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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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I don't think Uncle Neanderthal would be able to suppress his rage if Jenelle cheated on him and got pregnant.

I think Jenelle didn't announce it because she is trying to wait until she can cash in. I don't believe for a second that she is embarrassed by this pregnancy because she has zero concept of shame.

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3 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

I don't think Uncle Neanderthal would be able to suppress his rage if Jenelle cheated on him and got pregnant.

I think Jenelle didn't announce it because she is trying to wait until she can cash in. I don't believe for a second that she is embarrassed by this pregnancy because she has zero concept of shame.

Yeah, by now she'd be on missing person fliers...

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Wow. She could not be any more entitled. She wants government assistance when she makes more than the average household income and doesn't actually work?

Hey Jenelle, you know what might save you some money in regards to the IRS? Correctly filing your tax return and paying your taxes on time.

You know what else could free up some room in your budget? Not having to pay $400 an hour to an attorney to keep your criminal ass out of jail or file a bunch of custody motions for a child you don't want and will never actually take back.

  • Love 14

Are you fucking kidding me? Jenelle makes several hundred thousand dollars a year and is whining that she doesn't qualify for WIC and Food Stamps? I don't mean to sound snobby, wait, actually yes I do, but Jenelle and her crowd are disgusting white trash and should be wiped off the face of the planet. Bringing kids into the world that they don't want, don't take care of and expecting the government to foot the bill. I just can't with this bitch today.

  • Love 18
2 minutes ago, Elizabeth9 said:

Jenelle, your problem has a simple solution:. Quit TM, and you'll be eligible to every government assistance program there is!  I'm sure you have no savings to report, and even surer you're basically unemployable.  


Your turn in the welfare line is coming!

ETA:. FYI...in order to qualify for financial aid, your "college" has to be accredited...

  • Love 4

Just when I thought Jenelle couldn't get more ridiculous...she really thinks she deserves welfare and foodstamps? Really? You know what, there are plenty of hard working individuals out there that could use a little help now and then, but they don't qualify for gov't aid either, and they make a fraction of what Jenelle makes. Maybe if the idiot wouldn't blow her money on frivolous shit and would get a job, she wouldn't be having financial issues.

  • Love 9

And I call BS on the hundreds of thousands in taxes per year. There is no way that can be true. She's probably including multiple years of not paying any taxes and then incurring penalties on top of tax owed. Even if she paid the top tax bracket of 39.6% (and she doesn't, I guarantee) of the supposed $250,000 she get from MTV she comes in under $100,000 in taxes (barely but still). And that's if she doesn't take a single deduction, like for head of household and dependents. She should STFU. Government assistnance, including financial aid, is for people who need it, not people who just want to spend their money on fun stuff instead and want to be subsidized by the government for the boring stuff  like housing and food.

(and I say this as a strong supporter of government assistance)

Edited by MargeGunderson
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, geekamonggeeks said:

So is it safe to assume that Jenelle is flat broke already? Or is she just being a selfish cow like always? This is worse than Maci and Amber not paying their taxes. You're making all this money---how can you not have any left? It just boggles the mind.

If Jenelle can pay cash for a new vehicle, then she's not flat broke, despite what she might think. Selfish cow is an nice description; I would call her much worse.

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wow. just when I think Jenelle can't be any more of an asshole, she goes out and out assholes herself.

She's complaining about all this shit. She doesn't know the struggles her mother had to pay the bills and put food on the table because she didn't have hundreds of thousands of dollars thrown at her. Jenelle is bitching about assistance and paying taxes and all this horseshit and she hasn't learned a damn thing or grown at all. She doesn't know the struggle it is to pay your bills or put food on the table. Or get your car fixed so you can go to work. All she knows is the struggle to find her next dick and pop out another kid. All she knows is spending money and going on vacation after vacation. Sure Jenelle you may live on the beach but until you work at a fucking job all day and don't spend time taking pictures all day  of your latest adventure then you can cry me a fucking river. Jenelle get the fuck over yourself. You know nothing of real life and are an entitled spoiled brat asshole. Barb was right MTV did you no favors with making you a 'SupaStar'. So Jenelle can go fuck herself. 

Edited by toodywoody
  • Love 12
1 hour ago, toodywoody said:

wow. just when I think Jenelle can't be any more of an asshole, she goes out and out assholes herself.


