and NOT OBJECTIVE when it comes to my guy. But one doesn't need to be such when looking at Rose's "performance."

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That Flash suit really is horrible on Stephen.

This whole thing was riddled with plot holes, but the ones that really got me here were a) Deegan being able to get away from two people with superspeed, and b) when 4 thugs with guns aimed at our hero trio when Barry was taking down their leader, but no one tried shooting them.

Batwoman/Kate Kane really should have had more to do; considering the amount of hype about introducing this character. But then again they hype everything and expectations are never what the reality is.


On 12/29/2018 at 2:32 PM, BeautifulFlower said:

I feel like Caitlin was the wrong person to talk to Felicity. Listening to the dialogue, someone else should've talked to Felicity.

At one point maybe it was a Felicity/Iris scene? But I'm not sure if any character could have saved that dialogue.

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2 hours ago, Trini said:

At one point maybe it was a Felicity/Iris scene? But I'm not sure if any character could have saved that dialogue.

Yeah, I'm not sure anything would have made it work but I think it being Iris and Felicity is the only way it would have had a fighting chance. Iris and Felicity's situations aren't identical but I feel like they'd come a lot closer to understanding each other's than Caitlin and Felicity realistically do.

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14 hours ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

Yeah, I'm not sure anything would have made it work but I think it being Iris and Felicity is the only way it would have had a fighting chance. Iris and Felicity's situations aren't identical but I feel like they'd come a lot closer to understanding each other's than Caitlin and Felicity realistically do.

Yeah, with Caitlin's romantic history didn't really fit with some her lines or the situation in general. But the whole conversation should have been better no matter who it was.

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The only way it would have been better with Iris is if Iris would tell Felicity,

Iris: Actually, I may have seen it first in our group, but I didn't see it immediately at all. I actually had a plan to knock both of them out so we can figure out something later.

Felicity: Been there.

Iris: Ha, but, seriously, the only way I was able to see it is when he talked to me the way only Barry could, and I think if you talk to him, you'll see your husband in there.

Felicity: *insert reference to their fraught relationship here*

Iris: *insert support here* The only way to get through this is together.

Which would have set up the reason why Felicity kisses him and set up Oliver's speech.

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39 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

The sad truth is Felicity doesn’t actually have anyone to talk to right now. I wish they’d used this moment to demonstrate that, but sadly, nope. 

They won't because in their minds 1. Team Arrow are all best friends so they think they have given Felicity people to talk to and 2. Friendships are only important to them if it's necessary to facilitate something in the plot. 

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On 12/10/2018 at 10:00 PM, srpturtle80 said:

OK so if Supergirl could see Batwoman’s identity through her mask because of her x-ray vision, then why couldn’t she figure out right away that Reign was Sam? Or that Agent Liberty is Ben Lockwood? 

Pretty big invasion of privacy against someone who wasn't acting evil. Kara should be able to tell these things by heartbeat, respiration and other physical traits that can't be changed, anyway, without peeking under the mask (although Reign's were likely different, but not Batwoman's.)

On 12/10/2018 at 10:09 PM, angora said:

So even the hallucinogen is affected by this altered reality to think Barry and Oliver are one another?  That's the only reason I can think of for why they saw each other's nightmares, and it's a pretty stupid reason.


On 12/10/2018 at 10:28 PM, BkWurm1 said:

The fights weren't bad nor were the things their imaginary enemies were saying but why Oliver and Barry were fighting the wrong worst fears was really off since the fear toxin has never before taking into account rewritten reality and only targeted the victim's personal fears and those would not have swapped with powers since Oliver still remembered his real life.  But they wanted them to have revelations about the other.  

Yeah, didn't make sense, just a plot device.

On 12/10/2018 at 11:04 PM, Cthulhudrew said:

So there is a Bruce Wayne on Kara's earth, and he's "frenemies" with Clark, and there's one on Earth-1, but there are apparently no analogues of Kara and Clark on Earth-1 and no Oliver and Barry on Earth-38? Because??

Kara said that her rocket must not have landed on Earth-1. Kal's didn't either, I guess. After all, they're not native to Earth.

I wonder if she's ever looked for Oliver and Barry's counterparts on Earth-38 (or just plain "Earth" to her), or decided not to bother. After all, she apparently never made a quick investigation of whether she or Alex had a counterpart on Earth-1, so she may lack curiosity in this area, or have decided that it's best not to know.

On 12/10/2018 at 11:42 PM, quarks said:

And there's a Batman on Supergirl's world, too? HMM HMM HMM

She said there's a Bruce Wayne . . . .

On 12/11/2018 at 12:00 AM, Trini said:

Batman has been referenced more than once previously on Supergirl. Not directly, but it's not really new info. That's why I was hoping Batwoman would be on Earth-38.

Agreed; he's been referenced before.

On 12/11/2018 at 11:15 AM, jmonique said:

I like how the trio was like "Oh, well, obviously, Oliver-Flash isn't comfortable enough speeding in and out without being detected, so of course, nobody else can. It's not like Kara's fast or anything."


Which the 3rd part of the crossover showed quite clearly.


On 12/11/2018 at 11:15 AM, jmonique said:

Same with Killer Frost (who's due for a name change, I guess, now that she's marginally cuddly?) just ... standing there rather than fighting back against the arctic air.

Wasn't Nora Fries actually just trying to freeze herself because, as she said, her cryogenic apparatus was turned off when the cell doors were opened? She should have just let Killer Frost freeze her. And when most of the inmates were tossed back into (random?) cells, did she resume her previously frozen state, or is she slowly dying?

On 12/11/2018 at 2:22 PM, mrspidey said:

There was also Tom Hardy's Bane mask on the shelf that Nora Fries searched for her dad's freeze gun. 


