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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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I kinda worry about The Roll until Nathan returns. Will she get up to feed and change a baby? We know how well she did with Jace. Oh wait..


I know. I mean she couldn't even handle feeding dogs, she just locked them up in tiny cages and threw a hissy fit. I am worried about him too. I really hope either Barb or Nathan's parents took him "temporarily."

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I wonder if Nipples took The Roll with him when he left? According to Jenelle, she's soooo busy with school! Having to put on some scrubs and show up somewhere for a couple hours really cuts into her laying in bed time.  Having to take care of Lil' Kaiser Roll would just be too exhausting for her. Nipples is the douchiest of the douches but I honestly believe he likes The Roll. Jenelle isn't capable of liking anything but herself.

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Maybe Jenelle can fight Leah over Chelsea's Adam.  Now that Chelsea has moved on (doesn't she have a boyfriend?) we can see who would win in a Jello wrestling fight to the death between Leah and Jenelle over Adam.  Or as those two would say it Jelly 'Wrastlin.

Well, Jenelle does seem to be attracted to DUI-collectors.

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Must've been deleted. What was it?

Hmm, image loads OK for me. It's allegedly Nathan's texts claiming that he told Jenelle he was leaving, upon which she was her usual mature calm self and started knocking holes in the walls, disturbing the baby. When he tried to get her to quiet down she threatened to injure herself and then claim that he had committed domestic violence against her. Nathan says that he is leaving her for behavior like this and fears that she will 'ruin my life'. He also claims that even in light of the above, kid is better off with Jenelle than with Barb. He slams Barbara  as a 'total bitch' and accuses her of mental and physical abuse of Jace.

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Naming your kid Kaiser then referring to him as "the master race"...



And he complains that people consider the term 'master race' racist. Kind of built into the term, Nathan...what is that image on his smartphone? It looks like Nathan being sentenced to banishment in outer space. Maybe it's one of Barb's fantasies...

Edited by cheatincheetos
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"During his last year at Doorn, Wilhelm believed that Germany was the land of monarchy and therefore of Christ, and that England was the land of liberalism and therefore of Satan and the Anti-Christ. He argued that the English ruling classes were "Freemasons thoroughly infected by Juda". Wilhelm asserted that the "British people must be liberated from Antichrist Juda. We must drive Juda out of England just as he has been chased out of the Continent."[72][clarification needed] He believed the Freemasons and Jews had caused the two world wars, aiming at a world Jewish empire with British and American gold, but that "Juda's plan has been smashed to pieces and they themselves swept out of the European Continent!" Continental Europe was now, Wilhelm wrote, "consolidating and closing itself off from British influences after the elimination of the British and the Jews!"


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_II,_German_Emperor (the Kaiser)

Another blind item (http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2015/02/blind-item-1-907.html):



This Teen Mom is blackmailing her significant other. He stays and pretends they are the happy couple or if he leaves, she will release the videos of him doing drugs, and start telling the world how he is into guys and she has videos of that too.


The site's guess is Jenelle.

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What freaks me out the most is how someone with intimate knowledge of the Evans family says that Jace is better off with Jenelle than Barb. How scary is that? It makes me wonder what goes on behind closed doors.


I'd be more worried about this if it was a disinterested observer that said this; Nathan (in my opinion) is by no means impartial.  Has anyone else said this?

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I'm no fan of Nathan, but agree with you Wrestlesflamingos. Barb raised Jenelle and her sister, who both seem to be messes. Now she's raising at least Jace and it seems like his cousin too based on how often he's on camera. Barb's more stable for sure, but I don't think she's a saint by any means. Every time I see Jace I find myself wishing Jenelle had given him up for adoption.

