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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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I'm awful for bringing this up, but on Jenelle's Instagram there's a Mother's Day card the kids and Dave signed for her. Poor Jace can barely write his name. I know he's only six, but jeez louise. No wonder the kid is failing spelling tests. Barb might want to have him checked out for a learning disability.



Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 1
5 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I'm awful for bringing this up, but on Jenelle's Instagram there's a Mother's Day card the kids and Dave signed for her. Poor Jace can barely write his name. I know he's only six, but jeez louise. No wonder the kid is failing spelling tests. Barb might want to have him checked out for a learning disability.



Also the note on the card in Jenelle's handwriting...saying thanks for being the best mom in the world.  BA HA HA HA!  

  • Love 11
8 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I'm awful for bringing this up, but on Jenelle's Instagram there's a Mother's Day card the kids and Dave signed for her. Poor Jace can barely write his name. I know he's only six, but jeez louise. No wonder the kid is failing spelling tests. Barb might want to have him checked out for a learning disability.



Ha! David signed his last name because he already knows she isn't going to remember who he is two years from now.

  • Love 10

I saw that yesterday and noticed the writing on the card that is supposed to be from the kids. Clearly David didn't do that, she did. Pathetic. Also, I agree that it's truly hilarious David signed his LAST name! David is such a common name, I'm sure she'll rack up a few more of them before all is said and done. 


Not that Jenelle is the type to keep things her kids gave her anyway. She barely keeps the kids.

  • Love 10

THANK YOU to those who mentioned Uncle Dave signing his last name. I'm the one who commented on her ig post that something was "off" about him. (I'm @thefamilyreid , nice to meet ya.)

Since I posted that comment, her minions have positively LYNCHED me for it. I have gotten countless messages telling me I'm the one who is "off" and Jenelle is a fantastic mom, blah blah blah. You wouldn't believe how many dedicated idiots have stepped up to defend her! 

  • Love 10

@butterbody, that's what I don't get. I get not hating some of them...especially Kail & Chelsea, but I could see somebody not wanting to put a lot of effort into snarking/hating on Leah or Jenelle, or the dads. But "fantastic?" No, not a single mom or dad on here is some amazing life role model. At best, they are a good parent/average/slightly above average. And that's perfectly fine, and everyone makes mistakes. But there actually ARE role models out there. Why find yours from a reality show? Even if you personally really, really like Chelsea, Corey, etc...why pick them to fawn over? There are people who do far more praiseworthy things every day. And I can't even imagine someone picking Jenelle! What is that about?! I just don't get the worship. And what is even one good quality she possesses? 

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 8
12 minutes ago, butterbody said:

THANK YOU to those who mentioned Uncle Dave signing his last name. I'm the one who commented on her ig post that something was "off" about him. (I'm @thefamilyreid , nice to meet ya.)

Since I posted that comment, her minions have positively LYNCHED me for it. I have gotten countless messages telling me I'm the one who is "off" and Jenelle is a fantastic mom, blah blah blah. You wouldn't believe how many dedicated idiots have stepped up to defend her! 

I don't use Twitter. But maybe someone who does should ask her "admirers" what specific things she has done, shown on episodes of TM2, that indicate to them Jenelle is a "fantasic mom"? It might be interesting to learn exactly what they're seeing that apparently none of the rest of us are...Perhaps they're viewing episodes edited completely differently than the ones we are receiving and watching? Maybe there really is something to the theory of parallel universes.....

  • Love 8
13 minutes ago, TwirlyGirly said:

I don't use Twitter. But maybe someone who does should ask her "admirers" what specific things she has done, shown on episodes of TM2, that indicate to them Jenelle is a "fantasic mom"? It might be interesting to learn exactly what they're seeing that apparently none of the rest of us are...Perhaps they're viewing episodes edited completely differently than the ones we are receiving and watching? Maybe there really is something to the theory of parallel universes.....

Hee, a parallel universe were Jenelle is a good mom...must be the same one where Leah is supermom and Adumb is dad of the year.