Lol, right? I'm sure if you gave assistance recipients the option of collecting a few hundred bucks a month in food stamps or 300k a year in salary, 100% would choose the latter. 

  • Love 10

Hubby and I make less than half of what Jenelle makes and have lots of student loan debt. We also have two kids that we care for and feed all by ourselves (as in none live with our parents a la Jace and Barb). I'll admit that the sticker shock for daycare for two kids under two makes me a tad jealous of my friends who qualify for childcare assistance. Then I remember that without it, my friends who get CCA wouldn't be able to work, pay rent, feed their families, etc. without help for childcare. So maybe I won't go on vacation until the kids start public school. Maybe I won't ever get Botox again (yeah, before I had my first I had some lines in my forehead 'toxed a couple of times). Maybe I'll go longer between getting my hair highlighted and pedicures. That's way better than having to rely on assistance just to be able to get the basics for my family. And dear god, I'm not dumb enough to publicly complain about it on Twitter (or anywhere where I'm not anonymous). So shut up, Jenelle. Take less vacations. Don't buy your new soulmate everything he wants. Don't buy yourself engagement rings from every soulmate. Don't buy animals you don't keep (you know she isn't adopting from a shelter). Don't get crappy tattoos and lip injections. DON'T BUY DRUGS. You'll be amazed how much more money you will have.

Also, if her credit is so crappy, how is this bitch buying land, clearing land, and building a house? 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 8

I swear...I really am not sure I've ever disliked someone as much as Jenelle. I seriously didn't know there was even a class of people who are wealthy but mad they can't get welfare. As much as poor people who abuse the system annoy me, someone fortunate enough to get a huge paycheck who STILL wants access to my taxpayer dollar infuriates me!!! (Btw I am totally for truly needy and responsible people getting help) This mindset proves to me, without a shadow of a doubt, that Jenelle has never intended to work a day in her life. All these stupid degree programs are image control BS, and now I'm even more pissed off that she used "ooooh I can't get a job if I have these charges!" to effectively get a slap on the wrist against Jessica!

Edited by Christina87
  • Love 8
7 hours ago, Darknight said:

Lord. Girlfriend in middle school. I hope Jace continues boy scouts to have positive role models in his life. 7 years ago Jace was born. 7 years later Jace still lives with her grandma while Jenelle is still a hot ass mess. Maybe at 17 Jenelle will finally get custody. 

At 17, she could quite possibly be a grandmother already. Especially if she's pushing girlfriends on Jace at age 12.

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My take on jenelle and the assistance thing is that most of her friends and associates probably receive assistance so she thinks most people do in general and that she's super special  by not receiving them since "everyone" does. Think about who she surrounds herself with, free loaders and people who have most likely not worked much or earned much. She doesn't realize, somehow, that most people bust their asses to get the things she's just been handed. Perhaps if she cared more or paid any attention to barb's life she'd realize that barb lives like an average person, having to work for what she has while jenelleJenelle gets rewarded for having a shit personality and no skills.

  • Love 11

Mama Dawn was born in 1975 right? The twins were born at the end of 2009 so she had probably just turned 34 when she joined the grandma club.  I don't even think Leah will make it to 34 before Gracie initiates her into the grandma club.


Jenelle will shit a brick if she's a grandma before 35. Not because she'll be worried about Jace or the baby, but because she'll worry what being a grandma will do to her own ability to date a guy.

ETA: by that I mean she'll worry she's undesirable as someone's grandma, not that she's concerned that her grandma responsibilities (snort) will preclude her from dating.

Edited by Tatum
  • Love 11

Jenelle bitching about her awful credit it just too much. Since she was a teenager, bitch has had more money handed to her than most people earn in years of hard work. She's had more than enough to pay her bills but chose to blow it on stupid shit and the dick of the month. I bet she's skipped out on more leases than we could count and never paid what was owed for the remainder of the lease. Of course, in her mind, that's the landlord's problem because she had to move, dude, because people were being soooooo mean to her and wouldn't leave her alooooone!

  • Love 11

And don't forget the lawyers. With all her ongoing issues/custody battles, she probably keeps one on retainer at all times. I'd hate to think how much that stupid girl has shoveled out for lawyers in the last 6-7 years. More than the gross national product of a small foreign country, I'm sure. And way more than the average American. It's a strange world where "attorney fees" is a line item in your household budget.

  • Love 10

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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