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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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He doesn't deserve props for doing something so cruel as to rehome a dog that's supposed to be part of his family, and now that I know it was his to begin with and not Jenelle's it's even worse. He was there and participated in the abuse of the dogs. He treats his dogs no better than his daughter, apparently. Just pass them off when you're done. It's not an abuse competition, it's just abuse. Jenelle is obviously an animal abuser but that doesn't make Nathan any less of one. If he doesn't feel he's giving the dog enough attention, he could...give it more attention? Dogs feel traumatized when they're abandoned, too.

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 1

I am not a dog person. Or a cat person. I don't ever want the responsibility of pets. So you know what I do, NATHAN? I don't buy pets. What is wrong with these people. Even if Jenelle and Nathan did treat their pets well, they still shouldn't own them because with these two, there's always a decent chance they'll be arrested and then the dogs will be left on their own until they get bailed out.

  • Love 9

People who use children as pawns fill me with a rage like no other.  I DESPISE them. 

lol, tell us how you really feel.

These two (Jenelle and ANY of her soulmates) should never have children again.  Ever.  And you know it's coming; Uncle Dave has to have figured out that a kid equals cash pay. I honestly shudder to think what's going to happen to Kaiser when that happens; Jenelle already almost always ignores him.  And I guess I worry more about Kai because Jace isn't dependent on Jenelle for his well-being and safety, as a rule.  But when the time comes that Jenelle gives birth again, she will have zero time for Kai, she'll be completely overwhelmed with a newborn and Kai will be lost in the shuffle.  I truly truly hope he ends up with Nathan's Mom; evidently she doesn't want to appear on camera, so I hope it's just because she loves him.

  • Love 5

Nathan already rehomed him once before (and rehoming is demonstrably traumatizing for dogs), leaving him in Ohio. Then he got him back and Nathan made a huge deal out of getting him back from Jenelle so he could give him a better home. And now he's giving him away, what, less than a year later? It makes me sick what that dog has been and is about to go through. Neither Nathan nor Jenelle (though granted, she's not directly involved in this particular situation anymore and it's not her dog, but I will never, ever forgive her even slightly for how she treated him when she was pregnant) should be allowed to adopt or purchase pets...or breed themselves. A dog, like a child, is a lifetime commitment. But then again, this is Nathan we're talking about. 

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 2
25 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Nathan can't handle a dog but wants full custody of a toddler. 

It's too bad that the U.S. ended that forced sterilization program they had going on in the 1920s. Jenelle, Nathan, Dave and their ilk would be perfect candidates.

As much as a wish certain idiots wouldn't or couldn't have children, forced sterilization is inhumane on many levels. It isn't for nothing that the Nazis adopted our eugenics plan for their own back in the 1940s.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
  • Love 6

@SneakyCentipede, The vast majority of people who were forcibly sterilized were not white, unless they were in prison or institutions for "promiscuity," disability, or mental illness. In the 1960s, there was a forced sterilization campaign against Latina and black women throughout the U.S. but primarily in California. I'm sorry, I thought that's what was being directly referenced. The history of forced sterilization is a history of racism. 

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 8

So true Lm2162, that was  what the forced sterilization in the US was all about, weeding out undesirables (minorities, mentally and physically handicapped people) so that the desirable healthy white race could flourish. The Germans even sent people over here to study our eugenics programs in the 1920s/1930s. 

Jenelle and her men are white, healthy, and relativity "rich". Sad to say, but they fall into the desirable category in the minds of many, even today. 

  • Love 4
17 hours ago, leighroda said:

MAKEUP!? I would feel better about her locking the kids out of the room so she could do drugs than makeup.  At least if the kids were locked out for drugs it would potentially keep them from seeing something that could be scarring like shooting up, but nope... Jenelle locked them out so she could get her eyeliner "on fleek".

I agree, but her eyeliner has never been on fleek. :P

  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I agree, but her eyeliner has never been on fleek. :P

Lol yeah that's why I put it in quotations, I generally think she looks more raccoon-y.

May I make a request, when talking about the dogs can we maybe be a little more respectful that sometimes rehoming is the only option and not paint anyone who regimes a dog as a horrible person.  I know Nate doesn't fall into that catagory, but I do so the generalized statements are kinda getting to me... Long story short I live with my sister and she had 2 dogs, and out mom died last year so we had to take in her 2 dogs, but the 4 dogs don't get along, so it's pretty miserable at our house, we've tried to make it work as my moms dogs are older and I fear will likely be euthanized, but but its not a long term solution... Obviously it's not a matter of going out and buying random dogs, but I'm perfectly aware of how traumatic it is and j know I shouldn't take it personally but it's something I've been dealing with more months and I feel terrible about it, so coming to a random chat and everything I already feel being reinforced isn't a good feeling. I'm not saying don't talk about the dogs or pretend it's totally fine, all I'm asking is to be careful about the blanket statements.