I'm guessing the Jenelle superfans, just like the Leah ones, are seeing their owns selves in Jenelle. At least that is the impression I've gotten from dealing with some of them on FB and the like. Shallow, lack of ambition, young, lower-middle class, typically moms a few times over in their early twenties, different baby daddies, and possible backgrounds with addiction/crime about sums up the profiles of some of the fans I've encountered. Of course, Jenelle is living the dream most of her fans can only dream up, being paid the big bucks for doing nothing and getting to be a reality "superstar". Pretty much pure vicarious affirmation for them.

  • Love 10
40 minutes ago, butterbody said:

THANK YOU to those who mentioned Uncle Dave signing his last name. I'm the one who commented on her ig post that something was "off" about him. (I'm @thefamilyreid , nice to meet ya.)

Since I posted that comment, her minions have positively LYNCHED me for it. I have gotten countless messages telling me I'm the one who is "off" and Jenelle is a fantastic mom, blah blah blah. You wouldn't believe how many dedicated idiots have stepped up to defend her! 

I saw!! Did you see the one girl who said Janelle was her role model! I so wanted to say something but can't handle the crazy on there. 

  • Love 9
2 minutes ago, Mkay said:



I found this.  Just an example. I've also read about it when looking up information for myself. 

Yeah, they are so irresponsible. Why not get one right away? Did they seriously think they were going to maturely and calmly coparent while both having other partners and NEVER use their child as a pawn? Riiight. 

  • Love 3

Bringing over from the Barbara thread since it's related to Jenelle - my theory on this is that it's the same reason she pretends to want custody of Jace all the time. She goes through just enough motions to make her look like she's trying and/or the "oh poor me" thing, but she doesn't want him any more than she wants a career in a medical field.

I agree. And why the hell does she insist on pursuing studies in fields in which she'll never be hired? She goes to diploma mill, rip-off for-profits schools that are happy to get her money knowing full well she would be the last, if ever, person hired to work in a medical office. Even without her past drug issues, she's still got a criminal history.

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, NikSac said:

Bringing over from the Barbara thread since it's related to Jenelle - my theory on this is that it's the same reason she pretends to want custody of Jace all the time. She goes through just enough motions to make her look like she's trying and/or the "oh poor me" thing, but she doesn't want him any more than she wants a career in a medical field.

If she got a good deal of sustained clean time...she could use the medical or nursing degree to be an addictions counselor.  I know that seems like crazy talk, but it is common place for treatment centers to kind of recruit people when they are in the final stages of treatment.  I used to do substance abuse probation and was amazed at how many people came out of the felony prison diversion rehabs with a plan to have a job at the center they came out of...and it wasn't wishful thinking.  The majority of substance abuse counselor are also addicts in recovery and many have legal records, so that wouldn't be an issue there either.  

The idea of Jenelle being someone's addiction counselor makes my brain hurt, however it is an actual employment avenue if she wanted to go down that route.  

  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, shelley1005 said:

If she got a good deal of sustained clean time...she could use the medical or nursing degree to be an addictions counselor.  I know that seems like crazy talk, but it is common place for treatment centers to kind of recruit people when they are in the final stages of treatment.  I used to do substance abuse probation and was amazed at how many people came out of the felony prison diversion rehabs with a plan to have a job at the center they came out of...and it wasn't wishful thinking.  The majority of substance abuse counselor are also addicts in recovery and many have legal records, so that wouldn't be an issue there either.  

The idea of Jenelle being someone's addiction counselor makes my brain hurt, however it is an actual employment avenue if she wanted to go down that route.  

It's very true. Most mental health counselors have a mental health issue themselves. I personally wouldn't want to go to one who didn't. 

But omg, you'd have to pay me to go to Jenelle for anything, including, like, a pedicure. And that's not because of drugs, that's because she's the fucking worst. 

  • Love 8
48 minutes ago, TwirlyGirly said:

I don't use Twitter. But maybe someone who does should ask her "admirers" what specific things she has done, shown on episodes of TM2, that indicate to them Jenelle is a "fantasic mom"? It might be interesting to learn exactly what they're seeing that apparently none of the rest of us are...Perhaps they're viewing episodes edited completely differently than the ones we are receiving and watching? Maybe there really is something to the theory of parallel universes.....

They don't speak cohesive English, so it's hard to interact with them.  Mostly, they wind up swearing at you when you even slightly disagree with them. 

