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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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Does Jenelle have loot like that where she can buy land and have a house built? If it were Chelsea, I'd believe it, but I can't see Jenelle having tens of thousands of dollars stacked up and I sure as hell can't see her getting a bank loan.

I can see her having enough cash to buy a piece of property, especially if MTV just paid them for the season. But, not enough to build a custom home. She doesn't have a clue what building a house entails. On her twitter, people asked her if she was going single wide or double wide, LOL! And, said she's pretending to be  country because Uncle Dave likes muddin' and the country  life. My prediction is she'll buy a piece of property, break up with Uncle Dave and then they'll fight about it in court for a couple years because she'll be stupid enough to put his name on the deed.

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Can you imagine a general contractor having to deal with Jenelle? Telling her the permits are taking longer than expected would end with her screaming about how that's bullshit, dude! and hanging up on them. If pigs do start flying and she does start the home building process, I predict at least 3 general contractors will quit before the framing is even done. Or, she'll fire a couple for telling her her house won't be finished in time for her next birthday party.

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I can't imagine these girls interacting with pretty much any professional person. Look at how most of them talk to their lawyers. They are all pretty much dumb as dirt and have zero communication skills and limited vocabularies. Most have never worked so all of their interactions are with their equally idiotic friends and families. They have no coping skills and don't know how to manage conflict. I would love to see them go on job interviews and deal with having a boss, coworkers, or customers.

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I've just finished watching this week's episode and all I could think of while watching Jenelle not giving a shit about Kaiser was my best friend and her several miscarriages and failed IVF attempts. She turned 40 last month so, as much as I want it to happen for her, I think there's little chance now. She would cherish that little boy. I cried for her. I'm so sorry for your son, his fiancee and you, too, Maharincess. ~x I really think I'm going to have to FF through that nasty little bitch's segments and hope that baby is removed from her custody. 

She makes me so angry too.  She has 2 kids and doesn't give a crap about them.  My husband and I tried for years to conceive.  I suffered miscarriage after miscarriage.  Finally I got pregnant and we found out we were having a girl.  When I was 23 weeks pregnant my water broke and I had to give birth.  She died shortly thereafter.  I get so angry when I see selfish teens like Jenelle who get pregnant on a whim, and there's responsible women like myself who would do anything to have a child.

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She makes me so angry too.  She has 2 kids and doesn't give a crap about them.  My husband and I tried for years to conceive.  I suffered miscarriage after miscarriage.  Finally I got pregnant and we found out we were having a girl.  When I was 23 weeks pregnant my water broke and I had to give birth.  She died shortly thereafter.  I get so angry when I see selfish teens like Jenelle who get pregnant on a whim, and there's responsible women like myself who would do anything to have a child.


I'm so sorry you went through that, Phoebe. My heart goes out to you and your husband.

Jenelle is just a breeder, not a real mom.

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1. Kaiser doesn't really talk. Normally not that concerning. Boys can be slower to talk. My oldest only had 4 words at the age of 2. It wasn't until he was a few months past his second birthday that he really started talking. But I worry Kaiser might end up being stunted in several areas. We never really see him talked TO, just talked about. There is rarely any interaction going on there. And he is always confined to such small spaces, it's a wonder he can get around at all. 


2. Boy Scouts could be really good for Jace, character building. I do think something more physical would also behoove him, though - with the anger issues we've seen that he has. 


3. Jenelle is designing the house she's always dreamed of? I have a hard time picturing her sitting around thinking about architecture and design. I'm sure she wants a box covered with tacky flip flop wall hangings. 

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The house Jenelle has always dreamed of - always? she's what, 23? - conjures up an image of large rooms full of couches and beds with built in cell phone charging units and a drive thru window for food deliveries. A huge bathroom with floor to ceiling mirrors on all the walls for tan in a can application and admiring herself. And, a small, separate guest house for the babysitter du jour and Kaiser.

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He is a violent asshole. The article said they invited Nathan and he wouldn't come because they told him he had to leave Jessica at home due to the pending assault charge. 