  • Love 14

I agree @leighroda but in this case I think it is fair to hate on Nathan because he hasn't tried (like you clearly have).  Nathan and Jenelle always take the easy way out by dumping their children and dogs on everyone else.  Rehoming might be the best option if someone is physically unable to care for their pet or circumstances have changed or some other legitimate reason.  But Nathan doesn't have a job, is on a nice MTV paycheck and has made a song and dance out of getting this dog back just so he can give it away. 

The point about wanting to see the dog after it has been rehomed is just ridiculous.  That may be an option if you put a child up for adoption (HINT, HINT) but it will only confuse a dog. 

  • Love 3

She's totally pregnant based on the picture.  Generally I give people the benefit of the doubt because I have my days where I'm sure people may think I am but I'm not, but Jenelle is a little person otherwise and her belly is pretty obvious, I don't think it's possible to sway your back as much as you would have to, to achieve that belly.  The Ashely is usually pretty cautious about what she posts and even though Jenelle is denying it she added a disclaimer that she stands by her story, and she always retracts if she finds she was wrong, which I also know to be true.  It's just crazy because I don't remember which thread but we were just saying how another baby, while the worst possible thing, was immanent. 

  • Love 2

I'm not surprised but disgusted nonetheless. Remember back in the day when she said she didn't think it'd be fair to have any more children until she got custody of Jace? And now she's about to have her third. We just know she's only having this other kid to 1. spite Nathan and Barbara and 2. continue kidding herself that she's got a perfect little family with David. It's certainly not because she wants to actually be a mother. She barely even acknowledges the Roll except to feed him and put him in various pens, and she only cares about Jace when her new boyfriends get sick of having Barbara around calling their shit out. 

  • Love 8
10 hours ago, truelovekiss said:


Its going down in Instagram town. Jenelle says The Ashley never spoke to her or her 'people', and she is most certainly not pregnant. 

Dude, They're lying dude. It's giving me anxiety.

  • Love 3

Leighroda, I agree. I tend to bloat really badly when I have my period, but that's all mushy water weight. What Jenelle has going on in that picture looks like a hard pregnancy belly. To me, the bump looks too high to be period bloat.

As everyone has already noted, the Ashley is usually dead-on when it comes to these sorts of rumors, so I have a feeling Jenelle is preggers, she's just not admitting it.

But hey guys, let's look on the bright side. This will likely be Kaiser's Get Out of Jail Free card. Jenelle lost interest in him a year ago, so maybe he'll get shipped off on a permanent vacation to Nathan's mom.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, CofCinci said:

She could be like Maci and not even know she's pregnant.

Or maybe she just has the ass harness she shills on her IG on backwards?

I would just like to acknowledge that even though this is slightly off topic in relation to her being pregnant... She actually says it gives her a "natural lift"... So let me get this straight, she is using a harness to achieve her natural state!? And she claims to be a medical professional!? Am I missing something !? 

  • Love 7

@leighroda, yes, that can be true for some people. But it's not for Nathan. He has precisely zero reasons not to be able to take care of a dog. He has money, no job, space, and time. He's not sick or isolated. He's already done this twice and has a history of abusing him, then made a huge deal out of what a great dog owner he was and how much better he was than Jenelle at dog ownership...only to give him up to a stranger 6 months later but ask to visit. It's abusive and gross. IMO it's apples and oranges. Nathan keeps showing how immoral he is at every turn. 

Edited by Lm2162
4 hours ago, neatoburrito said:

She barely even acknowledges the Roll except to feed him and put him in various pens, and she only cares about Jace when her new boyfriends get sick of having Barbara around calling their shit out. 

Can you now imagine what's going to happen if she has a girl this time?  She'll go all out, for a while, to be a "great mom!" to her little one, both the boys will be lucky to get a can of corn, a hot dog, and a dark bedroom.  If it's possible to ignore them much more, she will, she'll be "so overwhelmed" with a newborn, etc.

  • Love 10

If Jenelle is going to deny she's pregnant, she needs to at least call Maci and get some tips on dressing in ways that conceal her belly better.

Not that anyone will be surprised by this, but the fan who snapped the picture said Jenelle was (of course) yelling in Target. https://mobile.twitter.com/_lainey_marie_/status/731182789995986945?s=09

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 3

And here I thought Leah would've had one or two more babies by now, but it appears that Jenelle beat her too it. Ugh, poor kid, having Jenelle and Uncle Bad Touch as parents, almost a worse combo then Raging Nate and Jenelle. Part of me really, reaaalllly hopes this isn't true but that belly is too round and the Ashley is usually pretty reliable with gossip like this.  I really do hope Kaiser gets his out when the new one comes and goes to live with Nathan's parents.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, blubld43 said:

Can you now imagine what's going to happen if she has a girl this time?  She'll go all out, for a while, to be a "great mom!" to her little one, both the boys will be lucky to get a can of corn, a hot dog, and a dark bedroom.  If it's possible to ignore them much more, she will, she'll be "so overwhelmed" with a newborn, etc.