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Even though Barb raised Jenelle and Ashley and they both turned out to be messes there is a possibility of Barb mellowing out as she gets older. Some of the shit that Jenelle and her sister did as kids (and teens) may not get to her the same way it would if Jace gets older and does the same. But who knows. I will agree that Barb is definitely way more stable...and soon enough Jace will be in school full time, (I am guessing his kindergarten is only half a day, but maybe I am wrong) and he'll maybe get the care and structure that he really needs from school and his teachers. There's a chance for him if he stays with Barb....if he were in Jenelle's custody all the time I am pretty sure he'd have been either abandoned at one of her dealers' homes, traded for heroin, or worse. Jenelle may claim she's all on the straight and narrow with Kaiser and her MA schooling, but I can't wait to see once she hits that externship and then (if?) she starts applying for real jobs. I bet she won't. Or if she does she'll get frustrated cos her past WILL come back to haunt her. You can't work in the medical field (especially around kids) without having all sorts of background checks and clearances done first. And she seems like the type to not be fully truthful, which could really bite her in the ass. Some places are willing to overlook certain things if you're honest and up front about them (like a DUI, where no one was injured for example) but if you fail to disclose and they learn that info via a check you have no chance. You'll be branded a liar and not a suitable candidate. I have no idea how the medical systems are where Jenelle lives, but here in PA most of the hospitals and doctors' offices are all networked under the same 'corporation'. If you screw up at one office, none of the others will hire you if they're in that network. She might be able to pull it off, but I really don't think she has the drive and motivation to actually put in effort and work.

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Janelle, Janelle, Janelle,


Good luck getting Jace back (not). You left him there for over 5 years, and still done nothing to improve yourself with for getting him back. No job, constant moving, constant relationship revolving and drama, dumping your second kid on his other grandparents, getting arrested, using drugs...on and on and on.


Leave that poor child alone.

Edited by LexiconDevilOne
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Janelle, Janelle, Janelle,


Good luck getting Jace back (not). You left him there for over 5 years, and still done nothing to improve yourself with for getting him back. No job, constant moving, constant relationship revolving and drama, dumping your second kid on his other grandparents, getting arrested, using drugs...on and on and on.


I was wondering about this. Do we know where her second child is?  Don't get me wrong, I don't think she wants Jace back, but I've been wondering where little Kai has been.

I was wondering about this. Do we know where her second child is?  Don't get me wrong, I don't think she wants Jace back, but I've been wondering where little Kai has been.

Probably the same place he's always at, when Janelle doesn't have him, which I've read, MOST OF THE TIME...Nathans parents house (aka, Kaisers real parents when Janelle and Nathan finally, permanently, break up.)


I doubt they'll be inclined to keep Jace, when she and Nathan, dump off Kaiser.

Heavy topic for this forum, but following Janelle's life is why I have serious questions about the reproductive justice movement. I don't support force sterilization because there's no way it can be done ethically, but if we were in some magic land where ethical violations weren't an issue, I am darned if I wouldn't support mandatory reversible birth control for anyone convicted of drug abuse. It was obvious that Janelle and Nathan were nowhere ready to be fit parents and now it's their relatives who have to pick up the slack. 


And if Nathan's parents weren't available to raise Kaiser? What would happen to him? Barbara is low-income, exhausted, and already raising at least one and maybe two of her kin. She may not be able to handle the burden she's got--she certainly couldn't add one more. Kaiser's best hope would probably be entering the foster system while he's still a baby, relatively untraumatized, healthy, and desirable, but Janelle and Nathan would have to admit they're unfit or be found unfit for that to happen. 


Having a baby just isn't something that only affects the parents and poor child. When the parents are unfit, it's a ripple effect of a burden on all of the responsible family members (and I know it's considered impolite to refer to caretaking a child as a burden, but even when there's all the love and money in the world, caretaking is a demanding responsibility that almost always entails some sacrifice).

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 but if we were in some magic land where ethical violations weren't an issue, I am darned if I wouldn't support mandatory reversible birth control for anyone convicted of drug abuse. It was obvious that Janelle and Nathan were nowhere ready to be fit parents and now it's their relatives who have to pick up the slack.


This isn't really the place for this idea. I understand the spirit of your thoughts but the concept is pretty offensive.  (Fair warning, I may put on my mod hat and remove the post.)

I guess Jenelle finally had enough of us "haters" pointing out that she hasn't even tried to get Jace back in 5 (or 6?) years & asking if she's seen him lately, because she apparently served Barbara with papers seeking custody.


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I always felt kind of proud of my scrubs too. I dunno, there seems to be a certain amount of respect to those who wear them. Nurses and doctors are generally treated as intelligent and competent people. People in the medical field are usually regarded as important. It is similar to a military uniform in that as soon as someone sees it they know what you are. But I still don't see Jenelle getting and keeping any kind of medical assistant job. Even if she does manage to land something I am sure she will crash and burn. Extra points for fist fights on the job!


