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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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I keep trying and trying to reconcile this in my head.  As an employee, what I would do if my co-worker murdered their family pet (among the other atrocities he has perpetrated).  And then I remember that not only does my employer perform background checks and drug tests, we also have morality and character expectations.  Oh, and some modicum of professionalism is also expected in and out of the workplace.  I know that none of this is fool proof and doesn’t preclude the crazies slipping through, but for goodness sakes.  I just cannot fathom someone so heinous being in my work, social or personal circle.  And like it or not, alllllll these girls from 16 & P to TMOG to TM2 are complicit in the creation of this monster.  Not one single person has stood up and said ENOUGH.  It’s all “why should we suffer?”  Well, because you all have chosen to sell your souls (and your children’s souls) to the devil.  This is what happens when you don’t try to better yourself.  When you rely on a corrupt employer and ride that gravy train.  This has gone on for 11 + years.  If David kills them all, well.....I hope every last one of these people involved in this can sleep at night.  FFS, at this point production should be held liable for negligence.  

  • Love 19

HBO released a statement about a starbucks cup faster then MTV/Viacom put out a statement on animal cruelty, domestic violence, and child abuse (i see shooting the dog as combination of the three). 

So I'm guessing there won't be any statement at all - or certainly not anything like what any one of us would hope for. 

Whenever this does all end it will end badly. It's anyone's guess who will die next but someone else is going to die. I don't think you have a case where absolutely all warning signs are present and yet nothing happens to any other animal or human. I know there are many homes where the cruise control is set to "highly dysfunctional" and kind of stays at a certain level but I don't believe that happens when EVERY warning possible is present. Is there anything we're even missing:

1. History of violence with strangers

2. History of violence with intimate partners

3. History of violence with biologically unrelated children

4. Evidence of un-diagnosed/treated mental health disorder

5. Drug abuse

6. Isolation

7. Access to firearms

8. History of reckless behavior with firearms

9. Involvement in ongoing court cases

All of this and no one can get any of the children removed from the house. And if that doesn't say something to us about where we are in terms of protecting Children in this country.... John 11:35 - Jesus Wept

  • Love 24
9 minutes ago, dabronx said:

HBO released a statement about a starbucks cup faster then MTV/Viacom put out a statement on animal cruelty, domestic violence, and child abuse (i see shooting the dog as combination of the three). 

So I'm guessing there won't be any statement at all - or certainly not anything like what any one of us would hope for. 

Whenever this does all end it will end badly. It's anyone's guess who will die next but someone else is going to die. I don't think you have a case where absolutely all warning signs are present and yet nothing happens to any other animal or human. I know there are many homes where the cruise control is set to "highly dysfunctional" and kind of stays at a certain level but I don't believe that happens when EVERY warning possible is present. Is there anything we're even missing:

1. History of violence with strangers

2. History of violence with intimate partners

3. History of violence with biologically unrelated children

4. Evidence of un-diagnosed/treated mental health disorder

5. Drug abuse

6. Isolation

7. Access to firearms

8. History of reckless behavior with firearms

9. Involvement in ongoing court cases

All of this and no one can get any of the children removed from the house. And if that doesn't say something to us about where we are in terms of protecting Children in this country.... John 11:35 - Jesus Wept

Yasssss.  I’d add to your list the moldy conditions those kids are living in.  That house is unkempt to say the least.  Have we EVER seen proof the top floor was completed for the kids room?  I’m guessing it’s just a bunch of mattresses on the floor.  If that.  There’s no way that house has potable water.  Then there is the unsafe and molding pool.  The list goes on and on.  

When you put it all down on paper like this it is so sickening.  Especially considering this household is bringing in SO MUCH MONEY annually.  

Edited by geauxaway
  • Love 13

I just listened to the 911 call. From what I could understand, MTV producers called Nathan and told him that Jenelle had told them that UBT killed Nugget and she was leaving to go to a friend's house. Nathan was understandably distressed and concerned that Kaiser had witnessed the murder and/or he was still at the house with UBT. Apparently, he hasn't had any contact with Jenelle in almost a year and he doesn't have her current phone number, so he was unable to reach out to her to find out what was going on.