I had someone say, "and..." About Maci drinking in pregnancy.  LIKE IT IS NO BIG DEAL!  That's the level we are dealing with here...

  • Love 3

Wasn't there something in the tabloids awhile back about him taking Kaiser for awhile and refusing to give him back to Jenelle because she was drunk, and I think she attacked him?  Probably one of her mugshots.

Ah ha ETA here's what I was remembering:

(sorry if you get hit by the long ad at the beginning)

Here's the part I was remembering: "Griffith said she then began hitting him in the face, choking him, “digging her nails into his back” and “clawing the back of his neck.”

Once Griffith locked himself inside, Evans allegedly began screaming “He won’t give me back my son!”"

This was in May 2015 so I'm not sure if or how it fits in with anything going on during the show currently.

Edited by NikSac
adding link and thoughts
  • Love 2

Right? I always wondered if one parent can travel and have whatever time they want, what's to stop the other parent from doing the same? They could each take turns snatching the kid at will if there's no order. No? It just sounds like that situation could easily turn in to total chaos. I just never hear or see that happen and wonder why. 

Then it dawns on me, nobody really wants the child anyway. Just the control the child provides over the other parent. Jennelle and Nathan are perfect examples. Jenelle just bitched about Nathan having Kaiser in another state and that he lied about it. She just accepted there's nothing she could do because there's nothing court ordered. Apparently it didn't really bother her that much. If it had, she could just say if Nathan could do it, so could she. She could have easily shown up at the hotel. All she had do was ask the Internet people for the name. She didn't do that though. 

Those two are just playing a game with that poor child and Jennelle even went as far as imply it was "like kidnapping". Except Kaiser wasn't even lost. People were telling her where he physically was while with Nathan. Nathan knew she knew. The whole thing was/is dramastically disgusting to me. 

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, NikSac said:

Wasn't there something in the tabloids awhile back about him taking Kaiser for awhile and refusing to give him back to Jenelle because she was drunk, and I think she attacked him?  Probably one of her mugshots.

Ah ha ETA here's what I was remembering:

(sorry if you get hit by the long ad at the beginning)

Here's the part I was remembering: "Griffith said she then began hitting him in the face, choking him, “digging her nails into his back” and “clawing the back of his neck.”

Once Griffith locked himself inside, Evans allegedly began screaming “He won’t give me back my son!”"

This was in May 2015 so I'm not sure if or how it fits in with anything going on during the show currently.

I am so bad with timelines. Help me out. Was this after the DV incident that we watched play out last season where Nipples was arrested? 

On ‎4‎/‎30‎/‎2016 at 3:21 PM, CofCinci said:

Jenelle is catching hell with the concern trolls over Kaiser's floaties.

I took my four year old to the pool a couple of weeks ago and there were a bunch of kids wearing these.  I kept thinking "what are those things are where do I get one for my kids???"   Thanks Jenelle! 

Couldn't resist.  :D   She kind of ruined them for me because I don't want my children in anything she would even consider putting hers in because if Jenelle does it: probably a TERRIBLE idea. 

17 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Yeah, that note is definitely in female handwriting. I wonder if Dave's sister wrote the card because otherwise it's just too pathetic if Jenelle wrote it herself.

Okay, I despise Jenelle but even I seriously doubt she wrote her own card, that's a bit of a stretch.  It was likely Dave's sister or even Dave (I've seen plenty of men with "girly' writing.)

  • Love 2
19 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Dave's sister probably bought the care and wallet with Jenelle's money --- and purchased a purse for herself. 

Jenelle has a habit of doing this. She, more than any of the others, basically invites people to take free rides with her MTV money. Tori, every single boyfriend she's ever had, her boyfriend's friends. Even when she and Nathan went on that horrible engagement trip to St. Thomas and his friends came and she said she hoped one of them (his brother?) died, it turned out that the fight ensued because her credit card was on reserve at the hotel and Nathan's friends, who she'd just met, spent well over $500 on a few nights of partying on her dime without asking. Whenever there's a distinctly silly reality star, people will try to take a free ride. She meets these people and basically begs for this. It's still wrong for them to do, though, but man, she's got to stop being so stupid.