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Kara said that her rocket must not have landed on Earth-1. Kal's didn't either, I guess. After all, they're not native to Earth.

I wonder if she's ever looked for Oliver and Barry's counterparts on Earth-38 (or just plain "Earth" to her), or decided not to bother. After all, she apparently never made a quick investigation of whether she or Alex had a counterpart on Earth-1, so she may lack curiosity in this area, or have decided that it's best not to know.


During season one when Barry and Supergirl first met, Barry searched and couldn't find a counterpart for himself, anyone at Star Labs, Oliver or Black Canary.  It's kind of a plot hole IMO since they now insist everyone should have a doppelganger.  

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4 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

Wasn't Nora Fries actually just trying to freeze herself because, as she said, her cryogenic apparatus was turned off when the cell doors were opened? She should have just let Killer Frost freeze her. And when most of the inmates were tossed back into (random?) cells, did she resume her previously frozen state, or is she slowly dying?

The entire thing with Mrs. Fries made no sense, and was only there only to give Amell's wife a cameo, and get Barry and Oliver dosed with fear toxin. But now that you mention it, Killer Frost freezing Mrs. Fries to save her life would have been a good way to use her powers, but ... priorities?

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3 hours ago, Trini said:

The entire thing with Mrs. Fries made no sense, and was only there only to give Amell's wife a cameo, and get Barry and Oliver dosed with fear toxin. But now that you mention it, Killer Frost freezing Mrs. Fries to save her life would have been a good way to use her powers, but ... priorities?

Would either of them known who the other was? It just seemed that it wasn't coincidental that Killer Frost and Mrs. Freeze were brought together,  and then nothing meaningful came of it.

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My impression of the whole Nora Fries business is that SA's wife demanded he get her a role so she could swan around and pretend to be famous. 

I presume SA then threw his weight around to get her the role hence it made no sense and was completely irrelevant.

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Someone on Twitter had calculated screen times for the crossover and Nora Fries only appeared for  about 46 seconds.

I’m not sure that the character was meant to be any more meaningful than a comic book Easter egg and it provided an opportunity for Stephen’s wife to cameo in the show.  

If Nora Fries hadn’t been a character in the crossover I don’t think it would’ve made any difference to the overall plot.  

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15 hours ago, kes0704 said:

I’m not sure that the character was meant to be any more meaningful than a comic book Easter egg and it provided an opportunity for Stephen’s wife to cameo in the show.

If they wanted a comic book Easter egg, they should have had Victor Fries. But then Amell’s wife couldn’t have done her cameo. And if this was done so she would, they should have had her play someone being held in Arkham that would make sense.

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So, I hadn't thought about this until now, but why were they holding all the crazy weapons and neurotoxins in the asylum anyway? Those aren't personal effects; they are WEAPONS. These things should be in police lockup as evidence or destroyed.  It's not like they are going to give them back to people when/if they are discharged, right?

I know, I know, Crazy Gotham Comicbook Logic.  But still.

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On 1/1/2019 at 11:28 AM, ItCouldBeWorse said:



Wasn't Nora Fries actually just trying to freeze herself because, as she said, her cryogenic apparatus was turned off when the cell doors were opened? She should have just let Killer Frost freeze her. And when most of the inmates were tossed back into (random?) cells, did she resume her previously frozen state, or is she slowly dying?


I didn't like that scene. Caitlin, not Killer Frost, saw a mentally ill woman freaking out. I rewatched the scene so many times, and I'm 100% sure Nora hit her by accident. What did Caitlin do? Call her a bitch. That irritated me.

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52 minutes ago, BeautifulFlower said:

I didn't like that scene. Caitlin, not Killer Frost, saw a mentally ill woman freaking out. I rewatched the scene so many times, and I'm 100% sure Nora hit her by accident. What did Caitlin do? Call her a bitch. That irritated me.

A "cold" bitch. The whole "cold" theme was too haphazard.

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As a Bat-fan from 1966 on, I have always had a big problem with the way Arrow shamelessly pilfers Batman storylines.   When I heard the show intended to introduce a Batman-less Gotham, substituting Batwoman instead (and with Ruby Rose, whom I really can't stand), I braced for the worst.  But all in all it wasn't half-bad.   My big fear was they'd pretend Batman didn't exist and simply position Batwoman as the only guardian of Gotham.   But I'm satisfied with how it all was explained (except the reason given for Batman's departure -- but then again, if the actual reason is worse, Kate wouldn't just spill family secrets to folks she met an hour ago).   I thought Gotham had the right look.   Batwoman's grim demeanor only reminded me of how much I hate Frank Miller for stripping Batman of all his personality and retconning him as a quasi-psychotic rage-aholic.   It appears the writers want Batwoman to follow suit.  Boring.

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56 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Which was that?

I'd assume the whole Oliver not telling Felicity about the switcheroo shenanigans and then Cisco and Caitlyn making Felicity feel like crap about it. Not exactly the greatest subplot.


Honestly the Olicity storylines was the least of my issues with the crossover. It was stupid concept executed poorly, made every one look like either assholes, idiots or both, it pigeon holed Emily and Candice to barely supporting roles rather then active characters in the crossover, uncomfortably occuring post  actresses publicly calling out their bosses (just ask Eliza Dushku and the OTH girls whether writers will punish actresses in show with or with lack of storylines) yet found time to give storylines to Superman and Lois Lane in all three episodes, it trashed Oliver for three episodes straight and basically seemed like a set up for next years crossover which given its hinting that Oliver will die sounds like a suck fest already. Plus for all the hype Batwoman didn't seem all that utilised. Marcs finger prints were all over that. So yeah maybe he gave one good speech to Olicity- even though 70-80 percent of the work was done by Stephen and Emily rather then the lines themselves- but the was a whole lot of other suck in the crossover.

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