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Cast in Other Roles


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Starting production in spring does put a question mark though on Lea's potential spring/summer tour she talked about before.

She was never doing that tour. That was polite noise after she blew off the first one with an excuse about tv that didn't happen until months later.

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^^ That sounds about right now that I think of it. I took it as future plans because there wasn't anything else we knew she was tied to, and never gave it a second thought really.

Edited by fakeempress
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I would agree that she isn't doing that tour.  Her record sales were decent but not huge and I don't know if she has the financial backing to do a tour unless it is fairly small venues.  For that matter I know she has said there will be a second album but I am skeptical on that front as well.   As I said her album sales were decent but they fell off quickly and there is the question if  an album done while not in the "Glee" spotlight will be successful.

Edited by camussie
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I think if nothing else happened she could have done  tour dates but I never saw Lea as a full on touring act.   Matt Morrison does concerts all the time. Lea could and may still do something like that at some point.


I think it was her intention to do some touring but nothing on a big scale.

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Yea,  I imagine Lea would do a few concerts or smaller venue shows.  She isn't really an act that can support a full-on tour.  Not the typical kind anyway.  She could maybe do an opening act on a larger tour (although I can't really think of any she'd fit), but I honestly don't see her as someone that's gung ho about a full-on pop star career.  I do think she will make a second album at some point though.


A regular gig on another network television show is a pretty awesome gig for her.  It's not exactly something that's easy to land.

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I'd love it if she did a mixed original pop/Broadway songs tour, but that probably wouldn't reach a wide audience!  I just don't really see her as a modern pop star.  

Idina does this sort of tour of decent sized opera houses. I've been. One doesn't have to be Katy Perry to turn a profit on a tour. Lea seems more into her tv deals. Cash those checks if you can get them.

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No not surprised she seems to have a good track record with people she has worked with.  Spring Awakening Director Michael Mayer hired her 4 separate times to be his Wendla  plus  2 other  workshops and  the director of Les Mis who discovered her hire her years later for the Hollywood Bowl.



I thought they would work together again but thought it would have been a project further down the road.

Edited by tom87
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I think Lea could easily be successful if she wanted to go the Matthew/Idina route of performing "Broadway standards with pop mixed in" at decent sized opera houses.  The question is does she want to go that direction with her music career?  Her last album was very much pop focused and, unlike both Matthew and Idina, she hasn't nurtured her ties to the Broadway community these last few years through a steady stream of performances at various events, etc.    Since the people who produce those events would also be the ones to produce a tour like I described above that tells me right now that direction doesn't interest her.  That could change and I hope it does.  If it does I would expect to first see her listed as a special guest star at various Broadway benefits and tributes.  Maybe even a cabaret show or two at 54 below.  

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I've decided I need Amber to get a role on Empire. The singing aspect would be perfect for her. Maybe Cookie could manage her character.


This is what I want for Amber too. But I don't think it will happen because she doesn't seems to be all that interested in an acting career. But I would totally love seeing her on it. 

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Melissa was the nominal female lead, the girlfriend of Miles Teller.


She essentially plays a "Marley" type character, minor,  but she's quite good in the role.


She's basically the only female role in the film. There might have been some featured extras who were women but I honestly don't recall that many of them speaking. Melissa only appeared in a handful of scenes, but she was good in those few scenes she did pop up in so it's pretty cool that she might get to attend the Oscars for her work.  



On one hand… ugh Ryan Murphy. He’s a self-important egomaniac with no regard for the majority of his cast unless they’re one of his chosen few, and I hate the idea of being lured into watching another one of his shows. 


On the other hand… his more recent projects have gotten some critical acclaim and he seems to do slightly better with anthologies than he does with long-running series so there’s a chance that the show might not suck because he won’t get bored with it after a season or two. And Lea’s commitment could easily be just the one season. Also, I’m not exactly against the idea of her being on my TV again regularly, just hoping the show is actually good. 

Edited by SadieT
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On one hand… ugh Ryan Murphy. He’s a self-important egomaniac with no regard for the majority of his cast unless they’re one of his chosen few, and I hate the idea of being lured into watching another one of his shows.

