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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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Janelle just now realize that most nurses don't have police records? Is she serious? I would refuse her services just based on her behavior towards her children on the show & I realize we aren't seeing the whole story, but what we do see is full of crazy behavior, drugs,& voilence! She really thinks she'd be a good nurse?

Edited by ebkitty
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I don't know about on camera. I thought Gary was the one she accused of strangling her with a blanket. But, as far as I remember, they BOTH went to jail and were BOTH given no contact orders. I'm not excusing any of these guys, but I feel like Jenelle often instigates things and then wants to cry to all her friends that her dude "beat her up". 


At any rate, I thought Gary was the one Barb actually sort of liked, and was also the one that seemed most interested in Jace. 

Does anyone else read the name "Gary" and immediately think of Spongebob Squarepants' pet snail?


Just me then?



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Unbelievable, this chick is beyond words this morning, she is one horrible person. Good Job Jenelle Evans!!!

We aren't supposed to use netspeak, but all I can think is "OMGWTF." She's with a real sicko right now.
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Putting the picture up was disgusting, but those hash tags 'Uncle Dave' added are just vile. Just when we thought Jenelle couldn't find an even bigger loser than her previous boyfriends, she surprises us once again.

As much of a lowlife as Nathan is, Kaiser is better off with him than his trashbag mother.

Edited by BitterApple
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A real winner there, Jenelle. I wonder how Nathan feels about that photo being posted?  Yes, babies explore their bodies and there's nothing sexual about it and it's completely normal, but the 50 year old pedo's and are loving the picture & the 14 year olds are making fun of Kaiser for doing it (because a lot don't realize babies aren't at all sexual beings yet). 

She is really a horrible person. Is there no depth she won't sink to when trying to "win" an argument?

And no, Jenelle, there's definitely a huge difference between two boys of approximate age "exploring" and your 30 year old boyfriend taking a picture of your infant and sexualizing it. And it's fucking gross that she would defend her current penis over her child.  Poor Kaiser. He won't ever have a chance. CPS should just take him now.

God, Jenelle is so fucking stupid she makes me want to stab something. People aren't outraged over a child exploring his body. People are outraged that her boyfriend put a picture of it on the Internet with sexually explicit hashtags, turning something natural into child pornography.

And on that note, if this is the sort of thing 'Uncle Dave' finds cute, Babs better be damn careful as to how much time Jace spends around this man. Certain types prey on clueless single mothers, if you catch my drift...

  • Love 11


Jenelle tries to clean up her and creepy Uncle David's actions, with more lies. She just doesn't (or can't) get why everyones upset!

She says that the picture was from a video she sent the boyfriend. So the boyfriend took a screengrab of the video?  That's even creepier.  Why are you sending sensitive photos of your child to your boyfriend of the quarter?

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Why is she taking a video of it and sending it to people?! Just when I think this idiot can't get any worse, she does.

This isn't the place for this debate I know but it absolutely infuriates me that there are so many people who would be excellent parents, they try for years and years and spend their life savings just trying to get pregnant and they can't. Then somebody like Jenelle can get pregnant with no trouble at all.

It's just not right.

My son did everything right, he's 31, he's worked steadily since he was 15, he and his fiancée waited until they owned their own home and were emotionally and financially ready to have kids. After trying for over a year they were told that it's not ever going to happen for them.

It's just not fair that Jenelle can give birth to as many kids as she wants and will mess those kids up in every way possible but my son can't be a father.

One of the many, many reasons I'm an atheist.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 11

Ick, those hashtags. Honestly the worst part. 


I won't lie, I have taken a picture of my oldest son when he falls asleep with his hand down his pants and sent it to my husband and laughed over how he looks like Al Bundy. But he's fully clothed and my husband is his father and it's just a personal, family moment. To have this dude who's been in Kaiser's life all of 5 minutes sharing that image for millions to see is just disgusting. Now maybe I can see why Barb calls Dave her worst boyfriend ever.

  • Love 4

Why is she taking a video of it and sending it to people?! Just when I think this idiot can't get any worse, she does.

This isn't the place for this debate I know but it absolutely infuriates me that there are so many people who would be excellent parents, they try for years and years and spend their life savings just trying to get pregnant and they can't. Then somebody like Jenelle can get pregnant with no trouble at all.

It's just not right.

My son did everything right, he's 31, he's worked steadily since he was 15, he and his fiancée waited until they owned their own home and were emotionally and financially ready to have kids. After trying for over a year they were told that it's not ever going to happen for them.

It's just not fair that Jenelle can give birth to as many kids as she wants and will mess those kids up in every way possible but my son can't be a father.

One of the many, many reasons I'm an atheist.

I've just finished watching this week's episode and all I could think of while watching Jenelle not giving a shit about Kaiser was my best friend and her several miscarriages and failed IVF attempts. She turned 40 last month so, as much as I want it to happen for her, I think there's little chance now. She would cherish that little boy. I cried for her. I'm so sorry for your son, his fiancee and you, too, Maharincess. ~x I really think I'm going to have to FF through that nasty little bitch's segments and hope that baby is removed from her custody. 

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Hmm, let's see. Currently Jenelle is being sued for custody of the Roll, she's got an assault case pending, and she's being accused of cyberstalking. Also, her boooooyfriend is accused of violating his no contact order for his child. What a pair. They definitely deserve each other. A dream team for the lawyers.

