bijoux November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 One thing I realized as Dinah was crowing about SCPD sticking it to the FBI is what SCPD? It was literally only Dinah from the force there. For two people with hard ons for thei employers, why didn't her and Dig bring back up to dismantle the bombs? The excuse to minimize casualties doesn't work, because the bomb wasn't contained, it was known it would affect the whole city if it went off. But I guess at least SCPD and ARGUS aren't alone in being the worst, FBI is right there to keep them company. First they make a deal with Oliver so that they would do their job, then continue not to do it, then make a deal to release Oliver so he'd help builld their case against Diaz! When the hell was Oliver supposedly against co-operating in order to bring Diaz down?! 5 Link to comment
KillahBee007 November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 I didn’t dislike this episode actually. I’m here for FS being in the forefront and taking care of business. Good to know DD sucks in any time line. BTW, when did Zoe gain an accent? Why did does DD suck? Better yet is Curtis there? What in God’s name have they done to Diggle? Funny how in the other timeline, they are so quick to believe FS is dead. Of course. I still don’t like the kid in any timeline but at least he’s useful. one last thing, YOU HAD JOSH SEGARRA RIGHT THERE. 3 Link to comment
thuganomics85 November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 So, in unsurprising news: Anatoly>Team Noobs with ease. But slightly more surprising is Anatoly>Diggle, because seriously, Diggle's either lost his damn mind or he's truly a pod person now. Felicity pushed him away? He was the one who apparently quit giving a shit about Oliver and even her, because he's somehow ARGUS4life now, and is kind of turning into a rigid, even selfish asshole. Really not a fan of how this season is souring me on him. And I usually think David Ramsey is one of the stronger actors here, but even he seems to be half-assing it, although I really can't blame him at this point. Still, Anatoly! Glad he is still alive and even helped out, even if it was partially because he coerced by Felicity. But, of course, he bared no ill will over that or her risking his life, because while he clearly wasn't happy over it, he gets that she is doing what she thinks needs to be done to protect those she love. And unlike... well, almost everyone else here, he's not a fucking hypocrite. I'm glad he's off to the beach now, but I do hope he pops back up again, because he was a breath of fresh air here. And so continues the show's attempt to "redeem" Laurel. I was cracking up over self-righteous speech at the end, remembering that she was this close to hurting or even killing the judge had Dinah of all people not stepped in. Sure, show. She's "totally" getting better! At least Diaz has been captured. And I now love the Longbow Hunters for how they just looked at that, practically shrugged their shoulders, and bounced. Yeah, they ain't going to stick their necks out for his sorry ass! So, now the flash-forward is claiming that not only is Felicity dead, she became a mega villain beforehand. Yeah, I'm sure all of this is leading to a massive twist. Surprise, surprise: Oliver's little prison buddy might not be so innocent, after-all. Man, I was kind of liking you for a second, Rene, and then you threw Felicity under the bus. Not a bad episode, but it's kind of sad that besides Oliver and Felicity, the only character I liked tonight was the Russian mobster, who is always looking out for numero uno. But at least he's not a self-righteous prick or worse... Curtis. 20 Link to comment
Featherhat November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 (edited) Diggle I'm so sorry about the Alien Podperson who's taken over your brain. Maybe ask the Legends to help? Or Kara. Because clearly that's the only explanation for you right now. Seriously. I can't tell if the writers are just doing it for plot convenience or if TK just seriously didn't know about the scene(s) where Felicity had come within seconds of being murdered and begged for help and you just shrugged and told her to move on and didn't even give a crap about Oliver either. I expect this sort of nonsense from Team Toddlers, not you. Speaking of, they can't possibly think this behaviour from Curtis is good writing/fun can they? Because it's OTT obnoxious and doesn't move much plot along. Cause I'd rather watch Oliver and Felicity (re)join the Bratva for shady activities with fun, charismatic DN/Anatoly than anything else on screen for the most part. Can't believe I'm saying this, but BS continues to be better, although I still hate this "redemption arc" (which is pointless when we know DD unfortunately is hanging around). I think this "addressing" of her not being a lawyer and taking E1 LL's life is as far as they'll go, which I guess is further than they actually went last season for long stretches. I'm surprised E1LL's ghost isn't full on rage haunting her at this point though. Her sister stole her BF and now her doppelganger's getting her full life (and life in general). JH cannot act and the character is a bland, hypocritical pointless waste of space, so nothing's changed there then. 3D is 3D. Edited November 20, 2018 by Featherhat 9 Link to comment
