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Yolanda Hadid: My Love, My Lemons, My Lyme Disease.

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18 minutes ago, phoenix780 said:

I love the quote in that article where she talks about how courageous she is to show her "raw unedited" story. Her social media was anything but raw. That's not a dig, it's just how social media works. It's where we selectively tell our stories, sometimes with edited, posed/staged photos. Nothing raw about it.  

Also, I don't really buy that she'd be told not to talk about Lyme were she to return. I think they'd force her to include her romantic life, not just Lyme, and I'm OK with that. I don't think you get to be a reality show personality and exclude elements of your life, except for underage kids. 

I agree, her story is anything but raw.  It is carefully crafted to garner sympathy and adoration for her courage and maybe even a hero for the cause.  That backfired. 

I do believe she was told to take Lyme off the table.  That may be wishful thinking but it makes sense.

I think everyone including the crew is sick of it.  It dominated the entire season and created some collateral damage with everyone ganging up on LVP to avoid calling Yo on the carpet.  

She has to show up to gatherings, parties and travel.  They are not going to coddle her again.  If she is on her Lyme bandwagon she has to continue with her non travel, white bathrobe and no make up batshittery.  Not good for Bravo or us. 

In one episode, toward the end, she made mention of no more white bathrobe.  That was when Foster was there at some gathering, on a patio, where she said she had not felt this good in a long time.  We are going to make lemonade out of lemons, she cried. 

 I sensed, at the time, that this was the beginning of her feeling better next season.  Hindsight says Bravo may have talked to her about taking a step in that direction.  She may have even been told directly that her plot line would not allow for Lyme to be a focus anymore. 

I am okay with her coming back if this is the stipulation.  I want to see how her personality works without it, in regard to the cast.  

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4 hours ago, Kokapetl said:

The book is coming out sooner rather than later. 


She never struck me as a dog sort of person. 

My battle with the Visible Stupidity of Doctor Shopping.

As an animal and pet lover, seeing that asshole with the dog, irks the eff out of me.

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1 hour ago, ElDosEquis said:

My battle with the Visible Stupidity of Doctor Shopping.

As an animal and pet lover, seeing that asshole with the dog, irks the eff out of me.

"Believe Me" ?? That's the title?

I guess I should be happy that it's not "My Journey".

What cute puppy! Husky? Awww. Wait, is that a tick I see? (Too soon?) 

Has YoYo ever before been seen with animals? Are we supposed to believe she's an animal lover? Hmpf, animals as props. No likey.

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1 hour ago, NewDigs said:


Has YoYo ever before been seen with animals? Are we supposed to believe she's an animal lover? Hmpf, animals as props. No likey.

We all know that Yo has a soft spot for strays - I mean she did take Brandi & Kim out for a picnic.  (probably took them outside because we all know neither of them are house broken).

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This book makes me sick. In the it-makes-me-want-to-barf way. At this point I consider Yolanda a vulture. She's making a living off of the misfortune of others. Scratch that. Vultures are an important part of the ecosystem. Yolanda is a parasite. She's a human tick, spreading disease and profiting from it.

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Regarding the book, didn't her Queen of the Lymes say she couldn't read or write (along with other things) due to her "lyme brain".  So this was dictated to someone, in between her treatments or maybe while she was in the giant Jiffy Pop thing?

If she does a book tour, how would she be able to:  1.  keep up with the tour, as it would wear her out (she couldn't get through even one dinner last season),  2.  sign/autograph the books, as she said she could not read nor write.

I wouldn't buy the book if it were at the dollar store, and it was the only thing I could burn to keep me warm on a sub zero night.  Nope, not spending one dime for anything this woman produces.

In the photo above, with Gigi as mom/stepmom, I think she looks high.  High, bewildered, and a little frightened.  The udda one, not seeing why she is  hot or hot-ish model.  She's not standing out in that photo.  

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Yolanda had a dog name Lucky.  He went to join  Snowball and all the other inconvenient RHOBH pets right before Yolanda moved.  I think the dog is a prop.

My issue is her prologue about having the balls to write the book-Dutch balls no less.  Women don't have balls.  Oh wait maybe it is a side effect of Lyme Disease.  Also Yolanda intends on dispensing her wisdom in her goal to find an affordable cure for LD. 

I am kind of hoping she is working on her book and cannot film.   We have seen Carole of RHONYC write a book.  That is all we need to see.  We have seen Brandi and others pose for covers.  No need to reinvent the wheel. 

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The body looks great; the face doesn't match the body.  Plus, I'm sure now they know once they are about to leave, she'll start in again with the Lyme disease that debilitates her.  