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I never thought I'd say this but I desperately hope Nathan wins custody of the roll.  Jenelle is the definition of an unfit mother.  She needs to lose custody, STAT.   I'm actually impressed by how each loser she picks seems to be worse than the last.   It'd be a lot more entertaining if there weren't innocent children involved.

  • Love 6


So not surprised that, "the all David did was try to give his baby a hug, while getting Kaiser juice" story is being questioned. Can't wait until he goes to court so we can find out the truth. Such bad people, the truth will always come out!

Edited by ebkitty

Good Lord, that just sickens me. It's horrible enough to abuse a woman, but when you abuse a pregnant woman you are putting the child at risk as well! It said she was only 8 months along. Did it say whether they were able to stop the contractions? Or did she have the baby? 


I have to wonder if that dude is on steroids. He has the same huge jaw as Jax on Vanderpump Rules.

  • Love 2

Good Lord, that just sickens me. It's horrible enough to abuse a woman, but when you abuse a pregnant woman you are putting the child at risk as well! It said she was only 8 months along. Did it say whether they were able to stop the contractions? Or did she have the baby?

I have to wonder if that dude is on steroids. He has the same huge jaw as Jax on Vanderpump Rules.

She was admitted to the hospital and given some sort of drugs to stop the contractions. She was hospitalized for two days and then assaulted once again after she had the baby. The judge issued the no-contact order after the second incident. Jenelle sure can pick em, can't she?

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Yes, I've read it can cause bone growth, particularly in the jaw and fingers/toes. It wouldn't surprise me. He clearly has his a temper to boot. 


You know, I was reading an article about David violating the protective order and decided to look up his ex on Facebook. She's a hairstylist, and appears to work at a pretty nice salon. She seems pretty talented. She's a fairly cute girl and seems to live a pretty normal life and enjoys her son. Obviously people can be misleading with their social media, but Jenelle seems like a much better match for that troll, and I'm glad the mother of his baby was able to get away from him. 

  • Love 1


So not surprised that, "the all David did was try to give his baby a hug, while getting Kaiser juice" story is being questioned. Can't wait until he goes to court so we can find out the truth. Such bad people, the truth will always come out!


Just ask Leah!  :D   Sorry, couldn't resist.

  • Love 3

Gossip time! 





I know there is video that exists of this Teen Mom star smoking meth. It is not from that long ago. October of last year is what I have heard. Apparently the Teen Mom can’t stop smoking it. The recording exists for protection. Not blackmail or extortion, but protection in case the person recording the video is ever the one accused of being the transgressor. I can’t believe I used that word. Watched The Path on Hulu and they kept using it. Sorry.


Their guess is our own Jenelle!


If it is, I wonder if Nips is the one with the tape?  If so, the custody battle ought to be glorious!  Or maybe it's her current jailbird lover, Jaws.  Hmmm.

  • Love 2
I really think I'm going to have to FF through that nasty little bitch's segments and hope that baby is removed from her custody.


I honestly can't take watching Jenelle neglect that poor little boy.  It just breaks my heart, she has NO feelings for him whatsoever, except as a tool to use against his father.  That's it.  She doesn't keep him clean, doesn't wash him after eating or change his diaper before throwing him in his crib in a dark room.....this is abuse. Go Nathan.

Edited by blubld43
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Who puts a full hot dog in a bun in front of a 1 year old? What the hell is he supposed to do with that? She's such a loser at life, I just can't take it anymore.


In that scene they cut to Kaiser's food tray, on the high chair.  It looks like Jenelle did tear it in half!  Kaiser has some gnawed-on food there, processed meat and white bread.  Where's the baby food Jenelle?  He's a baby!

It just killed me that she didn't wash him or even wipe his hands before throwing him in his crib.  Being clean is comfort, having a dry diaper is important.  She has no feelings for him at all.

Edited by blubld43
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Someone asked in another thread if Barb ever paid attention to Kaiser and I thought my reply might fit better here. I don't see her pay much attention to him and it almost seems like she intentionally ignores him. I have no idea if this is accurate but my theory is that she doesn't want to get close to him and end up having Jenelle use yet another grandbaby to repeatedly hurt, manipulate, etc. her.

It's heartbreaking to watch because Jenelle ignores the poor kid, and I just want someone to pick him up and cuddle him, but my sense is that Barb is protecting herself.

Of course I could be way off base, but that's been my opinion so far.

  • Love 5
Makes me want to take the poor baby into my already full house. I just don't get how anyone can be so cruel and loveless to their own child.


Right there with you, I'm hoping at least Nathan gets him.  This may not be great, but I think Nathan has feelings for Kaiser, he seems to show him affection.  

Even Barbara seems to have distanced herself from this poor baby, I guess she feels like she's too old to try to raise yet another of Jenelle's children. Barbara is flawed like the rest of us but she's a human with feelings, it must register with her that Jenelle truly cares nothing for that child.

it almost seems like she intentionally ignores him.



Edited by blubld43
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A mobile Kaiser+ inattentive Jenelle= accident waiting to happen. I doubt she has baby-proofed the house.

Replying to this post from last week's episode thread since I think my question fits better here:

What would have to happen to Jenelle and/or Kaiser to have all of her dumbass fangirls realize that she's the worst mother ever and should not be emulated or sympathized with?


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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