Mellowyellow November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 hehe I rewatched all the Felicity scenes and the subtle "WTF" look she gives Diggle when he tells her she pushed him out is marvellous! I hope that was conveyed in the script and put there on purpose, to be addressed at a later date and not just Emily using her common sense in the scene. 11 Link to comment
insomniadreams88 November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 Rewatched the Felicity/Diggle scene and I'm even more pissed. "I didn't give up. You pushed me out." "I just hope when this war's over, you still come out a hero." Shut up, Diggle. I feel like Diggle likes to put Felicity in a box and doesn't like when she steps out of it. Honestly, if someone just tuned in this season and tried to figure out the relationships on this show, they'd never think Felicity and Diggle have known each other the longest/Diggle even cares about Felicity. Also, it's too bad the "twist" of the FFs isn't going to be that Dinah and the "Vigilante Resistance" are the bad guys. 20 Link to comment
bijoux November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 2 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said: Also, it's too bad the "twist" of the FFs isn't going to be that Dinah and the "Vigilante Resistance" are the bad guys. I'm not discounting that at all at this point. The variable is Zoe, IMO. Has she been duped by Dinah, is she a willing participant or is she pulling the strings? 3 Link to comment
apinknightmare November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 6 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said: Rewatched the Felicity/Diggle scene and I'm even more pissed. "I didn't give up. You pushed me out." "I just hope when this war's over, you still come out a hero." Shut up, Diggle. I feel like Diggle likes to put Felicity in a box and doesn't like when she steps out of it. Honestly, if someone just tuned in this season and tried to figure out the relationships on this show, they'd never think Felicity and Diggle have known each other the longest/Diggle even cares about Felicity. He's such a terrible friend. And the maddening thing is I know he's going to rat her out to Oliver like he's actually concerned, even though he wasn't concerned enough about her to check up on her, or to ask her if he could help in any other way, or even to try and help on his own. Quote Also, it's too bad the "twist" of the FFs isn't going to be that Dinah and the "Vigilante Resistance" are the bad guys. I'm really hoping this is gonna be the thing. I desperately want O/F to be cooking up and executing a plan on their own because everyone sucks. Now and forever. 5 Link to comment
Mellowyellow November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 I will say though that Diggle not liking Felicity stepping out of her box is a pretty consistent theme for his character. S5 he made some speech about her going dark as well. I remember it vaguely irking me a little. S3 he told her to be nice to Oliver (or something like that) after Oliver got jealous of Ray. At least in the previous seasons he still loved her though which made it more tolerable. 1 Link to comment
apinknightmare November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 (edited) 13 minutes ago, bijoux said: I'm not discounting that at all at this point. The variable is Zoe, IMO. Has she been duped by Dinah, is she a willing participant or is she pulling the strings? I thought it was pretty interesting that they uncovered this giant plan that they (stupidly, god so stupid) thought Felicity was going to carry out to level Star City and Zoe was like, "Let's not poke around, we could get killed!" Some vigilante she is, LOL. Obviously heavily influenced by Dinah's uselessness. Same thing for Dinah who was just going to let it go. Stupid assholes. God, I'm so mad she's still bopping around 20 years later. Edited November 20, 2018 by apinknightmare 8 Link to comment
Chaser November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 (edited) I’ve begrudgingly enjoyed the Felicity/Siren team up this season but the ‘redemption’ just makes me roll my eyes. Instead of speeches about good and bad, I wish they would just have her snark something like “I get it, I melted a few brains and maybe kidnapped some people, but I’m trying! I got the pantsuit and everything!” Doing the poor lost girl routine doesn’t work with me. JH said Dinah supporting Siren is growth for Dinah. It’s not. It’s stupid. I’m about ready to give up on Diggle. Every episode he’s gotten worse. I don’t want Delicity anymore. I want Oliver to punch him. Are they intentionally making Curtis more annoying? That birthday party mention? Who would think that was funny? And Felicity please cancel that birthday and dump that toxic ‘friendship’. I hope Stan isn’t working with Diaz. I want him to be a run of the mill psycho. Edited November 20, 2018 by Chaser 15 Link to comment