Though I understand that Nathan has psychological/other problems, I admit that I judge him for not getting his shit sufficiently together to get Kaiser away from Jenelle for at least 50% of the time. Jenelle is a MOTHERFUCKING TRAIN WRECK TO THE NTH POWER, so it's hardly like he'd have to be a church deacon and Rhodes Scholar to compete with her for 50/50 custody. UBT's ex has managed to almost completely exclude him from her son's life and she's not super rich or influential; I read reports (don't know how true) that she struggled to get the money for the legal fees to fight UBT at times.

I believe that Nathan loves Kaiser and understands how dangerous it is for him to be in the environment Jenelle provides. In the 911 call he alludes to his own fucked up childhood a couple of times and says that he's very concerned about how Kaiser might be affected by witnessing the murder of his family pet. I believe that he (unlike Jenelle) actually gets how fucked up UBT and Life on The Land are. Yet, he's failed to take the fairly basic steps he would need to take to establish himself as a viable half-time parent (if not to get full custody). It's not even like he has to be truly, deeply "together." If he could establish a stable place to live (even with his mom), stay out of legal trouble for 6 months to a year, and hold down a job (Even easier with the MTV income; it's not like Jenelle has any kind of "legit" job. He probably wouldn't have to get a real job anywhere, but he could probably get even some kind of part-time job, even at a convenience store or something, and sell that as evidence of his stability and ability to support his son.), that would probably be more than enough for him to qualify for shared custody (at least).

Yet he has failed to do that for more than a year. As I understand it, he doesn't even live in NC; he lives in FL with his gf and goes to NC for biweekly weekend visits with Kaiser. Doesn't he have a daughter as well? Where does she live? He should be prioritizing living near his kid(s) and getting custody of his son who is LIVING WITH A SOCIOPATH over his personal happiness/being with his gf/whatever keeps him in FL and he should be working hard to change whatever circumstances in his life are preventing him from getting custody of Kaiser.

Edited by TheRealT
  • Love 17

How many times do we see a crime in the news, a shooting at a workplace, or a murder-suicide, or on a true crime show, and say.... how could this happen? Why didn't anyone do anything?

In the case of UBT.... we are watching how it can and does happen.   The sad thing is there are thousands of UBTs in our society. 

  • Love 23
6 minutes ago, ChristmasJones said:

How many times do we see a crime in the news, a shooting at a workplace, or a murder-suicide, or on a true crime show, and say.... how could this happen? Why didn't anyone do anything?

In the case of UBT.... we are watching how it can and does happen.   The sad thing is there are thousands of UBTs in our society. 

Yes 10000%.  The thing is, most of them are not getting paid by a major cable network.  They have to crazy on a budget.  

We are in a crisis with the opioid epidemics, sex trafficking and the rampant child neglect / physical / sexual abuse associated with all of it. 

Yet here we are, with a tv show promoting teen moms to celebrities and millionaires.

FFS.  Remember when Real World was controversial?  This shit makes Puck look like a respectable human (not really, but....).

  • Love 13

Someday Ensley and Kaiser and Jace and Maryssa will ask how could those people come to my house and film my family for years, pay my parents hundreds of thousands of dollars, and never do anything to help me.   Aside from coping from all of the abuse and dysfunction, they are really going to have to grapple with that aspect of their  childhood. 

Of course their parents bear the ultimate responsibility for it... but MTV is a very complicit enabler in the whole process. Kind of like when one parent sits by and does nothing to protect their kids from abuse. When those kids grow up, they often have very complicated feelings toward that parent.

  • Love 22
2 minutes ago, ChristmasJones said:

Someday Ensley and Kaiser and Jace and Maryssa will ask how could those people come to my house and film my family for years, pay my parents hundreds of thousands of dollars, and never do anything to help me.   Aside from coping from all of the abuse and dysfunction, they are really going to have to grapple with that aspect of their  childhood. 