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21 hours ago, ElDosEquis said:

My battle with the Visible Stupidity of Doctor Shopping.

As an animal and pet lover, seeing that asshole with the dog, irks the eff out of me.

YES to all!

And how strange that for someone who is so broken down because of Lyme disease that she gets a puppy.  And a breed that is notorious for being high energy and needing someone who will give them a lot of attention and exercise.

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I doubt it's her dog - just another prop in the life of YO.   6 weeks ago she posted a pic of the same dog saying she was puppy sitting for a friend. 

As for the book, don't most people write a book like this after they have found a cure?   So basically her book is a How Not To Find A Cure For Lyme.  

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On ‎2016‎-‎06‎-‎08 at 2:53 PM, ElDosEquis said:

My battle with the Visible Stupidity of Doctor Shopping.

As an animal and pet lover, seeing that asshole with the dog, irks the eff out of me.

If only she treated human beings as well as she as she is treating that dog in the photo.

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I am kind of happy she is coming back if it true the caveat is no Lyme talk.  Many of us bonded over our shared enemy.  That can continue!  Looking forward to the next season.


I am a terrible person. 

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24 minutes ago, wings707 said:

I am kind of happy she is coming back if it true the caveat is no Lyme talk.  Many of us bonded over our shared enemy.  That can continue!  Looking forward to the next season.


I am a terrible person. 

Right there with you, wings.  lol

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15 minutes ago, wings707 said:

I am kind of happy she is coming back if it true the caveat is no Lyme talk.  Many of us bonded over our shared enemy.  That can continue!  Looking forward to the next season.


I am a terrible person. 

Then I am a terrible person too!  IRL, I try to be kind and not judgmental, but reality tv has brought out my dark side.

For example, I look at the cover of Yolanda's book and keep coming up with alternate titles/content. So far I have:

"My Journey Around the World With A Hypochondric" by Yolanda's White Jeans

"Yolanda's Big Book of Selfies: A Book for People With Foot Fetishes"

"A Tale of Two Bitches"


I think I need an intervention (I am referring to myself, but that might be a good title for Yolanda's book also).

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1 hour ago, wings707 said:

I am kind of happy she is coming back if it true the caveat is no Lyme talk.  Many of us bonded over our shared enemy.  That can continue!  Looking forward to the next season.


I am a terrible person. 

No! You are not a terrible person. If no one speaks up, assholes run rampant. I can handle an everyday, benign asshole, but that's not Yolanda. She's not oblivious. She's very deliberately using other people to access her goals. If she's on next season and isn't held accountable, I'll meet you here. If anything we can shout at the void and feel vindicated when all this "chronic Lyme disease" BS is finally debunked.

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13 minutes ago, NewDigs said:

Oh god.

I thought he was wearing a onesie at first. Though the fact that it's a "suit" also gives me pause.

Are models supposed to have only one affect? 'Cuz Gigi...

Gigi looks like she is half asleep, Anwar looks like his nose is stuffy and has to breathe through his mouth and Bella looks angry that she has to clean the house. LOL

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2 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

I don't give a flying fuck about WoeYo or any of her progeny.  Just don't care.  #MY JOURNEY = zero fucks to give.

But Yolanda from Hollanda is what this particular forum discussion is all about. 

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On 9 June 2016 at 3:30 AM, phoenix780 said:

I love the quote in that article where she talks about how courageous she is to show her "raw unedited" story. Her social media was anything but raw. That's not a dig, it's just how social media works. It's where we selectively tell our stories, sometimes with edited, posed/staged photos. Nothing raw about it.  

Also, I don't really buy that she'd be told not to talk about Lyme were she to return. I think they'd force her to include her romantic life, not just Lyme, and I'm OK with that. I don't think you get to be a reality show personality and exclude elements of your life, except for underage kids. 

(Bolding mine)

Unless you're Bethenny Frankel who, on her return to RHoNYC last season, managed to keep up the story line of being single whilst actually having a boyfriend. It continues this season...with a different boyfriend. Her romantic life is strictly off camera and not discussed, or even alluded to, on screen.

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The world of modeling is said to be the world of drugs.  I look at that picture of Gigi with her blank eyes and wonder.  Those people keep such insane hours.  They travel the world with time changes constantly, and they subsist on lettuce, with maybe the occasional pizza.  It's no wonder they need uppers to stay awake and downers to sleep.  Not saying the Hadid family is drug dependent, but it makes me wonder how Yo can want that life for her family.