On the other hand… his more recent projects have gotten some critical acclaim and he seems to do slightly better with anthologies than he does with long-running series so there’s a chance that the show might not suck because he won’t get bored with it after a season or two. And Lea’s commitment could easily be just the one season.



This is how I look at it.  It's Ryan Murphy so on one hand *groan* but there is no denying this ideas/shows/projects do tend to take off.   Not all become phenomenons like Nip/Tuck or Glee but they due draw note and frequently, praise within the industry.


It was very wise of Ms. Michele to cultivate a positive relationship with RM through these last years even if (I'm guessing) had to go home and hate some of the drivel Glee has forced her to do through the seasons.

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it's funny because motherhood does seem to have changed Heather's outlook on being an actress.  Before she was publicly "I'm not interesting that much in acting" and now  she's booking acting gigs left and right.  Probably thinking of future college cost for the baby, LOL.    Good for Heather if that is now what she wants !

Edited by caracas1914
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it's funny because motherhood does seem to have changed Heather's outlook on being an actress.  Before she was publicly "I'm no interesting that much in acting" and show she's booking acting gigs left and right.  Probably thinking of future college cost for the baby, LOL.    Good for Heather if that is now what she wants !

I suspected that would be the case. I remember back when she got pregnant and then they had her character leave the show, I saw a lot of speculation in some places, that she was going to ride off into the sunset never to be seen again. I know she had talked a lot about wanting a family and being a mom and being a little iffy on the whole acting thing. But I kind of suspected after the baby came might be a different story. Kids cost money! LOL! And I know she and her boyfriend are still together and raising the baby together, but last I heard he was a college student. I'm not sure what he is doing now, and I'm sure he is doing his part, but I think it is safe to say that right now Heather probably is the one with the best opportunity to bring in a good income. Or maybe after she had the baby she found that balancing the two wasn't as difficult as she thought. I say good for her!

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I got the impression that Heather kind of burned out on celebrity and perhaps on acting as a result of the rigours of Glee.  Perhaps taking a break from all that lead to her discovering she missed it more than she thought she would (and I'm sure the money is nice too).

Edited by SeanC
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Is anyone else sort of surprised that we haven't heard about Darren's post-"Glee" plans yet?

Not really. This season regulars are just starting to reveal their post-Glee plans, except for Chris' movie which has been in the pipeline for a long time.

Wow, go Melissa. That's the second Glee alum as a Marvel superhero.

Took me a ridiculous amount of time to figure who you meant. Which is weird as I just watched The Flash.

Also, didn't Marley dress up as Supergirl on Glee?

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Wow, go Melissa. That's the second Glee alum as a Marvel superhero.

Actually, it's DC.  :)  Marvel is Agents of SHIELD, Agent Carter and all those movies.  Arrow, Flash, Supergirl, Constantine and Gotham are all DC.


But that's awesome for Melissa.  I had seen a recent Instagram she posted with blonde hair... probably for her audition.

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Not really. This season regulars are just starting to reveal their post-Glee plans, except for Chris' movie which has been in the pipeline for a long time.

Took me a ridiculous amount of time to figure who you meant. Which is weird as I just watched The Flash.

Also, didn't Marley dress up as Supergirl on Glee?

We've heard about Matt, Jane, Lea, and Kevin too. Edited by Sara2009
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We've heard about Matt, Jane, Lea, and Kevin too.


And Heather. I feel like Heather has more coming up than anyone: the lead in a Hallmark movie, the co-lead in some horror movie, and now that comedy that was announced the other day.

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And Heather. I feel like Heather has more coming up than anyone: the lead in a Hallmark movie, the co-lead in some horror movie, and now that comedy that was announced the other day.

I'll bet all the money I have they're all dumb blonde roles.

She should have a fairly lengthy career, Hollywood can't get enough of dumb blondes.

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Although I think this is awesome for Melissa, I have big doubts on CBS launching a superhero show.  For DC, if it isn't batman or superman, it can be tough to get an audience, and Supergirl (relatively speaking) isn't that popular.  I feel like it could work on the CW like the Flash, but CBS just seems to skew too old.  Hopefully they'll prove me wrong though.