  • Love 5

I think someone should try to figure out how many actual "friends" these people have had. Of all of them I think Chelsea is theone with the least (and that's a good thing). She has other Chelsey and Landon the Fabnicifent with lots of repeat appearances. How many different friends has Adam had in his segments? How many non-family members for Leah? Kailynn, too, I think she's in third though. 

  • Love 7
47 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

Jenelle has a habit of doing this. She, more than any of the others, basically invites people to take free rides with her MTV money. Tori, every single boyfriend she's ever had, her boyfriend's friends. Even when she and Nathan went on that horrible engagement trip to St. Thomas and his friends came and she said she hoped one of them (his brother?) died, it turned out that the fight ensued because her credit card was on reserve at the hotel and Nathan's friends, who she'd just met, spent well over $500 on a few nights of partying on her dime without asking. Whenever there's a distinctly silly reality star, people will try to take a free ride. She meets these people and basically begs for this. It's still wrong for them to do, though, but man, she's got to stop being so stupid.

On the 2nd or 3rd season reunion show, Dr Drew asked Barb to name a good thing about Jenelle, the first thing out of Barb's mouth was that she was "generous". I too see Jenelle inviting low lives to reap the benefits of her MTV money. She is a vile human being, but I think that comes from some type of emotional hunger not being met......as if she invites these people into her life they will give her all the praise and support she desires. 

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

Jenelle has a habit of doing this. She, more than any of the others, basically invites people to take free rides with her MTV money. Tori, every single boyfriend she's ever had, her boyfriend's friends. Even when she and Nathan went on that horrible engagement trip to St. Thomas and his friends came and she said she hoped one of them (his brother?) died, it turned out that the fight ensued because her credit card was on reserve at the hotel and Nathan's friends, who she'd just met, spent well over $500 on a few nights of partying on her dime without asking. Whenever there's a distinctly silly reality star, people will try to take a free ride. She meets these people and basically begs for this. It's still wrong for them to do, though, but man, she's got to stop being so stupid.


Really? I didn't that- about Nathan's friends using her credit cards. Was that mentioned on the show? (Not saying it's not true, just curious how that came out).

I'd feel sorry for her, because that would really piss me off, but then I realize she retaliated by wishing death on them and then I'm reminded that I hate her and kind of laugh when something like that happens to her.


For all of her faults, (and her possible contributions to Jenelle being Jenelle), Barbara is probably one of only three (Kaiser and Jace being the others) that actually cares about Jenelle. Yet she doesn't seem to realize that.

  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, Tatum said:


Really? I didn't that- about Nathan's friends using her credit cards. Was that mentioned on the show? (Not saying it's not true, just curious how that came out).

I'd feel sorry for her, because that would really piss me off, but then I realize she retaliated by wishing death on them and then I'm reminded that I hate her and kind of laugh when something like that happens to her.


For all of her faults, (and her possible contributions to Jenelle being Jenelle), Barbara is probably one of only three (Kaiser and Jace being the others) that actually cares about Jenelle. Yet she doesn't seem to realize that.

It was reported afterward. Their trip wasn't filmed very much. Of course it could be untrue, as any of these stories, but I'm inclined to believe it. There was a reason for the fight, after all, and Nathan's friends are likely freeloaders just like him. 

35 minutes ago, Tatum said:

Oh I believe it. I just wondered how it came out. Did she say it on a reunion show or was it something she tweeted? I can easily see his friends taking advantage of her figuring the worst she can do is yell at them- there isn't anyway for her to recoup that money and they wouldn't care if she hated them.

It was one of her friends who told the story for money (or just 15 minutes?). It was a pretty detailed account and seemed very real/plausible. Not that her reaction was in any way OK, but I knew there was more to that whole trip situation than we knew. The friend also claimed that Nathan paid for his friends' trip with Jenelle's money to show off his new lifestyle, that Jenelle had bought all the cab rides, and that they'd gone to the resort bars without her at night and spent a huge chunk of change on her dime. Knowing Nathan's gold-digger status, it seems pretty plausible to me. And instead of leaving or calling the police, true to form, Jenelle said a bunch of the meanest shit she could think of to hide her feelings of betrayal and because she has the emotional awareness of a 10 year old. 

Jenelle is really a very bad person, but honestly when I see her I just see this gaping emotional void. 

