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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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24 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

I feel for Jenelle, honestly, when I read that tweet about Nugget. It's odd that she's never shown such affection for a human. Maybe she's one of those people who loves animals but not people, since people can talk back. It just stuns me, though, that she would stay with him. If someone ever hurt one of my birds, I would be too sickened to even consider staying! Jenelle's has a while to think about it, and has decided not to leave. Whaaaat?! It makes no sense whatsoever. 

I think it makes perfect sense that Jenelle isn't leaving David.  It takes a while for victims to leave their abusers, especially if their abuser kills a pet to send a message, which is what I think happened, here.  Jenelle is a piece of shit, but she is also terrified.  She knows it would only take a second for David to hurt her, or shoot her, so she's staying put.  By killing Nugget, David made sure she would stay, for a good long while.

It makes me want to vomit.

Edited by Fiver
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7 hours ago, galaxychaser said:

Thanks to mtv $ guess she had good lawyers since no serious jail time... my guess she has a lawyer on a retainer.

She had Dustin, the miracle lawyer for years and she probably bought him a nice beach house with the money she spent on criminal defense over the years. But, when they sent cease and desist letters to the cast of TM2, Randy Houska (he got one, too) asked if they came from Dustin's firm. His paralegal replied to Randy that Dustin hadn't had anything to do with Jenelle for quite some time and would never represent her again. My guess was that he got sick of being repeatedly lied to and that she stiffed him when he finally said he was done with her. I would love to see the total she's spent on legal fees since she started this show. Probably could have purchased several homes with it😂

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7 hours ago, Fiver said:

I think it makes perfect sense that Jenelle isn't leaving David.  It takes a while for victims to leave their abusers, especially if their abuser kills a pet to send a message, which is what I think happened, here.  Jenelle is a piece of shit, but she is also terrified.  She knows it would only take a second for David to hurt her, or shoot her, so she's staying put.  By killing Nugget, David made sure she would stay, for a good long while.

It makes me want to vomit.

Me too. But, why did she pay his child support and keep him out of jail? It would have been the perfect time to get the kids, send all the animals somewhere they'll actually be cared for, and haul ass. That 5k, I bet she wishes she had that back.

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1 hour ago, Eater of Worlds said:

He only has access to her funds if she set it up that way.  I know many marriages where the individual money earned is kept separate, the bills are divvied up, etc.  It doesn't just magically happen, she had to put him on her accounts.  He either pressured her to do it or she wanted to do it from some idealized version of marriage in her head.

I bet you he had her put his name on all of her accounts  within a  week of him moving in with her. 

  • Love 13
47 minutes ago, druzy said:


This is gross

It IS gross! But, we know these monsters wouldn't think of adopting any of the wonderful and deserving dogs in shelters. They help keep puppy mills and backyard breeders in business by buying dogs from them. It would not surprise me at all to see her posting pics of a new Frenchie pup in the next few days and saying what a wonderful man her huzbin is for getting her such an awesome gift for mother's day.

1 hour ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

I bet you he had her put his name on all of her accounts  within a  week of him moving in with her. 

Of course she did.  She put him on the deed to the land, no questions asked, and they had barely been together at that time.

I also highly doubt they keep money in the bank.   If they do, though, he is most certainly on those accounts.

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26 minutes ago, geauxaway said:

Of course she did.  She put him on the deed to the land, no questions asked, and they had barely been together at that time.

I also highly doubt they keep money in the bank.   If they do, though, he is most certainly on those accounts.

I agree with this, but I wonder why he had to leave court to get the money. He knew going in that the judge was going to jail him if he didn't pay. So what happened in that half hour the court gave him to pay up?

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17 minutes ago, blubld43 said:

I agree with this, but I wonder why he had to leave court to get the money. He knew going in that the judge was going to jail him if he didn't pay. So what happened in that half hour the court gave him to pay up?

I don’t get that either.  Same with the fact that why wait until the very last day to pay up, when all along you had the money available.  My only guess is that David thought it would get dropped and he wouldn’t have to pay anything.  Because he’s never received any consequences from the court before for all his other actions, I would assume the figured this would get dismissed as well.