Of course their parents bear the ultimate responsibility for it... but MTV is a very complicit enabler in the whole process. Kind of like when one parent sits by and does nothing to protect their kids from abuse. When those kids grow up, they often have very complicated feelings toward that parent.

And if no one watched anymore, MTV would take this off the air . . .

  • Love 15
12 minutes ago, geauxaway said:

FFS.  Remember when Real World was controversial?  This shit makes Puck look like a respectable human (not really, but....).

IIRC, Puck actually liked dogs.  How bad do you have to be when you make Puck Rainey look human, in comparison?


People always say they hope Jenelle finally leaves David but she’s just as shitty as him. It’s not like she would leave him then become this great person and lead a good life.

This is true.  Jenelle is addicted to drama.  I like to have hope for everyone, but Jenelle has proven time and time again that a life filled with drama and chaos is THE most important thing, to her.  Even if she were to leave David, she would just find someone worse.  Her kids are screwed.

  • Love 10
3 minutes ago, ChristmasJones said:

Someday Ensley and Kaiser and Jace and Maryssa will ask how could those people come to my house and film my family for years, pay my parents hundreds of thousands of dollars, and never do anything to help me.   Aside from coping from all of the abuse and dysfunction, they are really going to have to grapple with that aspect of their  childhood. 

Of course their parents bear the ultimate responsibility for it... but MTV is a very complicit enabler in the whole process. Kind of like when one parent sits by and does nothing to protect their kids from abuse. When those kids grow up, they often have very complicated feelings toward that parent.

I think at some point ALL these kids will wonder what the fuck and why were these people and cameras in my house.  Think about it.  SO fucked up.  My kid (and yes, he has many issues), kinda goes off the rails any time any one comes into our home, even people we know and love.  It’s just not natural or right.  

  • Love 9
1 minute ago, geauxaway said:

I think at some point ALL these kids will wonder what the fuck and why were these people and cameras in my house.  Think about it.  SO fucked up.  My kid (and yes, he has many issues), kinda goes off the rails any time any one comes into our home, even people we know and love.  It’s just not natural or right.  

Yeah, if you think about it, Jenelle's kids are used to living with "parents" who are mostly/often high, holed up in their bedroom, behaving erratically, fighting, etc., etc. "High" is probably the preferable state to the kids since Jenelle and UBT are more likely to be pleasant in that state (and to happily provide copious yummy snacks).

Then, when the cameras are there, Jenelle and UBT suddenly behave weirdly (to the kids), refraining from major freak outs, beating the kids, being holed up in their bedroom for hours, etc., etc. They even stage weird scenes trying to act "normal" when they're like, "Hey, Buddy! Do you want some pancakes? I'll make you some breakfast and put on fresh strawberries like you like!" while the kids are like, "Wait, you were just screaming, beating our dog, and threatening to kill me. What's going on?" At those times, they also have the crew/producers in their home being nice to them and behaving like "normal" adults. So the kids love all of that and value those times, but they also feel the violation of their privacy and general weirdness of it all on some level. As they get older and process the whole situation more, their confusion deepens. Imagine if you came to realize that the happiest/safest/most "normal" moments of your childhood were all staged for a TV show and ALL of the adults were being paid to treat you like a human being? Especially when that is counterbalanced with a life of chaos, violence, and never feeling safe or stable.

  • Useful 1
  • Love 19
1 hour ago, TheRealT said:

I just listened to the 911 call. From what I could understand, MTV producers called Nathan and told him that Jenelle had told them that UBT killed Nugget and she was leaving to go to a friend's house. Nathan was understandably distressed and concerned that Kaiser had witnessed the murder and/or he was still at the house with UBT. Apparently, he hasn't had any contact with Jenelle in almost a year and he doesn't have her current phone number, so he was unable to reach out to her to find out what was going on.