tangerine95 November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 I like Felicity's storyline this season but I also think they're kinda going over the top with this idea that Felicity is so dark rn and she's never been dark,she's always been "squicky clean" or whatever.I just don't think that's the case and she's always been okay with some morally grey stuff and even if she had killed Diaz it wouldn't have been that unimaginable for Felicity.It feels like they emphasize the darkness stuff to make the audience believe in villain Felicity in the future. I do like the fact that she's getting this consistent focus instead of her usual one episode arcs and that it seems like her issues won't be ignored this time and she'll deal with the trauma she's going through even after Oliver is out.I just hope they don't ignore the fact that no one wanted to help her and don't actually believe what they've shown is Felicity pushing Digg away because that's not the case at all imo. The newbies continue to be the worst.I don't think a character has annoyed me as much as Curtis does.Someone being that self centered and still be considered a hero by the narrative isn't something you see very often.And I genuinely don't get why they keep him around,the character brings nothing,not even comic relief at this point.Rene was more tolerable this season for a bit but ofc he has zero loyalty to anyone.Dinah is just boring and badly acted at best and insufferable at worst.BS hasn't been as bad as I was expecting,I actually enjoyed some of her scene with Felicity but I think her redemption arc is basically a joke.It was unbelievably easy and fast for someone who had shown that much enjoyment in killing and being a villain.If they wanted a redemption that lame,at least they could have downplayed her villainy,why make her that bad in the first place. 8 Link to comment
Featherhat November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 25 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said: I will say though that Diggle not liking Felicity stepping out of her box is a pretty consistent theme for his character. S5 he made some speech about her going dark as well. I remember it vaguely irking me a little. S3 he told her to be nice to Oliver (or something like that) after Oliver got jealous of Ray. At least in the previous seasons he still loved her though which made it more tolerable. Yeah it's not completely out of character for Digg. Although it always has been annoying, especially because his own wife has always worked for a "grey" black ops organisation and he's okay with that until their 1 ep per season as a couple. Hell *everything* they've done is technically that. She technically should go to prison for life as well for the hacking. That said, this time around there is no way to spin it as him reaching out or even him telling her it's what her husband, his best friend would want (he's usually taken Oliver's side over her's in recent seasons). He didn't even treat her as any other woman and child desperate to get the crazy asshole off their backs who had just been thisclose to being brutally murdered. He treated her as a nuisance who should just mail Oliver divorce papers and not bother him with her shit anymore. 20 minutes ago, Chaser said: Are they intentionally making Curtis more annoying? That birthday party mention? Who would think that was funny? And Felicity please cancel that birthday and dump that toxic ‘friendship’. I keep thinking they must be doing it deliberately but it's not moving the narrative (which I guess Alien!Dig is) and it's not funny and it doesn't seem a set up for realising he's an ass and character growth so I have no idea. 8 Link to comment
insomniadreams88 November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 1 hour ago, apinknightmare said: He's such a terrible friend. And the maddening thing is I know he's going to rat her out to Oliver like he's actually concerned, even though he wasn't concerned enough about her to check up on her, or to ask her if he could help in any other way, or even to try and help on his own. Yep. I can't get over the fact that Diggle hasn't once asked Felicity how she is, but I expect him to act like he's been a "good brother" to Oliver and has been doing everything he can for his family. I'm already angry at Diggle for things he hasn't done yet, just based on what he has done these past few episodes. 