I didn't have much trouble getting a job either as an MA. But then again I do not have the same criminal record as Jenelle. I can see a lot of offices being hesitant or flat out refusing to let her in because of her known drug charges. When I worked as an MA I didn't think the job was all that dirty (germy, yes), but I worked in a family practice first, then later in a GI specialty in the records area, and later as an MA (though it was more data entry really) at a large hospital's doctor's office building. I took a "medical break" for awhile cos my health has gone to hell.. but I still don't think Jenelle's future in medicine is going to be realistic.The tech school might be promising her a future, but they will tell all their students that because they want them to keep paying tuition. It's not really good business to tell your paying students they're doomed to fail and will never be able to find work. And Jenelle is too delusional to understand they're just stringing her along.


Or for screeching at a patient that they should have died in the operating room.


Jesus, what a piece of work this bitch is.


Can't MTV just show Barbara with Jace and kick Micky and Mallory to the curb???  

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Heavy topic for this forum, but following Janelle's life is why I have serious questions about the reproductive justice movement. I don't support force sterilization because there's no way it can be done ethically, but if we were in some magic land where ethical violations weren't an issue, I am darned if I wouldn't support mandatory reversible birth control for anyone convicted of drug abuse. It was obvious that Janelle and Nathan were nowhere ready to be fit parents and now it's their relatives who have to pick up the slack. 


And if Nathan's parents weren't available to raise Kaiser? What would happen to him? Barbara is low-income, exhausted, and already raising at least one and maybe two of her kin. She may not be able to handle the burden she's got--she certainly couldn't add one more. Kaiser's best hope would probably be entering the foster system while he's still a baby, relatively untraumatized, healthy, and desirable, but Janelle and Nathan would have to admit they're unfit or be found unfit for that to happen. 


Having a baby just isn't something that only affects the parents and poor child. When the parents are unfit, it's a ripple effect of a burden on all of the responsible family members (and I know it's considered impolite to refer to caretaking a child as a burden, but even when there's all the love and money in the world, caretaking is a demanding responsibility that almost always entails some sacrifI fee

I feel very much the same way. And it breaks my heart to see people like Jenelle pump out kids like it's nothing, and act like raising them is a huge inconvenience....while friends of mine are going through fertility treatments because unlike Jenelle, they can't get pregnant when the wind blows the right way. It breaks my heart that Jace and Kaiser (and a lot of the TM/2 kids) are going to grow up knowing nothing but fighting and turmoil and they were basically inconvenient "accidents" that made Mommy and Daddy some money, cos of 16&P and TM2.  I shudder to think where Jace would be now had MTV not been there...

Chelsea I would say is one of the few that are exempt to that statement. She is doing a damn good job as a mom and Aubrey is loved and Chelsea isn't needing to rely on her family to make sure Aubrey is raised properly. She is close with her family....and asks for guidance on adult things (especially involving Adumb) but as far as raising Aubrey she's in there doing all the dirty mom work herself.

Edited by fliptopbox
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Heavy topic for this forum, but following Janelle's life is why I have serious questions about the reproductive justice movement. I don't support force sterilization because there's no way it can be done ethically, but if we were in some magic land where ethical violations weren't an issue, I am darned if I wouldn't support mandatory reversible birth control for anyone convicted of drug abuse. It was obvious that Janelle and Nathan were nowhere ready to be fit parents and now it's their relatives who have to pick up the slack. 


In theory this almost wouldn't sound like a bad idea. I would love to see the Jenelle's of the world not to be able to pop out kids that they have no intention/capability to raise, nurture, and provide for. But I do feel that any laws that could be made to restrict the drug addicts/criminals of the world could end up fostering abuse of the entire concept. Like trying to ban people with different lifestyle's then the norm from having children. For instance, would a lesbian couple who wanted biological children be forced to go on birth control because some people making the laws didn't agree with their lifestyle and thought they would be unfit parents? Or that people with physical disabilities and mental problems shouldn't be allowed to have children despite otherwise being productive members of society? I know, it sounds extreme and almost like science fiction, but reading the news you find actually lawmakers in this country supporting very out there, extreme concepts. 