Though I understand that Nathan has psychological/other problems, I admit that I judge him for not getting his shit sufficiently together to get Kaiser away from Jenelle for at least 50% of the time. Jenelle is a MOTHERFUCKING TRAIN WRECK TO THE NTH POWER, so it's hardly like he'd have to be a church deacon and Rhodes Scholar to compete with her for 50/50 custody. UBT's ex has managed to almost completely exclude him from her son's life and she's not super rich or influential; I read reports (don't know how true) that she struggled to get the money for the legal fees to fight UBT at times.

I believe that Nathan loves Kaiser and understands how dangerous it is for him to be in the environment Jenelle provides. In the 911 call he alludes to his own fucked up childhood a couple of times and says that he's very concerned about how Kaiser might be affected by witnessing the murder of his family pet. I believe that he (unlike Jenelle) actually gets how fucked up UBT and Life on The Land are. Yet, he's failed to take the fairly basic steps he would need to take to establish himself as a viable half-time parent (if not to get full custody). It's not even like he has to be truly, deeply "together." If he could establish a stable place to live (even with his mom), stay out of legal trouble for 6 months to a year, and hold down a job (Even easier with the MTV income; it's not like Jenelle has any kind of "legit" job. He probably wouldn't have to get a real job anywhere, but he could probably get even some kind of part-time job, even at a convenience store or something, and sell that as evidence of his stability and ability to support his son.), that would probably be more than enough for him to qualify for shared custody (at least).

Yet he has failed to do that for more than a year. As I understand it, he doesn't even live in NC; he lives in FL with his gf and goes to NC for biweekly weekend visits with Kaiser. Doesn't he have a daughter as well? Where does she live? He should be prioritizing living near his kid(s) and getting custody of his son who is LIVING WITH A SOCIOPATH over his personal happiness/being with his gf/whatever keeps him in FL and he should be working hard to change whatever circumstances in his life are preventing him from getting custody of Kaiser.

He, Ashley, his daughter, his daughters mother, and her significant other get together from time to time because they all get along.  A concept unheard of to Jenelle 

  • Love 11
10 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

His shoes are falling apart, the rubber part if almost totally gone.  Jenelle, take some of that money earmarked for David's bail/child support and get the kid some new shoes!

Those are a poor choice of shoes for a young child’s developing feet.  I know, I know.  But seriously, Vans and Cons have NO arch support.  Kids should be wearing sturdy gym shoes.  Even the cheapos at Walmart have a better insole than flat ass Vans and Cons.  Then again, she is a horrible mom, it’s not like she could recognize these things.  Look at Endsley. Poor child.

  • Love 11
10 hours ago, TheRealT said:

I just listened to the 911 call. From what I could understand, MTV producers called Nathan and told him that Jenelle had told them that UBT killed Nugget and she was leaving to go to a friend's house. Nathan was understandably distressed and concerned that Kaiser had witnessed the murder and/or he was still at the house with UBT. Apparently, he hasn't had any contact with Jenelle in almost a year and he doesn't have her current phone number, so he was unable to reach out to her to find out what was going on.

Though I understand that Nathan has psychological/other problems, I admit that I judge him for not getting his shit sufficiently together to get Kaiser away from Jenelle for at least 50% of the time. Jenelle is a MOTHERFUCKING TRAIN WRECK TO THE NTH POWER, so it's hardly like he'd have to be a church deacon and Rhodes Scholar to compete with her for 50/50 custody. UBT's ex has managed to almost completely exclude him from her son's life and she's not super rich or influential; I read reports (don't know how true) that she struggled to get the money for the legal fees to fight UBT at times.

I believe that Nathan loves Kaiser and understands how dangerous it is for him to be in the environment Jenelle provides. In the 911 call he alludes to his own fucked up childhood a couple of times and says that he's very concerned about how Kaiser might be affected by witnessing the murder of his family pet. I believe that he (unlike Jenelle) actually gets how fucked up UBT and Life on The Land are. Yet, he's failed to take the fairly basic steps he would need to take to establish himself as a viable half-time parent (if not to get full custody). It's not even like he has to be truly, deeply "together." If he could establish a stable place to live (even with his mom), stay out of legal trouble for 6 months to a year, and hold down a job (Even easier with the MTV income; it's not like Jenelle has any kind of "legit" job. He probably wouldn't have to get a real job anywhere, but he could probably get even some kind of part-time job, even at a convenience store or something, and sell that as evidence of his stability and ability to support his son.), that would probably be more than enough for him to qualify for shared custody (at least).