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32 minutes ago, blubld43 said:

I agree with this, but I wonder why he had to leave court to get the money. He knew going in that the judge was going to jail him if he didn't pay. So what happened in that half hour the court gave him to pay up?

Good question.  It means we can’t assume they have joint banking accounts.  

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1 hour ago, blubld43 said:

I agree with this, but I wonder why he had to leave court to get the money. He knew going in that the judge was going to jail him if he didn't pay. So what happened in that half hour the court gave him to pay up?

I think they're broke and Jenelle had the last of the cash and/or the debit card. They were both at pawn shops a few days before he had to go to court. I think they were hoping to pawn some shit to come up with the money and found out what they had wasn't worth squat. Time to start selling toys, dog murdering swamp monster. That child support will still be due every month!

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Jenelle gives tips on how to have a healthy marriage like hers  🤣

In the video she says we got some chickens and pigs so we are homesteading now. She defines homesteading as a personal farm for your home. They bought 25 adult chickens and when they go through menopause they will eat them. They learned how to homestead from YouTube. They saw a family on YouTube who kill their chickens by hanging them upside down then cutting their throats so that's what they will do. Jenelle said the geese peck on the dogs and the dogs just sit there and don't do anything. This interview is a week prior to Nugget's murder. They ordered some fruit trees so they will be planting them upon arrival.


Jenelle Evans recently became unemployed— she was fired from her decade-long job on Teen Mom 2 last week— but her husband David Eason has been sans-job for a long time now, and in a podcast interview taped just before she and David made international headlines— Jenelle finally admits it!

In an interview with the Hollywood Life podcast that was taped last month (before David killed Jenelle’s dog and helped her get axed from MTV), Jenelle is asked point-blank by the site’s Bonnie Fuller what David’s “other job” is (aside from being Jenelle’s husband) and is finally forced to admit that she was the only one in the family bringing home a paycheck.

“Right now, he’s being basically a stay-at-home dad,” Jenelle says. “He has an underwater cleaning business, scuba diving and cleans boats but since it’s been the wintertime and cold he has to put that off.” 

In the past, Jenelle has tried to the fact that David doesn’t work (and seemingly hasn’t earned any money since he was fired in February 2018 from ‘Teen Mom 2′). This marks the first time Jenelle has actually admitted that David has no job. 

Jenelle went on to explain that, other than stayin’ at home tendin’ to his youngins (and hefty selection of guns), David is a handyman who also used to weld for a living (although he doesn’t currently do so). 

“He helps me build whatever I want,” Jenelle added, as she giggles nervously and glances off-camera. “Even though he doesn’t have a job, he does have a job at home basically. He’s a lot of help with the kids.”

In what is almost an eerie comment now, given what happened between them in the short time since this interview was taped, Jenelle also gives advice on how to have a relationship that is as healthy as the one she has with David. 

“I think you have to find somethin’ that you both commonly enjoy doing and go do it,” Jenelle says. “If it’s once a month, once a while, once a week, you need to go do it, ’cause it will keep you connected and keep you close…”

Jenna Lemoncelli– one of the site’s editors who clearly doesn’t have psychic abilities to see the future– tells Jenelle at one point during the interview, “I don’t think you have anything to worry about…”


Although Jenelle made the rounds after David killed her dog in early May, telling various media outlets she was considering divorcing David, she quickly returned back home to The Land and David and has stated that she is now “working on” her marriage.

If you want to watch the entire video of Jenelle’s podcast interview, you can do so below!

Edited by druzy
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Losing this job will eventually cost jenelle her life. With no money coming in, no money to pay for drugs chaos will ensue and he’s going to kill her. MTV was the only thing keeping her alive bc at least someone was checking up on her. Now no one will check up on her. She’s a total imbecile for staying with him and I don’t have any sympathy for her. I fear for Kaisers life. 

Side note,  all the money mtv has why have they not made a huge donation to the aspca or something. They have the worst pr people. 

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20 hours ago, Eater of Worlds said:

He only has access to her funds if she set it up that way.  I know many marriages where the individual money earned is kept separate, the bills are divvied up, etc.  It doesn't just magically happen, she had to put him on her accounts.  He either pressured her to do it or she wanted to do it from some idealized version of marriage in her head.