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On 12 June 2016 at 0:34 AM, WireWrap said:

It does remind me of Luann's jumpsuit! LOL

Not a jumpsuit, just a lace suit with visible shoulder pads 


Ladies version, with lace umbrella hat and grommeted platform shoes.  


Anwar In HD. He doesn't looks that out of place. 


Edited by Kokapetl
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6 minutes ago, Kokapetl said:

Not a jumpsuit, just a lace suit with visible shoulder pads 


Ladies version, with lace umbrella hat and grommeted platform shoes.  


Anwar In HD. He doesn't looks that out of place. 


I could see that his was a suit, not a jumpsuit but the lace makes it similar to Luann's lace jumpsuit. I did not notice that it was a sheer lace suit with only some lining in the more private area, like the woman's version though! LOL I still think Anwar looks like a mouth breather though. These designs are OTT, all 3 of them. LOL

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The guy designing for Moschino can't do normal. That's why Bella is carrying the giant windex bottle. In that same show, there were models wearing dresses inspired by police tape, traffic cones, slippery when wet signs, hi-vis wear and those spinning mops in car washes. 


Edited by Kokapetl
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1 hour ago, Kokapetl said:

The guy designing for Moschino can't do normal. That's why Bella is carrying the giant windex bottle. In that same show, there were models wearing dresses inspired by police tape, traffic cones, slippery when wet signs, hi-vis wear and those spinning mops in car washes. 


Where's the guy with the pot belly, leaning on a shovel with an elbow?

Or the short guy that does the windshields from the milk crate....

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Back to Yo and her book for a second:  Maybe she's writing about her journey, which does not include a recovery, because she's hoping for a sequel.  With Yo, there's always a method to her madness.

I'd go for Anwar a little bit more if he had some hair on his chest. Since when do real men wear rings on their middle fingers?  The next family book may be called "The Feminization of Anwar Hadid ... from the Gridiron to the Runway."  Anwar fascinates me in a good way.

Edited by Lura
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16 minutes ago, Lura said:

 Since when do real men wear rings on their middle fingers?  The next family book may be called "The Feminization of Anwar Hadid ... from the Gridiron to the Runway."  Anwar fascinates me in a good way.

I think it is a tattoo, not a ring, but then who gets a tattoo on their middle finger! LOL

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Anwar looks sick, to me. He always does.  Even with make-up on, I can still see the pallor and circles under his eyes. Gigi is just stunning to me and I didn't think so when she first started modelling. I love that she's not stick thin.  She looks too healthy for me to think she's on drugs and when she interviews she's all sparkly and seems really clean cut.  Time will tell.  The car wash show looks fun. 

Cindy Crawford's son:  He's starting to grow into his looks.  He was always such a little pixie of a boy.  And not in a good way.  Very delicate boned and too pretty. The model in the blue umbrella hat is too old to be one of her daughters, but she sure looks like Veronica Webb.

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33 minutes ago, ryebread said:

Anwar looks sick, to me. He always does.

Well, we all know he has Lyme ;-)     I think he too will grow into his looks, but I agree, he always looks like he's on the verge of throwing up.   Maybe it's all the supplements Yo is force feeding him.

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My grandmother had those daisies in textured rubber on the bottom of her tub, which was pink, so we didn't slip.

I wish she was still alive so I could tell her how "in" she would be now.

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1 hour ago, bosawks said:

My grandmother had those daisies in textured rubber on the bottom of her tub, which was pink, so we didn't slip.

The colors and designs in Anwar's suit reminds me of the flower clouds in SpongeBob's Bikini Bottom. 


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30 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I saw the Gerber/Crawford progeny and thought Anwar you are in for some real competition-enjoy high school.

Yes.  He has mastered the skill of putting life into his face without skewing the model straight face. Good job. 

The Hadid kids are beautiful; I have nothing bad to say about them.  They are young.  

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6 hours ago, ryebread said:

Anwar looks sick, to me. He always does.  Even with make-up on, I can still see the pallor and circles under his eyes. Gigi is just stunning to me and I didn't think so when she first started modelling. I love that she's not stick thin.  She looks too healthy for me to think she's on drugs and when she interviews she's all sparkly and seems really clean cut.  Time will tell.  The car wash show looks fun. 

Cindy Crawford's son:  He's starting to grow into his looks.  He was always such a little pixie of a boy.  And not in a good way.  Very delicate boned and too pretty. The model in the blue umbrella hat is too old to be one of her daughters, but she sure looks like Veronica Webb.

Cindy Crawford's son looks too much like her. It's weird seeing her face on a man.

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