Yet he has failed to do that for more than a year. As I understand it, he doesn't even live in NC; he lives in FL with his gf and goes to NC for biweekly weekend visits with Kaiser. Doesn't he have a daughter as well? Where does she live? He should be prioritizing living near his kid(s) and getting custody of his son who is LIVING WITH A SOCIOPATH over his personal happiness/being with his gf/whatever keeps him in FL and he should be working hard to change whatever circumstances in his life are preventing him from getting custody of Kaiser.

All of this is true.

That being said, I just want Nathan to snatch up little Kaiser and head north up into Canada or head down into Mexico.  

Fuck the system.  Nathan most assuredly has his issues, but David is a menace to society and a danger to anything and anyone around him.

Grab that kid and run, Nathan.  

  • Love 16
1 minute ago, BrianJ1962 said:

Who remembers when MTV was about music? When/where did they go wrong.

I was there from the launch.  Hell, they wouldn't even play audio during commercials because they only played music.  I would leave it going in the background all day just to hear nonstop music.  

I'm not sure what started them down the trail of trash TV.  Maybe The Hills?  I'm pretty sure it was well before Jersey Shore launched (and had sponsors pulling out after the first episode because of the negative way it presented the Italian community).  

"Video killed the Radio Star" but MTV killed the music.  Ugh.  

  • Love 15
56 minutes ago, Persnickety1 said:

I just listened to the 911 call. From what I could understand, MTV producers called Nathan and told him that Jenelle had told them that UBT killed Nugget and she was leaving to go to a friend's house. 

This is odd to me.  It’s like MTV called Nathan solely to stir up trouble and drama to film.  If MTV was really concerned wouldn’t the smart call have been to the police, CPS or the Dept. of Animal Services?  MTV calling Nathan, who will film about this when Janelle won’t, is making me think that there will never be any accountability for these people no matter what the new kid from The Hills says.

  • Love 18
5 minutes ago, Booger666 said:

This is odd to me.  It’s like MTV called Nathan solely to stir up trouble and drama to film.  If MTV was really concerned wouldn’t the smart call have been to the police, CPS or the Dept. of Animal Services?  MTV calling Nathan, who will film about this when Janelle won’t, is making me think that there will never be any accountability for these people no matter what the new kid from The Hills says.

That isn't my quote (damn glitches in this forum), but I agree 100%.

I don't believe for one hot minute MTV contacted Nathan for any altruistic reasons.  They just wanted to put him into Defcon mode about Kaiser being present and (probably) witnessing the entire incident, solely for their own dramatic purposes and ratings.  Using an innocent child as a means to their greedy end.  

And poor Brandon Lee.  I'm sure the MTV PTB are just giving him lip service.  Bless his heart for trying, though.  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 23

Ads were pulled from Tresemme. 



According to Reddit: Purple Mattress, Extra Gum, Egglands Best, Ice Breakers Gum, Starburst, Twix, Persil Detergent all  pulled their ads too.


Orange Theory posted that they are in the process of pulling their ads.

Edited by JerseyGirl
  • Love 14
4 minutes ago, BrianJ1962 said:

Didn't MTV get rid of Farrah being a Ho and a bad mother?

When they brought back Teen Mom 1 and renamed it “Teen Mom OG,” they didn’t rehire Farrah because of her new career in porn.  They changed their mind, though, and hired her back on the condition she no longer do porn.  A year or two down the road, they found out she was back at it (see what I did there?), so they fired her.

She was also incredibly difficult to work with (refusing to work with certain producers, something with a tutor for Sophia, general rudeness, etc.), so they used that as a reason for her firing as well.