Remember everyone, Jenelle is supposed to have her jury trial for the great mason jar assault of 2015 this Friday! 

Edited by lovesnark
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But I worry Kaiser might end up being stunted in several areas. We never really see him talked TO, just talked about. There is rarely any interaction going on there. And he is always confined to such small spaces, it's a wonder he can get around at all.


He;s ignored and neglected in every way.  I just mentioned on another thread, last week we saw Jenelle feed him canned corn dumped on his food tray.  Clearly she doesn't worry about Kaiser's nutrition either.  He's always cooped up in something so she doesn't have to interact with him, just shove him off in the corner while she talks about Uncle Dave with the bff of the week.

It has me really upset, watching this week after week.  She would abandon him in a heartbeat if she could get away with it, I've never seen a parent with NO love for their own baby like this.

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A sneak peek is up with Jenelle meeting Nathan to talk about Kaiser. Of course, she brings ignoramus Dave with her but he waits in the car. His only words are threatening violence. He says something about filling the screen with an uppercut. It's hard to understand his mumbling. Nathan walks out after asking Jenelle if she knows what parental alienation is. He thought she was going to bring Kaiser to see him but she took him to daycare instead. Bitch. 

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I truly believe that if it wasn't for TM2 and her social media following, Jenelle would have dumped Kaiser off on Nathan's mom, Nathan, or basically anyone who was around and would take him (possibly even guilting Barb into it). In fact, I believe the only reason she seems to be meeting his basic needs that are keeping him alive (food, clothing, shelter) are because she knows how bad it would look if something happened to him in her care. I truly think she has no shits to give about Kaiser (or anyone besides herself/soulmate of the month). She's a heinous person. Poor Kaiser.

  • Love 8

I truly believe that if it wasn't for TM2 and her social media following, Jenelle would have dumped Kaiser off on Nathan's mom, Nathan, or basically anyone who was around and would take him (possibly even guilting Barb into it). In fact, I believe the only reason she seems to be meeting his basic needs that are keeping him alive (food, clothing, shelter) are because she knows how bad it would look if something happened to him in her care. I truly think she has no shits to give about Kaiser (or anyone besides herself/soulmate of the month). She's a heinous person. Poor Kaiser.

If it wasn't for the MTV money, she wouldn't have a reason to keep Kaiser around. As much as Nathan seemingly hates her, I can totally see him refuse to give consent for Kaiser to be filmed. No Kaiser, no Jenelle on TM2. Unless they'd film her for the brief periods she's with Jace. If they're going to keep this trainwreck going, I'd rather watch Barb and Jace and never have to see Jenelle on my TV again.

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I wonder if Nathan and Janelle think whichever one keeps Kaiser, is the one that gets paid the most by mtv? I hope that makes sense. I don't know if they just want the other one not to have him or if he's just a pawn for control and a check is just a bonus. Good grief it's all just so sad for that baby.

I honestly think Nathan wants Kaiser because he cares about him. He acted like a parent to him when they were together, unlike dead eyed Jenelle. I hope they get the custody thing handled soon so when Jenelle decides to take off for another trip, Kaiser won't be left with some stranger she snagged to watch him. Parenting plans usually have a right of first refusal. If Jenelle wants to take a trip, Nathan gets first dibs on having Kaiser while she's gone.

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He is a violent asshole. The article said they invited Nathan and he wouldn't come because they told him he had to leave Jessica at home due to the pending assault charge.

Remember everyone, Jenelle is supposed to have her jury trial for the great mason jar assault of 2015 this Friday!

I'm sort of excited and I'm aware that makes me a bad person.

Regarding the questions about why Nathan seems to want Kaiser more than he wants to see his daughter, I hate saying this but I think it's probably true, it's probably because Kaiser is his SON. A boy. Nathan seems to me like someone who'd care way more about a son than a daughter.

Well, and his daughter's mom isn't on TV.

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It just occurred to me that Kaiser is almost two years old and we never hear him speak, or even attempt to speak.  Nothing.  I know at his age, my daughter was babbling all the time.