Unless there's a prenup, property acquired DURING THE MARRIAGE by either spouse is considered marital property to be divided up during a divorce according to whether the state you reside in is a Community Property state or an Equitable Distribution state. So yes, if Jenelle still  has any of the MTV related money  that she earned DURING her marriage to David he would be legally entitled to a portion of it regardless of whether she has it in a separate account in her name. I don't see it being an issue though since I'm sure they're blown every cent.

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In the more animals to abuse and neglect department, they now have baby goats. She posted a video while walking around  and you can hear baby goats in the background when she's in the garage with a bunch of baby chicks. There must be people in their area who don't know who they are or they're having other people go buy these animals for them.

I suspect a lot of people, particularly in her area, don't see a problem with shooting a dog that "bit" a child.  Animals are property, to do with what you wish.  You can buy chicks at feed stores, no problem, and I suspect they got the goats from someone who either doesn't know about UBT's behavior or doesn't care/thinks it's being overblown.  After all, he's a good ol' boy!  Those damn meddling city people should just stay out of our business, they don't understand!

I lived for 12 years in the panhandle of Florida; I suspect the people in rural NC aren't much different.

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16 hours ago, TheRealT said:

My mind is blown at the idea of Jenelle giving marital advice. A week before her "perfect" husband killed her dog and a week and a half before she got over that and returned to living with him and trying to pass their marriage/life off as healthy and "normal." The delusion is staggering.

I seriously wonder what goes through her mind. Does she think, "Well, yeah, UBT beats me, my son, and my dogs and he viciously murdered Nugget, but really he's a good guy who's just misunderstood. I need to lie to protect him and someday he'll stop beating us (or at least me)."? Does she think that she and UBT's other victims deserve his abuse because they did something to set him off and they need to learn to do better? Does she ever think seriously about her life, her marriage, how she's raising her kids, etc? I honestly don't get it.

And I'm fairly familiar with the dynamics of domestic violence, so I get that DV victims' actions don't necessarily "make sense." But I still don't get what Jenelle's thought process is. She's not financially dependent on UBT; it's actually the other way around. He's not her first love or first serious relationship or someone she's been with for a long time. He's not someone who comes off to the outside world as a great husband and father, making her feel ashamed to admit that he's not as perfect as everyone thinks. 

When she hooked up with UBT, Jenelle was willing and able to provide her next soul mate/baby daddy with 6 to 7 figures in property, cash, earning ability, trips, etc. Ideally, she wanted someone who would do most of the childcare and other adulting so she could focus on staying medicated and avoiding the stresses of real life. UBT jumped all over that, but ran the opportunity into the ground in record time. Even a semi-"normal" guy could have faked it for the cameras for a few weeks a few times a year- playing with the kids, tending to the chickens, doing talking heads about how concerned he was about Nathan's parenting (without being violent, offensive, and antagonistic at MTV events and online). Jenelle and her partner had the ability to make a mid-6-figures income just doing that, but they blew it.

UBT is older and more experienced with "real life" (i.e., not making 6 figures for "working" on a reality show), so he should have realized how good he/they had it, but he's so stupid/crazy that he didn't. I think he honestly can't stop himself from behaving like a lunatic, even when he should realize that it's going to cost him dearly. The level of "good behavior" required by MTV was almost certainly lower than any other job he ever had, but he couldn't manage to do something as simple a go on a free trip to LA and not act violent and threatening at a party thrown by his and his wife's employer. Let him try that shit at the holiday party for employees at Costco or a diving company or wherever else he might be able to get a job. It's just crazy to me. The most fucked up people I know would mind ALL of their P's and Q's if they had the opportunity to make that kind of money essentially doing nothing.

Disregarding the DV angle, Jenelle is mentally ill, and addicted to the drama David gives her.  I had a mother like that; she would bring a bunch of losers home and do drugs with them, and couldn't go a single day without fighting someone.   When she wasn't fighting with losers and doing drugs, she was a flatline of a human, completely checked out, no interest in anything beyond when/how she was going to get that next high.  Sound familiar?