  • Love 7
7 minutes ago, LotusFlower said:

When they brought back Teen Mom 1 and renamed it “Teen Mom OG,” they didn’t rehire Farrah because of her new career in porn.  They changed their mind, though, and hired her back on the condition she no longer do porn.  A year or two down the road, they found out she was back at it (see what I did there?), so they fired her.

She was also incredibly difficult to work with (refusing to work with certain producers, something with a tutor for Sophia, general rudeness, etc.), so they used that as a reason for her firing as well.

I got it 😈


The most-recent episode was the 10th-highest ranked cable show of the night (down one ranking from last week), but clocked in with 930,000 viewers, which is up 20,000 viewers from last week’s episode, and up a whopping 45,000 viewers from the ‘Teen Mom 2’ episode that aired two weeks ago on April 22!

The episode also did well with the coveted 18-49 year-old viewers, getting a .49 ratings share in that market. Last week’s episode garnered a .50 ratings share, and the April 22 episode received a .47 ratings share, so there was virtually little change in that market as well.

‘Teen Mom 2’ has been one of MTV’s best-rated shows for years, and continually beats its big sister, Teen Mom OG, as well as its little sister, Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant in the ratings. 

MTV has yet to comment on the incident involving Jenelle’s dog, despite numerous ‘Teen Mom 2’ cast members speaking out against David and his actions. 

Edited by druzy
  • Useful 3
  • Love 4
14 minutes ago, druzy said:

The most-recent episode was the 10th-highest ranked cable show of the night (down one ranking from last week), but clocked in with 930,000 viewers, which is up 20,000 viewers from last week’s episode, and up a whopping 45,000 viewers from the ‘Teen Mom 2’ episode that aired two weeks ago on April 22!

They're not going to fire Jenelle.

I am actually surprised that she was fired. I expected a statement of something like they didn't want to fire a wife for the actions of her husband. 

Since I was wrong about that, hopefully I'm wrong about them not removing the kids and pets. During Nathan's next weekend, they will probably try and keep Kaiser. Somewhere it was mentioned that the judge in the custody case refused Jenelle's attorney's request for another continuance and the hearing is later this month. That court system seems to bend to Jenelle's will.

Does anyone remember what hate group UBT is associated with? It was one I hadn't heard of before, something like "White Workers" or "Tiny Penis Club." Googling suggested Aryan Nations but I've heard of that one before. UBT and Jenelle were accused of being involved in trafficking drugs and guns for that gang, and before Jenelle, UBT was involved when they destroyed property owned by some rival and he took the jail time for it. I want to see if it comes out now that they are no longer needing to keep it on the downlow for TM filming.

  • Useful 5
  • Love 5
3 hours ago, lovesnark said:

But, Jenelle would have to do it without Lurch. Everyone involved in television knows all about him now. NO ONE would want to be locked in a house with him! 

It's worse than that. No network would want to work with UBT because of the backlash it will cause with advertisers. That's the true kiss of death for a wannabe famewhore. Also, despite his delusions of famewhoring grandeur, UBT is not and never was "reality TV gold." He's certainly a train wreck, but in a disturbing, infuriating, off-putting way. He was never a "break out star," even on the level of someone like Gary Shirley or Randy Houska. Or Barb. I think Kieffer probably was/is more popular/entertaining. Even Jenelle has only ever been a "star" because of what a fuck up/lunatic she is. Amber is more endearing than Jenelle. So it was a totally bad choice for Jenelle's "brand" for her storyline to be her faking being a "normal" wife and mom. She's no Chelsea. At all. But UBT totally doesn't get that. At all.

His small taste of reality TV fame went directly to his head and he overplayed his hand to the point where both he and Jenelle are reality TV pariahs within, what, 3 years of him hooking up with her? I guess maybe Jenelle could get back on TM if she left him, but I don't see why any other show/network would be remotely interested in her. UBT isn't particularly interesting as "character" and any production that hired him would have problems with the crew, other cast members, potential viewers, and advertisers. He's done as a "reality star" for sure and she's probably done too unless she wakes up and smells the coffee very soon. I love it!

Edited by TheRealT
  • Love 21

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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