Of course, nobody ever talks to Kaiser so he probably doesn't know he's supposed to do that.  God, it just makes me sick.


It hurts my heart the way Kaiser seems to get entirely ignored unless he's being used as ammunition in the ongoing war between Jenelle and Nips. He seems to get imprisoned in his pen or crib until Jenelle needs to do the bare minimum to keep him alive, and then she kinda just lugs him around as though he's a sack of potatoes. If she's trying to seem like a compassionate mother for the cameras, I'd hate to think what she's like when they're not filming. 

Also, I'm getting déjà vu watching Jenelle's situation with David play out. This is exactly what happened when she first got together with Nipples. She was content not to have custody of Jace until she got a new boyfriend who mentioned it. She either a) wants the new boyfriend to think she actually gives a crap about her son, b) wants to minimise the contact between Babs and her new man or c) a bit of both. So she makes every excuse in the book as to why she can't try to get custody of Jace just yet, all the while lamenting that Barbara won't bend to her every whim. 

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Uncle Dave creeped everyone out on set, too. http://www.theashley...2-dads-special/


Ha! And Adumb says the guys get a "bad" edit. I'm really disturbed that the host would tell him to change his answer, that MTV wouldn't air that. How about showing this guy for who he really is? Let him say it. And then maybe let the other dads give their opinion on his answer. Let Cory and Jo tell him what a weak coward he is, a man who would hit children and absolutely HAS hit pregnant woman. This man is revolting. If you're going to pay him and put him on your TV show, at least be honest about who he is. 


I've always wished we had more info about how often Nathan sees his daughter. I remember Jenelle talking about fixing up a room for her at one of the houses they lived in. I've wondered if the custodial grandparent doesn't want her to be filmed? I looked around for quite a while and couldn't find much of anything.


I could be remembering wrong, but I seem to recall Jenelle posting pics of the 4 or 5 of them on Instagram. It seemed like Nathan got time with his daughter about as much as she did with Jace, and they'd take all the kids out to do stuff. I'm not sure why neither of the daughter's parents have custody over her, but I think the reason WE haven't seen her much is that she's not allowed to be filmed. 

  • Love 2
It hurts my heart the way Kaiser seems to get entirely ignored unless he's being used as ammunition in the ongoing war between Jenelle and Nips. He seems to get imprisoned in his pen or crib until Jenelle needs to do the bare minimum to keep him alive, and then she kinda just lugs him around as though he's a sack of potatoes. If she's trying to seem like a compassionate mother for the cameras, I'd hate to think what she's like when they're not filming.


Exactly; she can't even pretend to love him when she's being filmed.  I'm with you, it's just heartbreaking to see this baby ignored and neglected.

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It hurts my heart the way Kaiser seems to get entirely ignored unless he's being used as ammunition in the ongoing war between Jenelle and Nips. He seems to get imprisoned in his pen or crib until Jenelle needs to do the bare minimum to keep him alive, and then she kinda just lugs him around as though he's a sack of potatoes. If she's trying to seem like a compassionate mother for the cameras, I'd hate to think what she's like when they're not filming. 



I know, it's heartbreaking and not fun to watch. And the problem is, even if Nathan (or someone else) wrestles custody away from Jenelle AND is a decent caregiver (a long shot on both accounts, based on what we know about all parties) Jenelle will just have another kid, and neglect him or her as well.

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The only food I see Jenelle making is hot dogs.  No wonder Kaiser Roll is a chub.


She feeds him total crap.  A couple of episodes ago, Kaiser was shown eating canned corn directly off his high chair food tray.  The little bitch dumped canned corn onto that thing for her baby to eat, and you know she never cleans his high chair.

No protein, no fruit anywhere in sight, he's always penned up some kind of way so he doesn't get to move much.  Nobody talks to him or cares about his needs.

I wish this emotional abuse and neglect were against the law.

  • Love 1

I know, it's heartbreaking and not fun to watch. And the problem is, even if Nathan (or someone else) wrestles custody away from Jenelle AND is a decent caregiver (a long shot on both accounts, based on what we know about all parties) Jenelle will just have another kid, and neglect him or her as well.