1 hour ago, Mellowyellow said: I will say though that Diggle not liking Felicity stepping out of her box is a pretty consistent theme for his character. S5 he made some speech about her going dark as well. I remember it vaguely irking me a little. S3 he told her to be nice to Oliver (or something like that) after Oliver got jealous of Ray. At least in the previous seasons he still loved her though which made it more tolerable. True. The problem is that in S3, he was at least siding with Oliver, over Felicity, yes, but still with Oliver. Now, he's actually siding against them both and doesn't even seem to realize it/care. 41 minutes ago, Featherhat said: He didn't even treat her as any other woman and child desperate to get the crazy asshole off their backs who had just been thisclose to being brutally murdered. He treated her as a nuisance who should just mail Oliver divorce papers and not bother him with her shit anymore. I keep thinking they must be doing it deliberately but it's not moving the narrative (which I guess Alien!Dig is) and it's not funny and it doesn't seem a set up for realising he's an ass and character growth so I have no idea. I doubt it's deliberate. I don't think they even realize that they're making it seem like Diggle's priorities are as follows: 1. His family (pretty much the only one I agree with, though his family is off-screen 90% of the time and he doesn't even really mention them) 2. ARGUS 3. Dinah 4. Curtis 5. Rene 6. Zoe 7. Random ARGUS agents 8. Dinah 9. Curtis 10. Star City 11. ARGUS 12. Catching bad guys who aren't Diaz 13. That painting 14. The GA suit, if they ever feel like bringing that/conflict between Oliver and Diggle back ... 50? Maybe Oliver? 51? Felicity and William 7 Link to comment
Chris24601 November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 4 hours ago, Featherhat said: Cause I'd rather watch Oliver and Felicity (re)join the Bratva for shady activities with fun, charismatic DN/Anatoly than anything else on screen for the most part. I would absolutely watch that show. Ollie and Felicity having to make compromises with the Bratva (basically a work with the lesser evils to keep the bigger ones in check) in order to keep Star City safe would be a much more interesting show than watching the self-righteous NTA+Diggle show. Hell, I think Not-Laurel could even have a place in such a show. Actually, I’d probably have much less of problem with Dinah and Curtis (and, sadly, Diggle) if they’d just own that they’re self-interested self-righteous obstructive bureaucrat types the heroes have to work around. At least then they’d have a clear narrative purpose to their continued presence on my screen. I’m here for the story of Oliver Queen (so Felicity and William by extension). Everyone else is tolerated only to the extent that they service Ollie’s story. I’m NOT here to watch the story of Captain Drake, bitchy incompetent police administrator or Curtis the whiney guy who blames everyone but himself for his problems or Diggle the pod-person who was content to let his self-proclaimed brother Ollie rot in prison and his family be put through hell because he and his family had it good now. My hope is that the new Green Arrow is some variant of Connor Hawke (only Robert’s son instead of Ollie’s in this version) just because that would actually service Ollie’s story in some way in addition to being more effective than all of NTA put together. 6 Link to comment
CloudySky November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 Haven't read all the comments yet so sorry if this has been discussed. Who is the girl in the flashforwards? There's William, Roy, Dinah and ??? I feel like we're supposed to know and found out in a previous episode but I have no idea and it's driving me crazy! Link to comment
bijoux November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 Zoe, Rene’s daughter. She was revealed in the flashforwards in the same episode in which Dinah gave her a canary pin in the present. Link to comment
Guest November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 (edited) I can't get over the fact that the NTA a-holes and Diggle all celebrated like they'd actually been the ones hunting down Diaz for 6 months. And then to rub salt in the wound, they left Felicity visibly upset only for Diggle to not comfort her at all. Haven't any of these horrible people ever heard of a hug or maybe thought to ask if she's okay? Maybe mention Oliver and wish he was there, too? I HATE THEM SO MUCH. What are these writers doing? Every week I only end up hating them even more. This is ridiculous. Edited November 20, 2018 by Guest Link to comment
way2interested November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 Just now, Angel12d said: I can't get over the fact that the NTA a-holes and Diggle all celebrated like they'd actually been the ones hunting down Diaz for 6 months. To be fair, the newbies were the ones celebrating and left for drinks (Diggle even cut into their "we deserve the credit" talk to remind them that Diaz was the target, not their desire for credit). Diggle told Felicity that she was the one who did it and asked how she was feeling, and then Felicity covered up and was saying she couldn't be better, to which then Diggle looked skeptical and then it cut away from the scene. Diggle wasn't great, but I actually liked him in that quick moment 2 Link to comment
Quark November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 Felicity, Laurel and Oliver are the only compelling characters this season (so far at least). Link to comment