I'm not talking to you, specifically, I just feel like I understand why Jenelle does what she does because of my mother.  It makes a weird sort of sense to me, because I lived it.  I was Jace, Maryssa, Nathan, and Ensley.  The only difference is, I had a loving extended family who realized the situation I was in, and never gave up on me.  I also had a stepfather for a while who did all the heavy lifting when it comes to parenting, and taught me a lot of valuable things before he finally left my mother.  I have a lot of sympathy for these kids, because I don't know if they have a way out of their shitty home life.  At least Jace and Nathan have other family members.  Not sure about the others.

Sorry, I feel like I just barfed up my childhood and exposed myself, but I felt like maybe I could shed a little light on Jenelle, and how she "works".  IDK.  I could be all wrong, but I don't think I am.  Jenelle has so much in common with my mother, it's not even funny.

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15 hours ago, KittyKat133 said:

Losing this job will eventually cost jenelle her life. With no money coming in, no money to pay for drugs chaos will ensue and he’s going to kill her. MTV was the only thing keeping her alive bc at least someone was checking up on her. Now no one will check up on her. She’s a total imbecile for staying with him and I don’t have any sympathy for her. I fear for Kaisers life. 

Side note,  all the money mtv has why have they not made a huge donation to the aspca or something. They have the worst pr people. 

I agree. They won't have money for bills or food, never mind drugs. UBT will be pawning his guns, I hope his dick shrinks proportionately every time he has to let go of another one.

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On 5/3/2019 at 9:01 AM, BitterApple said:

How is it Olivia managed to have Dave's visits with Kaden terminated, but Barb can't do the same for Jace? Either Barb has the worst luck with judges or she needs to get a new attorney. Can't she at least file some sort of emergency petition to suspend everything until the dog abuse case is resolved?

I suspect that Barb shoots herself in the foot to an extent with these cases.  I give Barb credit for caring for Jace, but, it only extends so far.  She needs to step up and fully take care of him, not just put a roof over his head and feed him.  She has to make sure that his emotional and physical wellbeing is taken care of too.  Over the years, she's sacrificed those things by not taking steps to deal with things with Jenelle because she didn't want to lose her.  I get that she didn't want to lose her daughter, but too bad, Jace needed her more at that point. 

On 5/3/2019 at 5:16 PM, eskimo said:

Completely an aside, but Dove chocolate is targeted toward dogs? 

Who is Jamie?

Isn't chocolate bad for dogs?

On 5/3/2019 at 7:53 PM, happykitteh said:

I pray when Barb gets back from her cruise with Jace she immediately calls her lawyer - if she hasn't slready, assuming she's heard about  this - and gets an emergency hearing with a judge to stop visitations with Jenelle. I'm sure Barb is sickened and absolutely terrified for Jace and Janelle. We all hate Jenelle and wish her nothing but the worst but she's Barb's baby and she still loves her no matter what. I can't imagine if my kid were in that situation.

Over the years, Barb could have been more diligent about keeping track of the issues with Jace and staying on top of them with the courts and in regards to custody.  She let so much go for so long and then when she tries to show up and do something about things, there is no history, so they have to start the clock at that point.  I would have been pushing to keep Jenelle away (visitation wise), back when she was doing drugs with Keiffer, and if she'd already had those sorts of things "on file" then when new things crop up now, it would be a lot easier to move forward with getting the visitation removed.  But Barb has always backed down and is apparently willing to sacrifice Jace for Jenelle. 

On 5/8/2019 at 11:42 AM, galaxychaser said:

Can you imagine jennel going to a job interview with her dead eyes and charming personality? Lol she will never get a job,

I saw Farrah on Couples Therapy, so, yeah, I can.

On 5/9/2019 at 8:31 AM, Lemur said:

"Hundreds of thousands in taxes every year"?  Bitch, please!  You ain't making 9 figures.  You live in a low-tax, low infrastructure state.  Your math skills aren't well and your understanding of how taxation works is non-existent.  

Tell 'em, Eskimo!  Seriously, maybe you wouldn't financially struggle if you didn't spend all your money on weed, tattoos, guns and luxury cars.  