I am afraid she may have a girl, but I think that may be the goal. I think in her mind, she has a fucked up mother-daughter relationship with her mother. So if she has a girl, and they have a good relationship, then the problems in her relationship with Barb must be Barb's fault.

Edited by truelovekiss
  • Love 3
24 minutes ago, leighroda said:

@Lm2162 I know that's why I said I was aware it was different but I simply asked if the generalizations of how horrible could stop, I never said Nathan was innocent, I was just asking if we could not vilify all people who rehome dogs. 

Agree. If these morons had the smarts and common sense to give up their children to a good loving home, I would be thanking Buddha, God, and all the angels and saints. I would not be slamming them.

So, when one of these idiots gives up a pet, as horrible as it may seem on the surface,, it is a blessing in disguise.  The pets are better off going to a loving home than being in these idiots' care or worse, being put to sleep. Now, if only Kaiser was just as lucky. 

There are other reasons why loving pets must be given up. They are not always for selfish reasons.

  • Love 9

I agree that there are a very few legitimate reasons to rehome a pet, but they are VERY rare. 99% of the time, the person had some idea they were not going to be a good pet owner when they actually got the pet, or never thought of it as a lifetime commitment to begin with. Rehoming, the vast majority of the time, is the result of irresponsibility or selfishness. And even if it is not for a selfish reason, it is still traumatizing for the animal--the person might not be selfish or cruel, but it does still hurt the animal and that's worth noting. Even if you have a terrible parent, it's traumatizing to lose them. I don't think it's vilifying to note the harm done to the animal, no matter what the intentions were. After all, the animal doesn't know those intentions. The most common reasons people give are getting a new boyfriend or girlfriend or moving. Not serious illness or something extreme enough to warrant rehoming. 

It would be nice if they gave Kaiser up for adoption...although unlike Mugen, Kaiser isn't old enough to really know the difference. And it would have been much nicer if they'd just not had a child or if Nathan hadn't adopted a pet at all, so it's not really "kind" to do it now as much as just further proof these people never deserved pets or children. 

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 2

You people are hilarious so I would like to pose a challenge for her next voice over... I feel like it's going to go something like this:

im so stressed out so I'm putting getting custody of Jace off until after the baby is here (because life gets easier with 2 toddlers) and Nathan has these charges on me (because inevitably there will be more). David and I never fight, except that one time the police came (because again...inevitable). The short guy that lives here is sooooo needy doode, he's such a baby. 

  • Love 13

Not sure where the 99 percent figure/stat came from. That certainly is not the case here in my county. One of my nephews works for animal control. They receive a lot of dogs and cats from people who are homeless, the owner passed away and no one will care for the pet in the deceased owner's family, the animal needs medical care, but the owner is on a limited income, people lost their homes and cannot take their pets into an apartment. Many animals are surrendered to animal control for reasons that do not have anything to do with the two reasons listed. Of course, each area is different and it may be 99 percent in your area. Not so in mine.  I think people do realize the trauma, but cicumstances cannot be helped. Better for someone like Nathan to find a home for his dog than dump that dog somewhere where it will be roam endlessly or have it euthanized so as not to "traumatize" it.

22 minutes ago, leighroda said:

You people are hilarious so I would like to pose a challenge for her next voice over... I feel like it's going to go something like this:

im so stressed out so I'm putting getting custody of Jace off until after the baby is here (because life gets easier with 2 toddlers) and Nathan has these charges on me (because inevitably there will be more). David and I never fight, except that one time the police came (because again...inevitable). The short guy that lives here is sooooo needy doode, he's such a baby. 

Stressed seems to be the most overused word by Jenelle, right after dude.


Jenelle had her nerve to say in a previous episode how Nathan is just putting on an act for the public, trying to show he wants custody so he is not seen as a deadbeat parent. Pot meet kettle.

  • Love 4

From Jenelle and Dirtbag Dave's social media postings, it looks like they've been spending more time with Jace.  In most situations, this would be great; however, once Baby #3 comes, these fucks will be just "too overwhelmed" to exercise visitation with the kid.  Poor Barb.  Jace will be the handful as he struggles with being abandoned once again.

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While I think Jace is better off NOT being raised by Jenelle, I wonder what he's going to think about the fact that she went on to have 2 other kids (or more), raised them (in theory only), and never truly attempted to get him back. Even if he knows deep down he got the better end of the deal, I imagine there's going to be a lot of resentment, jealousy, etc.

  • Love 15

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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