Guest November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 1 minute ago, way2interested said: To be fair, the newbies were the ones celebrating and left for drinks (Diggle even cut into their "we deserve the credit" talk to remind them that Diaz was the target, not their desire for credit). Diggle told Felicity that she was the one who did it and asked how she was feeling, and then Felicity covered up and was saying she couldn't be better, to which then Diggle looked skeptical and then it cut away from the scene. Diggle wasn't great, but I actually liked him in that quick moment Diggle has been so cold to Felicity this whole season so far. He didn't treat or speak to her like a friend of 6 years. Link to comment
apinknightmare November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 4 minutes ago, way2interested said: Diggle told Felicity that she was the one who did it and asked how she was feeling, and then Felicity covered up and was saying she couldn't be better, to which then Diggle looked skeptical and then it cut away from the scene. I'm really proud of him for mustering up the strength to do the bare minimum. 14 Link to comment
way2interested November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 1 minute ago, Angel12d said: Diggle has been so cold to Felicity this whole season so far. He didn't treat or speak to her like a friend of 6 years. I wasn't saying anything about this season, I was referencing the scene that you were referencing Just now, apinknightmare said: I'm really proud of him for mustering up the strength to do the bare minimum. Just pointing it out since him not doing it would have been another slight against him anyway Link to comment
bijoux November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 One thing I have to give to the show is that it managed to surprise me. Never did I expect collective dumping on Diggle here. One I support, mind you. Oliver? Sure. That's like a biannual event, but not Dig really. And not for this long of a stretch. 12 Link to comment
apinknightmare November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 8 minutes ago, way2interested said: Just pointing it out since him not doing it would have been another slight against him anyway Not criticizing you, just him - and this stupid storyline that has him being a terrible friend. Although, I can't really blame it on this season - he's been falling down this hole for a while now. 7 Link to comment
Guest November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 6 minutes ago, bijoux said: One thing I have to give to the show is that it managed to surprise me. Never did I expect collective dumping on Diggle here. One I support, mind you. Oliver? Sure. That's like a biannual event, but not Dig really. And not for this long of a stretch. They needed a reason for Felicity to turn to BS so they've completely screwed Diggle over. There's been a lot of casualties in making LL relevant over the years. Diggle is just another one to add to the list, unfortunately. Link to comment
Featherhat November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 (edited) It's just a combination of things so far for me. Seeming not *care* she was seconds away from being murdered (because his shitty organisation failed). Telling her to get over it when she begged for help. Seemingly not a bit worried about Oliver but palling around with Curtis on random ARGUS stuff, caring *on screen* about his friendship with him and Dinah etc. THEN the outright lie that she pushed him away.... And no good explanation from him about any of this. Other times he could be a dick, especially about Oliver over Felicity and wanting her somewhat in a box but this is just nasty on all levels. I get the need to pal her up with BS and Anatoly etc but there's no need to make him such an asshole, hypocritical douche. Like there were better ways to accomplish this, that doesn't include *all* of my above or makes him have something else massive to worry about. Then again I guess NTA was like at least 50% right about last year supposedly. And I didn't even think they were 5% right. Edited November 20, 2018 by Featherhat 5 Link to comment
calliope1975 November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 2 hours ago, Chaser said: I’ve begrudgingly enjoyed the Felicity/Siren team up this season but the ‘redemption’ just makes me roll my eyes. Instead of speeches about good and bad, I wish they would just have her snark something like “I get it, I melted a few brains and maybe kidnapped some people, but I’m trying! I got the pantsuit and everything!” Doing the poor lost girl routine doesn’t work with me. I don't think there's anything that will make me ever enjoy KC on this show. It's just not going to happen for me. I may not hate the character so much if she owned who she is though. I'd welcome a quasi-redemption story line with Anatoly because he's never pretended to be anything other than who he is - a ruthless member of the Bratva. BS' wishy washy I'm good now, oh wait, I'm going to murder a judge because she didn't accept my useless legal argument isn't going to cut it. And again, 1 or 2 or 5 good things don't make up for murdering innocent people for funsies. 9 Link to comment
Aeryn13 November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 Because of that stupid, mean-spirited KA-tweet, I was terrified for poor Anatoly. Praise Beebo he is alright. Now can someone please fix Diggle. When did he turn into such a terrible-friend, noob-loving, Argus-flunkie? 4 Link to comment