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Although I think this is awesome for Melissa, I have big doubts on CBS launching a superhero show.  For DC, if it isn't batman or superman, it can be tough to get an audience, and Supergirl (relatively speaking) isn't that popular.  I feel like it could work on the CW like the Flash, but CBS just seems to skew too old.  Hopefully they'll prove me wrong though.


I was thinking the same thing. I'm glad she have the chance to do this, but I think it would have a better chance of succeeding if it was on CW or even FOX because they are geared toward the younger audience, which I think this show will need. It would have paired perfectly with The Flash. 


But since I think CBS company also owned CW, they can always transfer the show over there if it's good but is not working for their network.

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But since I think CBS company also owned CW, they can always transfer the show over there if it's good but is not working for their network.

It's not that easy to simply transfer a show over to a rival network even if it is a joint venture with CBS.  There's lots of behind the scenes stuff, but it'll be interesting to see it all play out.  I think Berlanti's production company is under the Warner flag so that might actually help. The premise of the show sounds pretty good.  I'll probably check it out at the very least and Berlanti has been pretty successful with Arrow and Flash.  Hopefully they can get an audience on CBS.

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Is anyone else sort of surprised that we haven't heard about Darren's post-"Glee" plans yet?

Nope, only because I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't have any.


Go Melissa though! I was not a fan of her character, but I don't blame her for being stuck in a crappy character with crappy writing. I'm happy she's finding success post-Glee!

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Marley was a complete bore and that goes mostly to the writers but the actors still have some responsibility for it too.  But that also doesn't mean she can bring something interesting to a new character.


So good luck to her.  I find the superhero market a bit saturated but certainly not of females, so go for it

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"Marley" as Supergirl SEEMS weird until you think about the fact that since DC currently uses a "Red Sun" explanation for the Superpowers (rather than the older even more ridiculous "super-heavy world" one) that a slightly looking girl probably works just fine.  And the artwork for Supergirl has always insisted she's a total twig (whereas her alternate version, Power Girl is super-muscular, so that bit never totally made sense).

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I will laugh so hard if Melissa's show does extremely well and she wins awards for it. It'd be like the ultimate payback for her and the rest of the newbies being used as scapegoats for the show declining when the real issue is RIB's crappy writing.Good for her! I wish her well.

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I will laugh so hard if Melissa's show does extremely well and she wins awards for it. It'd be like the ultimate payback for her and the rest of the newbies being used as scapegoats for the show declining when the real issue is RIB's crappy writing.Good for her! I wish her well.

I will bet you a healthy sum of money that a superhero show, even on one of the founding three broadcast networks, isn't going to win awards.  Even if it was totally made of gold, with the best writing and acting possible.

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I will bet you a healthy sum of money that a superhero show, even on one of the founding three broadcast networks, isn't going to win awards.  Even if it was totally made of gold, with the best writing and acting possible.

Maybe not win a major award, but no reason it can't get some nods in the bigger ceremonies (Globes, SAG, Emmy) or even a win in some smaller ones (Critic's Choice, People's Choice, or even niche shows like Teen Choice, NewNowNext, Young Hollywood, etc).

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Maybe not win a major award, but no reason it can't get some nods in the bigger ceremonies (Globes, SAG, Emmy) or even a win in some smaller ones (Critic's Choice, People's Choice, or even niche shows like Teen Choice, NewNowNext, Young Hollywood, etc).

PCAs, TCAs yes, but Critics, Globes, SAGs or Emmys's I don't see, especially based on Arrow and The Flash (the other Berlanti shows). I can be more optimistic about Gotham of the current superhero shows, but it's network.


Good for Melissa! Is it still for a pilot, or directly to series - I'm pretty sure they'll order it anyway. And it can go over to CW if it doesn't work well on CBS, I can't remember which but there was a show that I think was transferred, or originally intended for CBS and ended up on CW.

Edited by fakeempress
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Ringer? I believe that was initially developed for CBS, but it was decided it would be a better fit on the CW. And after watching it...yeah, not a CBS show.

Edited by indeed
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