Sorry for being off topic and such, I just felt the other side of the equation needed to be presented. If this is too heavy and off topic for this forum (though the Teen Mom girls are the great thinkers of our time, y'all) I understand if the moderators feel the need to delete this.

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Today's Blind:


She was doing really well, but this Teen Mom is back on drugs again in a big way and has been seeing one of her exes, who she always gets back with when she starts heavy drugs. Focus on the H in heavy. Jenelle Evans/Kieffer Delp (heroin)

Unless she's putting the 'ex' in 'sex' with a certain someone who shows up naked except for a Chester Cheetah costume. Or maybe a faded football jersey from Herbert Hoover.  High... wouldn't be fair to 'rob' her of her escapes since her life is so hard, after all.

I guess Jenelle finally had enough of us "haters" pointing out that she hasn't even tried to get Jace back in 5 (or 6?) years & asking if she's seen him lately, because she apparently served Barbara with papers seeking custody.


Suspect she's secretly hoping it fails (why wouldn't it?) so she doesn't have to do the work, similar to Leah sabotaging her own attempts at employment.

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Where was this blind posted? CDAN? Has it been revealed & Jenelle/Keiffer is the revealed answer?

As much as I'd love to see Keiffer's hoodie back on my TV with Jenelle, social media leads me to believe that the answer to this is actually more likely to be Jenelle & Courtland. Courtland was hanging out with Tori recently, has gone to the Myrtle Beach area a couple of times, and admitted to possibly still loving Jenelle (or not being sure if he still loves her or not or something like that) per his social media accounts.

Now I'm off to hang my head in shame that I know so much about these people....


I also thought Keiffer didn't live in the Carolina's anymore, but I could be wrong. I definitely believe Jenelle is back nose-deep in drugs of some type (besides pot since I don't think she ever quit smoking pot).

Today's Blind:

She was doing really well, but this Teen Mom is back on drugs again in a big way and has been seeing one of her exes, who she always gets back with when she starts heavy drugs. Focus on the H in heavy. Jenelle Evans/Kieffer Delp (heroin)

Where was this blind posted? CDAN? Has it been revealed & Jenelle/Keiffer is the revealed answer?

As much as I'd love to see Keiffer's hoodie back on my TV with Jenelle, social media leads me to believe that the answer to this is actually more likely to be Jenelle & Courtland. Courtland was hanging out with Tori recently, has gone to the Myrtle Beach area a couple of times, and admitted to possibly still loving Jenelle (or not being sure if he still loves her or not or something like that) per his social media accounts.

I also thought Keiffer didn't live in the Carolina's anymore, but I could be wrong. I definitely believe Jenelle is back nose-deep in drugs of some type (besides pot since I don't think she ever quit smoking pot).

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic

Unless she's putting the 'ex' in 'sex' with a certain someone who shows up naked except for a Chester Cheetah costume. Or maybe a faded football jersey from Herbert Hoover. High... wouldn't be fair to 'rob' her of her escapes since her life is so hard, after all.

Its probably just me being stupid but I have absolutely no clue what this means.

Oh please.  She can't get annoyed about getting arrested when she was the one that paid the fine late.  I'm sure that she was given plenty time and notice to pay and it's her own fault that it wasn't paid on time.  

And on the US Weekly report it says "In June, the mom to six year old Jace, welcomed her second son, Kaiser".  Maybe some editing needed there given that Jenelle sure as hell isn't mothering that poor boy.  

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Jenelle and Nipples.  Making MTV proud, one incarceration at a time.


Those two spend almost as much time in cages as their poor dogs.

Zing! Sadly the dogs are innocent yet have the much less comfortable cages.

Maybe she'll blame Farrah's mom for stealing her Kesha feathers. They were Jenelle's

good luck charm for getting out of trouble. She just needed to get to that concert on time!

Edited by cheatincheetos
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Zing! Sadly the dogs are innocent yet have the much less comfortable cages.

Maybe she'll blame Farrah's mom for stealing her Kesha feathers. They were Jenelle's

good luck charm for getting out of trouble. She just needed to get to that concert on time!

LMAO@ CC on Deb's and the stolen feather theory!  Secondly, Evans looks every bit of a junkie in that mug shot. Shades of April. We will all be able to watch too. Way after this shitshow ends.  


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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