insomniadreams88 November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 For me, it's not just that Diggle is all Mr. ARGUS and acting like he doesn't care about Felicity. It's that he manages to find time to care about Dinah, Curtis and Zoe and is now acting like he's the wronged party ("you pushed me out"). 8 minutes ago, apinknightmare said: this stupid storyline that has him being a terrible friend. Although, I can't really blame it on this season - he's been falling down this hole for a while now. Yep. And I HATE that he's a better friend to NTA, people who turned their backs on him, Oliver and Felicity last season. They really are never going to bring that up again, are they? Never going to bring up the fact that Curtis hacked the chip in Diggle's arm and deliberately hurt him. Honestly, if this is the Diggle we're getting from now on, I don't even know if I want to see him in the flashforwards. We'd probably just get more Diggle/Dinah scenes, maybe one line about "dead" Felicity, probably "I tried to stop her, I really did, but she refused to listen." 13 Link to comment
Kymmi November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 15 hours ago, statsgirl said: I loved Felicity's password in the future to get into the bunker. But if William can't shoot, was it all set up for Roy? Did she know Roy was on the island, wearing his red leather suit like a tropical Miss Haversham? I can't express enough admiration for this line. Tropical Miss Havisham, indeed! 2 Link to comment
DeadZeus November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 (edited) And here i was... Hoping Oliver knew Stanley was a rat from the beginning and is just playing along until the right moment presents itself… But nope, he JUST found out... Guess i give the writers still too much credit to write a competent Oliver. However now he found out i still hope he plays along and turns the tables on whatever Stanley/Diaz has planned. But i think this would have been more impactful if the show didn't tell us that Oliver was on to Stanley... Very weak that Oliver suspects Turner did it... And i hate Brick… Dno why he's so smug when Oliver can just smack him around… Which i hope will happen soon. Sidenote: anyone else notice that one episode Oliver gets action, TA doesn't. Then TA gets action, Oliver doesnt. It's been like that the entire season so far lmao. Edited November 20, 2018 by DeadZeus Link to comment
Chaser November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 7 minutes ago, DeadZeus said: And here i was... Hoping Oliver knew Stanley was a rat from the beginning and is just playing along until the right moment presents itself… But nope, he JUST found out... Guess i give the writers still too much credit to write a competent Oliver. What did Stanley do that was shady before this episode? I don't think there were any red flags for Oliver to miss. 3 Link to comment
bijoux November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 Plus, I don’t think this episode laid any proof he’s a rat, only a murderer. You know, only. 3 Link to comment
jay741982 November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 1 hour ago, Angel12d said: They needed a reason for Felicity to turn to BS so they've completely screwed Diggle over. There's been a lot of casualties in making LL relevant over the years. Diggle is just another one to add to the list, unfortunately. Not Just BS but the Newbs as well. Felicity should not be turning to a woman who murdered for fun and kissing her ass like she was in this episode OR Turning to a guy who sold out her Husband and tried to put an ax in him. Nor be friends with A man who once tricked her into digesting Nanites so he could track her. Diggle being friends with this asshole who fucked with the implant in his arm is Infuriating as well 2 Link to comment
KenyaJ November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 1 hour ago, bijoux said: One thing I have to give to the show is that it managed to surprise me. Never did I expect collective dumping on Diggle here. One I support, mind you. Oliver? Sure. That's like a biannual event, but not Dig really. And not for this long of a stretch. LOL. No kidding. It hurts to be so mad at Diggle right now. I hate that I literally dread seeing him in scenes these days because I just know he's going to make me angry. I hate that Oliver and Felicity were willing to do anything to free him from prison, but the thought of Oliver spending the rest of his life in prison barely registers for him. I hate that he hasn't so much as asked Felicity how she's holding up. But most of all, I hate that I don't know if if the writers know that Diggle is being a shitty friend and plan to address it in future episodes or if it's merely the collateral damage of trying to make Felicity/Rene and Felicity/Laurel happen and now the writers are shocked by how people are reacting to Diggle. I want it to be the former, but I fear it's the latter. 13 Link to comment