I think they are paid as contractors rather than employees.  I don't know that they are paying hundreds of thousands each year, but I think they are paying a fairly hefty amount in taxes.  I've had jobs where I was paid as a contractor (so no taxes were withheld at all), and that really, really sucked come April.  I always thought it sucked seeing the FICA amount withheld in each check until I had none of it taken out and basically had to look at the entire amount in one lump sum at the end of the year.  

On 5/11/2019 at 5:27 PM, druzy said:

Is it just me or does she look like she has a massive dirt ring around her neck?

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1 minute ago, druzy said:

There's a hearing today.

Oh good. I wonder who had him this weekend. I have specifically avoided anything to do with Jenelle after that one deleted scene of Kaiser sitting in his car seat alone while David and Jenelle did whatever in the house just broke my heart. While most of these kids are not in great shape (Jace and Ensley obviously have their crosses to bear, but I would throw in most of the other TM and TM2 youngsters too), Kaiser is the one that seems to be in the most obviously vulnerable position of all the kids. Ensley is the heir to that unfortunate title, but she's probably safe for now.

Some day, David will probably be incarcerated, and Jenelle will get a new boyfriend because she can't stand to be alone. Then Ensley's real troubles will begin. I wish CPS would take her as well, but those assholes would just have another baby in that case.

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3 minutes ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

Given how all signs point to them being broke, Kaiser is just an extra month to feed at this point. I wouldn't  be shocked if Jenelle actively worked to not get him back!

I hope you're right. I was a little surprised she didn't just hand him over to Nathan in recent months. I think she originally fought for custody just to stick it to Nathan, but I would think at this point the benefit of having Kaiser would not outweigh the inconvenience of him to her.

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Just now, TexasGal said:

So the lie is whether it's exclusive, and not that Kaiser has been removed?  I really, really hope that he has been.  It's about time someone looked out for that poor little guy. 

Multiple gossip sites are reporting that Kaiser and Jace cannot return to The Land (they were both apparently off-swamp this weekend).  TMZ is saying Ensley is still in the home "partly because authorities believe its treacherous to enter the property give David's temper combined with his firepower."

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21 minutes ago, Lemur said:

Multiple gossip sites are reporting that Kaiser and Jace cannot return to The Land (they were both apparently off-swamp this weekend).  TMZ is saying Ensley is still in the home "partly because authorities believe its treacherous to enter the property give David's temper combined with his firepower."

I hope a standoff is not in the making. I have a feeling that law enforcement is more worried about the kids being involved if they go after him.

Edited by BrianJ1962
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17 minutes ago, Lemur said:

Multiple gossip sites are reporting that Kaiser and Jace cannot return to The Land (they were both apparently off-swamp this weekend).  TMZ is saying Ensley is still in the home "partly because authorities believe its treacherous to enter the property give David's temper combined with his firepower."


It does sound like they waited until after Kaiser was voluntarily moved by Jenelle (ie taken to daycare), so I guess there could be something to this.

3 minutes ago, BrianJ1962 said:

I hope a standoff is not in the making.

I was just thinking this.

If David is savvy enough to realize this (if at all true), those three could be holed up for a long time.

ETA: while I am super glad Kaiser was removed, I wonder how confusing that must have been for him to have authorities come and pick him up.

Does Ensley not go to daycare?

Edited by Tatum
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11 hours ago, smores said:

I think they are paid as contractors rather than employees.  I don't know that they are paying hundreds of thousands each year, but I think they are paying a fairly hefty amount in taxes.  I've had jobs where I was paid as a contractor (so no taxes were withheld at all), and that really, really sucked come April.  I always thought it sucked seeing the FICA amount withheld in each check until I had none of it taken out and basically had to look at the entire amount in one lump sum at the end of the year. 

Aah, in my calculations upthread, I completely forgot about self-employment tax!  Thanks for mentioning it.

I wouldn't be a bit surprised if they're paying hundreds of thousands in taxes, as Jenelle claimed.

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2 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

Given how all signs point to them being broke, Kaiser is just an extra month to feed at this point. I wouldn't  be shocked if Jenelle actively worked to not get him back!

I'd agree with you, except she could file for child support from Nathan, maybe from Barbara too if she had Jace.

I feel horribly sorry for Maryssa and Enchilada.

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Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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