I'm not sure why we are supposed to find child neglect dramatic and fun to watch, but apparently MTV thinks we should.

omg she can start a detective business with Kristen from Vanderpump Rules, online stalker and psycho chick extraordinaire !  I would totally watch the shit out of *that* reality show...

Meghan King Edmonds from OC Howives can be a background player and do all the online background checking to ferret out the criminals.

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All of Jenelle's voiceovers about why she hasn't seen Jace in awhile. "I started a new semester, so I haven't seen Jace in awhile", "I had to move, so I haven't seen Jace in awhile", "I'm glued to Tinder, so I haven't seen Jace in awhile", "My boyfriend and I are doing so much smack that we can't get off the couch, so I haven't seen Jace in awhile".


Carrying this over from the Quotes thread because I wanted to add on a little. I'd forgotten just how much she says this stuff.


I also find myself wondering, what's "awhile"?  Are we talking she's supposed to see him every weekend and it's been two weeks, or are we talking months? 


Poor kid. I wish she'd just leave him aloooooonnnnnne.

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She's so selfish it's ridiculous. She said something in her voiceover like "All the drama with Nathan is getting to me and it's ruining my trip" which is so typical of her. The drama results from the fact that she was too hasty to have a kid with a complete and utter moron, a mistake I'm sure she'll repeat. I feel like she's just jenelling along and trying to enjoy her MTV money, getting stoned and taking trips and getting plastic surgery, and she just sees her kids as two more things that get in the way of that. If you wanna just do you then don't have children, it's that simple. As soon as you have a kid, you're not number 1 anymore, your child is your first priority. It appears that she'll never accept that. 


I'm not trying to say Chelsea's perfect but the contrast between her and Jenelle is pretty stark whenever Chelsea takes a trip somewhere. She always worries beforehand about leaving her kid and checks in on her while she's there. Jenelle just sees her boys as extra "drama" that are stopping her from having a good time. 

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I was just coming here to post this about Tori's arrest:




I don't think she's been Kaiser's "nanny" for a couple of months (I think David's sister took over that job, or so it seems on TV), but still....

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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According to Allaboutthetea website, Jenelle's BFF (and Kaiser's Nanny) was arrested on a drug charge last week, for possession of heroin. Obviously Jenelle doesn't care what type of people she allows around her kids. More ammo for the Nathan's pending custody case-hope he's paying attention.

I wonder if she's still living with Jenelle? Since Uncle Dave came with a sister for babysitting, Jenelle probably moved Tori out when she moved Lurch in. I wonder who owned the van she was in when she was arrested? They seized it. I'll laugh my ass off if Jenelle bought it for her.

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I think I figured out a career for Jenelle. She can be a bounty hunter, using online dating profiles to lure in criminals.

Yea, with Dog the Bounty Hunter they only get a heartfelt sermon advising them to get their life together.  With Janelle they'll get some poontang before being returned to the slammer.

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Tori was arrested for possession? And this is who Jenelle was leaving Kaiser with so she could flit all over the country?

Jesus help that poor baby.


No, Tori was the blonde friend who Jenelle mentioned in one voice over was "helping me watch Kaiser", the blonde girl.  The one present for the infamous hot dog lunch a few episodes ago, where both Kaiser's "mother" and his "nanny" sat in a different room while Kaiser screamed in his crib.

Yeah I hope Nathan is seeing all this shit Jenelle is pulling; she doesn't know or care who watches Kaiser as long as SHE doesn't have to do it.

Edited by blubld43
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Has Janelle ever had any friends or boyfriend who weren't intimately familiar with the criminal court system?

Probably not... as someone else said, birds of a feather. Plus, you tend to be drawn toward people you have things in common with- breaking the law, not working, etc.

Someone who was law-abiding would never be friends with Janelle. Just like how Janelle attracts loser guys because SHE is also a loser. No self-respecting guy would be caught dead with her (unless he's a fame whore, then he is not self-respecting). An educated, responsible guy is not going to put up with Janelle and her shit unless he's really desperate for some tail.

  • Love 3

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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