Guest November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 Someone explain to me BS's face after Felicity asked her if Oliver was coming home? She frowned at her and looked confused for a moment before remembering to smile. Haha. Is that just her way of acting like "Ew she's crying, what do I do?!" or is it supposed to mean something else? 🤔 Link to comment
Delphi November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 ... can someone please explain to me how Laurel has become one of my favourite characters? Seriously, at this point I just want to watch a show with her, Felicity and Anatoli doing random shit. Because they are becoming the only characters I can stand in the present. While in the future I can only stand Roy and William. I'm not sure what shady shit Felicity and Oliver did, but I am one million percent certain I'm not on Dinah's side. 2 Link to comment
CTrent29 November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 Quote Finally, I knew that this show would take the shortcut to Siren's redemption, but even by this show's usual half-assed measures, they have laid this shit on too thick. Her speech to Oliver at the end about everyone having good and bad in them was beyond laughable. Girl, we saw you snapping people's necks for funsies a year ago. You don't get to give self-righteous speeches to anyone. The only thing she's good for is this gif, which I have been laughing at since this afternoon. I CHEERED. I cheered, because I think Oliver is the same self-righteous d**k that he has always been since Day One. If I had been Laurel, I would have stopped acting on his behalf. Link to comment
Popular Post apinknightmare November 20, 2018 Popular Post Share November 20, 2018 (edited) 17 minutes ago, CTrent29 said: I CHEERED. I cheered, because I think Oliver is the same self-righteous d**k that he has always been since Day One. Yeah, it's really weird how he was a dick to a woman who conspired with THREE different villains, who have all repeatedly tried to kill Oliver and his family (and successfully got his son's mother killed). I can't imagine why he wasn't warm and welcoming to her. Huh. Edited November 20, 2018 by apinknightmare 29 Link to comment
Featherhat November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 (edited) Oliver can be a dick but she's really the last character that self righteousness should be coming from, although I guess that bar got significantly lowered for the vast majority of the rest of them over the last season. Although KC still has an almost default setting for snotty as BS as she did before IMO. She's not working with them out of the goodness of her heart and is still pretending publicly to be their dead friend. I didn't mind Anatoly's S5/6 hissy fits/self righteousness so much because DN is a charismatic actor and the characters have such a complicated history together. BS not so much. I am wondering what they're planning on doing with her in the future because DD is unfortunately still around in the FFs and we don't need 2 similar characters hanging around (providing this "redemption" sticks) snarking, screaming and pouting hypocritically. Edited November 20, 2018 by Featherhat 3 Link to comment
Mary0360 November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 1 hour ago, Angel12d said: Someone explain to me BS's face after Felicity asked her if Oliver was coming home? She frowned at her and looked confused for a moment before remembering to smile. Haha. Is that just her way of acting like "Ew she's crying, what do I do?!" or is it supposed to mean something else? 🤔 KCs acting ability. 5 Link to comment
Aeryn13 November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 Quote Yeah, it's really weird how he was a dick to a woman who conspired with THREE different villains, who have all repeatedly tried to kill Oliver and his family (and successfully got his son's mother killed). I can't imagine why he wasn't warm and welcoming to her. Huh. Not to mention the stupidity of her final "`noone is just good or bad" speech. By that logic, everyone should be lining up to give 3D a shot at redemption. At his point, Diggle had being a self-righteous dick covered. He dared to say that he didn`t give up? Of course he did and his great advice to Felicity earlier in the Season was to do the same. He still made time for his noob friends, though. And the noobs celebrating themselves with Curtis having the gall to go "this is what happens when we work together". Althewhile whining over his birthday. Diiiiiiieeeeeeee. So far former villains have been more helpful to Felicity this Season, both Laurel and Anatoly in this episode. At least his advice wasn`t "eh, write off Oliver". 6 Link to comment