  • Love 7
22 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

So if there is no custody order, Nathan could just take Kaiser indefinitely?

Absofuckinglutely.   That's why seeing how pompous Jenelle is about withholding him from Nathan is driving me INSANE.  There is nothing stopping Nathan from taking Kaiser and getting out of dodge.  Nothing (legally speaking.)  Jenelle seems to be operating under the assumption that she's got all the power and control when it comes to custody of the roll.  Without an actual custody order in place, she's got ZERO power.  I really really REALLY wish Nathan would have picked up Kaiser and walked right out with him when Dave brought him to the "supervised" visitation.  Even if she freaked out and ran to the cops, there's nothing to arrest Nathan for.   Bring it, bitch.

People who use children as pawns fill me with a rage like no other.  I DESPISE them. 

  • Love 15
On 5/10/2016 at 4:41 PM, lezlers said:

Absofuckinglutely.   That's why seeing how pompous Jenelle is about withholding him from Nathan is driving me INSANE.  There is nothing stopping Nathan from taking Kaiser and getting out of dodge.  Nothing (legally speaking.)  Jenelle seems to be operating under the assumption that she's got all the power and control when it comes to custody of the roll.  Without an actual custody order in place, she's got ZERO power.  I really really REALLY wish Nathan would have picked up Kaiser and walked right out with him when Dave brought him to the "supervised" visitation.  Even if she freaked out and ran to the cops, there's nothing to arrest Nathan for.   Bring it, bitch.

People who use children as pawns fill me with a rage like no other.  I DESPISE them. 

As many times as he's been arrested I wonder if maybe he's paranoid that if he tries to take Kaiser like that then he will be arrested. And maybe... JUST MAYBE... he's actually trying to get his shit together.  (wishful thinking?)

  • Love 1

Nathan posted on Facebook that he is putting the dog he used to share with Jenelle (don't know if it was originally his or hers, but whatever) up for adoption...after making a huge deal about getting him back/away from Jenelle. Sound familiar?

He says he needs someone to be more active with him, give him more attention, and give him the life he deserves because he knows he's not giving it to him. I'm sorry, what the fuck is he doing all day that he can't play with a dog?! Certainly not a job. He also says that if it's convenient he'd love to visit the dog once he's adopted. Oh great, and just make him think you're actually going to be a dog owner again and re-traumatize him every time with his new family. What a useless, selfish piece of crap. People who abuse animals deserve a special place in hell.

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 5

He actually came into the relationship with two Huskies. One mysteriously disappeared, so I'm assuming it's the other one going up for adoption. 

At one point, I remember reading a woman and her friend took the Husky and Jenelle's pitbull out of the yard because they were tired of seeing the dogs be abused and neglected. If I'm not mistaken they had to return them or face criminal charges. My history is hazy, by it was something along those lines.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 3

Please know I do not mean what I am about to say literally...

MAKEUP!? I would feel better about her locking the kids out of the room so she could do drugs than makeup.  At least if the kids were locked out for drugs it would potentially keep them from seeing something that could be scarring like shooting up, but nope... Jenelle locked them out so she could get her eyeliner "on fleek".

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Lm2162 said:

Nathan posted on Facebook that he is putting the dog he used to share with Jenelle (don't know if it was originally his or hers, but whatever) up for adoption...after making a huge deal about getting him back/away from Jenelle. Sound familiar?

He says he needs someone to be more active with him, give him more attention, and give him the life he deserves because he knows he's not giving it to him. I'm sorry, what the fuck is he doing all day that he can't play with a dog?! Certainly not a job. He also says that if it's convenient he'd love to visit the dog once he's adopted. Oh great, and just make him think you're actually going to be a dog owner again and re-traumatize him every time with his new family. What a useless, selfish piece of crap. People who abuse animals deserve a special place in hell.

I agree about animal abusers and this make me sad as well. But, remember how Jenelle just let the dogs out to run away when they annoyed her? I'm going to at least give Nathan (minuscule-sized) props for looking for a good home for the dog rather than just releasing or dumping him, as well as realizing that the dog deserves a better owner.  I wish Nathan would be able to convince Jenelle of the same with Kaiser and that they'd both agree to put him up for adoption with a nice family who actually wants to parent. 

  • Love 6

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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