KenyaJ November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 15 minutes ago, Featherhat said: She's not working with them out of the goodness of her heart and is still pretending publicly to be their dead friend. This is why it was so ridiculous for her to snot to Oliver about how she's not "Your Laurel . . . I'm me." Out yourself, leave the DA's office, and get a discernible personality and then we can reassess. But as long as she continues pretending to be E1 Laurel, she can spare us the pronouncements about who she really is. Quote I am wondering what they're planning on doing with her in the future because DD is unfortunately still around in the FFs and we don't need 2 similar characters hanging around (providing this "redemption" sticks) snarking, screaming and pouting hypocritically. This is why I've never understood the desire to redeem her in the first place. Silencer has already proven that two canary cries aren't better than one, so I'm curious to see what point she's going to serve. Then again, none of the newbies serve a point either, so why should Laurel be any different? 6 Link to comment
apinknightmare November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 14 minutes ago, KenyaJ said: This is why it was so ridiculous for her to snot to Oliver about how she's not "Your Laurel . . . I'm me." Out yourself, leave the DA's office, and get a discernible personality and then we can reassess. But as long as she continues pretending to be E1 Laurel, she can spare us the pronouncements about who she really is. "I'm my own person!" she says as she retreats back into an office that she only has because she can pretend to be a person who looks just like her. A+ amazing. 11 Link to comment
Guest November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 42 minutes ago, Mary0360 said: KCs acting ability. 😂😂 Link to comment
Chaser November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 1 hour ago, apinknightmare said: Yeah, it's really weird how he was a dick to a woman who conspired with THREE different villains, who have all repeatedly tried to kill Oliver and his family (and successfully got his son's mother killed). I can't imagine why he wasn't warm and welcoming to her. Huh. This is why I can’t get behind a full redemption story. I can’t see BS being apart of the Team. It’s one thing to Team up with a common goal, it’s a whole other thing to be teammates and hang out socially. If they call her good and the arc done, I want her sent back to E2. 3 Link to comment
Mellowyellow November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 To me the writing in this episode read like she's still a serial killer slowly learning not to be a serial killer. Everything pointed to that except her speech to Oliver which was weird and out of place. But maybe she believes what she's preaching in her head. She's got very basic emotions which still rule her. She got mad everyone was mean to her so she bailed. Felicity convinced her to help so she tried to help and then she got very angry when the judge didn't give her what she wanted so she hunted the judge. One track mind. The look at the end she looked like she didn't understand what the fuss was about Felicity being so happy her husband was back until her brain computed "Husband back is a good thing for Felicity. Smile like you're happy because that's the right thing to do." I don't buy into her redemption because she's still batshit crazy but it's like she's trying to learn not to be crazy. I will say though 7 seasons and EBR seems to be the only person KC manages to look warm towards. No wonder they stuck BS with Felicity. 7 Link to comment
catrox14 November 20, 2018 Share November 20, 2018 2 hours ago, CTrent29 said: I CHEERED. I cheered, because I think Oliver is the same self-righteous d**k that he has always been since Day One. If I had been Laurel, I would have stopped acting on his behalf. I understand if you hate Oliver that speech would have felt good, for Oliver hating reasons. But it still has no merit on its face because BS was awful. It's 100% hypocrisy for her to lecture Oliver. He gave her a chance initially and she fucked him over repeatedly. And how much weight is there when it's not actually Laurel giving him the business? She is a totally different character. It's just a cheap way to get some kind of stupid redemption story for BS. I am hoping she's still working for Diaz because I don't see her ever changing. Not even for Quentin (RIP). 13 Link to comment
mxc90 November 21, 2018 Share November 21, 2018 (edited) 18 hours ago, apinknightmare said: can't remember - the team knows that Diaz stole super serum, right? Or did they not know what the drug he stole did? I believe they should know he stole it. It's in ARGUS' inventory but I don't believe we saw it ever discussed. That serum wasn't super tonight. Whatever he took didn't help stop Diggle's knock out punch! Only thing missing was Chris Tucker standing over him! This show has a habit of doing the "if I get my hands on [insert name], I'm gonna kill him/her". This episode, Felicity spoke with Anatoly with so much anger of killing Diaz and when she had her moment (way before Laurel walked in) nothing. She monologue me to death. Last season, Diaz questioned Caden why didn't he kill Oliver when he had the opportunity. Later we see Diaz with the same opportunity and he couldn't kill him. Yes Dinah, I'm just as shocked as you Rene took down the Silencer a few episodes back! Edited November 21, 2018 by mxc90 Link to comment
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